icsi in 2011?

Sorry to read about DH not being able to do his sample, have you called the clinic and asked them for advise? If its a side effect of the meds then I am sure they will be able to help. If needs be then SR will have to be your back up, I know its even more to worry about but I am sure it will all work out. Big :hugs: hun. I am glad you did start to feel more relaxed, how are you hodling out now???

The main thing about my DH SA was the quantity of fluid not just the low count. Because of his injury he only produced 2ml, a noraml is 10ml plus. Did anyone elses OH have a very low fluid count as well as a low sperm count? Sorry to keep going on about it, seems to be the obsession of the week :haha:

Lolly the aching means its working :haha: I need to get my ass in gear and do some more exercise :dohh: How are you?

Welcome Minty, like lolly siad, I am sorry you have to join us but you have come to the right place. I really hope May comes around quicker then you think.

Annie, sorry the treatment is taking its toll, how are you today???
Tinks, i'll have to remember that when I can't get out of bed tomorrow!! :haha: Hope this betting fit melarchy pays off just in time for a bikini body before the baby bump kicks in :happydance: Other than that all's good ta, how about you? I'm sorry I can't be more helpful when it comes to SA and counts/amounts etc. That is the one area of IVF/ICSI I haven't looked into too in depth, but i'm sure there are many ladies here with lots of advice :hugs:

Nayla, thats a shame about DH, all these side effects are a nightmare. I hope that the sample he can give on the day will be :thumbup: and a retrieval won't be necessary. But like Tinks said, its reassurance to have a back up. But sure all will be good. Are you feeling any bloat yet? Keep drinking fluids hunny, we want them follies nice and juicey!!!!

Hi Annie, hope you are feeling ok.

Much love to you Gill, I keep you in my thoughts.

Hi to everyone else! Right, best be off, I have some serious pancakes to make!!! Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
I am ok lolly thanks, its a bit of down day but for no particular reason, just feel peed off and very teary at the least little thing :dohh: DH has been fab though, I truely dont know what I would do without him :hugs:

Haha, thats the plan. Get ourselves nice and trim and then pile on baby weight :haha: I dont think any of us will care about baby weight as long as it comes with a healthy bundle of joy :winkwink:

Mmmmmm pancakes, I love them
Hi everyone :hi:

Tinks- i wanted to tell them what had happened but my husband said dont mention a thing and he will do one on the day :shrug: im so nervous that on the morning of egg collection his 'bits' misbehave and he has another wet dream :nope: Ohhh really is one drama after another. Its the last option that both of us would have wanted but SR is still there if worst came to worse :thumbup: I think he cant wait to get off the clomid.

Lolley i so hope your right last week was a 2.5mil count hope its around teh same still [-o<

As for me a quick update i was freaking out all day Tuesday that i was going to ovulate early and i just couldnt wait till Thursday i was Ozzing with EWCM that happens smack bang around this time on a natural cycle :wacko: I even cried myself to sleep with fear that by the time morning came i would have Ovulated.
Luckily I had the scan this morning im so Happy i didnt ovulate! still only 6 Follies and a tiny one she can see? :shrug: Im really gutted that not much happened in the last couple of days, she just said all 6 are big and are at the right size :thumbup: and she told me it was due to the fact that i was on the lowest of lowest dosages :growlmad: compared to what other women take i just feel mine was nothing at all :shrug: i did mention at the start that i didnt want anything too strong, but i didnt mean like 0.1% Dosage thats what it feels like (all the injections and everything that goes with Stimming and i guess 6 will be, it feels i wasted my time but i have to concentrate on what i have and not what i dont have?) The FS kept saying from day one due to my size shes afraid that i would OHSS?? my stomach is as flat as an iron and today was my 9th Injection of stimming I shouldnt be feeling so low? but wished it was a little bit higher so i would have had a better chance with the Follicles :shrug: she said were looking at getting between 3-5 Eggs i know it just takes 1 so wished there was so much more to choose from. Theres nothing much i can really do now is just pray that my follies do me proud :thumbup:

Tomorrow night at 10pm will be the HCG Shot for 8am Saturday morning egg collection :thumbup: i just feel this is so much harder than i ever thought! getting to the 2ww is unbelievably stressful and not even guranteed! Am i responding? are my follicles enough? will i ovulate before egg collection? will there be eggs in the follicles? will any fertilise for the transfer? i just think by the time i get to the 2ww it will be a huge relief!!

I just hope saturday gets here smoothly and all goes well [-o< Love and hugs to you all xx
Hi Ladies, I hope you don't mind me posting here.

We found out on Monday the results of DFs SA and we have been told ICSI is our only hope as he only has 1mil per ml. We have had some huge emotional highs and lows since then. We have also been treated badly by our hospital who told us the result, told us we would need icsi but then said the nhs as a whole no longer fund it! and if we wanted a baby enough we would pay for it and gave us a list of private hospitals. I was so angry and upset we were spoke to in that way. I then started to think about the withdrawel of funding and thought i would have heard something on the news or something. Anyway I called our local nhs ivf clinic today and we should have been referred by them. The fact that we need icsi means we will be more likely to get funding because it is a true infertility issue.

