icsi in 2011?

Yeah, maybe.

I really hope you do hun, I hope we can go through our cycles togehter, it would be ace to have someone at the same stage :hugs:
Happy Saturday Lovlies :flower:

I hope your all doing well and that you have a great weekend planned.

I cant believe It was last saturday i had egg collection and im 4dpt today, i still think its way too early to feel anything but this morning after i wiped there was a small dot of pink on the tissue. I woke up my husband and made him have look near the window and he definitely said theres some sort of stain there? but that could be anything i dont want to get too excited and too confident that it has worked, with all the drugs thats flowing through my body anything is possible, i wish it was IB, Boobs still very sore, occasional cramps here and there nothing out of the norm

Please let me write a happy endling a week today, i think i will just wait and get the blood tests on 26th dont want to use a hpt and break my heart into a million pieces if its a no i have been told i can pop in and wait 30min for the results, im so so so so nervous!

slb80- thats excellent news you will be starting this journey very soon :hugs: i have a gut feeling all you girls will start in a wink of an eye :hugs:

Tink- hope your well hun, it so much better getting ever blood test and scan humanly possible before you start ICSI, as i have heard many places where they skip important tests than half way through the treatment many things go wrong, as they didnt explore ever blood test out there :shrug: trust me the wait for more tests will be definitely worth it in the end when your treatment flows nicely without surprises along the way. My heart tells me you will be 1st success xx

Lolley- how are you hun? its a scary time this 2ww :wacko: sweety i heard that cyclogest delays period? is that true and by how many days? i remember that on your last cycle your period came very early? (which im so sorry about :hugs:) was it because the cyclogest was not that strong? i heard many people say that everyone tests before period arrives?? :shrug: oh i dont know?

girls this time next week i will know if it has worked :wacko: i so hope so!

love and hugs to all xx
Hi Girls!

Nayla, I do so hope its IB! So far so good huh?! The progesterone is supposed to delay AF in most cases (trust me to be awkward!) Although personally I truely believe though that it aggrivated me. After many calls to the hosp they advised I changed to the back (sorry :blush:) as it apperared to be making my cervix bleed, but was too late :cry: But thats just me. I think, (trust me to be awkward, true to form), that is not the normal occurance, and hopefully all is good with you and it is implantation!! I have such a good feeling for you and I pray a week today I will be reading of your BFP!! :happydance:

Hi Tinks, I hope you are well. What are your plans for weekend? Come on appointment!!!!!!

Gill thinking of you :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nayla, you seem to be doing so well and staying sane :haha: I really hope its IB :winkwink: Thanks for your advice, you are right and I know that the tests have to be done, I am just moaning as per :haha::haha::haha:

I was working yesterday and just had a takeaway last night. Visiting my friend and her new baby today :thumbup:

What has everyone else been upto this weekend??
Hi everyone!

Yuk, sunday teatime, where has the weekend gone?!!! Not much to report from me really, have had a standard weekend, mine also included a take away! Prob should be being 'super healthy' but if you can't treat yourself every now and again then what's the point?!! Have been doing uni work today. 5 hours later and i'm talking cr*p! Have had to admit defeat and turn it of and catch up with my B'n'B ladies!! :thumbup: Hope all is good with you all, take care and many :hugs:

Lolly xxxxxxxxx
Hi Everyone,

Nayla, been thinking about you. Little pink spots! Sounds like something cooking in the oven. :thumbup: Rooting for you :hugs:

Sib, so glad you are making waves and things moving along. I pray you get good news on the funding and the magic begins.

Lolly thanks for all your kind wishes. It helps me feel so less alone.

Tinks, I hope you survived your friend and the new baby. No matter how much you love them, its so hard not to feel a pang of envy.

And all the other ladies on this thread we gotta stay strong. It will be our turn soon.

