icsi in 2011?

Hey Everyone!
Nayla, give us a holler on here, we are thinking of you.:hugs:
Annie, holy god, talk about going through the ringer. I bet you wanted to strangle those folks.Moving house is stressful at the best of times. It's so hard to not get lost in the bigger picture. You got a little bambino to create now and that's so exciting! Will you leave your boxes packed up and just use the bare necessities? At least you wont have to repack when you are pregnant and feeling happily sick as a dog!:thumbup:
Sib and Tinks, this St Mary's place seem to be going great guns for the pair of ye. You're making serious waves, Im so jealous!:flower:

Things pretty so-so my end. :wacko: Went to meeting with consultant to see where we go from here. Was so depressed coming out of meeting. They basically ICSI put on the back back burner. Even though DH has no sperm she thinks its more a time thing. I felt the water well up when I tried to explain to her the lengths we went to and that in all seriousness it could take years to get pregnant again and age would bring its own problems. On the one hand she was telling us about all the problems as you get older and on the other she was almost telling me I was too young to be making a deal out of it (Im 33).:shrug: Basically now that we have had 2 m/c, we are in no-mans land. Not enough sperm to get pregnant again anytime soon, not enough m/c to demand testing. :nope: So, we can get the basic basic tests done privately, will cost about €1,000. Th other option is to wait and see public hospital consultant at apt on May 25th to see if they will do the tests.

You have to wait for 6 weeks after m/c to get tests done to let hormones go back down etc. (who knew!) and when we get tests done, no matter where does them, it will take at least 6 weeks to get results as they do them in batches in one lab. Im trying to get a private consultation with the public consultant to see if they will do the tests or are we wasting precious time. It's a mad system here. You can pay privately to talk to the public consultant about getting stuff done on the public system. Im hoping to get an appointment soon. As least we would know what to do. We dont mind paying for the private tests (even though we dont have the money). However, what Im afraid of is that its on the start of the tests and if we do it through the public system as least if there are more tests, they might do a few more too.

We need to get karyotyping for both of us, thrombollic work up for me (about 8 tests in this one), tyroid test done again (it was perfect last time but apparently it can change in pregnancy) and sperm DNA fragmentation for DH. We could go for the immunology tests but would have to change clinic and maaaaan, they are expensive.:cry:

Private consultant mentioned sperm donation and egg donation to us. We knew already it could be on the cards but it was weird hearing it from someone else.:wacko:

I also signed us up for the next adoption information meeting for our county in May. They only have so many couples at these things so I wanted to make sure we got on the list. It takes so long to go through that process, might as well go and see what's involved.

We are trying to decide now whether to to back to acupuncture now or not. It was different when ICSI was the end goal but now well, we dont know if its safe to even try to get pregnant again. I dont think I could go through another m/c and stay sane. Waiting for the embryo to slowly die the last time was almost the end of me.

Not giving up yet though. We'll do the tests and see what comes and if they give us anymore b/s at the private clinic we will change to another one with a more open mind. The one we go to is very good and more expensive than the rest but its a non-profit so they do what THEY think is best and not what you want them to do. If I've learned anything lately its that doctors do not know everything. The battle continues... :winkwink:
Oh tinks I bet you feel pleased to get things moving forward! I did ask about the appointment, It is to go through all our test results that we had at the other hospital, go through our medical history ect and I have been told I will probably need to have bloods and DF willl need to do another SA but they will give me a kit to take to him. They will also go through our options, although we already know icsi is our only hope. I am just so glad it has been moved forward 2 months! :) They did say to me today that appointments are being made for June now and that I was very lucky to get this one.
Gill, what a nightmere. Consultants really dont have any tact sometimes. It drives me insane when they go on about age. So what if you are younger than some going through IVF we are all going through infertility.