So that is a breaf intro into me, hope you don't mind me posting here. Just needed to speak to someone in similar situations. The hardest thing is going from ttc naturally to being in the hands of others and not even knowing you will get the funding for treatment.
Awww Nayla :hugs: everytime I come on here there seems to be anothing thing for you to worry about :hugs: You are right to be focusing on the fact you only need 1 :thumbup: It is ashame there is only 6 but there is nothing you can do but continue what you are doing. Have you been drinking loads of water? I cant waiting for you to be in the 2ww, our first girlie :winkwink:

slb80 hi :hi: sorry to hear you have to join us but nice to have you on board :winkwink: your hospital sound like a nightmere, I thought mine was bad :dohh: What PCT are you under hun? I am north lancs and they fund icsi for sure. Are you another St Marys lady? The whole process seems so scary but this thread is a great help :thumbup:

Congrats on you upcoming wedding as well, that will be keeping you busy :haha:
Hey Everyone, Hope you all enjoyed your pancakes :)
Just thought I'd pop back with an update.

Nayla, you are so close now!! My DH had only 2.5 million sperms and only 1 million of them any good. There wasnt a mention of having to do sperm retrieval at all so I think you are good. Maybe you should watch horror movies or political crap the night before or something so you husband's mind and body won't wander in his sleep. I know he cant help what his body does but you never know....:shrug: Good luck, all fingers and toes crossed for you.

Things are a bit weird for us. :wacko: Went for u/s today. Looks like I didnt m/c yet. Embryo size and heartbeat (which we got to hear in surround sound) are apparently at 6 weeks 1 day. By my calculations based on ovulation date + 2 weeks, I thought I was at 6 weeks 5 days. You probably think Im bonkers but I know my dates are spot on - between opks and temping, there is no chance they are out. So dunno where that leaves us. More waiting and seeing and been advised to sit and do as little as possible. We will go back in 3 weeks for another scan. :juggle:

We went private in the end, as doctor advised. Its not that expensive. I'd eat beans and toast for a week to go that route again. What a difference! :thumbup: No waiting, no rushing when we were in, sonographer really took time with us going through it all and gave us some pictures. Ok so it's just a little blob but hey, I at least believe now that Im pregnant, even if its doesnt last. That in itself is/was a miracle. Im an acupuncture convert and have turned shocking religious. Im calling on every deity I can think of. You are all included in my prayers.

Reckon I could be back here soon. Pregnancy symptoms are coming and going and temps went down slightly the last 2 days. Think it might be time to put the temperature gauge away. Terrified of that though. It's so automatic now. Won't be returning the ICSI loan money until we get to 12 weeks. Still have the prescription ready to go.:headspin:

Thanks for the support you guys. This is the best thread ever. Im reading all your updates and waiting anxiously for you all. This little ICSI army will prevail! :grr: :hugs: :hugs:
Gill that is possitive news :happydance::happydance::happydance: I know you are not out of the woods but things are looking good :thumbup: I am so happy for you and glad going private paid off.

I think it may be a good thing to stop temping, it might just cause more stress.

Keep us posted hun :thumbup:

Did they ever mention anything about the quantity of you DH SA, not the amount of :spermy: but the amount of fluid produced? Not heard anyone else ever mention this, are we the only ones??? :nope:
hi all, hope you are well,

gill that is utterly fantastic news fingers crossed that baby is getting all comfy in there!!!

lolly how are you doing?!

nayla i can totally understand your highs and lows and you are doing so well with evrything just keep it up and saturday will be fine im so sure it will your gonna get the first icsi bfp for this thread im sure!

tinks- how are things going?

Slb80 - welcome its always nice to have another newbie here!!!

as for me, im busy sniffing away and trying to keep my feet on the ground my house sale has hit further problems and it is stressing me out which i could do without right now! i can so see that the moving date is conna be egg collection/transfer week and i will be so annoyed if it is!!! im looking forward to a weekend in the lake district center parcs with my family theres 8 of us and a dog going should be good.

having to fit things around the spray are a bit akward though its annoying and im so tired all the time at the moment!!

Sorry to hear about your house problems Annie, really hope things dont clash with EC/ET :hugs:

Wow, centre parcs sound fab, soooo jealous. Would kill for a holiday right now :haha: Hope you manage to really enjoy yourself, inbetween sniffs :haha:

I am ok thanks, not much news my end. Looking forward to weekend :thumbup:
Thank you for the lovely warm welcome ladies.

My PCT is Trafford, and yes I am a st marys lady :) after talking to someone at st marys today it is souding good for funding for icsi, it is jsut basic ivf they are cutting back on. We just have to keep our fingers crossed. I just wonder how long we will wait for an appointment after referal?

Thanks again for making me feel welcome x
Thank you for the lovely warm welcome ladies.

My PCT is Trafford, and yes I am a st marys lady :) after talking to someone at st marys today it is souding good for funding for icsi, it is jsut basic ivf they are cutting back on. We just have to keep our fingers crossed. I just wonder how long we will wait for an appointment after referal?

