icsi in 2011?

Thanks hun. It is exciting when you think that we could be preggers this year or in your case, have a baby. I think we still need to think realistic though to hun, just incase things dont go to plan 1st time :cry: the fall will be so much harder.But saying that it may be healthier to stay possitive and beleive its going to happen first time Arrrrhhhh what to think for the best :wacko: Hehe, nice thought though hun :hugs:

I am hoping the GP is just going to say he has received a letter from our specailist and we will need ICSI to conceive. Like we dont know :sleep: this is the best case senorio i can think of :haha:

It does seem a little backwards to have to mess with us when we are working ok anyway but its for a good cause.

Some when do you start the pill Nayla, sorry if you have already said :hugs:
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your kind words. Well i'm on study leave and meant to be doing my reserach project (yuk!!), but here I am on B'n'B again!!

Tinks, how did you go at the docs??? Bet they told you all that you everything you already know :sleep: But hopefully its put your mind at rest for now! :wacko: Are you going to file a complaint? Surely its not too much to ask that they send it :growlmad: Its not like you expect an appointment tomorrow with St. Mary's, but just to put it in the post... come on now!!! Kick ass girl! :thumbup:

Hi nayla! How are you feeling? Nervous/excited/scared? I know the emotions that'll be flying around your head! have you given up the drink yet? I went bit OTT last time I think. Stopped drinking for weeks, no tea/coffee, only watered down juice. Fruit, healthy diet, etc etc. This time i'm going to be totally different. Well obviously no booze, but will have decaff coffee, calm down and stop eating apple after apple all day long. Not good for the guts I can tell you... :blush: There are a lot of bloods they take, and from DH too. All pretty standard, i've just had mine done for next cycle and DP has his on 7th (also the day we are told the official start date for cycle 2 :happydance:)

Hi Gill, I hope you are ok and keeping busy. Big :hugs:

AFM.... Feeling better today. Had very down day yesterday but gotta try and pick yourself up and move on. I find it so hard when friends announce they are having babies. I am such a private person about IVF/ICSI that only family and work (because I had to tell them for all appointments etc) know. I couldn't face telling friends as I felt like each time we talked I would be bombarded with questions and I wouldn't be able to cope. One mate knows, thats it, and she is 400miles away so I felt safe telling her. I am pretty sure that is all in my head and do think that this time I will tell a few more people, mainly because when it failed I felt really alone :cry: But because of all that any friends that do get pregnant arn't sensitive about the subject and you get the same old 'you have one then be can be bump buddies.... AHHHHHH!!!

Oh my god i've gone on for ages!! Better get back to the books :sleep:

Loads of love ladies,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh go on then, lets treat ourself to some :dust:

I am very pleased to say that the doctor just wanted to tell us that we need ICSI :dohh: He also thought that the Urologist wanted him to do the referral as the letter said "please make appropriate referral. I had to point out to him that the letter was addressed to my FS and started Dear June and all he had was a copy. I though you had to be intelligent to be a doctor :haha:

Lolly, I am really glad that you are feeling better. I think it may help if a few people knew, just so they dont put thier foot in it. It must have been horrid to feel so alone last time :hugs::hugs: I am so excited for you for the 7th, really hioe everything goes smoothly and ends in a :bfp: :winkwink:

DH took over calling the hospital today as he was so frustrated with how stressed and upset it was making me. He was quite stern with them and they have said it will be done asap. I am going to leave it now until Monday, I cant face any more phone calls just yet. No complaint yet but will do Monday if its not gone.

Hows is everyone, how is the reading going Lolly?
Hi lovelies :flower:

Lolly I dont know what i should be doing :headspin: I have been eating loads of junk recently as im trying to gain weight (no one mentioned that i need to gain weight but im 7st.3 and i keep thinking if i have twins i need to be stronger??) Im thinking way ahead I know :wacko: but i have been feeling so sluggish and eww, I want to ask the FS to tell me what exactly should i be eating? Im trying to drink more glasses of water as I really don't drink much, aghhhh :wohoo: really want to be in the best shape and form!