I really hope you get your appointment soon and get some answers. You have been so brave so far and deserve a bit of good luck :hugs:

slb80, sounds like the appointment you are going to is what we are now waiting for but for some reason they have asked us to do the tests first, strange. I think I may go insane if we have to wait 2 months for an appointment. Sounds like you have been lucky getting the cancellation. I might try to get one once we get the letter but they said it can take upto 6 weeks for the letter :dohh: Oh yet more waiting. Dont get me wrong though, I am thrilled to have started at least something at St Marys. Ooooooo cant wait for your appointment now :happydance::happydance::happydance: Maked sure you eat and drink before you go, they take a lot of blood :winkwink:
Oh my God Annie, I'm really sorry. What a total nightmare and how awful for you. Love what Gill has said though! And please don't worry about this affecting your treatment. The cruicial stage is when pupo I think, so in a strange way, if you can be glad about any small thing, be glad its now and not a week or two down the line. Whats your next step now then hun?

Gill, i'm sorry things have turned out this way. I admire you so much for being able to continue down this path and it all means that when you reach the end and you have your family, it will mean the world. I also admire that you are looking to adoption as a possibility. It is something that I would very much like to do regardless of ICSI working or not. I hope you have a lovely support network around you for these difficult weeks. It sounds a complicated system in Ireland and I hope whatever choice, you make will be the right one for you. Stay brave lady.

Tinks and slb, its strange they are going about things in a different way for you both. There must be some kind of reason, maybe different history? Tinks I'm pretty certain the consult will be to go through results, consent signing, explaining things through, stats and how many they'll want to put back etc. Also they will ask if you want to participate in stem cell research and things. Then if all ok would hope that you would be given a start time, or at least a number to ring on next AF and hope there's availability. It is a long old wait, but will be so worth it!!! Did you go to the new building by mistake? Should have warned you! I did the same the first time and ended up running down the street to the right building in a massive stress!! And slb, great you got your appointment so soon now!! Just make sure that you go to right place! Haha!! Have you got appointment with a doc? If so who have you been assigned?

Nayla hunny, I do hope you are ok. Please know we are waiting here for you when you are ready. Take good care of yourself sweetheart.

Welcome Tulip! I am sorry to see that you have been on a long and undoubtably hard journey. But great news for starting soon!! Bet you are so excited! Where are you based? Are you NHS or private? Super duper good luck to you!!

Well ladies, I am just waiting for next month when I will be ringing and chasing a start date! Will prob ring before easter as I know know they close over the hols. May be that I need some tabs to take to induce an AF, had to take some last cycle. But who knows! I'm kind of living in an ignorance is bliss world at the moment as I know that soon enough I will be pill popping and the rest once again! DP got Leeds festival tickets last night! Here's me saying what an experince camping while pregnant would be and he said there's no way he would take me if I got a BFP. So here's hoping we cancel :happydance:

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes Lolly we went to the new building. I would mind so much but we explained to the receptionist why we were there, she looked at us like we had 2 heads and just said wait in the blood room. We waited our turn and of course the nurses didn't have a clue why we there and sent us round to the old building. Needless to say my BP was high when they took it :haha: they need to put more signs up for old st marys. The waiting is killing me, I feel so glad we have been to the clinic but it still feels like treatment is so far away.

That said, if we do all the consent signing and just have to wait for next AF when we go to our appointment I will be a happy bunny :thumbup:

Lolly, cant wait for you to start :happydance::happydance::happydance: fx you will either get AF naturally or they will induce one asap. I am praying that you dont make the festival :haha::haha:
hi all thanks for the kind words, were getting through the house thing maybe its fate stepping in saying not now u need to be mortgage free for the bambino!! well i had my first scan today it wasnt that great to be honest we have 6 follicles at the moment but they are all really tiny 4 on the left 2 on the right and i can feel the ones on the left! nurse was a bit dissapointed i think but they took bloods and they are going to call me this afternoon probably to double the dose!! uh oh!! im going back next weds for another scan but its likely egg collection will be next fri or the following monday! apparently at 27 im practically a baby in clinic terms! he he

gill 6 weeks i would have never thought that what a shame but your strong and those weeks will fly by no doubt!!

lolly thats fab just a few weeks til u get going now then!

slb fab news on moving the appt do far forward and that was what happened to us hopefully it will be a good omen!!

tinks yay for getting out to st mary's at last im so glad this thread is making progress!!

nayla- how are u im thinking of you hun please come back soon when u are feeling up to it xxxx

sorry if i missed anyone!!

