icsi in 2011?

hello all where are u all? it's quiet on here!!!

welcome spidergirl!

had scan this morning finally after they forgot me and left me for over a hour waitiing nevermind these things happen!

the nurse took ages then said i was ready for my iui on friday which shocked me and i reminded her i was icsi ooopss someone had written it wrong on the notes! so im not ready because i have some follicles in the mid teens but they still need to be bigger on a positive i now have 11 follicles on the left and 9 on the right quite an improvement from last friday! about 4 between 14-16mm and several around the 12mm mark!.

im a bit fed up though because im tired and uncomfortable and really hoped i might be readyfor egg collection, so booked in for another scan on friday and hopefully they will decide on egg collection early next week!


Hi Annie
I'm new on this thread, but have been stalking but had to say a huge good luck to you for your upcoming ICSI. Eleven follicles is absolutely amazing-so that bodes really well for a BFP! It is incredible how quickly these follicles grow, and I'm sure you will be ready for egg collection in no time! I bet the drugs are making you feel tired-but it'll be worth it when you hold your own baby in your arms! You're doing a really amazing thing so be kind to yourself and try to relax as much as you can!

I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you!

Good luck!

thanks for the goodluck! everyone on here has been fab and this by far my fav thread in my two and half years on bnb! im def trying to put my feet up and spending some time off from work relaxing! took my nephew to the park in the sunshine this morning and thought i could def get used to mat leave and being part time!

tinks it didnt give me much faith lol considering im a assitant radiographer myself it reminded me to make sure i know what im going into each time i meet a patient! but i guess these things happen and poor nurse was mortified! he he

how are things with you?
Hi and welcome Dwrgi :hi:

Fx crossed the mishap was a one off then hehe. I work in quite a big busy office so I get paranoid when I am waiting for our paper work to go throught the hospital and system :dohh: I know how things have a tendancy to disapear or get misplaced :wacko:

Are you so uncomfortable because of the growing follies? Does it just feel like you are very bloated??? Just curious :blush:

I am good thanks hun. Excited as its my sisters 30th tomorrow. We are going out for tea and then she is having a house party friday. I have decided to let my hair down though and NOT feel guilty about over indulging. DH and I both need an excuse for some fun :thumbup:
Hi and welcome Dwrgi :hi:

Fx crossed the mishap was a one off then hehe. I work in quite a big busy office so I get paranoid when I am waiting for our paper work to go throught the hospital and system :dohh: I know how things have a tendancy to disapear or get misplaced :wacko:

Are you so uncomfortable because of the growing follies? Does it just feel like you are very bloated??? Just curious :blush:

I am good thanks hun. Excited as its my sisters 30th tomorrow. We are going out for tea and then she is having a house party friday. I have decided to let my hair down though and NOT feel guilty about over indulging. DH and I both need an excuse for some fun :thumbup:

thats the problem in hospitals you see so many patients its hard to have the time to look at notes etc!

yes its pretty uncomfortable now i feel bloated twingy stich like pains and i think im gonna convert to jogging bottoms for the rest of the cycle now!sitting seems uncomfortable if im not streached out like im squishing everything!!

that sounds fab hun party away i say!

:happydance::happydance:Annie that's fab!! What a difference a few days can make!! iui, oops!!! Sympathy for the big bloat, its not good. Have you put on much weight? I know when I stimmed I put on about 8lb and couldn't do up my work trousers! Your ovaries are now the size of a fist...nice to know eh?!! Hope the cough has cleared up and friday gives you a date for EC. So far so good, excited for you!!

Hi Tinks, how are you? Sounds like a good do with your sis's bday! You deserve to let your hair down, make sure you have a great time and have a night off ICSI!

Hi dwrgi, when do you start? Will it be your first cycle?

Love to everyone else, hope you are having a good week. Its flying, can't believe its thursday already tomorrow! Had lovely indian meal out with my old work mates this evening. Nice but feeling so full! Right, off to bed for me, hope I can sleep with a belly full of tikka masala! night all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
thank you and i hope every thing goes well for you all too and i have every thing crossed for you all. I have to go back on the 19th of april where they will show me how to do the injections and explain every thing then i start injections on easter sunday will let you know how it goes xx
:happydance::happydance:Annie that's fab!! What a difference a few days can make!! iui, oops!!! Sympathy for the big bloat, its not good. Have you put on much weight? I know when I stimmed I put on about 8lb and couldn't do up my work trousers! Your ovaries are now the size of a fist...nice to know eh?!! Hope the cough has cleared up and friday gives you a date for EC. So far so good, excited for you!!

Hi Tinks, how are you? Sounds like a good do with your sis's bday! You deserve to let your hair down, make sure you have a great time and have a night off ICSI!

