icsi in 2011?

Nayal, I am thinking anout you hun and praying you return with good news :hugs:

Gill, you are one strong lady, cant wait to hear about your next step :thumbup:

Reilliey, so sorry to hear about the most recent SA :hugs: I think your DH is so strong.

Lolly, I hope you are ok and time is passing fairly quick for you :thumbup:

Annie, WOW treatment started, good luck. Looking forwad to following your journey.

Welcome Dwrgi, I wish you all the best for your treatment. I am not sure about the prices but I beleive its and extra £500 - £1000 on top of IVF for ICSI. It depends on which clinic you are at. I am lucky and under NHS but I have looked into private. Good luck :thumbup:

AFM, I received my 2nd letter from St Marys and can go for bloods and scan next AF which should be about Thursday :happydance::happydance: I am so relieved it came in time for this cycle :happydance:
Yay Tinks!!! Thats a good bit of timing (for once!!) Is it just for bloods or do you get a consultation to? Have you gotta go at silly o'clock in the morning like we always used to. Used to be a little ritual for us, get up and go over early and depending on timings/traffic would either treat ourselves to a mcdonalds brekkie before or after appointment! Sure that'll all start again soon enough! Although maybe its not the healthies thing to do.... Plus I wasn't drinking caffine at that stage so used to be a breakfast with hot chocolate, not the best!

Nayla, good luck hun, will be looking on on Monday, hoping for good news!

Reilley what a great DH you have!

Annie, wow injections, that came around quick, hope that you are finding them ok. You'll soon get used to it. Are you doing it or is OH? Homeless for 2 weeks, wow, good timing huh?!! But it'll lead to you lovely dream home soon enough!

Gill, how are you? Hope you are well and having a well deserved rest over the weekend. Lets hope it doesn't race by like all the others...

AFM... well time is drawing closer. Should be starting ICSI in about 3 weeks, BUT (why is there always a but?!) have been told by the nurses that they have an Easter closure at St Mary's and therefore they don't tend to schedule any treatemnts around that time. So looks like May for me. But to cheer us up we have booked a week away in Cornwall (thats where I was raised for 22 years!) for easter. Can't wait to see all my family and friends! Not all bad. Have to keep reminding myself good things come to those who wait!!!

Hi to everyone and hope you all have fab weekends,

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx

PS I have also heard that having ICSI is more expensive, becasue of the extra input involved, and also heard that as its very specialised staff must undergoe further training, therefore higher wages, therefore more money. Boo! But then if it works its totally priceless. Good luck hunny!
Don't know what time we have to yet, have to call between 2 & 4 on cd1 and then we will get an appointment. Its just for bloods and a scan and then DH will make an appointment for SA. Once all the results are back we then get an appoitment with the consultant. We will proberly do the same as you and go really early to miss traffic if its first thing. We do visit the golden arches a little to often already but I think you deserve a treat if you are getting really early to travel. No proper coffee is going to kill me lol

Still a little worried about SSR, a girl I was speaking to said she had to wait 2 years for it!

That's a little anoying about st marys closing over easter! I hope doesn't cause uch delay for us both. 3 weeks will fly though hun, you will be injecting in no time.
Got a letter from st marys today, got an appointment for 8th june at the womens outpatient dept, Was this everyones first stage with st marys?

Hope you are all having a good weekend x
Not for me hun, we got forms sent to complete and return and had to send passport pics. We have just received a 2nd letter telling me to call when I get AF and they will book us in for boods and a scan and hubby will have to make an appointment for SA. The letter says we will only get an appointment once all this is done :shrug:

Yey for your appointment :happydance::happydance: I am sure its good news that you have an appointment already though hun. 6th of june though, there must be a 2 month wait for appointments. Does that seem long? Or am I being unrealistic?
It seems like an age away, the appointment it only a week before our wedding. I am excited but disappointed that it is such a long wait and that is just to get the ball rolling :(
You are right hun, it does seem a long way away. When I called about my forms the lady did say they have been really busy but I didnt think it would take 2 months for an appointment. Maybe if you called them they could shed more light on what the appontment is for and what they are going to do at it? I hope with the wedding it will come around in no time. Are you going anywhere for honeymoon?
We are going to anglesey, We just love it there and we can take our fur babies too. They just love to play on the beach.

I didn't even think to call and ask about the appointment, willl do that monday am x
BAD NEWS :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I got a phone call yesterday from my FS saying she is leaving this afternoon for 1 week and if i could pop in to do my beta as she said 12 DPT 15 DPO the numbers must be above 10 and will be 100% accurate if im pregnant or not.

