icsi in 2011?

Hope you're feeling ok Tinks, know what its like, one minute crazy monster, next snivling wreck!!! Bloody hormones!! Don't know how my OH puts up with me the last couple of weeks!! :haha:

Nayla that's great news, you will be beating everyone to it!! It sounds very positive. I was so shocked to see that they are thinking about putting 3 embryos back, thought 2 was the maximum that they allow unless to are over 40. Unless thats NHS rules and this is different. Either way the more the merrier I say,more chance of those lil beauties sticking!! :happydance:

Hi to everyone else and hope that everyone is progressing along nicely towards the ultimate goal of gorgeous BFPs!!!!!

Loads of love to all of you, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes, Lolly thank you. I am fine. I feel a lot more possitive today despite the tears lol. I feel like we are moving towards the next step.

I wonder if private is different, I heard you are lucky to get 2 put back in on the NHS. I think they aim for just 1. I could be wrong though. I really want 2 at least going back :winkwink:

Watched one born every minute tonight and I am soooooo broody :haha:
Hi Everyone :flower:

Tinks thats excellent news every phone call and a letter is definitely a step forward xx That programme makes me soo broody and i always end up crying! :haha: I just wish that can be us soon and everyone making a fuss around us with our babys :baby: :hugs:

Thank you Lolly for your kind words! yeah when she did say her aim was 3 i was thinking tripplets!! and if they all split I will have 6!! :wacko: i know the chances of that happening is very very slim as she was showing me this statistic chart that went straight over my head and she said 1 sticking is 70% than it decreases rapidly,I told my husband what she suggested and he said just listen to her shes the Professional :thumbup:

Lolly I can see in your Sig that you had a failed ICSI (so sorry about that) if you dont mind me asking what happened? I have read Theres zillions of things that can go wrong not enough eggs? they dont fertlise? they dont implant? etc etc with you being so young hun (im 28) would love to know any advice or tips? im on the long protocol. Its so hard to relax i feel like im a ping pong ball bouncing of everything!!

i really hope I can give you all the 1st BFP on this ICSI Thread, I just dont want to be the one that has a failed ICSI and stresses everyone else out:shrug:

Not long to go I guess! Have a great day lovlies :hugs: xx
Hi ladies

Hope you are all well...... I had my scan today and everything seemed normal although she did say my ovaries were a bit high but nothing to worry about as she can still get to them to do the egg collection.
I am a bit disappointed though as we have to wait 4 more weeks till our next appointment which is to discuss dates and sign the consent forms, which means that I will start taking the pill in march so injections wont start till april at earliest :(
Im just fed up waiting and want it to happen now, but I suppose I should be happy its finally happening.
Sorry for having a bit of a moan
Ask away Nayla, I think I have come to terms with it now that it wasn't our time and am happy to help anyone else going through the process.

Everything went as well as could be expected up until 8dpt to be honest. I was on long protocol, stimms were fine. Actually had quite reduced rate as my levels were high at each blood test but never at risk of OHSS. Produced loads of follies, 18. When I was scanned the nurse said your ovaries are big. When I asked how big she made a fist and said that big!! And she had big hands!! :haha:

Had EC and out of 18 they got 7 eggs. I was disappointed with that but they said that was what they had hoped for for me and the other 2 girls in with me both only got 3 so then I felt very guilty for being upset. Out of 7 6 eggs were mature and 5 fertilized. One didn't develop and the other 4 did. Had one 7 cell, one 6 cell, and two five cells. They said because the five cell embies hadn't reached the golden 6 cell that they couldn't be frozen :nope:

So they put my 2 gorgeous embies back together (they won't freeze one on its own) Everything went really well until had reaction to progesterone. Everytime I was using it I would have a bleed. At first it was nothing, then tiny bit more etc. ang hosp and they suggested to insert rectally :wacko: But anything to help. But literally same day had major bleed which then contined like AF. Still had 5 days until OTD :sad2:

They think that the progesterone aggrivated my cervix quite badly. Next time I will be using them rectally from day one. Not most pleasant thing but so worth it if it will stop my cervix becoming inflamed, inducing bleeds etc. Was so sad, was only 25 and everyone was saying you're so young it can't fail. Took long time to be strong enough to try again, I feel i'm literally only getting there last couple of weeks.

