icsi in 2011?

Hi Girls :hugs:

Im so sorry i have not been on here for 2 weeks (the first week was the worst for me and i had a very heavy period for 8 full days where is usually 3-4 days max) Firstly thanking EVERYONE for you love and support you girls have been great xxxx Again sorry i have not been in here for a while.

Wow alot has happened, Annie i have fingers and toes crossed for you hun you have a FANTASTIC number of follicles, im sure they will get lovely eggs from you, You have come so far in the journey your almost there dear :hugs: xxxx

Im trying to read everything since I have been on. Welcome to the new ladies :hugs: and i hope everyone else is doing well in regards to dates and appointments, (i will re-read again where you are all up to)

Even though its just been 2 weeks since my failed ICSI i am feeling a little better, compared to what i was like at the start i was hysterical, i thank the lord that i can live normally now. I do get teary and occasionally cry while im driving or even cooking :shrug: but im starting to come to terms that it didnt work and i HAVE to be stronger than this.

I have had a chat to the FS since the failed ICSI, she really couldnt give me a reason at all. What she did say was that she would 'scrape my uterus' on the next attempt to make it extra sticky for the embryo? she told me she couldnt ask for better embryos they were at the highest standards, and even the thickness of my uterus was at the best standard, its just one of those things i guess :shrug: (which makes it even more frustrating for me) Also she told me that due to my size i was on the weakest of dosages after 10 days of stimming plus an extra injection thrown in the last week (leverium) i only had 6 follicles, even though they managed to get 5 eggs and all 5 fertilised she will up my dosage so we can get more follicles which will = more eggs. I was very upset to find out that they disposed my 3 remaining embryos, the Lab lady told me that she didnt think we will need them and they were not growing too fast?? this was upsetting to hear as this means we will have to start from scratch :cry:

crying my guts out isnt going to change anything and the quicker i can think positive the quicker we can start moving.

Also she told me that i can start Cycle 2 on my next period which is the end of April.. she said usually after a failed ICSI they let that period arrive and start in the next one?? my heart beats so fast out of fear more than anything.. she told me that because i was not on any strong stimulating drugs my ovaries will be ready to start ASAP as not many follicles grew my husband is over the moon that we can start so soon, yet im so so scared mentally im so fragile, The irony also On saturday my husbands younger brother paid back £3000 that he gave him last year to help pay off his car, and he told me that between us we can find £2500 and if needs be we will dip into out ISA account, hes so excited about re-doing it again, yet im petrified to tell him how im feeling? In june its my brothers wedding and will be in scotland for a week and a half and i dont fancy stimming away from home so we will not be able to do it than, and in September my husband has a few weeks training in Geneva and he keeps telling me the timing is right?

I have not said anything i still have 2 weeks before my period arrives, i feel im more scared this time round than anything, my fridge still has drugs from the last cycle :cry: i think if i dont do it this month October will be the next one.. im typing and having palpitations, i said to my husband dont you feel were rushing it? he said strike the iron while its hot and she said its very normal and better to do it so quickly afterwards?? i keep thinking say it does not happen again?? that will be 2 failed ICSI within Months :cry: My husband is like a different man? 1st time he was so reserved now hes telling me that we will be pros? :cry: i cant bear to see his crying eyes again.. and financially this is killing us, he keeps saying we dont need intial tests and we still have the injection pens so were saving?? but that only a few hundreds?

Sorry ladies im typing my heart out in here, im comfortable talking about it now, it felt like i was grieving. I appreciate everyones views and please tell me what you ladies would suggest? i have googled how long do women wait after a failed cycle? some start straight after the 1st one? some wait 6 months, i guess it depends on the mental state.

Again thank you all so much for your prayers and support and very very kind words, and again so sorry i was not online for a while, you have all been in my prayers xxxxx and we will get there one day.
hi all,

well i had the egg collection this morning! still a bit dozey and feeling quite sore but when i went under i took myself to the maldives and that was a lovely thought!

they got 12 eggs and seem quite happy that they should be able to use most if not all of them so fingers crossed for that! dh sample was a-ok too apparently!

so i will wait til weds now to see how they are doing!

