icsi in 2011?

Gill Im so sorry you've had such a tough time. Sounds like the team have been really supportive to you and hopefully you can get things moving really quickly...sending lots of babydust your way xx

Lolly im pleased you're enjoying the other thread. :)

Nayla i hope to be joining you in ICSI very soon hopefully...consent signing on monday and fingers crossed it all runs smoothly. Im prone to headaches and it worries me that i may get them with the injections. I have really horrid migranes which can make me quite ill...hope it doesnt get worse!

Tinks i've had readings in the past. I bought one on ebay...a lady called psychic star who said she could see two pregnancies for me...one in April this year and another next year. She did a lovely really detailed reading so fingers crossed!

Good luck to everyone
hi all,

gill how are things im hoping all will be ok for you?

ive had a mixed week sadly my sil needs to deliver her baby at 22 weeks as it cannot develop properly and im devestated for them ive been crying since she found out its so sad and i just wish i could make it ok for them.

moving swiftly on the house paperwork and fingers crossed we get to start packing soon as the drugs have been delivered and i start them on weds! i feel so bloody scared!

hope everyone else is well?

Hey Annie and Everybody. So sorry to hear about your sister. God love them that's the toughest thing in the world. If they get through that together, they will get through anything. She is in our thoughts xx

Everything up in the air for me and my nerves are gone to hell. :wacko: The little bit of bleeding i had stopped as quickly as it started and never came back. I did one of those clearblue tests that date your pregnancy that night and it came back correctly saying 2-3 weeks and visited dr's office the next morning. Went home to wait for m/c to kick in. 2 days later nothing, not a drop. I did the same dating test before calling my doctor to talk to him again to see what he thought and it came back 3 weeks +, which was correct to the day. By that we could gauge that my HCG hormone thingy is going up. My bbt hasn't come down a bit at all, I still have really sore bb's and bloating in the evening. It's either a miscarriage that has yet to make it's presence known or some other kind of little blip. Dr said his wife bled for three months and they didnt think things were ok but she had healthy baby. So I dunno. :shrug: When I had m/c before, it was a missed miscarriage so the feelings continued for a while and we didnt know baby was gone. It was things returning to normal that made me worried something was wrong and about a week later I had m/c. :cry: Dr says to consider myself pregnant until something happens one way or the other.

It's too early to scan for heartbeat and for some weird reason the hcg tests they run here are 14 days apart (what medical journals are these people reading!!!). I will check with fertility clinic on Monday when they call and see if there is anything they can do for me to verify things one way or another. Im going bonkers. :brat: Is it or is it not?? If its not, I just want it to kick in so we can get on with it. I had done my crying and come to terms with it and was ready to move on. I even told the dr I had been cleaning and :laundry::dishes: and vacuming like a mad woman to try to help things get moving along.

Sorry for the rant guys. I dont know what to be doing with myself. If nothing kicks in within the next 2 weeks I'll lose my sanity waiting for scan.
Hi Ladies my :witch: has just arrived!! So I guess I will pop in on Monday for the Blood tests and Tuesday I will start Stimming I guess that will be for around 10days till Egg Collection! I will know the exact dates on Tuesday! wow its all happening! I so hope this is my final period for a very long time!!

Annie- It broke my heart for your SIL i hope and pray the baby will develop nicely and both parents are doing well,,,

Fairydust- i only got severe headaches for the first 2 days than it was not too bad :thumbup: I would definitely bring it up to your doctor, im sure you will be fine Hun,

Gill- Hope you get solid answers soon, having 3+ week pregnancy on the stick sounds very promising!! All the best Hun take each day as it comes xx

To everyone love and a million hugs my husband is yelling at me to get off and have dinner!! :haha: I just wanted to pop in and say my period has arrived and im typing all sorts, will try and pop in later enjoy your weekend lovlies xx :kiss:
@gill: Kepping my fingers crossed for you and thinking about you!!! Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annie I'm so sorry to hear the sad news, that must be an awful awful thing. My thoughts are with you and your family. :hugs:

Gill, no wonder you are going insane. It must be so hard not knowing. Even if it was bad news at least you could start to come to terms with things. But then again not knowing must give some hope and like Nayla said the fact that you now have your 3+ can only be a good sign? I hope you get some much needed answers soon. :hugs:

Nayla, yay for AF (don't normally say that!!!) It really is happening now. All the luck in the world to you!! :hugs:

Tinks, what happened with the reading? Hope you have had a lovely weekend hun :hugs:

Fairy your reading sounded very exciting, hope it all turns out to be spot on :hugs:

Hi everyone else!!!