They were 3.7 MIU and its a solid No :cry: i even did a frer at 6am and it was no, im so so so upset its unreal I cant even breath through the pain. I must stop taking ALL MY MEDICINE, and my period should arrive within 5 days :cry::cry: She had no explanation and kept saying that both embryos were 8 cells and excellent, the uterus was excellent im 28 she said it was very bad luck, it is my Husbands 30th Birthday today and i will never forget the tears streaming down his face in the room. Its a very sad day in my home really is ladies :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

This is so so painful for us both he has just gone back to bed. No words will ever describe the pain im feeling right now. Going through IVF is really awful and screwed with my head and mind from the start! We are £6300 out of pocket since it all started.. money comes and goes i know! but this emotional pain im feeling now!! Were good people! we give to charity when we can we pray alot..

Sorry ladies for all this anger, im Just feeling so so depressed.. it feels like some one has ripped my heart out of my chest!! and it HURTS SO BADLY! i dont know what to say? what do i do now?? what do i look forward for? what do i live for? my whole life has been about ICSI now what?? :cry:

Thank you everyone that has pushed me and given me support from day 1 you girls mean so much to me. Im sorry if im worrying anyone, Damn it!! this was my biggest fear for ICSI not working! and its true it didnt work! like i said a while a back its the story of my life! good things happen to others im always the unlucky one in all i do. The thought of repeating the whole process makes me want to vomit! the injections going under for egg collection etc etc :cry::cry:

I pray i can overcome this hurting soon. I need to think what we do now? right know im not thinking straight....

I feel so so alone :cry:
Nayla, I really dont know what to say :hugs::hugs::hugs: I guess all you and DH can do now is look after yourselves and give yourselves time to greave.

Did the manage to freeze those 3 other embies? Is doing another round not possible? Oh hunny, I really am so so so sorry :hugs::hugs:

We are all here for you, I know its not much but we are :thumbup: Can you not talk to any of your friends and family? I know you weren't telling people but it might help.
Oh Nayla, I'm just so sorry to hear your news. I can empathise totally. It hurts so badly, you can't believe it, start questioning 'why me?', feels like you will never get over it. I know you are dispairing now, I know nothing any of us say will change that now. But I promise you that it will get better. It has to. But I won't lie and say its easy because its not. You are grieving for what you had and the dream of what you thought may be. And thats normal. Don't fight it, let yourself feel those things, those emotions. If you are angry, be angry. If you want to cry then let it all out beacuse it really is the only way you begin to heal. I saw the hospital councillor, maybe its something you could look into? I know that it won't change the outcome but you really have put up with so much in not telling anyone, it might just be nice to get all these feelings out. Of course we are all here but sometimes face to face with another woman is good. Take time together, I found that I was wrapped up in my own grief and you don't think of OH sometimes. But to be united helps both of you. It will make you stronger.

I hope and pray that there is some way that you can try again sometime soon. I obviously don't know your finances or entitlements but I really wish you all the best in trying again at some stage. But for now I know that it feels like the last thing you will want to do. I never wanted to do it again ever. But a good holiday and 3 months away from TTC really helped me to gets things straight in my head. Sweetie, believe me, you will move on from this. I'm not saying you will get over it but you will be able to come to terms with it a lot better, and in time, talk about it again.

Its not fair, none of this is. Life is so hard and sometimes it feels like the good people suffer. I hope that everything happens for a reason and it just wasn't your time. I pray all of our times is very soon.

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Nayla, Im so so sorry things didn't work out for you guys. :cry: You are right to be pissed off and angry at the world. You are a good person,you are good people, you deserve to have a baby and you will have a baby. Our hearts are breaking for you right now. I wish that we could be there in person to give you a hug and just let the emotions run.

They say with normal fertile healthy people there is a one in four chance of getting pregnant every month so it could be just down to sheer bad luck. Maybe the next time will hit the jackpot.Please don't give up. I've felt like giving up every ten minutes in the last month but cry as I will the fight is not over yet and either is yours. (Having to consider abortion in the U.K. was a particularly bad time) You guys have time to take a breather and make some decisions. You have age on your side and that is so important. Lolly and Tinks are right, for your own sanity you need to pour your heart out to someone - whether it be councillor or family and it sounds like your husband needs it badly too. There may be things that you both need to say but just not to each other. Please please take that step. People love you and will want to help you in any way they can. Nobody is going to judge you.

I've got to go into work tomorrow after the m/c and you know what? Im going to tell people in my office about it. Yep. They are going to know whether they want to or not and you know why? Cos I need to talk about it. So they will have to put up and shut up and deal with me stomping around and making an ass of myself for a while. And they will. Because we are all human and if you take a chance on telling someone, you might be surprised at their response. Our problems are a lot more frequent than people really know until a conversation comes up. We are all here for you so keep typing all that's going through your head. You are not alone. We won't let you be.

