icsi in 2011?

Nayla I am keeping everyting crossed for you hun xx
Hi ladies :flower:

I finally got the phone call today from the Clinic, Yesterday was impossible, no one answered i was shaking with nerves all yesterday! :wacko:

I have EXCELLENT NEWS Out of my 5 eggs all 5 fertilised :dance: and they are all doing well and have divided nicely never did i think all 5 would be doing so well! i was praying for 2 or even 3 would be the jackpot! but all 5 :happydance:

I have to be at the clinic for egg transfer at 10.30am tomorrow and i will be PUPO I forgot to ask do i have to place in my cyclogest tablet inside me before the egg transfer???

Lolley did you place in your pessary? or should that be after?? again i cant get through to the clinic, hoping they pick up soon.

Again i thank EVERYONE for your love support and prayers, never will i get this far without you all xx i so hope luck stays with me till the end xx

Im on cloud 9 :cloud9: will update once im PUPO xx love and hugs to you all Today im so so happy!! it was crazy how it all started! i was gutted with just 6 follicles! than just 5 eggs! but all 5 beauties are doing me proud all ready!! i truly have learnt numbers is NOTHING! is defo quality not the quantity :thumbup: (hang in there babies and i will spoil you around the world and back again! :kiss:)

Welcome slb80 :hugs: everyone in here is an angel!

Also i forgot to mention my husband had a confession he had a wet dream the morning of egg collection :dohh: he just told me now!! no wonder he was tossing and turning all that day! im so happy he told me now and not on the morning!! he's crazy sometimes!! the FS said it was under 1 million no where near 2.5million! now i know why as he came 7 hours before hand :dohh: main thing that he had something in a pot :thumbup: what a crazy journey so far its been :headspin:
Aww that is great news, thinking of you tomorrow and keeping everything crossed x
Nayla I am soooo happy for you, that really is great news :happydance::happydance:

Your DH must have been so worried, god bless him. He did extremley well :thumbup:

Good luck for tomorrow and I cant wait for you to be PUPO :winkwink:
Hi Everyone,
Nayla that's great news, praying it all goes well tomorrow

Slb80 sorry to hear about the funding cut backs, the postcode lottery is so unfair everyone should get at least one go, is there anyone you can appeal to?

Lolly thanks for the positive feedback on St Marys

Hi to everyone else
Nayla that is so fantastic!!!! Congratulations! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

The hosp only gave me the pessaries on the day and I inserted the first one as soon as I got home after transfer.

GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!! All my love xxxxxxx

Hi ladies, sorry not got time for personals but hoping you are all well xxxxxxx
Minty we just have to hang fire and wait and see what the new financial year brings. I am just holding onto the fact I have been told they are still funding infertility with a known cause and because it is icsi we need we should still get 1 shot but will just have to wait and see!

Hope everyone is good today? x
Hello Ladies :hugs:

Firstly let me thank everyone for your kind words and support!

Im PUPO! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: brings tears to my eyes as i never thought i would get this far they placed two 8 Cells Embryos in me :baby::baby: and i also had another 8 cell and two 6 cells. The Embryologist told me she will try and take the other 3 to blastocyst and will call me in a few days and abour freezing them :happydance:

I have been told strict bed rest for 4 days.. I was in bed all yesterday lying flat on my back, today is day 2 and im just thinking is it ok to sit up? or even lie sleeping on my side is that what you did lolley? i just feel my back will snap staring at the celing all day and night i so so hope and pray they stick

my testing date is 27th March (thats my husbands 30th birthday ) it could be the best gift ever or the worse party ever....

I hope everyone else is taking great care of themselves x I so hope we all get the :bfp: soon [-o<
This is what happens in a 3 day transfer, its so intresting :

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on
Congrats on being PUPO Nayla :thumbup:

2 8 cells is ace as well, maybe twins hehe. Dont want to jinx things for you though :winkwink:

I haven't heard about you needing bed rest afterwards. I am planning on working the first week after transfer :shrug:

Really hope DH has the best 30th birthday pressie ever :happydance:

That list is very interesting. I didnt realise implantation took so long after transfer, I asumed it happen right away :dohh:

SL80, I have everything crossed for your funding. You can never breath a sigh of relief with the NHS until you have it in black and white that they will fund YOU. Hope you are doing ok :hugs:
Nayla, that is absolutely amazing. :happydance: :happydance: :cloud9: You let that man of yours do everything for the next two weeks and you get stuck into some good books instead :) We are all rooting for you!! Your odds are so good, my prayers are with you. Thank you for that little time line, it does make interesting reading. I hope you guys have the best birthday ever.:thumbup: :hugs: Your the first and everyone is sending all their good wishes to you guys.