Anyone who doesnt want to get into the depressive zone, stop reading! Things not going very well for me. Thank you for all your good wishes. In a lot of pain. It's been a long m/c coming. Im pretty sure its underway now and heartbeat must have finally stopped. That has been the hardest part, waiting for it to stop. :cry: Hoping to hold out until apt in local hospital on Wednesday for re-scan and then d&c. Things progressing like last time. Lots of intermittent pain and constant bleed but no major fluid yet. (Sorry tmi). Went like that the last time and it was only when they injected me with the pethadone for the pain that body relaxed in sleep and things finally took hold. :nope: Still hoping to do d & c but can't put these things on the clock, you know yourselves. :wacko:

I take some comfort in the situation. Perhaps this saved us doing a round of ICSI, all the heartache and pain and expense only to have certain m/c later on. At least now we are going back to drawing board and hopefully ICSI will have more chance of working with whatever tests we have to have or extra meds I have to take. :thumbup: I have already been in touch with clinic and thankfully they knew what I wanted before I even had the words out.They are scheduling a new apt with consultant to discuss the new problem of recurrent miscarriage. They have been very supportive and said we wouldn't be waiting long for apt. It will be interesting to see what happens next with them. I seriously know now that ICSI really is our only option. The drugs they put us on and the monitoring is the only the only way for us. I ovulated so late before I got pregnant and have read that can be a big part of m/c. At least with the meds they are monitoring and that won't happen. Im hanging on to this right now.

Sorry for going on about it guys, I just needed to get some things off my chest. I had visitors here from the states, went home 2 days ago. It was so hard to try to keep chin up and be good hosts when the world was falling out from under us so I havent had anyone to talk to. Poor dh has been getting the brunt of my bad moods as my hormones have gone batshit. We are not giving in yet though, the war is not over, just maybe this particular battle.:grr:
Gill, you poor thing. I am so sorry hunny :hugs::hugs: Its bad enough about the mc but you pain just seems to keep being prolonged :hugs:

You have a fab attitude though and you are right you will get there. I hope all the monitoring and drugs, like you say, will just do the trick. Really that appointment comes soon :thumbup:

Dont appologise for going on, its what we are here for, rant away. I sure enough do on here.

I more than survied the visit. I am just on love with the little one :thumbup: she is just so cute. No bad feelings what so ever. Of course I was jealous and wanted to take her home but I think thats just normal :thumbup: Thanks for the thought.
Oh Gill

I'm so very sorry to hear that. How awful for you. Your attitude truely astounds me, what a great outlook you have with regard to ICSI. I so hope that you get some answers, maybe so immunology testing? It must have been so terrible for you and the physical pain seems to add insult to injury. Please don't apologise ever! It is what we are all here for, to support each other when no one else can really understand. I admit I can't fully ever understand the pain you must have right now but I hope that we can all support you as best we can by offering to be here any time you need to talk.

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey folks, quick update. M/C kicked in with gusto last night.:thumbup: For some reason 3am seems to be the time for things to release for me. Weird. Have apt for scan in morning but no point doing d&c now as the products came away. Its a strange feeling and you 'know' when it's passed before you look. The terrible labour pains that had been killing me every few minutes for 24 hours, stopped almost immediately and I had the best :sleep: in weeks after it. Body was wrecked. Did the crying over this weeks ago so not falling apart again. V. sad and probably will be for a while but ready for ICSI now. Bring it on!! If we could handle this without going insane, we can handle anything. :ninja:

Thanks you guys for all the kind thoughts. :flower: No more talk of m/c out of me. It's time to concentrate on ICSI and definitely going to see if we can do some immune and genetic testing. There seems to be only one clinic in Ireland that has any interest in the immune testing, Simms. However, we will try our clinic and see where it goes. Did a mountain of reading on this yesterday. A lot more info on fertilityfriends uk than fertilityfriends.com. The remedy to most situations seems to be the same or similar medication. Im more than willing to rattle with pills if it helps to bless us with a baby. We are getting needles stuck in the top of our heads at acupuncture so there is no limit to the lengths we will go to :wacko:

Nayla, how's it going??? How are you feeling? You might not be feeling anything yet but keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you. :hugs:
Hi Ladies

I start ICSI in April (actually April cycle) so ET will be mid May. This is my first try with IVF/ICSI. All tests have been done and everything looks perfect / normal. So please say all is going to be OK...