I dont know if this is a good time to bring this up but Im going to throw it out there. It turns out that recurrent m/c and non-implanting ivf fall into the same category. There is help out there. A mind-blowing world of it. It takes many people a few go's of ivf to get it right at the best of times, you guys just might need another shot at it. The lucky few hit bingo the first time. We are in Ireland and things are not advanced enough here but in the U.K and the States, things are far more cutting edge. So much more is known and so much more help available. If we have no joy here we will be going to the Care clinic in the U.K. They seem to be able to help so many who thought there was no hope. They test for a whole other level of things. You know that you can produce eggs and your husband can produce sperm so please don't give up. Lolly is such a voice of reason. It's hard to imagine that things will get easier but they will get slightly more bearable with a little time. You do whatever you have to do to get yourself through the day (I ate 5 doughnuts the other day, yep 5) and keep typing and letting it out. We are reading and we really do care.
Lolly and Gill, very well put. The support on hear is immense :hugs:

Gill, I think you are doing right by "coming out" I find work a lot easier to cope with now people know. People tend to understand if you are stroppy or snappy or just a little quiet. I am lucky and have a few good friends now on my team and between them they look after me at work and listen to my moans. I dont think you will regret it :thumbup:
Hi Ladies.

Can I join in as well... :happydance:I am staring my ICSI in April. Will start stimulating end April & ET will be mid May 2011. As of now everything is going as per plan.

I am 32yrs & DH has severe anti sperm antibody. Hence ICSI is our only option. This is my first try at ICSI. We've been trying for 10yrs with one m/c @ 6 wks some years ago. :cry:

All tests have been done with results being normal (good). Please say all's going to alright.

To all the Ladies out there, who are TTC - all the best girls. :thumbup:

Hi Ladies.

Can I join in as well... :happydance:I am staring my ICSI in April. Will start stimulating end April & ET will be mid May 2011. As of now everything is going as per plan.

I am 32yrs & DH has severe anti sperm antibody. Hence ICSI is our only option. This is my first try at ICSI. We've been trying for 10yrs with one m/c @ 6 wks some years ago. :cry:

All tests have been done with results being normal (good). Please say all's going to alright.

To all the Ladies out there, who are TTC - all the best girls. :thumbup:


Hey Tulip, Nice to have you here. Please god it will work out for you and have a happy ending. Can I pick your brains? How did you find out your DH has severe anti sperm antibodies? We are starting our recurrent m/c investigations in a few weeks and need all the info I can get.
Many thanks
hi all,

nayla, im so so sorry that this cycle of icsi was not sucessful but i know you will come out of this and get what you so deserve soon. maybe seeing the hospital councillior would help? lolly and gill gave you somefastic words of which i think we can all say we echo. Ltttc and assisted conception really plays with peoples feelings and for some reason i will never understand why any of us nice lovely people who truly deserve to be parents are going through this.

tinks- im glad to see things are moving on for you!

lolly- not long to go now then!

gill- i think you are fantastically brave and doing so well go tell ur work collegues infertility and issues surrounding that should be discussed and not hidden!

welcome tulip!

afm, its been a really crappy time we were suppose to be moving out today and we had got all our furniture out etc and at the last second our buyer pulled out! so we have lost it all for a second time! i also have tonsilitus and have now been signed off work with antibiotics on top of all my icsi meds! i feel like utter crap :( it's my poor husbands birthday today i feel so sad for him i can see that everything we do in life fails and no doubt this time next month we will be adding icsi to that as the stress ive been under has probably ruined it!
i just feel like giving up right now its untrue i have a scan tmrw morning at the clinic to see how the stimms are going crap i expect :( :( xx
Hi Ladies, how are you all? Nayla still thinking of you hun, hope your okx

I had to call St Marys today to change our appt as DF can't attend, he has something big at work on 8th June that he can't get out of, was gutted knowing we would be pushed further back. Called them today and they had a cancellation for an appointment a week on Monday 11th April. So thrilled I snapped there hands off, I totally forgot DF is away with work on a conference GRRRR! I had to call back to change it again and they advised me to attend alone even though it is male factor as they would give me SA kits ect. Just need a list of his medication dose and length on it. She said it was better to go to this one. alone and get the ball rolling instead of having to wait until end of June. Hopefully we are now moving in the right direction!
Welcome Tulip, I wish lots of luck for your treatment :thumbup:Nice to have you on board but sorry you have to be here :hugs: I am also sorry tohear about your loss and very LTTTC :hugs:

Nayla, how are you hun? Thinking about you :hugs:

Annie, what a nightmere. I am so sorry you are having all this stress plue treatment to contend with :hugs: Please dont give up on this round hun. Yake care of yourself :hugs:

slb80, thats fab news, your appointment will be here in no time :happydance::happydance: did you ask what the appointment was for and what would happen at it?

We went to St Marys today for blood tests, I had a scan and DH has booked an appointment for Monday to do his SA. They took 5 tubes of blood!! Was shocked and felt a little faint afterwards haha. They said we just have to wait now to for an appointment but the letter can take 4-6 weeks :( Does anyone know what happens at that appointment? I know they are going to take our histories. Is that when we will sign the consent or will we need another appointment for that? Everything seems to take an age. We also went to the wrong building :dohh: wont make the mistake again :haha:

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