icsi in 2011?

Glad to see you back Nayla! Had been wondering where you were and worrying actually!! Sorry you have had such a tough time. How crazy to be testing for hormone levels that are effected by stress!! Of course we are stressed! If they tested mine right now it'd probably be off the scale!! So glad to here that you are back within normal range and it's all systems go :happydance: So exciting!! As for the scan i'm sorry I won't be much help here. I rarely have natural periods and for my first cycle they decided there was no point inducing one so all by scans were without bleeding. I have seen a notice at my hospital saying before all scans internal women must empty there bladder and remove any tampons, so it must be common that they will do this while you are bleeding. Try not to worry about any mess as they will do it all the time. This whole process isn't the most dignified but think off end result :baby:

Montana I expect if you are starting soon then they will be giving you your drugs at the hosp, good luck!

Hi to everyone else, Tinks, Gill, Annie, Reilley, fisher and everyone else!

:hugs: Lolly xxxxxxxx
I was thinking that also lolly! im sure everyone would get an abnormal result! i was stressed to the max, so all last week my treatment was really hanging on a thread, depending whether i get back within range within time, To top it of also after 33 years of marriage my parents are going through a very messy divorce and its getting so nasty, it really breaks my heart every time i think about it... The timing of there divorce is smack bang around my treatment and i told my husband i dont want it to upset me more than it already has :cry: Oh how much a baby will complete me and make me much more happier and alive.

Your also right i heard many women say when you start ICSI you leave your dignity at the door which i dont mind at all as long as it = :baby:

Montana- If you are down regulating hun they will give you either a nasal spray or an injection, Than your just playing the waiting game for your period to arrive than more blood tests on CD2 than either cd3 or cd4 you will start stimming all the way till egg collection. Depending on your clinic you will be popping in every few days to watch your follies grow :thumbup: (This is the information that i was given ohhhh so exciting isnt it!) So are you due in around 2 weeks?

take care everyone else xx
Hi Everyone,

Been to see FS today, I start meds on 28th Feb, and EC is 4th April. I feel a little more relaxed and less confused.

Having treatment on the NHS, but had to pay for Blood tests at our local private hospital (is this normal)

Hope your all ok,

Evening Ladies!!

Nayla i'm so sorry to hear about your parents :nope: That must be so tough, especialy at the moment when hormones are all over the damn place. I bet they are being supportive given all you are going through but it still must be so hard.

I agree with the statement that you leave your dignity at the door with ICSI!! If it's not 'dildocam' its legs in stirrups and a multitude people staring at your bits!! :haha: But a baby would be worth anything and everything!!

Montana I start my injections same day as you!! So close now! I can't stop thinking about it and am soooo scared but relly excited nd just want to get going now!! :happydance:

Hi Tinks, how has your week been? Any news or updates from your docs/clinics? Hope you have a fun weekend planned!

AFM.... Not much news as such. Tough week at work but its friday so i'm not going to think about it!! Just keep thinking of treatment looming.... eeeek!! My parents are up and staying until wednesday. Mum is trying to schedule in when she will next come up, she wants it around EC and ET. I've been trying to work out dates going from how I responded last cycle. If that's the case ET would be April 1st, no april fools jokes please!!!!

Love from Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all, sorry again ive been rubbish for getting on bnb lately!

tinks - im sorry your appts have been stressful i too have had the young thing ALOT but remember it makes the stats good in our favor too!

montana - i think our cycles are about three days apart from eachother!

nayla/ lolly not long now! omg!!

hi gill and anyone ive forgotten (sorry!)

im starting to feel a little scared now that my schedule has come through from the hospital 2nd march i start meds 25th march i start injections and 1st april is my first scan so i think 8th april ish for egg collection 11 more days to go cant quite believe it!!!

house move is proving difficult but our buyers are keen so we are going to move in with the in laws until we can find another house to move into uh oh icsi hormones plus living with mother in law could be a recipe for disaster but we have no choice! people keep reminding us new house new baby! but i guess were not gonna have a home for a few months!


Sounds like everyone is starting very soon gd luck :)

We had our appointment yesterday with nurse and she was lovely so came away feeling much more positive. We signed all the consent forms and went through all the dates.
I will start taking the pill when my period starts which should be first wk in march, then will start injections beginning of April then egg collection beginning of May.
I cant wait to start but still seems so far away!
Is anyone else doing the same dates as me?
Holy Smokes Folks, everybody getting going big time on here! Hello everyone.

Tinks the waiting is torture. You seem to be getting somewhere though. It won't be long now. Painting walls really helped me. It's a case of painting them or going up them. :wacko:

Lolly your mum sounds lovely! She's so good to come for moral support. Look on the bright side. You both got through your teenage years living together, I hope (!) so she will be well used to you being a moody fright :winkwink: She might help around the house and let you get your feet up.:iron:

Montana and Annie your dates seem to be running together. Wow. It's really happening! :happydance: Annie I know what you mean about in-laws. I lived with my ex in-laws for a year. It's a great test of patience. :brat: At least if they are peeing you off you can blame the hormones.

Reilly, where are you these days?!