I know thats very long winded answer but that's my story! Hope it helps in any way it can.

Can't bring myself to watch one born every minute, brings it all back to me about what I haven't got. Hopefully we all will have our own bundles of joy soon though :thumbup:

Sorry you are also playing the waiting game fisher. It's a killer isn't it. I hope the next few weeks goes fast!

Hi Annie, Reilley, Gill and anyone I may have missed!!

Love Lolly xxxxxxxx
Thank you so much for your answer Lolly, you have been through alot :hugs: hopefully next time round it will work wonders for you as the drs will suggest which different method to use :hugs: Hang in there sweety and you definitely still have age on your side :thumbup: Also you know that you had some great eggs in you that was all ready and fertilised. Do you have dates when your next planning the treatment? Definitely in my prayers xx :hugs:

I get myself worried about eggs, will there be enough taken out of me and will they be good enough quality? And on the day will my husband be able to produce good sperms ready for ICSI? :wacko: I just think that i just need to go with the flow. For some reason taking the eggs out of me im not too scared about as i will be fully under :thumbup: Lolly did it hurt when they put it all back in? I know that I will be awake, is it just like an internal Ultra sound? and do they clamp you open? im just terrified the thought of being there wide awake and getting poked and prodded at and people all taking a good look inside? :blush: Its probably a silly thing to worry about, I guess it isnt easy putting the embies back in safely :shrug:

Fisher- Its a good thing to know everything inside you if all healthy and ready for ICSI. I read one womens Ovaries were so high up and they didnt have a problem at all getting them. Sorry about the wait, I pray it zooms past for you, Theres just over 10days to go and were in Feb :thumbup: and as you said your definitely heading in the right direction (seriously since TTC All we do is wish our lives away, I usually live from one period to another :wacko:)

Wish i can fast forward a few month and see where we all are?? Im sure many will be happily pregnant and well into the treatments! :happydance:
Hi guys.

So I though I would just check the hospital again and guess what??? My file is still with the consultant???? WTF!!! I am calling again tomorrow, this is just getting silly. I did find out though that the referrals are faxed, not posted so thats on good thing.

I just want a time scale :cry: without this I sometimes dont feel ICSI is really happening and I dont have a hope of getting my :bfp: this year :cry:

One born every minute can make me upset but I still like to watch it. I always think what if I never get to experience it??? :nope:

Sorry about my moan girls. But by the sounds of everyones post we are all just as worried and frustrated :hugs:

Nayla, I think if there is any questions about DH producing on the day then they do it before hand, the urologist mentioned that DH may have to do this but will most likely need serm retreival surgery, we are franticly saving for this :thumbup:

Fisher I hope the next 4 weeks go fast for you hun, Feb is a short month :hugs:
Glad my post helped Nayla. ET is fine. With EC was wheeled into a room with loads of peeps waiting for me but at ET its just the consultant and a nurse. They open your cervix with something like they use for a smear test and insert the catheter. The nurse is using an ultrasound scan for guidance to make sure they insert in best place. It doesn't hurt but will warn you it is uncomfortable as they ask you to have a full bladder for the scan. I was dying for a wee so couldn't really relax. Although did see my (as the dr called them) 'perfect embies' do through the catheter. Was a bit like a flash of light. Can't really explain, you will know when you reach that stage. After done straight dressed and home. Although not before a run for the loo (did ask the nurse before hand if this was ok and that they wouldn't fall out!!) :haha: I still miss the embies and went through period of grieving but can only keep trying and have had 4 months to feel strong again. thank you for your kind words Nayla :hugs:

Sorry to hear that you are still no further Tinks. I feel that sometimes people just arn't sypathetic and realise that an extra week is a lifetime when you are in our situation :cry: Keep pestering, they have got to get the message and fax it soon!

I hope both of your OH's samples are good on day of ICSI. My DP's was apparently very good (he got a bit smug at this point :dohh:) It was funny, off he went and was back so quickly god knows what other patients thought!!!! So much for being nervous :blush:

All my love evryone, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :flower:
Thanks Lolly, I will update you tomorrow. I feel like I am just typing the same thing on here :haha:

I wonder why they have mentioned to my DH about having the surgery?? HIs count is low, less than 1 million and the quantity of fluid is aparently very low. Is anyone elses other half like that? According to the internet the op is going to cost around £1000. I know to you girls that aren't lucky to get funding on the nhs have to pay a much greater amount but for us thats a lot. We dont really earn much and it is near impossible to save this in time :nope: Is anyone else in a simular situ and have been told they can do it the normal way???