Hi Gill, 6 follies is enough so try not to worry to much. Let us know what they say about upping your dose. I will keep everything crossed for next Friday :thumbup:

I am glad we have been to St Marys but i think we will now have quite a long wait for an appointment. slb80 said they are currently making them for June so by the time our results are ready we will be looking at July at the earliest :growlmad: I feel really down today, feel like I am never going to get started :nope:

Hope everyone is having better day than me :kiss:
Aw tinks try not to feel down hun, When you get your appointment call and see if they have a cancelation. I do feel it is very strange that they are doing things differently for us. I wonder if it has something to do with my hospital stuffing up the referral so my gp has referred us? I will know more when I get there. The doc I am there to see is dr m palep-singh?
I'm sorry you are having a bad day Tinks, it happens to the best of us. I know the wait will seem like forever now, but soon enough you will be sat there with the docs getting you injections!! And like slb said, keep trying for a cancellation. You never know. I hope someone got a nice suprise when my start date of 28th feb was moved back. Hope the fact its friday will cheer you up. We are all here if not :hugs: Take care hun.

Slb, thats a new one to me. I have been under the care of two at St Marys, Dr Rustamov (he is funny, the nurses call him Rusty!) and Ms Fitzgerald. She did my EC, he did my ET. They seem nice enough but its the nurses that make it!

Hi Gill, how are you today? I hope you have made some nice plans for the weekend.

Like the way you are thinking with all the house stuff Annie! And like Tinks said 6 is A-ok, if you get 6 eggs outta there then thats v good. And if they up your medes then who knows. Its a response and that is ALWAYS good! Chin up and fx for some juicey ones! And we all know it only takes 1..... :happydance:

Nayla, have seen you have been on another thread. I understand if this one is just too hard for you at the moment. I would be the same. But we will all stay right here and be waiting when and if you need us. Take care sweetie, I hope you are holding up as well as can be expected. Lots of love to you and DH xxxx

AFM... DP is at the pub. But only til 8.80. Gave him the alcohol/sperm lecture (we need some good 'uns!!) I am having a nice chilled evening, am soooo tired today, thank goodness it's friday. Uni work and girls over tomorrow, Having his mum over for meal mother's day, thats about it. Gotta go, the cats biting my toes!!!

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww tinks ur so gonna get there i know it! im thinking of u!!! xxxxx

hospital called and said my bloods are good so im to carry on til weds on that dose when i see them i guess alot can happen in 5 days!!¬! xxx
Thanks Gill & Tinks for the welcome

Gill as you, we have been trying for a long time to conceive. I have PCOS which the Dr said can rectify. I have been running in circles to find out what exactly in wrong with us as our cause for infertility was unexplained. :shrug:

My DH's SA always came up as normal infact very good count. Finally we decided to do IVF and went to a private fertility clinic. blood tests and SA were carried out. At the meeting with the FS my husband was advised he had Antisperm Antibody 100% and hence ICSI was our only option.

Then it was explained to us that everyone has antibody in them which reacts in different ways...for some it affects muscles, joints, etc.., and for some it affects the sperm...meaning once released the antibody in it starts eating away the protein or makes them very sluggish and unable to swim.:dohh:

Hope this helps....I think most private clinics check for this.

All best girl.:hugs:

Thank you for all your suport girls :hugs: Feeling loads better today, yesterday was made worse by my boss refusiing to give me any time for my appointments and saying I will have to use anual leave as I am choosing to make hospital appointments :shrug: It really pees me off because if you are pregnant you get all the time you need for appointments and sick, people also choose to be pregnant :shrug: Decided not to let it get to me and I am getting it sorted in writing before I start. My boss is a d**k :haha:

We are going to wedding today so looking forward to that. DH and I are doing the pics so wont be able to relax for the first few hours but hope it will be a good day.

slb80, maybe thats it. Maybe they think because we have been referred via FS we have had someone explaine things to us and if a GP refers you then they might think you need to someone to ask questions to as GP dont always know the most info.

