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I want a Christmas BFP...anyone else?

BB-We went shopping to look at bedding with my sister (she drove me nuts when she was in town wanting to shop for baby stuff even though I told her I don't want to do that til the kid is about to pop out) and DH got mad at me because I looked at girl and boy bedding. He really wants a boy. I told him I kinda feel like it might be a girl, and he was like STOP THINKING LIKE THAT, it's not too late to change! Like A-what I think or want affects the gender and B-it's not already decided from his swimmer at conception if it's a boy or girl. He was totally serious, I was cracking up.

Cozmos, I'm so sorry about your rough month. Cheers to you if I could have a wine too. I know you and Sophias mom have had trouble with early loss/chemical pregnancies. Have they ran any tests on you? Sophias mom-did you do anything diff when you had your daughter? Sorry if you've already said, I just worry about repeated losses still since I'm still waiting for my first and would like more than one if this pregnancy is successful.
lol mackjess, I love how most mens' knowledge of TTC is just a collection of 'old wives tales' Of course, I would be just as clueless working on a car. I just pour the oil in with gas right?? haha!
Thank you everyone for the sweet comments. They've really helped. I'm in a good place again, and I think we're just going to keep on ttc. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't this month. I'm not sure I'm going to temp though. Maybe just opk's. But I'll probably cave in and temp again!

How are all the tww'ers holding up? Bluebird- I'm sure going to Vegas will help keep your mind off of it!

Mack- I hope my losses aren't adding extra stress to your pregnancy :( I didn't really do anything different with DD. I had lost my first baby in the fall, and it took me a couple months to be ready to ttc again. January was the first month I really charted/temped, and I really feel like it was pretty easy with her. I was anxious throughout my pregnancy with her (esp around the 16 wk point when I lost my first), but overall things went fairly well. What helped me a lot was buying a home doppler so I could hear her heartbeat. It eased a ton of stress. (It does take some practice to find the heartbeat at first). I bought it on Ebay for $50. Maybe that would help you?? I pray that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!!
Mackjess, that's too funny! DH will say stuff like that too. Guys are a riot!

Afm, I'm not quite sure what's going on. Another cycle with multiple positive OPKs. (I'm currently on day 4 of positive tests with no significant temp rise). I'm terrified it means I'm not ovulating and I'm really disappointed. I started using Vitex this cycle, hoping it would help even out my hormones. :-(

We don't know one way or the other if I'm ovulating or not, but thinking that I might not be makes me feel like a failure as a woman and a wife. I feel like ovulating and having a baby is the one thing that my body should be able to do, you know? I've really been struggling with feeling like DH deserves a "real" woman, and not this broken one who doesn't even ovulate. He, of course, thinks that's absolutely ridiculous, but I can't get over this feeling that I'm letting him down. :nope:
Don't think like that Topanga. Firstly you don't even know that you're definitely not ovulating and secondly even if that is the case it in no way makes you less of a woman. It simply means that you have a medical problem which the Doctors will find and deal with. Ttc is such a rollercoaster, I'm sorry you're having a down day xx
Sending big hugs
Hi ladies I've been away for a week and missed lots!
Cozmos and sophiasmom- I'm really sorry, ttc has the greatest highs and the lowest lows I've ever experienced. So glad you've got great attitudes about it.
Callie- congrats lovely, looking forward to symptom spotting and updates!
Jess- loving the man brain!!

AFM- I'm CD11, negative opk's. going to visit DH this weekend, he's working away, so hope the egg shows up in the next few days!!
johnson hope u catch ur eggi!!!!

topanga would u not ask about clomid? my doc mentioned it once, this is the first month that i ovulated since the dnc so i might ask about it for myself, also it increases the chance for twins...buts thats me bein greedy.
u are no less of a woman u no, pls dont stress, there will be somethin to help them eggs pop out keep the faith.

mack they ran blood tests after last mmc and said everything was fine with me thank god, im sure your baby will be perfect so dont worry, i defs think a dopler is a good idea tho jus for piece of mind.

sophiasmom hope ur ok glad ur still ttc u go girl!!! i thought af had arrived on thurs but nothin spectacular (tmi alert) jus gettin watery brown and thats it so im on calender didly squat lol...cant wait to be back in the game.

So here's what I've decided: I'm going to try SMEP this month, and I'm going to try to stay relaxed and have fun with it. I did order some opk's. my big struggle will be the tww... And I'm REALLY gonna struggle to not test early. But I'll try. It is all I can do.

