icsi in 2011?

Thanks for that Annie, I am sooo please for everyone and I will all you guys to fire questions at when its my turn :haha:

Gill, dont be silly. I am sure everyone on here is over the moon for you. You are bound to worry more then normal due to your past, I have everything crossed for you though :hugs: Good luck at the doctors and I hope you can find out what happens now :thumbup:

The link did help as I will be doing my own injections, DH is chicken s**t when it comes to needles :dohh: I am not scared of them its just the thought of breaking your own skin.
Hi Ladies

i hope you dont mind me joining...ive been away from BnB for a while due to family stuff but am really encouraged by how many successes theres been since my last visit! :happydance:

I have consent signing on the 28th Feb! Feeling really worried about it all! Dont have anyone apart from lovely DH to talk to and sometimes i feel like im doing his head in :blush:

Wishing you all the best of luck :hugs:

lots of love and fairydust xxxx
GILL!!!!!!! Wow!!! Congratulations!!!!! I can understand only too well why you are scared but just think, everything happens for a reason. And what better time to discover you are pregnant than just before ICSI (and payment!!) It seems this little bean was meant to be and I'm sure its super sticky!! I no doubt speak to everyone when I say I am so so happy for you (and just a teeny tiny bit jealous!!!) :haha: Good luck at docs, will be checking in later for an update! :hugs:

Nayla, how are you getting on hun? Hope the headaches are not too bad today, not what you need on a monday morning. Although its alright for me, I have day off! Sorry..... :hugs: for you to!

Hi Tinks! Didn't hear about PCT, so that is positive news. That silly woman you saw! Like you said, if your problems come from DHs long standing injury, what is making you wait going to achieve?!! Other than driving you insane. Glad to hear that thing (fingers crossed) really are happenin for you. I hope you don't feel left behind hun, we all want to go through this together and I really hope things move quickly from now on :hugs: Oh and also i'm sorry to say St Mary's don't give a pen.... but the needle is small. When I say the Menopur needle for the first time I nearly passed out, only then did the nurse decide to tell me that that needele was to mix the tablet with the sterile water in the ample, and it was still the small needle I would be using to inject!!!!! :haha:

Welcome Fairydust! I know what you mean about only talking to DP/DH about it. That used to be me and I know it was tough on him. I saw my hosps councillor and may do again once my treatment starts. But saying that I jhave found this site really useful. Eveyone knows exactly what you are going through, you can come on and let it all out, share good newsd or just chat. Can you tell i'm a B'n'B fan!!! Good luck with your cycle, Gill has already started it off with good news and Nayla is next!

Hi to everyone else, I hope you are well and had a good weekend. I am playing waiting until next monday now. Feels I've waited a lifetime for this and now its nearly here it's a happening too fast!


Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
No lolly, I was really being serious. It seems now that everyone is a little further ahead but if you look at how long I have been trying then its half the time you have, so I am lucky that way. Its swings and roundabouts :hugs:

I am feeling loads better today about the injections. Just had one of those moments last night when reality hits you :dohh:.

I hope Monday comes round fast hun, I am sure it will :hugs:

How have you got on at the doctors Gill?????

Hi fairydust, good luck for the 28th, will this be your first cycle? The girls on here are fab, ts a really good and supportived thread :thumbup:
Awww, Tinks, i'm sorry that you feel that way. I really wish that they would pull their finger out and get you referred ASAP. I know it feels like forever, and its doubley hard when you haven't got any set dates to work towards. But at least you know it is happening, and soon to! Love the PMA and that you are feeling good about what's to come. That will carry you a long way. I never had that on my first cycle and swear it had some part to play. Good for you :thumbup: Hope your Monday is ok :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Everyone,

Collect all meds on Wednesday, cant believe that my first cycle of ICSI is starting after all this time.......... Havent gt a clue what to expect while taking meds........ Just keeping everything crossed for EC on the 4th April. Hope everyone is ok?