Not sure if anyone wants to hear what's happening my end. Im stuck in limbo again. :wacko: Thought m/c was kicking in full force, all symptoms of pregnancy completely gone a few days, been cramping and backache, small drops of blood nothing major yet. I was sure m/c kicking in. :cry: Spent another day crying my heart out. Dr sent me to local hospital for scan. Their equipment is so ancient compared to the private place. It made me really sad that they dont have the money to update. So wrong. Anyhow, they found a heartbeat but couldn't tell what speed. Bad news is embryo hasnt grown at all in a full week. Its still at 6 weeks 1 day. (it should be 7 weeks 5 days) :nope: They gave me apt for next week and sent me home for what I assume is to wait for m/c. I feel like the torture is never ending and Im at the complete end of my rope. :brat:

My question to you folks if anyone knows, from an icsi point of view is it better to have a natural m/c and not wreck your womb or have a d & c and let them analyse the products a bit after? Sorry to be so gruesome but we gotta think about the future. We'll give icsi a go, but if I get pregnant and m/c again, that's it, end of the road. While I sat waiting for 2 1/2 hours, so many newborn babies went past. You girls know that feeling, when you would give up your right arm to be in those parents shoes. :baby:
Nayla that is amazing new hun, keeping everything crossed for you. Just lie down, chill out and relax xx

Oh Gillawaiting, I am so sorry hun, :hugs: thinking of you xx
Gill, I have been wondering about you hun :hugs: so sorry to hear that things are getting more and more confussing. I hope you are getting pampered by also by your man as well. Although, I know they suffer just as we do. Sorry, I cant help about m/c or d&c. I hope one of the other girls can :thumbup:

It is a shame abouth the NHS, I was visiting a friend yesterday, she has had her 2nd baby :cloud9: the ward just looked so shabby, even the babies cot.

I do know that feeling well. I think its horrid they make us sit with pregnant women waiting for routine scans when we go for hycosy's and HSG and to see FS but when you think you may have mc its even more upsetting :hugs:

Well still patiently waiting for our letter to go for bloods and scans, its been 2 weeks now. The clinic did say it can take 4 weeks but was hoping it would come sooner. I think I have ov'd today so if it does take the full 4 weeks then I think I will miss a slot for this AF :growlmad: I know its only a little worry but its driving me mad :dohh:
Gill, I am so very sorry that you are being put through this pain. And I am also sorry that I can't help you with any advice regarding m/c. Is there any way you could ring your private clinic for some advice? I can't imagine what it must be like, and can only offer my thoughts and prayers. I am sure that you are in many peoples during this hard time. :hugs:

:happydance: Nayla! Congrats on being PUPO! Your embies all sound very healthy, you are very lucky to have 2 perfect 8 cells teransferred. Do you get a picture at private clinic? Were you dying to have a wee throughout like I was?!! And did you see the flash on the screen when they went through the catheter? Sorry, many questions but so exciting!!

OMG that cat just deleted the rest of my post, grrrr!!!!

Anyway think was talking about not moving after ET! Know what you mean Nayla, was so worried was walking like I'd had an accident. Didn't want to roll over in bed incase I squashed them! But in the end you have to try and be normal, only thing you can do to stop the insanity (sorry!) Good luck on the dreaded 2ww! You made it this far and have done so well!

Tinks, i'm sorry you are STILL waiting! Bloody NHS, its so scary with all the cuts, waiting times and decrease in facilities. I hope we all can continue with our cycles asap!

Hi to everyone, and all my love, Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Lolley Tink Gill slb80 thank you all so so much for your words :kiss::kiss::kiss:

The FS did say they were excellent embies and i had the choice 1 or 2, if it was up to me i would want all 5 put back in :haha: than she went on saying to me when you plant 20 seeds you cant gurantee that they will all end up growing into a beautiful flower :shrug: she said at the clinic we have given you 100% i have done 100% the best of my ability and the rest is fate and destiny [-o<

She also told me theres nothing in black and white to eat drink or do? if that was the case every one would get pragnant, she told me relax and the it will happen when its suppose to :thumbup:

Lolley i had to wee before the transfer i could not hold it in much more :blush: i left the house drinking 4 cups of water :dohh: the fs told me drink tea in the canteen than come back. she showed me on the screen where the embies are, but i didnt get a pic?? i think i was way too excited! i did see the light it all feels so sureal!

i have two top embies in me, i so hope at least 1 stick, really would be bad luck if it didnt work, i test next saturday,,, i cant wait to tell you all the news love and hugs xx
@ Gill: So so sorry! Not sure what to say. Hang in there!:cry:
We have had contact from St Marys! Just to say we will hear from them with an appointment date by the 30th of this month. Hopefully we will have an appointment date soon.

How are you all ladies?
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay slb!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Good news to start the weekend with!
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Thats great slb80 :happydance::happydance: Is this the first you have heard from St Mary's? So happy you have something to work towards :thumbup:

I wonder why they haven't mentioned an appointment to us and making us go for more scans and bloods (I have had all these done already at Blackpool) and complete loads of forms first. You would think they would have the same process for everyone.
Yes this is the first we have heard from them. I wonder if they have a different process for each pct they deal with? I just hope we get that appointment soon :)

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