AFM.... well.... its all gone a little pear shaped.... I was due to start DR tomorrow as you all know. I have had contact with my clinic (4 times in 2 days!) and they would like to continue my other injections for a further few weeks to get rid of the cysts, as they feel it will really heighten my chances of more eggs and better quality. Having said that they have said it is my choice and I could continue the original plan of starting 2nd cycle from tomorrow. After many tears and chats with DP and family, we have decided to wait 6-10 weeks before starting the buseralin, and continue the zolodex. We want to give this cycle the very best chance of success and if the cysts on my ovaries can be reduced further then that can only be a good thing. We decided that if we went ahead tomorrow and then this cycle were to fail we would always think 'what if' and blame ourselves. It is very sad but the right thing to do. And as DP said to me by the time we do start I will be more established in my new job that I start tuesday, so time off will be easier to ask for, and will have just finished my degree. He said less stress and 100% focus on our future family. He is right. I feel ok about it, just want to give it the very best chance and think that by continuing the zolodex will give me that.

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies :hi:

Annie, I am so sorry to hear about your SIL :hugs::hugs: is there anymore news??

Fairdust I really hope your reading comes true, it would fit into your treatment :winkwink:

I didnt get a reading :growlmad: it was pretty pants TBH. Was fun though :haha:

Gill, I really hope that your little bleed was harmless and you still have your little bean in there. I cant even imagine how confused you must be feeling right now :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lolly hunny, you are doing the right thing. I hope you are ok and I know 6 weeks can seem like a life time but it will be worth it. Like you said if you did start treatment now and it was a no again you would always think what if?? Lots of love you you :kiss:

Nayla how did you get on at the hospital??? Do you start stimming tomorrow :happydance::happydance:

Hi Fisher and Reiley, how are you??

I have to go for cd2 bloods this cycle and came on about 2 hours ago, do I count today as cd1 or will cd1 be tomorrow? I am little unsore as I normally start first thing. Just dont want to go on the wrong day and hold things up further :nope:
Hey Guys, tis I, the slightly insane :hissy:
Thank you for all the kind thoughts and well wishes. Im not getting too far on this journey. From speaking to my own doctor and also to the clinic, we are going to wait and do a scan at 7 weeks, which is not until Thursday week. If no m/c starts inbetween, I think we will go for a private apt as our public hospital here really sucks and I frankly wouldn't trust them not to pick up something wrong. It's going to be a tough 11 days so Im going back to work tomorrow to get buried in busy. :wacko: I dont feel pregnant but then Im not sure that I ever did. Didnt have a clue I was pregnant at all until the positive test. It's all very confusing! Timing couldnt be worse as we are having visitors stay with us from the day of the scan, from the U.S. We live outside the town so we cant even leave them to their own devices for the 10 days they are here. We gotta be driving them about and doing the touristy bit. Hope to goodness m/c kicks in before that or not at all. :dohh:

Lolly you so did the right thing, waiting and giving things the best possible chance you can. It's a difficult wait but at least you will be able to throw yourself into it when the time comes. :thumbup:

Good luck guys, Keep em coming with the updates. Im rooting for you all!
Hi Lovlies :flower:

Lolley- I think its a very wise decision to wait that little bit longer, god forbid like tink mentioned if anything did go wrong you will be forever saying to yourself if i just had waited?? Also hun the timing is excellent your degree will be done :thumbup: I always believe the lord times things beautifully and for sure you will have less stress and 6-10 weeks is not that far off, were rooting for you Hun :hugs:

Tink- My period came at 6.30pm so i started CD1 The next full day had my blood tests on CD2 and today is CD3 Just had my ultrasound. you definitely be fine by starting the next day.

As for me I Got back from the clinic early today, Im all down regged and the scan shows a good uterus :thumbup: Got given my Puregon injection pen and she did the 1st one for me in the clinic Ouch!! it really hurt today. The nurse asked me i could pop in everyday for 6 days where they will do the injection for me? or i can take it home and do it myself. i decided to take it home as i didnt fancy popping to the clinic everyday at 7.15am and it looked simple enough.

Also i spray my nose 4 times a day instead of 3 ,every 5 hours. Also due to my small frame she is starting me off on a low dosage so my ovaries dont over stimulate and i dont get too bloated, and next Monday she will check the scan to see if she needs tp upgrade the dosage?? She definitely knows her stuff. she said to me any day between 10-13 for Egg Collection I guess we will know for sure after Mondays scan... very nervous its all started.

hope every one else is doing well xx
Wow Nayla, you are really well on your way :happydance::happydance::happydance: Are you finding the injections ok then? I dont think they do the pen at my clinic :growlmad:

Well I called the hospital about my bloods and they didnt seem that concerned if i went today or tomorrow :shrug: So I have just been to get it done and out of the way. The way I looked at it was, if I had woken up yesterday bleeding then I would have gone this morning (24 hours after first seeing blood) By going at 4 its been 22 hours after first seeing blood, just 2 hours difference, does this make sense? I hope its ok :wacko:. I am quite busy tomorrow so was a lot easier to go today as well. Plus St Mary's will just re do this test anyway.