To all the girls who are s going on this journey....I WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST....

Hi ladies :hugs:

the 2ww is so so hard :cry: i really and truly feel im out, as i have 100% period symptoms! me and my husband had a cry and a cuddle last night and what we will no next? :shrug: SERIOUSLY i feel NOTHING at all and i keep running to the toilet as im feeling wet stuff coming out of me (very normal before period) also im dripping in sweat day and night! again this only happens when period is due :cry::cry::cry:

Today is CD26 and for the past 7 months my period is smack bang 26 or tomorrow 27? Our testing day we said we will bring forward to friday 25th but i think i will pop in tommorow as i will be 9 days past transfer and 12 days past ovulation and im sure the blood test will pick up something?? if there is anything :cry: this is so so hard i dont want to torture myself for another 24hrs if i know i can just put a closure to it all tomorrow :nope: Than sometimes i think to myself this is the closest i have ever been pregnant! and sometimes ignorance is bliss, Its like in 24hrs my dreams will be taken away.. and i love acting like i might be pregnant and being careful! when it comes back a No, what do i do than?? Im sorry i have been feeling so so down last few days i dont know what to think about it all??

I just wish i can say YES! its going to be a bfP! but who am i kidding??

sorry ladies my PMA has gone to zero im so so scared my heart is going to jump out of my chest! i get the results within 30min of the test, what wil the lab man say to me??! 'theres zero HCG means no' :cry: oh lord this will crush me to the bones...

I will pop in tomorrow or on friday depending what day we choose to go? (high chance tomorrow) im so sorry for the ladies about to undergo this journey! and with this depressing msg which doesnt help!, this is one emotional ride...

please please lord let their be some miracle [-o< i told my husband im 99.9% certain its a No with the way im feeling this is witch signs not pregnant ones....

Look after yourselves everyone and hopefully i will be be back stronger and ready for the future cycles xx
Nayla, you're not out just yet. I know we havent actually had a baby but I've been pregnant twice and can say that both times it felt just like period was coming. :thumbup: This last time, I didnt even notice at all because I usually get mild period symptoms for 2 weeks and they didnt change.

It's not over yet.:nope:

If prayers alone would get this for you we would do rosaries around the clock.
:hugs: :hugs:
@ Gill: So so sorry! Not sure what to say. Hang in there!:cry:

What's happening with you these days? Everything ok?

Well the new SA was even worst than the first one and the doc told us theat the little swimmers are so deformed that it is not likely that ICSI will work and even if with the high risk of a sick child. Therefore we are looking into IUI withdonor sperm but that is only possible for us in denmark.(4 hour drive) I am pretty impatient and want to start.
@ Gill: So so sorry! Not sure what to say. Hang in there!:cry:

What's happening with you these days? Everything ok?

Well the new SA was even worst than the first one and the doc told us theat the little swimmers are so deformed that it is not likely that ICSI will work and even if with the high risk of a sick child. Therefore we are looking into IUI withdonor sperm but that is only possible for us in denmark.(4 hour drive) I am pretty impatient and want to start.

I just read in the Irish Independent online that the Simms clinic in dublin is doing treatment with donor sperm


I hope that link works. It might be closer than Denmark. There is a private place in Dublin that do donor sperm too. Morehamton something or other. I will see if I can fish out their details too.

I've just realised that you are in Germany. Feck! I thought you were in the u.k. So surprised that Germany isn't more advanced on this. Ireland is seriously backward Im surprised the option is even here. You have a great chance of it working with donor sperm. How is your DH?