Now, the best part was telling DH the plan, which brought him a huge smile. He followed up with," can we start now? Do we have to wait to do it every day??" Lol! I'm glad I don't have to twist his arm!
Now off to bed so I can wake early (5a...boo!) starting SMEP tomorrow bc DH had invited some buddies over and I'm NOT waiting up for him. Night all!
sophias mom - that's sweet hun but no that isn't making me any more nervous about me. I think that comes with the territory after one loss, you lose that naivety. I get better at every appt and every week mark, but of course I will worry until the babe shows up. I have thought about buying a doppler, but we have a hefty CC bill we really need to pay off before July,.(I think I went a bit nuts at Xmas and added to an already nice sized CC bill! I was around the same week loss as my m/c and did a lot of retail therapy for myself and others) Every time I'm going out I try to find on stuff on sale to get shirts that fit, nursing bras, or a new dog bed for the puppy because I need to move her out of our bed before I get bigger. I know it's not much for a doppler but I'm trying to be as thrifty as possible and still stock up on stuff!

Also, my DH was quite happy about SMEP, and then quite disappointed it worked the first month! LOL, He thought I was gonna wear him ragged trying and trying for months. FX for you.

Cozmos - How are you hanging in there? Hopefully the wicked AF shows up soon so you can start your new cycle.

Johnson - Hope the eggy is arriving and you have a great time with DH!
Hi everyone! I have a scheduled an early ultrasound for February 11th at 8am. I just wish the next two weeks would go by already!
Sophiasmom, good luck with the SMEP plan...its funny i was just explaining to my boyfriend what it stands for...ive heard that it increases the odds of conceiving by quite a bit! I hope it works for you, you deserve a sticky BFP!!!

JohnsonGirl, I totally always feel like i miss so much cause im not on here as much as id like to be!! Good luck this cycle!

Topanga, im sorry to hear about the problems with ovulation. I dont use opks but i can imagine that if i did and they were all over the place id be pretty upset...good luck. Do you chart using temps? I think if you chart and take the chart to the doc it can help the doc to see irregularities in the cycle...im not sure if that helps or not.

Mackjess, i cant believe you are already 14 weeks along!! When can you find out the sex of the baby? I have a friend that is 15 weeks and was asking if the doc would be able to tell sooner than 20. I told her that if its a boy, they might be able to see his parts...such an exciting time for you!

I am currently 1DPO, this is our first month really trying and really only DTD twice in the fertile window so who knows...but im just excited to be trying again!!!

Good luck and may the babydust fall upon us!!!
Sopiasmom- I did the SMEP plan and I got got pg the first month of doing it!

Mackjess- congrats on the boy!
actually I found out today, and I'm team blue!

Awwwwwhhhhh xx Hpw did you find out so soon?? I have to wait another 2 and a half weeks til we find out! I am well jell ;) Hehe...Valentines Day is our gender scan xx
Hi Carly!!! Long time no see. Yay for 14 weeks, 2nd tri!! :yipee:

Materniti 21 Plus, is the name I think. I went to a genetic counselor a few weeks ago since I'm 35, and they have a newer test than what they did before with the NT scan combined with bloodwork where they check your hormones. The new one they have gets the babys DNA out of your blood since they realized the baby's blood does cross over to the mom's blood. They have had zero false positives with it, which is the main reason why I did it. If I had done the older one and they told me my risk was elevated and I needed to do an amnio, I probably wouldn't have done the amnio anyway so I didn't see much point in that test.

I broke down yesterday and ordered a doppler. I can't wait to get it. Luckily one of my aunts stuck $20 in a card at the reveal party so that will pay for almost half of it. :) And my sister in law said the cake was a gift so I didn't have to end up paying for that either. I always get more nervous after big gatherings where the baby is talked about. I feel like I am jinxing myself and something bad will happen then I'll have to tell everyone that was just at the party bad news. Crazy I know, but nothing gets quite back to normal after a loss. That was the main reason I broke down and ordered the doppler, so I can't wait for it to get here!
Ok ladies, so I think I might have some good news! I took the Day 21 test last month six days after my first positive OPK and it revealed really low progesterone. A progesterone level of 2 means that you're at least ovulating and mine was 1.9. (I also took the test a day early because 7 days after O was Christmas and the office was closed.)

Anyway, I decided to temp this month in addition to the OPKs to see what my temps were doing. Once again, I've had a ton of +OPKs, but my temps suggest that I don't actually ovulate until after a couple of days of positives. That means I probably took the Day 21 test several days too early last month. If that's the case, since my progesterone was so close to the minimum amount, I'd bet anything that I'm at least ovulating!!

Here's my chart:

My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Chart


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