Thanks again for making me feel welcome x
SLB80, we saw our FS on the 14th of Feb and received forms to complete from St Marys on the 2nd March. I called them this week to check if they have received the forms back and the lady said we will be asked to come for bloods and a scan within the next 4 weeks and then you get an appointment after them. Hope that helps :thumbup: My head is spinning also :haha:
Thank you tinks, so you are just starting the process also. It came as a real blow esp as my hospital have been a nightmare! We will be putting in a formal complaint about it. esp as they told us the nhs are not funding any ivf across the board now. Did they really think I wouldn't check up on that? How long have you been trying for #1?
Hi everyone
hope you're all well,
Lolly you're right the wait is hard especially as when we got the SA results there were no readings for motility/morphology as the doctor said as the count was so low and we were being referred they hadn't checked them.

Nayla don't worry about the number of eggs from what I've read its the quality that seems to be the most important factor, not the number , praying it goes well for you

Annie hope you're feeling better , we're in the process of moving but now that we've been told we'll need icsi, I'm thinking its probably not the best time, I'm working really hard on my husband to get him to agree to go private and that'll be a struggle with the move.

slb80/Tinks I'm also being referred to st marys but from from manchester pct, they only fund 1 cycle and the wait to see the urologist is taking 3 months so I imagine the waiting list will be long

we haven't seen a fs, is it the urologist that refers you for icsi ? its just the GP that has advised us we will ned to be referred
babydust to everyone xxx
Minty I am not sure how it works, My gynacolagist was ment to refer us as I have had every test under the sun and they did DFs sa alongside that. Only my consultant just said basicly you need a miracle or pay private, now go on your way. Although for some reason said to call st marys. After calling them we were adviced to go to DFs gp and get a referal straight to them, It was the hospital that told us it was icsi we needed and with 1million per mil and morph only 1% normal, 32% motile I would say so too!

Just hope we fit in traffords criteria for funded treatment, but we will be saving after the wedding so we can go private if we have to.
slb80, we have been trying for 18 months, not long compared to some couples, we have been lucky to be at the stage we are at by reading about others :thumbup: how about you? The criteria for us was, my BMI had to be below 30, neither smoke or drink outside safe limits, been living together for 2 years and neither have been sterilised. I our funding hasn't been agreed yet but everyone has suggested it will. And yes, just starting. We maybe going through it together :hugs: Your DH SA sounds like mine but he didnt produce enough fluid to test the morph :growlmad:

Minty, with us our GP referred us to a FS after he did my bloods and DH SA. I then had a few tests done and DH repeated the SA. We was then sent to urologist who told us ICSI will be are only hope. She said there and then she would refer us to St Marys but after chasing the referral like a million times all the urologist did was write to the FS :nope: Was so stressfull. The FS then wanted to see us again and then finally she referred us. The FS was a right cow bag though and made us feel like we were trying to sponge of the goverment for funding :growlmad: Anyway, sorry gone on a bit there :blush: but hope it helps. If you are not under a FS then I would think the urologist would just refer you :thumbup: Good luck talking DH round to private, if we could I would go private tomorrow, I kick myself every day that we dont have savings and let ourselve get into a little debt :cry:

How is everyone today?

Nayla how are you feeling????
Tinks how did you find out about the required criteria? It sounds like we are about the same stage, sounds like we could be going through this together. We were ntnp for over 18months and ttc properly for 10. I went to the gp over bad periods and she wanted to put me on the pill, told her we were trying and she noted I had been off the pill for somtime and decided to set the ball rolling for us. I am very grateful she did now. I think we would have given it another 6 months at least.

I too wish we had put money away, but I guess you just live to your means. I know we will start saving as soon as we have paid for the wedding should we need a second shot at icsi, but I hope one is enough. I can imagine it is a very emotional rollercoster, it has been so far for me and expecting manymore ups and downs
The last appointment we had with FS, before referral, went through a check list. I also called the PCT and asked as the FS was quite nasty and told us we may have to "try" longer before the PCT will fund. I wonder if she has ever tried to get pregnant when as much hope as we have? Not a f**king clue :growlmad: The PCT will fund as long as a problem/condition has been diagnoised. The forms from St Marys ask simular questions as well.

Sounds like you were very patient before going to the GP. I went to the GP after 10 months of TTC but just to check my meds and to talk about reducing them. The GP sugested doing the tests and then referred us to FS from there. I think we would have only waited until the 12 month mark though.

I am up and down all the time and not started treatment yet, I really dont know how I will cope.
tinks85/slb80 its a shame the fs/gynaecologist weren't more sensitive especially as this is the one time you really need the medical proffessionals to be sensitive , I'm hoping the urologist will refer us, i've had blood tests done and an u/s and gp won't refer me for any more as thinks us not conceiving is due to low count as all other resuts were normal.I may ring the pct tomorrow to try to find out how long the waiting list is, I think I'm worrying as I'm going to be 33 this year and I know after 35 success rates are lower.

slb 80 I think you should definately make a formal complaint as it'll stop the hospital treating other women like this. Sometimes with the NHS it feels as though you have to shout really loud to get anywhere.

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