Hi dwrgi, when do you start? Will it be your first cycle?

Love to everyone else, hope you are having a good week. Its flying, can't believe its thursday already tomorrow! Had lovely indian meal out with my old work mates this evening. Nice but feeling so full! Right, off to bed for me, hope I can sleep with a belly full of tikka masala! night all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you so much Lolly! It means a lot to have this support. I don't know how I managed without it before I found this website!

I have an appointment with the Fertility Consultant tomorrow-I know she is going to recommend IVF, as DH's swimmers have suddenly gone into early retirement. Little blighters. I really want to have ICSI, as it has higer chance of success. Been TTC for three years now and can't wait any longer!!!

Where are you at with your treatment? How long have you been TTC??

Too many questions-sorry! I hope you're okay and that your tikka masala didn't keep you awake-sounds lovely!!!

Lots and lots of :dust: to all you lovely ladies on here!
dwrgi- im sure they will bypass ivf and go for icsi if they think iui is unsuitable as thats what they did with us i know what u mean about the wait too but fear not your on the home straight to some treatment now!! fingers crossed for you!

lolly- i havent weighed since friday but i feel massive! no one has suggested i look it tho so its prob all in my head!! cough has cleared up nicely thank goodness for that! ovaries the size of a fist omg where did you hear that stat?
and tikka massala mmmm lush!!!

as for everyone else i hope you are all doing ok? were missing you here this week!!

i have a scan tmrw at 10.45 fingers crossed they will give me a date for egg collection!

I agree with annie dwrgi, they will probably do ICSI if you have male factor involved. We had MF with DP, it was only a slightly low count and its fine noe but they still go for ICSI if there has been previous probs. Seems ICSI is the way forward these days. I really hope you get lots of positive answers at your appointment tomorrow, you must let us know! Good luck!! I am about to start my second cyle after a failed cyle last year. Well, I say about, there have been lots of hold ups for one reason and another. Have had long term treatment for ovarian cysts and then had to put back an original start date of 28th feb for sometime in may all being well. The waitings always a killer huh?! Hopefully we are all getting there!! :happydance:

Hi annie, good luck for your scan!! Hoping for some good follie updates! It was the nurse scanning me last time that said the size! I just happened to mention being sore and she said she wasn't suprised as my ovaries would now be very large. I asked how large and she said 'this large' and make a massive fist!! Crazy thought!! Bet you look absolutely fine, its often is just the thought isn't it, and how you feel inside. Will be checking in for an update tomorrow :hugs:

Hi to everyone else. Tinks hope you have great time partyin'! Gill, hope you are ok and have loveley weekend. Spider, good luck for your cycle!! Nayla, not sure if your reading this but if you are all my love hun. Slb, hope you are ok and excited for appointment!

Lots of love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, ladies, just had a quick read to update myself, been so busy this last week at work and organising some of the last bits for the wedding.

Getting super excited for my appointment on Monday now but also so worried that they are going to tell me my pct don't fund anymore!

Lolly, have you got any plans for the weekend? Annie good luck hun x Tinks have so much fun this weekend, let your hair down and enjoy yourself!
Hi guys how are you all?

Slb wow not long to the wedding I hope the the rest of the planning gos smoothly for you!

Well I had my scan this morning I have 23 follicles in total 4-6 big ones a few not far behind and sone little ones! They thought I might be overreacting due to the high no so they took bloods! They phoned at half four to say we are going to proceed to egg collection on Monday morning! I take my last two injections tomorrow night have a drug free day Sunday and am in 8.30 monday omg so nervous! I can't believe it's finally happening!! I hope they get a bumper crop of healthy eggs now!

Hi guys how are you all?

Slb wow not long to the wedding I hope the the rest of the planning gos smoothly for you!

Well I had my scan this morning I have 23 follicles in total 4-6 big ones a few not far behind and sone little ones! They thought I might be overreacting due to the high no so they took bloods! They phoned at half four to say we are going to proceed to egg collection on Monday morning! I take my last two injections tomorrow night have a drug free day Sunday and am in 8.30 monday omg so nervous! I can't believe it's finally happening!! I hope they get a bumper crop of healthy eggs now!


Oh Annie, good luck!!! We're holding our breath for you. :hugs::hugs:
thank you and i hope every thing goes well for you all too and i have every thing crossed for you all. I have to go back on the 19th of april where they will show me how to do the injections and explain every thing then i start injections on easter sunday will let you know how it goes xx

Hi Spidergirl, just wanted to say a good luck to you for your ICSI-you must be so excited. I am sure you will have success with it-go girl!!! I had to do injections for IUI-I'm not sure if they will be the same thing, but I was apprehensive at first, but they are easy peasy. Needles are so thin-and nurse said to practise on an orange first! Ha ha.. Let me know how you get on!