Well the clinic called us and we have another apt on Tuesday. Not looking forward to the catheter trial run :wacko: but glad things are rolling along. They will give us more definite dates on Tuesday. We should get started on two week pill early in March I think by working it out. Interesting times.. Have a good weekend everyone :hugs:
Happy Weekend everyone!!

Wow March and April is very busy in here for many of us!

Annie- Hope house moving will move forward for you, Im sure its so so stressful, try and stay as stress free as possible thats what i have read, easier said than done i know :dohh:

Lolly- Awww thats soooo sweet your mums trying to get time off around your treatment. My parents don't even know im having ICSI! not a soul knows only my sister who is one year younger than me and shes promised to keep it to herself. My husband wants NO ONE to know and said theres no point in stressing people out :shrug: (he will get very annoyed if he knows I told my sister, but i had to tell someone and shes also my best friend) I feel like telling both my parents just be quiet and keep me out of the mess, im expected to take sides, and their just both acting like kids. Whenever I get off the phone with either of them I feel my heart beating out of my chest! i find myself crying more when im alone its very heart breaking,Certainly i dont need this during my ICSI Week :nope:

Im in the middle of DownReg and the Nasal Spray really does give some strong headaches and makes me feel so so sleepy :sleep: did you have the nasal spray lolly? i think injections would have been better as it is just once a night... With this Spray its 3 times a day and you have to do it the exact time, staying up till 11pm on weekdays is getting tough.

Hope everyone else is doing well, i have great feelings we will ALL be mummies soon :hugs: xx
strange how cycles differ nayla my nasal spray is one nostril at 7,11,3,7 and twice before bed which is gonna be difficult with my job as you only have a half hour window to do it in and im so busy with my patients all the time!

im so sorry your parents are causing you so much stress at this time shame you cant tell them maybe they would realise what they are doing to you!!

gill good luck with the trial run im sure things will be A-OK!

fisher your dates are abut a week after mine so very close too¬!

cant believe were all moving along towards icsi now and before u know it we may have some results! - it may be work a new icsi sucess thread before long!

im enjoying a nice drink tonight whilst i can could be the last for a while so making the most of it! xx
Hi Everyone!

Lots happening at the moment for all us girlies....

Annie, good luck with MIL!! But house sale sounds good, although no doubt stressful. Hopefully you can save some pennies while with not paying out for all the bills and enjoy finding your perfect home. Its crazy, have the perfect family home, now need the family to fill it. You will be starting before you know it, does all your family know about ICSI?

Wow Nayla, that must be tough, them not knowing and then all this happening. Bet things would be calmer if they knew but I totally understand you and DHs reasons for not saying. I have told family but thats about it. Work had to know due to appointments and nature of my work, but only managers. I didn't tell any friends. Felt it might be too hard if they kept questioning and then all the 'are you pregant yet?' questions. I did however feel very alone when it failed as I had no one to talk to really. This time I have told 2 close friends and they understand that we will only discuss it if I bring it up. The only prob is my friend has just experienced a loss in DPs family and said she is happy I am having ICSI so I can give he good news. Love the PMA but scared in case its more bad news.... Wow sorry I have just gone on about me! Back to you!! Hope sniffing is coming on alright. I have buseralin injections. Seem a better option from what you have said. Staying up until 11 each night must be hard, especially at a time when you will be needing your rest. When do you start stims? Will you continue DR while stimming or not? Sorry I expect you have covered all this previously!

Helloooooo everyone else, Gill, Tinks, Fisher, Reilley, Montana! Sorry if I've missed anyone, don't think I have....

I am having a quiet weekend. Off the booze, taking my pregnacare vits and trying to drink lots of fluids and eat healthily. Salad last 2 nights but all you can eat indian coming up tomorrow.... oops!! I hadn't thought of mum helping around the house during 2ww, ideal!!! She can stay as long as she wants :haha: Have a lovely saturday ladies,

All my love, Lolly xxxxxxxx
hi lolly, yeah ive been quite open since diagnosis about it all because its the way i deal with it work know close friends know and family, obviously i dont advertise on facebook or anything but my personal opinion is that its easier than the when are you gonna have a baby questions!

yes house thing is ironic too bigger house but nothing but us and the fluffy baby to fill it but i hope one day there will be lol xxx

glad your getting on ok with the meds xx
Folks I have BIG news. You will never believe it. I seem to be pregnant! Yup you read that right.:wacko: Im due to go for that trial catheter thing on Tuesday and have been waiting impatiently for my period to turn up so they could do the procedure. They warned me in the clinic to take precautions as soon as period arrived because the catheter thing can dislodge a pregnancy. No period turned up and Im watching like mad and my temps haven't dropped which is weird. So I thought just for shits and giggles and to put my mind at rest really, I'll do a test.