Lolly that sounds lovely about being able to see them going in. Was your partner there for ET? I think you have done so well to pick yourself back up. I am sure you will be luckier this time hun, you deserve it :hugs:
Hi Tinks, Nayla and all you lovely ladies!

Yes he was there and held my hand the whole way through! Just remembered that there were 2 nurses, but one was lurking a bit away and just handed the equipment over.

I'm afraid i'm not sure about your DH's surgery, I really hope he doesn't have to have it done. My DP's count was quite low originally but each count it had improved and at time of ICSI they said it was pretty much A ok. But as we have started with ICSI on cycle one we will continue now. Hoping you get your appointment very soon so the doc can answer your questions. Fingers crossed for some news!!

Yikes, just had to stop mid sentence as think I just had a hot flush!! THe zolodex injections act like temporary menopause for 3 months. Had then when had the drugs twice before. This time I thought I had gotten away with it as they altered it slightly. Hope was a one off! Also had a tiny bit of bleeding today. Shouldn't be having any. Am a bit :shrug: Will have to see what tomorrow brings.

Night all xxxxxxxx
Ooooh how weird about your hot flush, just another side effect hey :haha:

Well called the hospital again (groundhog day anyone) and my file is still with the specialist!!!!! I am fuming, how long does it take??? Then to make matters worse there was a letter waiting for DH and I when we got home from our GP. He wants to see us to discuss the results from the urologist, they have never given us DH blood results so we are now s***ing oursleves. Why would we need to see our GP??? Why didnt the urologist send us a copy of the letter?? Should we be worried girls?? I am seriously at breaking point right now :cry: obviously we are thinking the worse. Has anyone else had to see their GP after you had been passed on to the hospital???

I hope everyone is having a better day than us :hugs:
Hello Everyone,
Tinks what were they testing your DH's bloods for? I wonder if you called and left a message would the dr call you back and discuss over the phone? Try not to panic, if it were something really bad or urgent they would have called you and not just written out.

Lolly thanks for telling us your story. Wow, there really is a million things that can go wrong. From everything I've read though it seems to be that they know so much more about you the 2nd go, the 1st time can be pretty much a trial run. It's prob no comfort to you but you do have youth on your side and your eggies will be awesome. Maybe now DH sperm count is looking good it might happen all on its own..:thumbup: Why are you on injections for 3 mths? Is that prep for the next round?

My BB had her baby a few days back. Went to see her at the hospital. She went through the ringer, had to do c-section in the end. Anyhoo felt sick the entire day, headache, the works, before seeing her. It went ok until I was left with her dad and he started asking me if there was any sign of me producing kids. I wanted to scream at him that we had a m/c last year and ivf this year so could he sod off and leave me alone!! I really thought about it for a second but couldnt do it to the man so I just laughed and said not yet. The whole trauma of visiting her in the big maternity ward with all those happy families and babies and then her dad putting his foot in it, all I could was cry for the entire day after. :cry:

Acupuncture again tomorrow evening. Really dont know if its doing anything and can't afford it but dont know what else to do. Feel like we can't afford not to do it either. Was so frustrated with life this week, I took a day off work and painted my living room, just to be DOING something :dohh:. (Got man to clean gutters and another man to service gas boiler too, very productive day! if only one could get icsi sorted like that :nope::sad2:)

You guys are made of strong stuff to watch those baby shows on the telly. I can't do it. Just keep skipping over them. Come Dine With Me has become my best buddy because they NEVER talk about kids unless they are in the dinner :winkwink:. 23 days to go for sp retest and consultant apt to get the plan together. Got loan organised and new cheque book so we can sign on the dotted line on the day. If the weather gets better, I'll be digging up the garden at this rate... :cold:
Hi Gill

I'm sorry you've felt so down. I think you are the strong one being able to visit your friend and dealing with her dad. I know most people don't know any of our situations so can't really blame them, but when people say things like that you just want to smack them one! We got our house last year and everyone was saying 'next kids, blah blah...' You laugh it off but inside its a killer. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I'm with you regarding the tele. Can't watch anything with babies. DP recorded knocked up the other day. Said its a comedy and would make me laugh. I wanted to scream at him is he mental??!!!! Can't even watch that. I'm a lot stronger than last year but still there's a limit! He was very sheepish and then I felt bad... Oops!