Wow your going to get your dates soon!!! so exciting :happydance:

Also late last night i told my sister that i will be having ICSI :shhh: (i feel i have betrayed my husbands trust) but i just couldnt keep it in anymore, My birthdays in April and she told me she would love to take me to Dubai all expenses paid :happydance: shes my sister and best friend :hugs:

At first she was a little upset that i never even mentioned to her that we were having problems :blush: after a long chat I told her I might be 1 month pregnant by April [-o< and especially the first 3 months i dont want to be pushing myself.. and i have been Dubai before its amazing! but you need 100% energy to enjoy it to the max and its like an 8hr flight? etc etc

She told me i would not allow you to travel if you are just 4 weeks pregnant and she said we can opt for a weekend break at a spa :thumbup: Either way I have something to look forward for on my birthday.... I really hope i get pregnant :thumbup:

Tinks so glad that your hubby called i hope it all gets sorted by Monday. also hearing your husbands voice they know that you mean business! :hugs: As for me now Im just waiting for my period to arrive either 31st or 1st 2nd? :wacko: probably 4 or 5th Feb i Will be taking the medicines? my periods range from 25-30 days? im CD22 now just waiting :coffee:

Almost the weekend! :happydance: take care ever1 xx
Wow Nayla. How exciting is your birthday. Plus if god forbid things dont go to plan you will have something to help pick yourself up. You must be so excited. 2011 sounds like your year hun :thumbup:

The hospital called today. They wont refer us until we have seen the FS agian!!! The secretary said that the FS has to go through everything with us and explain whats going to happen and we have to have our bloods done to check for HIV and Hep B & C and teprepnema. I protested saying I know whats going to happen and the Urologist went through quite a bit with us and St Marys will re do all blood work. Her reply was that the urologist does not know enough to go through the details (hello, the urologist has worked at st marys) and that she knows more than me and that St Marys will not repeat any tests :growlmad: Whatever, I have spoken to St Marys myself and the repeat all blood tests and scans. She was a right narky cow :nope: Anyway I have arranged for us to have are blood taken Monday so when we go on the 14th the referral can go straight away. Bloody NHS :growlmad: I am gratefull for funding but they dont half mess you around.

Sorry for ranting again ladies.

Hope everyone is have a nice day :hugs:
Well, had a bit of a bad evening yesterday. Got in from work and was told the standard bombshell that one of our good couple friends are expecting their first. I should be pleased and feel awful that I just want to hide away from them. I keep thinking the last time we were together she would have been pregnant. I have cried since DP told me and said he should have kept it to himself. Of course he said that he wanted to tell me to prepare me etc, but I know this is all I will think about for next few days. They've just got married and she said they would try soon and looks like she has got pregnany within first 2 months of trying. Please please please let this be our year, I don't know how much more of this I can take!!!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey Lolly I hope you are feeling slightly better. I say slightly cos I know there is no way in hell you feel like jumping over nine bar gates. Reading your post I just thought I would share something with you. I've had a very strange set of emotions the last few months. My older brother has had terrible mental and physical problems from birth and while it's always been in our family lately Im starting to see more and more children with problems, seeing people all over, with problems. Maybe its just I've recently opened my eyes to the whole baby thing. Anyway, what I've been telling myself when Im green with envy at people being pregnant, is that is all goes in swings and roundabouts. I tell myself there is no point being jealous because the people that I envy today I might feel desperately sorry for tomorrow and they, me. Nobody escapes sorrow. We too will have joy. YOU will have joy, you will. Cos when you hit bottom, there is only one direction to go. You will find a way to someday be a mother because you are a strong and determined woman who will make it happen. :hugs:
Tinks, Im so sorry the hospital is doing your head in. They seem to be all the same, blind to the torture they put us through. Stay strong babes. Thinking of you.
Gill I can't thank you enough for those words. I welled up and read it to my DP. He said he hopes I will listen this time. I promised I will try my very best. I am feeling stronger again now. It is ups and downs, excitement mixed with dread. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but think just how cherished our little ones will be because in the end all the waiting is nothing for a bundle of joy, however it arrives. How are you feeling at the moment?

Tinks I can't believe you ahve to go back to your FS????!!!!! Of course St Mary's will repeat the tests, I speak from experience. I'm having them all again now and I am already 'on the books' so to speak. Poor you, I hope it will be quick (with the words from your DH ringing in their ears!) and you can get to St Marys ASAP!!!!

Hi Nayla. I'm sure if they were worried about your BMI you wouldn't have got this far. Try not to worry. When you have your cycle they advise lots of water. I drank from stims last time (they say 2ltr each day, I had 4 pints which is slightly more). The fluid helps the follies grow. This time i'm going to try and drink throughout from day one, plus some semi-skimmed milk. Have been reading up and seen that its meant to help the protein and calcium supplies in your body which can be reduce when DR, which makes sense. It does feel like all you're doing is drinking and that will bloat you (I put on 6lb) although some of that was because of large ovaries. It's hard to know what to do/not to do. Last time I did everything by the book and it failed. This time i've decided to be very good but realistic. If I want a coffee once in a while It'll be decaff. Last time I quit coffee for 3 months and nearly died!!!!