Lolly, more uni work?? Poor you, hope you have a good girly night though.

Good luck for wednesday Annie, I really hope there is a development :hugs:

Tulip, private clinics do seem to do a lot more than NHS. Are you still private?
Well with my new date is a new dr, I am now with Dr Fitzgerald. Hope everyone is well?
Hi Tinks85 - hope you had a good time at the wedding. Yes I am still going private as I think Govt. systems sucks.

Tons of luck to you. :hugs:
could this get worse apparently so! my god ive got a hideous cough now and i was warned friday they wont do egg collection if i have a cough! please lets hope that by weds morning my cough has sorted itself!! im a little fed up with being poorly now!!

aww tinks your work suck mine can be funny but on this ocassion seem to have been alright so im rolling with it but now im well into icsi ive been signed off by my very understanding gp so hopefully you can do the same!!

i agree tulip the system sucks were fortunate were getting one go funded but many other places get threee funded cycles i think the sytem and postcode lottery is ridiculous!!!

Annie, you poor thing :hugs::hugs::hugs: I am praying your cough goes by Wednesday. Just hang in a little longer, it will be worth it :thumbup:

NHS is rubbish, I am with Annie, I am very gratefull for the help we are getting but its not right, everyone should get help if they need AC. The problem is some people dont understand how important it is until you go through it.

The wedding was great, the group pics were a little hettic but they always are :dohh:

DH did his SA at St Marys today. The traffic and parking was a nightmere!!! :growlmad:
Hi everyone hope it goes well for all of you and you get your BFP. I rang at the end of feb and got a no but i rang back end of march and got a yes for this month. I am so happy to be starting treatment i cried down the phone when she told we had been excepted for treatment this month. I am taking the fact the hospital rang me back on mothers day as a sign lol, i really feel like things are starting to move forward for me now so happy i know hard times are to come but can't stop smiling xx
hello all where are u all? it's quiet on here!!!

welcome spidergirl!

had scan this morning finally after they forgot me and left me for over a hour waitiing nevermind these things happen!

the nurse took ages then said i was ready for my iui on friday which shocked me and i reminded her i was icsi ooopss someone had written it wrong on the notes! so im not ready because i have some follicles in the mid teens but they still need to be bigger on a positive i now have 11 follicles on the left and 9 on the right quite an improvement from last friday! about 4 between 14-16mm and several around the 12mm mark!.

im a bit fed up though because im tired and uncomfortable and really hoped i might be readyfor egg collection, so booked in for another scan on friday and hopefully they will decide on egg collection early next week!

hello all where are u all? it's quiet on here!!!

welcome spidergirl!

had scan this morning finally after they forgot me and left me for over a hour waitiing nevermind these things happen!

the nurse took ages then said i was ready for my iui on friday which shocked me and i reminded her i was icsi ooopss someone had written it wrong on the notes! so im not ready because i have some follicles in the mid teens but they still need to be bigger on a positive i now have 11 follicles on the left and 9 on the right quite an improvement from last friday! about 4 between 14-16mm and several around the 12mm mark!.

im a bit fed up though because im tired and uncomfortable and really hoped i might be readyfor egg collection, so booked in for another scan on friday and hopefully they will decide on egg collection early next week!


Hi Annie
I'm new on this thread, but have been stalking but had to say a huge good luck to you for your upcoming ICSI. Eleven follicles is absolutely amazing-so that bodes really well for a BFP! It is incredible how quickly these follicles grow, and I'm sure you will be ready for egg collection in no time! I bet the drugs are making you feel tired-but it'll be worth it when you hold your own baby in your arms! You're doing a really amazing thing so be kind to yourself and try to relax as much as you can!

I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you!

Good luck!
Annie, wow!!! What a development :happydance::happydance::happydance: 20 follies :thumbup:

Its not very reasuring that the nurse had you down for IUI or forgot about your scan and left you waiting :dohh: I now have everything crossed for you for Friday and roll on EC :thumbup:

Welcome spidergirl, nice to see the thread expanding :thumbup: Do you have a date for your next step? Appointment? I wish you loads of luck hun :hugs:

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