Thanks lolly, I am feeling loads better. I know that every single lady on this thread has been in my situ, my turn will come and I will have loads of people to ask questions :hugs::hugs:

Montana, how exciting :happydance::happydance: I have everything crossed all your treatment goes as planned.
hi all,

tinks that ok were all right behind ya gal!

gill im sure it will take a while to sink in but your here try to stay calm and im sure it will be a sticky this time!

montana i get my meds on thurs were really close together!!!

big hello to everyone else!

afm, great news today managed to secure a amazing deal on a fantastic new home for us slap bang in the middle of our chosen area its 4 bed brand newly renovated empty with no chain so fingers crossed we wont be homeless for long!!! xx
Ooooh Annie, that house sounds fab. So you wont be at your MiL for long :happydance:

I am jumping on the bang wagon and saying new house new home :thumbup:
Aww thank for the warm welcome everyone :) Lolly1985 looks like we've both got exciting mondays coming up! fingers crossed! I definately will enquire about the counselling offered...unsure wether DH would like the idea of sharing his deep dark feelings with a stranger though.

Montana84..wednesdays not long away at all!! Which hospital are you with? i hope i have dates for EC and ET well in advance like you so i can plan holidays from work. Decided against sharing this with work so will have to take appointments as holiday leave. Let us know how you get on!

Gill sending lots of sticky prayers in your direction :)

Oooh Annie and Tinks85...im house hunting too! I live with the MiL also and having my own space is long overdue! Was hoping we'd have our own place in time for ICSI but looks like we'll still be here until we find a house we like enough to put serious offers in for!

Best of luck ladies ....so glad this site exists. Id be a complete wreck without it! lol xx
Hi Everyone, just thought I'd nip back and give you an update. I went to the dr's. Caught my favorite dr just before he had a meeting so didnt have time for full appointment. He did the test for me though as I had a sample with me. He was totally surprised too! I couldn't even form proper words, I was so nervous. Will go back on Thursday morning for full apt. :thumbup:

Rang clinic and got the nursing team I was supposed to have trial run thing with today. They were delighted and said that things just go 'on hold' now. Lady was lovely and did reassure me to some degree. She said the body's form of natural selection is just as good as icsi sperm selection so I shouldnt be worrying about quality of :spermy: and egg. I still am though! Been taking temps every morning to see if they are going down. That would give me indication of problem before preg test would. Yup paranoia has kicked in. :wacko:

In all seriousness if anyone knows any good relaxation techniques, Id be glad to hear them. Been waking up at dawn the last few days with something akin to panic attacks. I've tried slow concentrated breathing, tried imagining Im lying on a warm beach but it's not working. :shrug: It's grand after I get up but my DH will devour me if I start getting up at 6am. Will talk to the dr more about this on Thursday. Thanks for the support ladies. Only people that have been through the turmoil of infertility really know how hard it is.

Praying you all join me on the journey soon and that we stay the course. :baby:

In all seriousness if anyone knows any good relaxation techniques, Id be glad to hear them. Been waking up at dawn the last few days with something akin to panic attacks. I've tried slow concentrated breathing, tried imagining Im lying on a warm beach but it's not working. :shrug: :baby:


Hi hu Try something called Mindfullness. Its a type of relaxation which works for me...better than imagery and deep breathing!

Hi Gill, Tinks, Nayla, Annie, Fairy, Fisher, Montana, Reilley :wave:

How you all today?

Gill, hope you are a bit calmer. I don't really know about any meditation techniques other than deep breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Someone once said to me to visualise when you breath in your body and lungs turning red and when you breathe out think blue.... I'm rubbish at things like this but they guy who did it swore by it. Don't know if that helps in any way???!!!

Nayla, how is it going? How is your poor nose? Are you getting any symptoms at all? Hot flushes, tired, mood changes? Hope you are taking care of yourself and drinking lots of fluids. I have my bottles of water reday to go for monday. Not looking forward to spending half the day on the toilet though!!!

Tinks how are you hun? Good I hope and tht things are happening behind the scenes for you!

Montana, you getting nervous about monday? I know I am!!

Good news about house Annie, we have been in our perfect family home for a year now. Hope we can fill it soon!

Fairy, how are you? Loving the other thread you've started!!

Hi to everyone else, hope everyone is keeping well!!

No news from me really, just been doing more assignments and then back to work tomorrow for last 2 days, boring, boring, boring!!! Love to you all

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::dust:
Hi girls, no news from me neither :haha:

Glad things went well at the doctors gill and good luck again for tomorrow. I hope we all get to start our :baby: journey with you soon :hugs:

How are people finding the treatment so far???