Anyways I'm sure evryone has googled everything. Do what suits you.

Love to everyone!!!! Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope everyone is have a nice weekend.

Our appointment is the 14th Lolly, valanines :dohh: I am going to stress then that i want the referral going that week. What good it will do, who knows :haha:

I am feeling loads better now, just knowing the score has really helped.

Gill you are so right, you dont know what other people have been through or are yet to go through. Plus I know I am lucky in other ways. I have a fab family and friends and a fantastic husband, I am gratefull for this :flower:

I think we are going to need some stretchy cloths for treatment then :haha:
Happy Sunday Everyone :hi:

Tinks- On Valentines day might be a good omen :thumbup: wow almost 2 weeks away :happydance: im so glad that your feeling much better and having i date to look forward to. Will be here before you know it!

Lolly- Hi Hun your such a breath of fresh air and you have a great PMA :hugs: I really hope we all can move to the 1st trimester together :happydance:
It sounds like you did everything that you should do and was very disciplined Well done to you and wow thats alot of water! im sure i will get through those bottles when i put my mind to it :gun: Im more of a Tea person i drink usually 5 cups of day but i can bring that down to 3 :haha: or do you think its a no no? Oh i love a good cup of PG :coffee: i will definitely ask the FS on her views :thumbup: I was thinking I will just live in my leggings through the treatment. I heard that many women get so bloated nothing fits :shrug:

Im just waiting for :witch: which is either tomorrow or Tuesday, i have all the symptoms just want her to get here! (never thought in the past 17Months i have ever wished the witch to come:haha:) Than the 2nd day of my period I will pop in for blood tests and the 3rd day i will see the FS where she will give me my drugs and i start Dreging... by the end of the week if my period shows up :dohh: i could be starting my treatment...

im so nervous i really want this so so badly!I cant wait till were all pregnant and we can have a good giggle what we were all like before treatment :rofl:

Hopefully i can tell you all in the next few days what the next step will be.

Take care everyone xx
Happy Sunday Everyone :hi:

Im just waiting for :witch: which is either tomorrow or Tuesday, i have all the symptoms just want her to get here! (never thought in the past 17Months i have ever wished the witch to come:haha:) Than the 2nd day of my period I will pop in for blood tests and the 3rd day i will see the FS where she will give me my drugs and i start Dreging... by the end of the week if my period shows up :dohh: i could be starting my treatment...

im so nervous i really want this so so badly!I cant wait till were all pregnant and we can have a good giggle what we were all like before treatment :rofl:

Hopefully i can tell you all in the next few days what the next step will be.

Take care everyone xx

Hey Nayla, you must be fit to burst with excitement! We are all rooting for you. Bet it's the happiest :witch: you ever had :) Please do keep us posted as much as you can. All us newbies will be wanting the blow by blow rundown of what's going on. :hugs:

Tinks, things are moving in the right direction at least. Please god you will have more luck pushing things along now. I'll prob be shot for saying this but if it's a male FS, dont hold back from shedding a few tears,:cry:, this tends to wake them up a bit. (Sorry if I've offended anyone saying that! :wacko:, it's just my experience in life)

We have apt on the 15th of Feb, so 15 days to suffer through until then. My DH is doing his best to get good results on the sp test that morning. Our knees will be knocking together getting the results that same afternoon. At the very least we expect to come out of that apt with our dates for action. I painted the ensuite bathroom yesterday, washed the car, scrubbed the patio... painted the living room last week, anymore waiting and I'll run out walls. My greatest fear is not that it will work or it won't work, it's that it will work and I'll have another miscarriage. They never got to the bottom of my miscarriage a year ago, DH's sp count took the lead on our fertility issues. I keep telling myself at least it will be the best eggie with the best :spermy: so maybe if it works, it will have a good chance at sticking. :shrug: Hopefully this is where the acupuncture will kick in.

