icsi in 2011?

I am sure the urologist or your GP will do the honors then hun. My PCT were very helpfull and even emailed me their policy.

It is shocking the amount of horror storries I have heard about FS, they must know what stress we are all under.
Hi ladies, may I join you?

DH and I have been ttc for nearly 18 months and have been told that the only way that we can conceive is with ICSI. My bloods were all normal, apart from my progesterone showing that I didn't ovulate (I knew I hadn't as I had no symptoms whatsoever that month). DH's SAs were less than good. The first (Jan) showed only 1.3million total with 1% swimming, but no normal forms. His second (Feb) showed 3.98 million total with 7% swimming and 7% normal forms which we are pleased about.

I will be having my HSG in the next few weeks, then we will see the FS again in the middle of April for the results and to process the referral. We have been told that there is only an eight week wait after being referred to the IVF clinic before being seen and a maximum of 18 weeks before our treatment is started which is fantastic. So it looks like we will be having ISCI this year at some point.
Evening ladies!

Yay for the St Mary’s crew!! That makes 4 of us on here going there! Welcome SLB. I’m sorry that you have been scared, being told one thing then another. I hope it brings you comfort when I say that I cannot praise them enough. I know that my first cycle failed but I would never see it as anything else than bad luck and it not being our time. They were great. The nurse even hugged me after and wished me luck, how nice is that?!! :hugs:

Gill, that is very good news, I can’t believe you heard the heartbeat, that just makes me well up. I really hope and pray that this is your time and that your little bewan is super sticky. So far seems so good. Keep resting up and enjoy all the TLC you deserve! :hugs:

Nayla, good luck hun!! I’m sorry that you didn’t get any more follies, but it just means that the ones you have will be super strong. What stimms did you have? I had menopur, starting at 150mg, then reduced to 75, then 50, then they took me off it all together. I will be thinking of you. I hope you get some super healthy eggs on Saturday. Enjoy tomorrow, its weird without injections!! I know you’re worried about hubby’s sample but I’m sure it’ll go fine. Try not to worry about everything, although I know naturally you do. Loads of babydust to you :hugs:

Minty, I don’t think it’s always set in stone who refers. My FS did with me but I think some are referred through urologists or other medical professionals. I think it can be so bad how people can be treated, most are lovely but get a bad experience and it can scar you. I hope that if you ring PCT you get some positive answers. :hugs:

Tinks how are you? I hope you are feeling a bit better than the other day. Like you say nearly the weekend, that’s gotta make ya smile! And really hope that you get those appointments through soon! Boo to all the waiting! :hugs:

Annie, sorry that thinks seem to be a bit stressful with moving and obviously all the treatment at the mo. Maybe if moving is week of EC/ET then at least you won’t have to do all the lifting, carrying and heavy lifting!! I know its not really any consolation but trying to put a positive spin on what must be a bit of a nightmare, poor you. :hugs:

AFM… well not much to report. Think the injections are finally being tolerated by my body. No more night sweats (yeeeuuukkkkkk!!!) and mood seems to have stabilised, my DP is very happy about that one. Had a dream last night a nurse scanned me and I saw a picture of my baby on the screen. Woke up and felt so sad it wasn’t real. But trying to take it as a good sign!

Love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome Wifey

Sorry you are having to join us here and go through ICSI, how are you feeling about treatment? I think that most of us here feel in total emotional termoil most of the time!! It is a journey of ups and downs but ultimately worth every second if we get a step closer to having a family. Your waiting times sound good, where abouts are you?

Lolly xxxxxxxx
Welcome Wifey, sorry you have to join us :growlmad: Thats good news that the SA improved. Did he do anything to help matters or was it just luk?

Good luck for you HSG, I hope your referral goes through nice and smoothly :thumbup:

Hi Lolly, glad your symptons seem to be settling down. I think you should take your dream as a good sign. It is heartbreaking though waking from a dream like that, they can feel so real :hugs:

I am in a better mood today and more happy, very glad its Friday tomorrow :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi girls,

I'm feeling ok at the moment. We have known that we would be referred since January have had a little bit of time to get used to the idea. I am feeling better about it than DH is, but we are both determined to do what ever it takes to get our baby. I have been through a massive amount of major surgeries (mainly spinal fusions, I think there's a pic of my xrays in my journal) so I'm not too bothered about the medical side of it. I'm used to injections etc so can handle that, but the emotional side is totally new. I guess I'm a little up and down at the moment. One day I'll be feeling really positive and the next like it will never work and that pregnancy and children is somehting that happens to other people, not us.

We're in Suffolk and will be going to Bourn Hall in either Cambridge or Colchester depending on whether we need assisted hatching or a blastocyst transfer (they don't do those at Colchester). We feel so lucky, not only about the short waiting times, but also that our PCT offers three tries. It's the first bit of good luck that we've ever had I think.