I am going to psychic night tonight, I am dying for them to say to me to expect a baby very soon :haha: yeah right, like it works like that. I had a reading done nearly 2 years ago and the psychic told me then that I would have a baby in 7 months (that didnt happen) or 7 years :nope: but she also hinted that it was my bady that was the problem. She did say other stuff though that was true and my friends had some very good readings from her. Just praying she is wrong. I know its silly but cant get it out of my mind :dohh: Just want a better reading hehe

I will update you tomorrow.

How is everyone?
Hi Lovlies :hi:

Its 5.20am and im fresh as a daisy! :wacko: thank goodness the headaches have gone away i think that was just the first 48hrs a shock to the body! not sure if waking up so so early is a symptom?? im just so wide eyed EVERYDAY. I have been DownRegging for almost 10days and touchwood it has been 99% fine :thumbup: Im hoping my period arrives on time either saturday sunday or the latest Monday :wacko: very very excited to get the ball rolling!!

Lolly- wow its Monday all ready you will be fine Hun xx Cant wait to hear all your news xx

Gill- How are you feeling Hun?? Were right behind you xx Take care sweetheart xx

Annie- Thats FANTASTIC about the new home!! you really deserve it xx a new home and soon a new member to your beautiful family xx

Tinks- how are you gorgeous? The way time has been flying past, its almost March! you will soon be on this fast and crazy ride! Wow your seeing a psychic I really wanted to go not long as i really do believe it when they say good news! :dohh: Many years ago i went and she told me I would marry someone with the name that starts with the letter S and my husband is named Sam! she also said that i will have 3 Boys :haha: still waiting for one! but do fill us in Hun what was said xx

Hope everyone else is doing fine... I never have had short nails in my life! i have been biting them recently I guess im so nervous they look like a little boys hand!!! ewww :blush: Hopefully once every thing goes to plan as a treat i will have some pretty acrylics done through out my pregnancy! than once the baby comes they will have to go! :cloud9:

love and hugs to you all xx
Hey all. Looks like we are back on the ICSI train again. :wacko: My anxiety was not unfounded. Started to bleed last night. As before, there was a glub and now it's just slowly breaking through. Went and had a chat with my own doctor before ringing fertility clinic. Dr must have read my mind and suggested that perhaps there is a problem with :spermy: and implantation and that with sperm washing for icsi and the progesterone they put you on, it really might just be the way for us. :cry:

I was absolutely distraught for a few hours there. But now I think for me anyway, its just confirmed that we really do need to go ahead with ICSI and give the best sperm and best eggie a chance. If it works and I lose baby again, then its time to look at adoption. At least we will know. It's so difficult, long term, not being able to keep going with life. Instead it's more or less on hold. We can't keep it on hold forever with neverending 'trying'.

Rang the clinic and got one of the nursing team. Absolutely lovely girl and very proactive. They are happy to run with things again if we are and she said until I hear from her tomorrow consider today, day 1. They will call me tomorrow with 2 apts in the one day - one with consultant and one with the nursing team to go over drugs etc etc. I suspect they will do the catheter thing that day too. Hopefully the dr there will think it s a good idea. She asked me if I thought it was too soon and I told her that honestly we were so ready to do this, we almost had our foot in the door. This was just a slight blip. She was very sympathetic for what she called the rollercoaster and I got the impression that they are well used to people's highs and lows.

So there you go. I hope you are all doing well. You're all flying with your treatment. It's very exciting stuff. :happydance: Hopefully I will be picking your brains soon enough so keep the info coming!!

Thanks for all the support you guys. This thread is choc full of hope. :hugs:
Gill I do not know what to say other than I am so very sorry you are going through this. I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling and think you are amazing the way you have now focused on ICSI. I can see your reasoning behind treatment and think that you have adopted a very healthy attitude to it all. Like you say you may just need a little extra help to get a pregnany to be supported. You are a strong lady and you will fight through this. Just remember it is ok to be sad, angry, confused. We are all here to help in any way we can. Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you and your DH. Love, hugs and prayers, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
:wacko: Apparently we are not out of the game just yet. Think Im going insane.
What do you mean Gill? Is it just early bleeding? You have been in my thoughts xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies

Glad treatment is going so well Nayla, I hope now that you AF arrives on time :thumbup:

Gill I so sorry to hear your news, you are so strong with how you have picked yourself up. Is there still any hope for this beanie???

I didn't get a reading the other night :growlmad: It was interesting though.

What plans do we all have for weekend then?

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