I know what you mean about trying to do something. All you can do sometimes to stay sane! I am lucky (in a way!) as I'm at uni and have that as a focus so hopefully march will be here before I know it. I bet you're on count down until appointment. That's the thing with IVF/ICSI, its mostly a waiting game!

My injections are called zolodex. I have a cyst of one of my ovaries and it interferes with egg production. I had the zolodex before laST icsi and it halved in size. The want to try the course again with the hope it migh shrink again or even go, wihich would be fab! But it acts like a temporary menopause and shuts ovaries down so no chance of anything happening. Although did have a dream about getting pregnant last night! It was weird as I knew it was a dream, which was good because I didn't wake up disappointed... think i've been on here too much!! I hope you are right about first time being a trial run and now they'll know my body better. I never saw it that way before but it makes total sense and has done wonders for my PMA towards this cycle so a big thank you!

Hi everyone else!! Tinks I've seen from your other thread that you are feeling a lot more positive about the docs wednesday. I'm glad that it seems it'll just be to discuss blood results. Its easy to think the worst each time but usually it is all ok. Hope you have had a more relaxed weekend!

Love to everyone and try to keep smiling, Lolly xxxxxxxxx :flower:
Hi everyone.

Yes Lolly, we received DH blood results in the post on Saturday morning and they are ok. His testosterone is slightly low and his FSH is slightly hig but this is apprently normal was a man has suffered an injury. So dont know what the GP wasnt but dont feel half as worried now :thumbup:

Gill, you did so well not to say anything. People dont think :hugs:

Lolly I hope those injections really do the trick.

I called my PCT today and I have found out that they will fund 2 cycles but there is still a grey area around wether they will fund DH sperm retreival or not. I am waiting on an email regarding waiting times. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls.

I dont feel brave at all about the tv programmes. I love watching them but they do make me feel sad and I just ache wanting us to be in that hospital having our baby, like we planned :cry: It depends on my mood that day wether i watch or not :haha:

Hope everyone is well.

So who is first to start treatment??? Is it Nayla??? We should start adding dates somewhere :thumbup:
Definately fingers crossed Tinks!! You will have to let us know as soon as you hear, I really hope they fund that extra £1000 for DH retrieval. Actually no, I actually really hope he doesn't need it done at all. Good luck! And glad you're feeling better about docs on wednesday, will prob just be their standarde procedure that someone has to go through results properly withy you. Talk about putting the scarers on though. I swear these people in the office firing out all these letters just don't think!!

I think it is Nayla who starts first. Start as we all mean to go on I hope, with a BFP!

Well, had a bit of a bad evening yesterday. Got in from work and was told the standard bombshell that one of our good couple friends are expecting their first. I should be pleased and feel awful that I just want to hide away from them. I keep thinking the last time we were together she would have been pregnant. I have cried since DP told me and said he should have kept it to himself. Of course he said that he wanted to tell me to prepare me etc, but I know this is all I will think about for next few days. They've just got married and she said they would try soon and looks like she has got pregnany within first 2 months of trying. Please please please let this be our year, I don't know how much more of this I can take!!!

Sorry to be feeling so sorry for myself, hoping for a better day!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Stillno progress on my referral. I feel like I am just going round in circles and cant take much more. I keep getting fobbed of. If i dont get anywhere tomorrow I am going to log a complaint :cry: It is really stressing me out, i was in :cry: again today over it. I dont think they know what they are doing to us :nope:

So sorry you feel like that Lolly, it is very hard isn't it? I know quite a few people that are preggers but TBH, if i dont know them well I am not interested really. That might make me a bad person, i dont know. I am more than happy for the people close to me and they are support me through this as well so its give and take. Hope you feel better once its had time to sink in. If not you know where we are, rant away :hugs:

How is everyone else? Sorry for the rant girls, i know i keep posting the same thing lol.
Hello Lovelies :flower:

I have just been reading the last few pages xx

Lolly- Thank you from the bottom of my heart for going into depth about your experience. As Gill mentioned im sure now there in tune with your body and definitely it will work for you this round! :hugs: Lolly we all feel your pain, the yearning for wanting to be a Mom is crazy! Im sure we all eat sleep breath babies :hugs: Its so so hard for me to see pregnant friends and friends with new borns,,, I hate the Monster TTC has turned me into! :cry: as my husband says to me ' wheres the happy bubbly girl i knew? all i see is bitterness' I just feel that theres millions of women that are pregnant without even trying? and theres us :shrug: (The Lord works in beautifully ways and i guess everything happens for a reason, there has to be a reason :thumbup: )

Tink- Hope your well Hun, looks like you had a little scare last week but excellent to know that your husbands blood came back fine and nothing too serious? Hopefully with the right drugs it will balance out his hormones :thumbup: I just think were all used to bad news, we always suspect the worse case scenarios :dohh: Definitely in prayers that they fund your husbands SSR [-o< at least you know what ever the outcome you did your very best :thumbup: Your definitely heading in the right direction :happydance:

Gill- Your very strong Hun going to the maternity ward :hugs: I would have probably said I will see you when your at home :blush: im glad you stayed strong with her Dads comment. Its so painful when you have been trying for so long yet people think were just pushing it to the back of our mind and im putting my career first :growlmad: if only they knew 1% of our journeys :shrug: 23 days will zoom past for you Hun! It will be great once you have dates set, Definitely something to count down to :thumbup:

As for me, it looks like I will be the 1st one :wacko: I so hope i dont let you girls down. I just think all the stress and worry im under will damage my ICSI :cry: i keep having panic attacks for some reason? :dohh: I SO SO WANT THE 1ST ICSI TO WORK :cry: im so scared it will not work :nope: But i need to stay strong. My period is due next week than on the 2nd day i need to go and take blood tests. I have listed below the blood tests that i will be having on CD2 than I chat with the FS on CD3, in which she will give me all the Drugs :thumbup:


TSH - Thyroid


Blood Group & RH


HBA1C (Glycosylated HB)


Anti HCV

I have Googled everything, still a little over whelming :wacko: Hopefully if everything goes to plan I think between 12-18th March is when they will take the Eggs :thumbup: Very excited and scared. Will update you all the exact dates when all is confirmed :thumbup:

To the rest of the ICSI Ladies hope your all doing well xxxxxx

'we will get there we will' :hugs: Lets set this Thread alive with fireworks!! :happydance: :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks Nayla hun :hugs:

Its so exciting how soon your treatment i, I have every crossed things work.

I will let you know what the Doc says tomorrow.

How much blood are they taking lol. Sounds like loads of test hehe.

Worrying cant help matters but who can go through this and not worry. You are doing your best and thats what counts :hugs:
Hi Tink! I must have just posted seconds after you :hugs: Huge hugs you should keep calling till you get answers as you have every right to know whats going on :hugs: i know what you mean all we have is file numbers... when i call its just a voice file number please :coffee: were just on a conveyer belt 1000s have been before is and 1000s will follow.. i think some nurses need a qualification in understanding and empathy. Were all individuals with a burning desire to be a mom :hugs:

The great thing about this place is that we can rant away and we all know 100% how everyone else is feeling. When im not online sometimes it feels like im the only1 in the world going through this :cry: Than this site always gives me hope theres some great stories out there!! :happydance::happydance:

We will be 'that success story' one day... It will happen soon :hugs:

Stay strong Hun xx and like I said the more you call they will soon give up and find you all the answers asap xx :thumbup:
I was thinking that also! :dohh: looks like a few pints of blood there :haha:

I told her I have had my rubella, but she said better to be safe and wants to make sure that everything is ok in me :thumbup: Ohh another worry getting all those blood tests back :wacko: I so wish she says everything is in sync and all ready for the Drugs....

its scary that they will be switching off my hormones in Feb (some times i just feel life is so not fair, even though theres nothing wrong with me at all i need to start messing with nature, i know its so selfish of me to say that, it does cross my mind alot :cry:) but if it = :baby: so be it

If all goes to plan i could have a baby by nov-dec :cry::cry: wow that will be so magical. I have a longgggg way to go 1st before i get there..:cloud9: I guess taking one day at a time :thumbup:

Do update us Tink what the Dr says ? xx

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