icsi in 2011?

So sorry to hear you are having a tough time Fisher, it must really hard to do your job and go through ICSI :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dont appologise for moaning, I know it makes me feel better to just rant on here sometimes :thumbup:

Good luck for next week, I hope it all goes smoothly for you :thumbup:

Lolly I hope you and all the the other ladies starting soon has to give up the vino for 9-10 months :haha:

I start ICSI on the 18th Feb.......So nervous but very excited. Just wondering if any1 starting treatment this month

Hi Fisher

Sorry you are feeling so down. I know exactly how you feel. I am a deputy in a nursery and found it so hard goung through treatement and then when I returned after my failed cycle. Luckily the manager was away for two weeks and so I stayed in the office covering her duties. Being in the rooms with all the children and mums would have been too hard. I find I often give mums lots of advice and get annoyed I know more than them yet can't have one. I know thats an awful thing to say, everyone should have the right to a family but it can be hard. Please know that the feelings are normal and will pass. It really is ups and downs and I send you loads of love and :hugs: and hope you feel better soon.

Ladies I forgot to say yesterday that someone really is laughing up there sometimes. Had to pick up my prescription for my injection yesterday before going to IVF clinic so went to main hosp and walked in passed a very pregnant lady smoking :growlmad: Then decided to go a different way to the way I normally walk and ended up walking through the antinatal clinic!!! Life is sent to try us.....

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Montana!!

I start 28th!

Lolly xxxxxxxxx
We have just rec confirmation from our local pct that they are going to fund us for one cycle of ICSI so now we are just waiting for an app from our hospital then be put on waiting list i assume. Hopefully it won't be too long! x
We have started our 3rd and final try of ICSI, on the down reg drugs at the minute, will start the up reg drugs on the 22nd Feb, Egg collection should be around 6th March so should find out if we are preggers or not 3rd week in March 2011 :)
Hey everyone! Lolly, Tinks Reilly, hope you are all doing good. I see lots of new names popping up here. A little icsi army. We will defeat!!!! :winkwink:

We have apt on Tuesday next at dawn with clinic. repeat :spermy: test and then apt with consultant again at 2pm. I guess they have a plan for us. Was delighted to know they were expecting us when not one but two phone calls (!) came to remind us about the appointments. :dohh: It made me laugh out loud and gave me butterflies. We're paying through the nose so there was absolutely no chance we were going to forget about it. We booked into a no-frills hotel the night before in Dublin. It happens to be valentines night and it was my birthday a few days ago so we thought we would do this instead of having to leave home at 6.30am. I get so anxious that we wont make it. After our last appointment when the train went on fire TWICE. We ended up standing on a platform in the middle of nowhere getting snowed on, freezing :cold: for 3 hours and then we had to run for 20 mins in a blizzard when we eventually got to Dublin. If I'd had a dicky heart, i would surely have had a heart attack on the platform with anxiety.

Lolly I bet you wanted to slap that pregnant woman you saw smoking. There is no excuse anymore.

We are still doing acupuncture. I hope to the heavens its doing something cos our funds will run out. I think the pin that goes into your forehead is the weirdest, cos you can see it. A massage would definitely feel better but maybe its doing wonderful things on the inside. haha. Don't know if Im trying to convince you guys or myself :wacko:

We are all living from apt to apt. It's terrible but it is what it is. Never thought I would be looking forward to needles, internal exams, pain and mental torture. :happydance: BRING IT ON!!
hi all im sorry some of you have been having a tough time!

ive not been on for a while as ive been having moving house knightmares! ive pulled out of the house were buying as they are messing us about and now we have to find another asap before our buyers get stressed out!!

good news is i started af today which means on 4th march i start the nasal spray so only 4 days behind you lolly god i cant wait to get going now!

weve gotta get some icsi bfp's on here!

welcome to the new ladies the more the merrier!! xxx
@Gill Keeping my fingers crossed for the second SA!!!!!:happydance: We are having ours on the 21st and then an appointment to talk about it a week later!:coffee:
Hi Ladies!

Gill that's good news that you have appointments coming up. I know exactly what you mean, living from one hospital vitit to the next. Hope that you get some good outcomes. Your last appointment sounds a bit hecktic! I think you do right by staying over, treat yourself to a nice evening meal the night before and try to switch off.... yeah right!!! At least peace of mind that you shouldn't be late! Let us know how you get on!

Sorry you've had house troubles Annie. At least you can start DR soon, we will be cycle buddies!