Enjoy your weekend-it's beautiful in S. Wales, sure to be the same in Oldham too!! Are you a Reds fan??!!

Take care and lots of love,
dwrgi- im sure they will bypass ivf and go for icsi if they think iui is unsuitable as thats what they did with us i know what u mean about the wait too but fear not your on the home straight to some treatment now!! fingers crossed for you!

lolly- i havent weighed since friday but i feel massive! no one has suggested i look it tho so its prob all in my head!! cough has cleared up nicely thank goodness for that! ovaries the size of a fist omg where did you hear that stat?
and tikka massala mmmm lush!!!

as for everyone else i hope you are all doing ok? were missing you here this week!!

i have a scan tmrw at 10.45 fingers crossed they will give me a date for egg collection!


Thanks for this Annie, and I just wanted to wish you a HUGE good luck for Monday. It all sounds very promising for you, and I am sure you are getting closer to your :bfp:. I shall be thinking of you!

I had my appointment yesterday, and yes, IVF is the way to go. I am too old for NHS funding, so am going private (there's the Oz trip to see my brother gone, but this is far more important),and have booked a consultation in the CRMW nearby for Tuesday. Can't wait but apprehensive too. My Fertility Consultant said they would decide, as they were doing the procedure, whether to do IVF or ICSI-I really want ICSI-had enough of waiting around, and stats are far more promising with it. Is this true though? I thought they'd know beforehand which treatment to offer/or that it was cilent's choice!

Anyway, have a lovely and highly relaxing weekend, to prepare yourself for Monday! And huge huge amounts of good luck to you!
Annie thats great that you have so many follies :happydance::happydance::happydance: wishing you so much luck tomorrow :thumbup::thumbup:

Lolly it must be so hard with them putting your treatment back, fx it all goes as planned next month :hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - Do you feel better now you know where you stand? Good luck for Tuesday, its a shame about NHS but with going private at least things will get moving quicker for you. Fx you will be starting treatment in no time :thumbup:

slb80, good luck tomorrow, cant wait to read your update. I dont think they would be asking you to do bloods and SA if your PCT wasnt going to fund. GL :hugs:

I have had a really good weekend, my sisters party was good and the weather has been fab.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :kiss:
hi tinks thanks for message of luck and im glad you have really enjoyed your weekend i bet it was nice to let you hair down!

dwrgi thanks for your kind words im glad you got some of the answers at your appointment - roll on ivf!!!

afm, well im not gonna lie to you im feeling really nervous about egg collection tommorow it's a scary thought but not only am i nervous about the procedure but also what they get i really really hope theres a good few eggs in there i really do! i know its the first thing im gonna ask when i come round for sure!
just think tommorow afternoon my future baby(ies) might be made crazy!!

Good luck Annie!!! I will be thinking of you. :hugs:
GOOD LUCK ANNIE!! I can imagine just how scared you are, but you will do just fine. You have tons of follies so looking good for some good eggies! Groggy or not it was the first thing I asked when I came round, I hope you hear some great news! Wow, its really real now. Take it easy and again, good luck, we will all be rooting for you!

Slb, you to, hope your appointment goes well. Tinks is right, why would they bother doing tests to turn around and say there is no funding? Sure all will be good.

Dwrgi, good luck for tuesday, sorry to hear about funding for you but from listening to some of the other girls the consolation you can take is that private clinics seem to check for everything so you can be sure you are getting the best possible treatment!

Tinks, really glad to hear you have had such a good weekend, you deserve it hun. Always good to let your hair down at times, and bet you feel better for it. All we need now is a nice letter in the post this week. Fingers crossed!

Hi Gill, hoping you are keeping well and weather has been just as good for you over there!

Wow, all is happening on here. Gutted weekend is over, weathers been gorgeous and amongst uni work I have loved chilling with DP and few friends in the sun! Been playing on the lawn with the cat this afternoon, simple pleasures!!!

All my love, Lolly xxxxxxxxx
hi tinks thanks for message of luck and im glad you have really enjoyed your weekend i bet it was nice to let you hair down!

dwrgi thanks for your kind words im glad you got some of the answers at your appointment - roll on ivf!!!

afm, well im not gonna lie to you im feeling really nervous about egg collection tommorow it's a scary thought but not only am i nervous about the procedure but also what they get i really really hope theres a good few eggs in there i really do! i know its the first thing im gonna ask when i come round for sure!
just think tommorow afternoon my future baby(ies) might be made crazy!!


I bet it is completely normal to be nervous-I hope that you have a very restful night tonight and that it goes really, really well for you tomorrow!

All the best! It sooooooo exciting!
Sat waiting to go in omg I'm freaking out! Ahhh thanks for all the good luck messages xx

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