Gill, Lolly how are you both feeling today?
Wow Nayla, its really happening!! Congratulations! I so hope that it all goes according to plan and you get some juicey follies! You will be pupo before you know it :happydance: I would be doing the same with the injections, forget any extra hosp appointments!! Good luck hun!

Tinks, if the hospital said they were not worried bout day 1 or 2 then I wouldn't worry either. I'm sure you've doe the right thing and like you say St Mary's will only re-do everything anyways!

Gill, I really feel for you. The waiting must be so so hard. I really hope that no more bleeding is a good sign and all turns out well for you. I keep you in my thoughts, we are all rooting for you :hugs:

big hello's to everyone else!!!

AFM..... Well was my first day at new job today. I kept thinking I should be having my second injection tonight... But I'm glad I made a decision and I think it's the right one. The day was very busy and I have a timetable scheduled for next 4 weeks. I would have had to work in EC and ET and it would have been too stressful.

Thank you ladies for all your words of support and encouragement, it means a lot and you have made me certain I have made a good choice.

Good things come to those who wait.....

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I rang st mary's hospital today to request our first round of icsi am waiting for them to get back in touch with us so have got every thing crossed xx

Lolly, it really does sound like you have made the right desicion. It would have been so hard to cope with the work load and EC and ET all together. Do you like your new job?

Welcome spidergirl, have you heard back? I am going to St Marys also and Lolly is under them at the mo. How far along the process are you :thumbup:
hi lovlies :hi:

I hope your all doing well, Lolley hope you love your new job what is it that you do?? sorry if you already told us :blush:

Just wanted to pop in and say its my 2nd day of stimming my husband did it for me and Ouch! it Stings so badly! :dohh: it hurt less when the Nurse did it, i guess my husband was so scared of hurting me he took his time putting it in my belly!! and ouch i felt it!! He promised he will do it quicker tomorrow :dohh: dont worry ladies im sure within days it will be fine and no pain no gain is my motto lol

Hope Monday will give me the dates of EC

Love and Hugs to all xx
Nayla, bless your husband. I am sure he will get use to it but its got to be ard for him. Are you doing them all in your belly?

We got forms from St Mayrs in the post today :happydance::happydance::happydance: was a bit of a suprise as I thought the FS was waiting for the bloods from this week before referring us :shrug: All the form is now complete and we have had some passport style pics done and its all ready to go in the morning :thumbup: I feel so excitied at finally being on their books. I must admit I am feeling quite anxious though, you can never please me :haha:

How is everyone?
Hey lovely mummies in waiting!!

Hope you're all doing well!

Nayla your hubby sounds very sweet! Hope the injections get easier..it'll all be over once you get you BFP..fingers and toes crossed! Are you still getting headaches Hun?

Tinks how exciting! You'll soon be well on the road..it only feels yesterday I went to my GP! Hope things run smoothly for you

Gill how you feeling today Hun? I hope everything works out soon for you. Lots of distraction is what you need...maybe a long weekend away to take your mind of things and help you relax? I was thinking of you today whilst at work. Sending lots if prayers in your direction xx

Lolly hope the new jobs going well Hun! I hate being the new girl! Sounds like you've thought things through and made a wise decision...and you're right...good things come to those who wait...and hopefully our wait will be over soon xxxx

Well I'm very excited and nervous! Had my consent signing and the nurse said we can start this cycle!! Meds will be delivered on Saturday and I start down revving next Wednesday!!! Will have to the hospital for injection training on that day! First scan scheduled for the two weeks after that...fingers crossed!!

Lots of love to you all

Xx night night xx
Grrr predictive text annoys me! Meant to say down regging not revving!
Wow fairy dust thats great news!!! 6 days :happydance::happydance::happydance: are you on BC now then? Trying to keep up with everyone :dohh: How do you feel about the injections?

How is everyone else???
Hi Ladies :flower:

Thats excellent news Tinks that its all posted!! your heading in the right direction.

FairyDust- Down regging isnt too bad its been over 2 weeks now, i had to open a new bottle today. The headaches were there at the start than they went.. But the last couple of days i have to Sniff 4 times a day and again the headaches of come back and just feeling a little sluggish :shrug: but honestly Hun it isnt that bad, you just know its there and everyone is different. I have heard some horror stories of women with crazy side effects when down regging so im not complaining.

Also my 3rd day of Injection (stimming) was this morning, I told my husband inject the right side of my belly today so both sides of my belly gets the medicine Juice :haha: The nurse told us that we have to inject belly only :shrug: i would have prefer my bottom but today it wasnt that bad... I would be lying if i said i didnt feel a thing?? its just a sting that lasts a few seconds.. but well worth it if it gets me to that BFP :happydance:

hope everyone else is doing great love and hugs to all xx
Sounds like you are doing very well with treatment so far Nayla :thumbup: Its not the pain that worries me its a mental thing with me (no jokes please :haha:) I dont like the thought of piercing my own skin :growlmad: I will get over it though :winkwink:

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