Hi Reilly and Fisher, how are you?

Tinks are you looking forward to tomorrow? Good luck!

Nayla where are you? Hope you are ok hun and cycle is going well, we are here if you need us.

Welcome Joanna and FNJ, good luck with your cycles! We are hoping for a lucky forum!

AFM... had up and down weekend. Couldn't stop crying yesterday getting all worked up about treatment. I'm getting very nervous after the hurt last time. Plus I start a new job around the same time and know that to walk in and say 'hi, i'm having IVF' will not go down well.... Then again I keep thinking if it works every single step of this journey and I feel I will never want for anything ever again. Its tough isn't it girls? Well, feeling better again today, DP is taking me out for a 'suprise' valentines meal tonight. We are double dating with friends. I say 'suprise' as they arranged it all over texts and he accidently read one out loud and gave it away!! But I don't know where we are going or anything so sure I will be a good night.

Love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi montana, joannejohnson and FNJ and good luck to you all. Keep us posted :thumbup:

Gill, good luck for Tuesday. Like you are going to forget your appointment :dohh: A hotel for the night sounds fab, you will be as chilled as poss for the appointment :happydance: I really hope the acupuncture pays of hun :hugs:

Annie, sounds very stressfull about the house :hugs: really hope you got something sorted soon. Great news about treatment!!! I cant wait for poeple to start their 2ww or PUPO :happydance::happydance:

Bring on the :bfp:

AFM I have finally got a peak today so will ov on valentines day :winkwink: We are also seeing the FS tomorrow and hopefully our next appointment will be at the fertility clinic :happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone else is well??? How are things Lolly? Fisher? Nayla?
Hi Tinks

Think we posted about same time. Yay for Valentines day, its all happening for you tomorrow!! :happydance: Glad your cycle is back in some kind of sink after last time. Can't wait for you to be joining me at St Marys

Sounds like everything is all go at the minute Lolly.

I cant wait to join you at St Mary's. Do you have a date for EC yet??? Sorry if you have already said.

I must have just missed your post before :dohh:
Hi Tinks

Been thinking of you today, how did you get on???

No set date for EC yet, they just monitor you as you go along. But judging by last time it should be 31st march/1st April time. But I guess each cycle may be different so who knows. 2 weeks today.... SCARED!!!

Love to you all xxxxxxxxx
Well we went to our appointment this morning. The FS was so patronising! We have not seen her before but she is the consultant. The first thing she said was how old are you?? Like I was some silly teenager. I am 26 in a few weeks (and I do look a little younger) so I am quite young to be going through IVF but its not unheard of She kept saying that we are lucky compaired to other couples and we havent be trying that long in the grand scheme of thing. Which TBH I totally agree with but it was the way she was talking down to us. Basically she doesn't think we deserve IVF yet as we have only been trying a year and a half. Doesn't matter that its male factor that is unreversable and can not be treated and will never go away!

She asked ME what tests we have had and what the results where!!! She had the my file in front of her but mustn't have read any of it We are still not yet getting referred as I have to have yet more bloods done that they forgot to add on the list when I called the other week. One of the blood test is a cd2 so that is 2 weeks of so we are looking at least 3 weeks before the referral has any chance of going The NHS is soooo frustrating at times.

Bet you are sorry you asked hehe
Awww Tinks I'm sorry its not been a good day. What a sily woman the consultant sounds. I really don't think some of these professionals understand just how we live from one appointment to the next and one little set back feels like the end of the world. Yes 25 is young (I know well!!) but like you said there is little debate about whether you need it or not. I hope you are doing ok. Try not to dwell on her words too much and roll on yet more blood tests (my mum has started calling me the human pin cushion!!!)

Hey Tinks and all, sorry to hear things didn't go quite to plan with the consultant. At least you are one step closer though. Every little bit helps. The time lapse in between things is so frustrating.