If we get more bad news about my dh's sperm, could be genetic probs etc, we might have to go this route too. I know he wouldn't like it but when there is no other option, you do what you gotta do. You never know though, they just need a few good sperms.
Hi ladies :hugs:

the 2ww is so so hard :cry: i really and truly feel im out, as i have 100% period symptoms! me and my husband had a cry and a cuddle last night and what we will no next? :shrug: SERIOUSLY i feel NOTHING at all and i keep running to the toilet as im feeling wet stuff coming out of me (very normal before period) also im dripping in sweat day and night! again this only happens when period is due :cry::cry::cry:

Today is CD26 and for the past 7 months my period is smack bang 26 or tomorrow 27? Our testing day we said we will bring forward to friday 25th but i think i will pop in tommorow as i will be 9 days past transfer and 12 days past ovulation and im sure the blood test will pick up something?? if there is anything :cry: this is so so hard i dont want to torture myself for another 24hrs if i know i can just put a closure to it all tomorrow :nope: Than sometimes i think to myself this is the closest i have ever been pregnant! and sometimes ignorance is bliss, Its like in 24hrs my dreams will be taken away.. and i love acting like i might be pregnant and being careful! when it comes back a No, what do i do than?? Im sorry i have been feeling so so down last few days i dont know what to think about it all??

I just wish i can say YES! its going to be a bfP! but who am i kidding??

sorry ladies my PMA has gone to zero im so so scared my heart is going to jump out of my chest! i get the results within 30min of the test, what wil the lab man say to me??! 'theres zero HCG means no' :cry: oh lord this will crush me to the bones...

I will pop in tomorrow or on friday depending what day we choose to go? (high chance tomorrow) im so sorry for the ladies about to undergo this journey! and with this depressing msg which doesnt help!, this is one emotional ride...

please please lord let their be some miracle [-o< i told my husband im 99.9% certain its a No with the way im feeling this is witch signs not pregnant ones....

Look after yourselves everyone and hopefully i will be be back stronger and ready for the future cycles xx

Dear Nayla

I read your post and just had to respond, as I sooooo identify with what you describe. The 2WW is hell on earth, and I really feel for you. I am crossing all my fingers and toes for you and really hope you get the news you're waiting for! Positive thinking!!!

Good luck, and lots and lots of babydust!
Nayla, how are you hunny? Been thnking about you lots today. have also read that quite often AF syptoms will present themselves arounf the same time as its due even if you are pregnant. Here's really hoping and praying for a positive blood test. Remember until you know for certain there is always hope. Plus you are still very early days. With my cycle the hosp said testing anywhere before 18 (yes 18!) days post EC would not be reliable!! Good luck and so much love!! :hugs:

Gill, good for you girl, what a fab attitude you have! Obviously allow yourself to grieve but I respect the decision to not discuss the m/c on here. I won't mention it again, although please understand I/we are only a keyboard away if you ever need to talk :hugs:

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all having a good week. Yay for Friday tomorrow!! Nice to see some new ladies on here gearing up for treatment, come on, bring on the babydust and the 2011 BFP's!!!!!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Hello Everybody!

What a beautiful day in Wales today! I hope that you are all looking forward to a relaxing weekend, and lots of fun! I'm trying to inject positivity in to myself here, so please don't think I've lost it!

I just wondered-do you have to pay more to have ICSI? I know that IVF is not free to those over a certain age (I don't think I qualify as I'm practically ancient by NHS standards, at 39 :nope:), so wanted to know sort of ballpark figures for IVF and ICSI...

It looks like a very exciting treatment-lots and lots of good luck and babydust to all those on here who are on the ICSI/IVF journey!

Have a lovely weekend, everybody!
DH is good with it, we looked into it even we got the second SA and he kinda set his mind on it before I did. Thank good he is ok with that way. It will take a lot of preassure off him. in the 7 th of april we will have this first telefone appointment with the nurse there to get the shedule of when to so what. Pretty exited!!!!!
hi all! so sorry been away so long! be mega busy with everything it's mad here!!

tinks how are u progressing?

nayla where are u were here waiting to hear from u im sure that preg symptoms are same as period ones dont panic just yet hun! excited for you!!

gill im so sorry about the m/c thats terrble news hopefully the clinic will investigate this and get something sorted before your icsi xxx

lolly what point are you at now?

hello to everyone else ive missed hope ur all getting on well along the icsi journey!!

as for me as i say things have been hectic its full steam ahead with the house move and im going to be temporaily homeless in the next two weeks so time to get packing this weekend!
took my first injection tonight too cant say i enjoyed it but im ok!


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