So the first one, which was a hospital test I got from a nurse friend of mine months ago, came up positive. I thought, ah it must be picking up different hormones or something, so I did a First Response Test - Positive. Still not buying it to be honest, so when I was out, I picked up some clearblue digital so there could make no mistake. And what do you know, it said pregnant! I did one more, a store brand cheapy just cos I really dont believe it and it came out positive. 4 different tests! This is nothing short of a miracle. :bfp:

When we went for apt last week and DH had repeat sp. test, they told us he only had about 1 million good sperm. I just don't understand. So now Im really TERRIFIED. Maybe I will lose this one too. I got pregnant this month last year and lost it. Maybe DH's sperm isnt good and this one won't stick either. Or maybe there is something wrong with me and it will happen again. I want to be really happy but Im just scared shitless.:muaha: Would have felt less scared if I knew it was a good eggie and good sperm that made it. And now if it doesnt stick, we will be an eternity waiting to do ICSI again and I will be older ....:cry:

Don't know how this happened. We have been doing acupuncture but I don't really believe in hocus pocus stuff and just thought it was relaxing. Havent been drinking in the last 12 mths. Maybe DH giving up the cigarettes and alcohol and taking the wellman vitamins and vitamin C have helped.

This feels like a really scary dream.
Oh wow congratulations :)
Hopefully this little one will stick x
Congratulations Gil!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:

Relax hun and enjoy being Pregnant!! dont worry about a thing stay mentally focussed!! and know that this pip is in it till the end!!! Wow thats fantastic news and truly a miracle!! (had re-read what you wrote twice!!) :happydance:

Hun it only takes 1 sperm to get pregnant regardless if his last test was only 1 million! In one forum about 'miracle pregnancies' a ladies husband had only 20,000 sperms and she was waiting for ICSI and like you she fell pregnant!!

I know hun your scared but try and repeat to yourself 'this is a blessing that I will see through' so so happy for you Hun!! and every one in this Forum will agree with me that we would so love to be in your shoes!!! :hugs: 'waiting for ICSI than find out were pregnant :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: A happy and healthy 9 Months!!! xx

Lolly- Yeah the FS said i will be sniffing all the way up till egg collection :dohh: im hoping to be on my period next weekend!! need next week to fly by than after the weekend I guess Stimming begins!! :happydance: Im sure hun this time around you have it in the bag! xx it really is hard not to worry i know :wacko:

Annie- wow thats like your sniffing 5 times a day! i thought 3 was bad enough :wacko: did you say that you just sniff in one nostril or both? :blush: sorry it sounded like just one Puff up one nostril?? mine is one in each nostril x 3 a day and she made it clear that it has to be at the exact time... last night i sniffed at 10.30pm 30 min earlier but i was so so tired there was no chance i could have stayed up a minute longer.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weekend!! xx This Thread will soon be buzzing with more BFP'S :happydance:
OMG Gill Congrats!!!! Try not to worry to much and stay possitve. What do you have to do now? Have you contacted your clinic?

Wow everyone seems to be starting treatment, feeling a little left behind :haha: Not in a nasty way though girls, I am very glad for eveyone :hugs:

Thanks for all your kind words and suport, I feel loads more possitive and it should only be about 2 weeks now until we are referred. I have been here before mind :dohh: Did I say that I contacted the PCT and as long as a problem or condition has been diagnoised then they do not expect you to try for 2 years so we should be ok.

Annie I dont envy you having to libe with the MIL but think of the long term, it will be worth it :thumbup:

Sorry you are heving a few side effects Nayla, hope they pass soon.

Hi Lolly, Fisher, Montana, and everyone else, sorry if I have missed you :kiss:
Just had a look at that link Gill, about the injection pen. That doesnt look as scary as I thought. I was under the impression that it would not be like a pen :happydance:

Lolly, was you given a pen at St Marys??
gill tht is fantastic news congratulations!! im so pleased for you nd im sure this one will be a sticky bean for you!! omg im so chuffed someones had some good baby news made my day it really has!!!

tinks hunni your not far behind us all im sure you will be with us very soon -big hugs to you!!

nayla yes that right just one sniff every 4 hours and two at bedtime i was suppose to do 8 am 12pm 4pm and 8pm but im on the bus at 8 am every morning so i have decided to do 7am so that i can achieve it! xxx

big hello to you all!! xxx
:hugs:Hey everyone, thanks for all the kind wishes. :flower: I did yet another different test today it came back positive but I still dont really believe it. Im still planking it to be honest. :wacko:

Didnt get in touch with the clinic yet. I'll be at the gp's office at 9am tomorrow morning. One of them will see me in an emergency.Then I will ring clinic. No idea what happens now. I hope they are understanding. We had been paying for stuff as we went so we haven't forked out the big moulah yet. That was going to happen on Tuesday. Do they just put everything on hold till further notice or would we be back from the starting block again. Too terrifying to think about. :loopy:

I remember from the m/c last year that all the symptoms disappeared but I didnt notice straight away and when I did think something wasn't right, I still got a positive pregnancy test. At the time I didnt know that your hormones take a long time to come down and while I lost baby at 7.5 weeks, didnt m/c until 11.5 weeks. I've never been this scared in my entire life. I'll stop banging on about it now cos it's not fair on you guys.

Tinks Im glad you had a look at that link. It doesn't look too bad at all. I bet you will be able to stick in into yourself! Maybe imagine some politician or someone who has been nasty to you and pretend it's like a voodoo doll. The icsi army will conquer all!!! :grr:

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