We went for our 2nd apt with consultant at clinic today. it seems to be a completely different way of doing things here as we have to go private. Our government does not see the relevance of giving anyone fertility treatment so there is no other option. Ticks me off no end. :growlmad:

Anyhoo, we went to apt. Had repeat sp. test this morning 1st thing. The results came back with things a little changed here and there, some bits up, some down but the end result the same. :wacko: The consultant was doing the softly softly bit for a while until we told her we had done all the reading, gotten over the shock and were ready to go. She changed her tune then and whipped herself into action. Apparently they usually send people off to do even more thinking but because we told her we wanted to jump, she squashed two appointments into one and we signed our consent forms and got our prescription. She said that given my age, low bmi etc, that an antagonist approach would be best and that I would have to go on the pill for 2 weeks from day 21. I didn't really get all the ins and outs of it. They sent us for our hiv/hep blood tests too, so we got those done. The nurses secretary is to call me in the next day or two and see if they can schedule an appointment to get us started in March. Hopefully they will squash us in. This is to do a trial run of the catheter for implantation and go over the drugs, schedule etc. Im praying they fit us in. When they call I will giving them such a sob story if they say they can't.:cry:

The admin person we were talking with, getting the nitty gritty stuff sorted, gave us a website to learn how to take injections. www.puregonpen.com just in case anyone is interested. DH is looking at it now. I'll bet he will enjoy that bit! :devil: It was a tough day, we got soaked in buckets of rain this time (think the consultant felt sorry for the two drowned rats sitting before her drying off with towels). It was productive though and the consultant gave us much hope. They will only implant one egg but we will discuss that again when we see how things are going. Think that's it.

There were loads of other gloomy looking couples in the waiting room when we were leaving. It always amazes me that these people look so good and put together in their sunday best. We seem to always turn up like we've been hiking and got lost. :blush:

Oh please great goddess of luck, let this woman give us our nurses apt soon and let us start in March! :flower:
Sounds promising Gill! Really pleased for you! Bet you are glad today is over! (yay, you got there on time!! Although slightly damp....)!! Its sounds good that they have merged appointments. Obviously know you are serious so lets hope its all go for March!

Wow, private appointments seem to cover a lot, and so they should, the fact you have to pay is absolute rubbish :growlmad: Practice catheter tests are a new one for me being lucky enough to get NHS funding.

I've asked DP to do injections this time (he wouldn't last time so was too scared of hurting me) He said he would if I really wanted but have chickened out as i'm a bit too much of a control freak to hand over a needle and my stomach to anyone else! :haha: Good luck to your DH

I really hope that this is your time Gill, who knows we may be cycle buddies :happydance:

Hi Lovelies :hugs:

Sorry I have not updated for a while had a very emotional week, Not only was my prolactin hormone 121 (should be under 20!) I got a phone call from the Clinic saying my Thyroid came back very high also.. Spent the majority of last week crying and really feeling sorry for myself.

But! i repeated the tests at the start of this week, Just got back from the Clinic and my Prolactin has gone really down its 11! and my Thyroid is within range :happydance: The FS told me both of these Hormones are very funny to test as stress can really make a difference!! never in a million years did i think it would be under 20 in two weeks!! hearts of hearts I thought they would have cancelled this month and sort my hormones out, and I would be starting around may or june!!

I have been on the pill for almost 2 weeks now and They have gave me my Nasal spray Today need to snort it 3x a day the times shes given me is 9am 5pm and 11pm one in each nostril! i will be snorting everyday up until egg collection :thumbup: My period is due in around 12 days :happydance: CD2 Need a LH and Oestradiol blood test done and on CD3 go back to the FS have a scan and get my injections all ready for EC, ohhh im so excited now!! :happydance: Lolly maybe you can help me out when she said i need a scan on CD3 will it not be all Bloody and messy? i got confused when she mentioned a scan on CD3? :dohh:

Im trying to re-read the full thread and see where everyone is up to? Welcome to the newbies xx Montana i guess were both doing ICSI this month how are you feeling? have they given you the nose spray? really is strong indeed, hope this is our month hun :hugs:

Lolly- thats great that you have the dates! wow u will be starting very soon xxxxx love your attitude. Im really looking forward to move to the 1st trimester with u xx

Gill- Hope you get your appointment soon and that you can start In March! i have everything crossed for you xx

Tink- im sorry the appointment didnt go as plan, it must be annoying when they think 1.5 years isnt a long time for trying when for you it feels like eternity that is like 18 visits from :witch: which is alot! but always remember with every appointment it really is a step in the right direction, Im sure in a blink of an eye you will be in the whirlwind of ICSI :thumbup:

oh girls i really wish i can kick start us off with BFP, i get so so excited at times, while other times i keep thinking it can go wrong its 50/50. if all goes to plan i should be pregnant by the 27th March my husbands 30th :happydance::happydance:

to everyone else whos going through ICSI or will be having it soon, Good Luck and hopefully we will all me mummies soon :hugs: xx
Hi Girls.....

2days to go till the start of ICSI, due bk at hozy on friday. Dont know wat to expect.

Does any1 know if ill be given drug regime then????? o


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