DH was already taking zinc and selenium when he had the first done. Once we found out he switched to boxers and at times foregoes the underwear altogether and has started taking wellman. I don't think that the one month would have made much of a difference, so we are really hoping that when he has his SA at Bourn Hall it will have improved even further.

Wifey - Just wanted to let you know me and DH I under going our first ICSI cycle at Bourn Hall Cambridge, we have attended the group seminar on 3rd March and have our first appointment with the Medical Director on Sunday to go through protocol/dates to start. Let me know if you want to know anything about Bourn I will try to help? Wishing all you ladies the best of luck. X
Aw, thank you Please, I'm sure I'll have some questions the closer we get x
Thank you so much ladies your words mean so so much to me xx

From what we know looks like 6 Follicles it will be and there big and ready to go. I am hoping the 2 tiny ones grow a bit by Tomorrow My FS made it very clear it was due to the stimming drug i was on and some women are on double and even tripple of what i was on but i still trust her judgement. She hopes to get between 3-5 good eggs, and if all them fertilises its a good number i guess. Lolley it was 100iui Purgon and on day 6 she threw in 75iu leuvire whoch i injected for 5 days that didnt make any extra follies grow at all?? :dohh: i guess quality not the quantity :thumbup: when i hear women with 20 and 30 follies thats when i start to panick thinking 6 is nothing! :dohh: I hope all 6 is bursting with juicey eggs! :happydance:

Last night went to the Clinic had the HCG injection suppose to have it at 10pm the nurse was casually taking her time and by the time i got injected it was 10.10pm and i actually cried of the pain it was a intramuscular injection (pregnyl) i casualy lifted my top and she said lie flat on your left side, and she injected it just below my right hip bone really deep into the muscle and the needle was 1.5 inch long.. Wow it took my breath away.. and i was limping back to the car.

I dont know if it was just the pain that got me crying or the whole the fact that i was emotionally drained. It was like my 3rd injection yesterday.. My husband was telling me relax were almost there

Tomorrow morning the big day will be here. I have to stop eating at 10pm. i woke up this morning and it feels weird not to have an injection but its a great feeling that its almost over...

lolley- thats was an amazing dream!!! im sure it will soon be reality!! xx and excellent not more night sweats xx

Tink- i so hope that your waiting isnt that much longer, i think when were under 30 we get judged alot about our age, and its so easy for the world to stay 'keep trying longer time is on your side' :growlmad: please make sure you stand your ground and i hope it all gets moving for you very very soon xx :hugs:

Welcome to all the new ladies! hope your stay here will be short.. I try and type my updates just before i go to work so im typing so fast with toast in my mouth.. :haha: I'll will try and update later tonight if not i will tell you all that happened after egg collection tommorow :thumbup:
Lolly, thank you for the positive feedback on st marys. After my breaf phone call to them on wed I wanted to crawl down the lines and hug the lady at the other end, she was lovely and gave me the hope I needed to hear.

I am so scared about the whole process and worry I won't be able to inject myself and cope with all the emotional ups and downs.

Nayla I hope everything goes in your favor hun x
So the latest for me isn't great! Starting to feel like I will never even have a chance to be a mummy :cry:
I have just called my pct regarding funding. They are holding all new referals pending a spending reveiw and they are making cut backs. The reveiw is looking like it will be in April. They are only funding referals that they got before December. Looks like it could be some time before we know if we will get any funding at all. Don't you just hate the post code lottery :(
Nayla good luck. Thinking about you and praying for your little bambino XX

My little update - temps falling for the last few days, symptoms disappearing except the bloating in the evening. Have a very ominous feeling about it all.
I know that feeling very well wifey, we just have to tell ourselves it is going to happen and when it does all this will be worht the wait :hugs: I am praying that DH will improve, even slightly but the urologist just wrote him off TBH :dohh:

slb80 thats awfull!!!! I am so sorry. The post code lottery is horrid. I really cant understand how some will fund upto 3! cycles and others non at all. Keep you chin up hun. Did they say to call back in April then or what??? Big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nayla, yes, focus on quality and not quantity. Hang on in there. OUCH!!! That injection sounds just horrid, poor you :hugs: I really hope everything goes well tomorrow and you aren't too sore afterwards. No midnight snacks for you :haha:

Gill, I still have everything crossed for you :hugs: I thought you were stopping the temping?? To much of a habbit :haha: Keep us updated :thumbup:
They said we will get regular updates via letter. I am just holding on to what the lady at st marys said about icsi funding and for true infertility like ours is still getting funded. Will just have to wait and see.
A quick check in to see how my B'n'B ladies are doing!

Nayla, wishing you all the luck in the world tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers will most certainly be with you and hoping to hear some good news from our first, soon-to-be pupo princess 2011!!!