Our uber nosy neighbour who I actually really like, asked me to join in a charity run at the start of April. I couldnt tell her what was going on as, bless her, it would be all over the town in notime. I'd say half the neighbourhood will think we are right lazy selfish sods by the end of the week but what can you do! I just told her I had some big commitments around that time and didnt think I should sign up to anything else for the time being. What else can you say? We bought burning man tickets for end of August. If none of this works out I reckon we will need some serious time in an alternate reality. Not too many babies to be found at Burning Man, that's for sure. :devil:

Keep up the posts folks. I love reading them even if I dont have time to check in with you guys. It makes me feel really connected to a group when you all chime in during the week. The days can seem so long. :friends:
hi all,

so sorry its ben awhile was my 27th birthday last week then went on hols! Been so preoccupied with our house move too looks like if it happens egg collection and moving could be the same week uh oh!!!

got my nurses appt on tues morning im hoping they will have my drugs ready to go and that my period is due 13th feb we can get started then not long uh oh!!!

how are you all doing any progress? xx
Wow Nayla, it's suddenly all happening really fast, can't believe you are nearly ready to start injections! :happydance: As for the tea, thats gotta be better than coffee, but know it still contains caffine. Depending who you talk to will give you differing advice. I would suggest decaf and maybe less cups per day, but your FS will know.

Hi Tinks, I agree with Nayla, Valentines can only be a good omen! Glad that you finally have some peace of mind and something to work towards. You will be at St Marys before you know it, yay!! :thumbup:

Hi Gill, hope you are ok and had a nice weekend.

AFM.... Weekends gone in a flash! Prob cos was on first aid training all day yesterday, so really 1 day weekend :nope: Had few too many drinkies last night so been very lazy today and did no uni work :wacko: Although was a bit of a domestic godess and made a curry for DP! On countdown, week monday til we have our start date. I'm like you Tinks, I just wanna know timescales etc!

Loads of love everyone,

Lolly xxxxxxxxx :flower:

Ps: Have you guys noticed that everyone on here seems to have gotten pregnant?!! Lets hope its a good sign....
Hi Annie

They say it all happens at once!! But new house, new baby, its gotta be good! Is it your first try?

hi lolly im a little worried that our house sale will fall through as it did last year so def not counting my chickens so to speak he he

yes its our first go at icsi quite nervous now i hope its a good omen that we are moving too xxx
Hi Gill

Looks like you me and Annie all posted around the same time!

You have been busy, bet your house is looking all shiney new (I need you.... haha!)

I am sorry that you are worrying about m/c. You have been through a lot and it must be so hard having the thoughts of what has happened in the past weighing you down. I find myself constantly comparing this cycle to the last, but we must try to see it as a totally different set of circumstances. Different time, place in our lives, mentality, I think we have to see each time as unique and try not to look back as what was. I always do, but am trying not to! I do hope that the progesterone help with your little embie/s sticking.

All my love,

Lolly xxxxxxxx
Annie, I think anything that can be counted as a good omen must be. Its all about positivity and going into it in a good head space. Be nervous, but excited to! :thumbup: xxxxx
Good Morning Ladies and Happy February! :flower:

Im typing while im getting ready for work!:haha:
A quick update :witch: got me this Morning and this is the happiest i have ever been to see her :kiss:

I will be popping in tomorrow the get my CD2 Blood tests done and i guess on CD3 its all go from there! [-o<

Will try and pop in later with a full update!

Love and hugs to all xx
Hi all just been for nurses appt had all the drugs explained to me god a feel bombarded!! So next contact I will have it to tell them I have started my period and then they will deliver my drugs and I will start down regulating on cd19 so about 3rd march now wow 31 more sleeps ish!!!


Yay nayla to your af arriving!! X
Wow, so many seem to be counting the days until treatment :happydance::happydance: great stuff. I will have plenty of people to ask advice when its my turn :haha:

Gill, I agree. Men can not cope with tears, a bit of emotional blackmail :blush:

MC must be such a worry for you :hugs: its a worry for everyone but after suffering one in the past its bound to be on your mind more :hugs: I have everything crossed that it was just bad luck and everything is ok :thumbup:

OMG!!! Nayla Wednesday!!! How are you feeling???

Yes lolly, I know how it feels not to have time scales :growlmad: Although I am glad we know where we stand I do feel like we are going backwards having to see the FS :dohh: I am ok with it though. I am in the mood where I can think good things come to those who wait, how long this moods last who knows :shrug::haha:

Annie, I hope by keeping yourself busy you wont be thinking about ICSI quite as much.

We went and had our bloods done yesterday so we are just waiting for the 14th now to get referred.

My weight loss does not seem to be going in the right direction, I think i am going to have to be a little more strict :winkwink:

How is everyone?

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