Gill, I hope that this is not bad news. Obviously you know how you feel in your body so I will not try and guess and tell you all will be fine. I just really really hope and want it to be. All my love to you.

SLB, I'm sorry that you have had that news today. Will they resume funding after the financial year? If so maybe you will get some answers soon. Its scary as it is uncertain times at the moment. What PCT are you under? We are East Lancs and were told last year we would be one of the lucky couples and have 3 funded tries. Whether this continues I don't know.

Hi Tinks. Hope you are doing ok and making the most of your friday evening. Me and DP have been out for lovely meal. I wanted to come on here and post and now he's on FIFA!! Gonna try and drag him off asap! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Annie, how are you getting on?

Minty and Wifey, I hope you are both well!

All my Love Lolly xxxxxxx
Lolly, I am under Trafford PCT. Last year they were funding 3 tries and they dropped it to one mid year and then since December stoped funding and all referals are stacking up. The guy I spoke to at the pct did say we will be kept up todate but they can't say for sure if funding will continue, but he hopes it will. Just got to sit and wait now until we get our letters. I just keep thinking about someone I know who was told she will get 3 tries, her first failed and then got a letter from trafford pct to be told she wouldnt get her other two tries! She was understandably deverstated. Thankfully she got pregnant naturally while saving to go private. It all seems such a mess with trafford at the moment.

Nayla thinking about you today hun x
slb80, you must be going out of your mind. Seems like there is no security with the NHS, I know my PCT said they will fund but what they change their minds next week??? :shrug: I hate not being in control.

Your friend must have been devistated but what a lovely ending :thumbup:

Lolly, glad you had some quality time with DP. I went to the cinema with DH and watched Hall Pass. It was great, sooooo funny. Did you drag DP of FIFA?? I have to compete with GT5 sometimes :haha:

Nayal again good luck hunny, update us asap :thumbup:
Hi ladies :flower:

Today I had my Egg Collection they got 5 eggs out of the 6 Follicles :thumbup:

Im very very happy with 5 eggs, as i knew from the start the Follicles were not that much. I was in the Clinic for 4 hours. I was put under fully still feeling a little quesy and sick, but im over the moon I am where I am today. Husbands sperm count was a little low compared to last weeks count, it was -1Million i think the stress of it all, he didnt sleep a wink last night and we were told it was just enough for ICSI. The main thing they found 5 Sperms and im hoping there sitting in my eggs nicely as i speak.

I remember waking up and the nurse was blurry in front of me saying all is done. I remember asking how many eggs how many?? she was saying let me check with the dr?? i was lying there thinking hurry up :wacko: the FS bless her came in rubbing my face saying you have done well 5 eggs out of 6 follicles.. Im still feeling so so light headed.

Tomorrow is Sunday and a lab person should ring me late afternoon. I so hope 2 or 3 Fertilised

I got Given Crinome Gel 8%, insert vaginally at night x2 weeks
Cyclogest progesterone 400 mg pessaries morning vaginally 2 weeks
Klavox 625mg Anti biotics x5 days.
Asprin x1 night for 2 weeks

She said Tuesday will be egg transfer im so so scared nothing will happen over night i really need the 5 eggs to do me proud... would love 2-3 strong embies roll on tomorrow.

Im feeling very very weak and exhausted, a nap and lunch should do me good.

Thank you again so so much for everyones love and support. All you girls have been my rock i dont think i will be where i am today without all your love and support :hugs: I pray to the lord once all this is all done and dusted i can support each and everyone of you the way you all have to me... :hugs:

Take it easy everyone love and hugs too all xx again from the depths of my heart i thank each and every1 of you in this thread xxxxxxx

Hang in there everyone, never in a million years did i think i will be typing saying i had my egg collection done. I will update you all tomorrow what happened to my 5 little beauties, deep down wished there was between 10-15 eggs as i will be more flexible if a few didnt fertilise i just so hope 2-3 will :thumbup: were planning to put 2 embies back :shrug: at this stage anything is possible and i will still be blessed being PUPO with 1 :thumbup:

sorry if im not making sense now :wacko: will update soon xxxxxx love you all xxxxxx
Oh Nayla, I'm so so pleased for you, what a fantastic result!! I'm not suprised to feel exhaused, its both physically and emotionally. What a journey been on. And while its not over yet, today is a good day and 5 little beauties is fab! Well done you!! xxxxxxxxx

(Sorry not got time to catch up more, but will be back tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone! Oh and Tinks, yep, managed to get him off the playstation :winkwink: Heehee!!)
Well done Nayle :happydance::happydance::happydance: 5 out of 6 is fab. Now I have everything crossed for tomorrows results :thumbup:

Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight.

Plus well done DH, all that worry but he managed to do it without SSR :winkwink:

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