nayla- so pleased to see you back and i can only imagine how the last two weeks have felt for you, if you want to have another go soon then go for it!
thats a lovely post hun im just so sorry you are going through this big big hugs to you xxxx
Thanks Annie for your kind words, 12 eggs thats EXCELLENT Hun im sure you over the moon!!!! i so hope that all 12 Fertilise so you get to have frosties!! :thumbup: future brothers and sisters :happydance: i remember so clearly only getting 5 eggs and i was so so scared that nothing will happen and when i heard 5/5 fertilised i was on :cloud9: I was told 70-80% eggs fertilise with ICSI you will be fine, I pray that you kick start this thread with a BFP :hugs: you just chill in the next few days your almost PUPO xxxxxx

Half of me Annie wants to just jump in the deep end and start in 2 weeks, and a voice in my head tells me can i mentally put myself through it all when im still raw??? oh i dont know how im feeling anymore, i think once my period arrives i will know for sure..
ill deffo be over the moon if i ever see that BFP! but for now i'm just trying to stay level headed! i hope i can bring afirst positive to this thread but really i wanted us all to have one :(

i guess you will know when the period arrives but i do think sometimes the best way to heal the wounds is to get up brush yourself down and try again easier said than done i know but remember we will be right behind you no matter what!

Annie that is great news, keeping my fingers crossed for you hun xx

Nayla, glad to see you back here, I can not imagine how hard the last 2 weks have been for you hun, and it is great you can start again so soon. I am sure you will know when AF arrives as to what you want to do.

I have just got back form my appt at st marys and it is deverstating news:cry:. My PCT are not funding ivf at all. St Marys still want me to have some bloods to see what my egg reserves are like just incase my pct re instate ivf at somepoint in the future but for the forseeable it is unlikely. I have to go back in July to get the results of this test and we have been filed should things change. Private at the moment just isn't an option, we don't have that kind of money. So it looks like this is it! the end of the line for us and we will never get our baby:cry::cry::cry:
Oh Slb, I'm just so sorry to hear that. My heart sunk when I read your news. Its so so unfair and it's just not right. Its not right that people in different areas don't get the same amount of tries, but not to let you try at all makes me sick. What is your next move sweetheart?

Nayla!!! Lovely to hear from you and DO NOT apologise silly. We all understood that you needed time. I hope you took some confort ion the fact we were all thinking of you. The bleed after is just crushing isn't it? The worst physical symptom is over now though, its just the mental hurt. But I must say that you sound to be coping very well. Its a hard one about whether to try again now or not, and I don't think I can offer you any advice as it is something so personal to you and your circumstances. From my experince I was not ready for at least 2 1/2 months to try again. Before I thought that if it failed I would want to try again now. I'm not a petient person and so I was suprised when I realised that I just couldn't face anything ICSI related after my BFN. Me and DP went on holiday and I took time to emotionally grieve and heal. But that was me, everyone is different. I can see your DHs point, but you have to remember it is your body. I know I got very angry with DP when he talked about trying again. I felt he didn't understand the battering my body had taken and how it had made me feel. I wanted to quit all together and adopt at one stage. I was in a very low place. I guess I took longer to heal. But I'm glad I took that time as I feel very good about round 2 now. So I guess what I'm saying is that if you want to try now then go for it!! But if you are not sure then wait as I think you need to be in a good mental state to experience something like this and come out the other side, no matter what the end result. You are doing great Nayla :hugs:

Annie, 12 eggs is a great result. I hope you have had a good fertilisation report today and are not too sore. Look forward to hearing the news and just think, this time tomorrow/friday (depending on what day transer you are having!!) you will be PUPO!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!

Tinks, how are you? Hope your week is going well, as fast!!

Dwrgi, hope you are doing alright hun!

Gill, how are you feeling? Been thinking of you.

AFM... I rang St Mary's today for a chat. The lovely nurse talked to the doc about me and after chatting with me again everyone involved has decided to get the ball rolling! Very happy but then she left a voicemail asking me to go in a 1 tomorrow. Struggling with the timing due to work so going to ring them back in the morning to try and go monday (I know... you think I would be running there!!!) But of course I will go if needed! Its just my new job don't (and won't) know about IVF and so would have to think of something and i'm a bit pathetic and don't like lying! Also my boss tomorrow (I have 2) is quite scary so a bit nervous of telling her I have to leave early with only 3 hours notice!! But its just tough, if hosp can't rearrange then I will be there!

I will be collecting a prescription for norethisterone to induce a bleed as I generally don't get AF... went nearly a year without one once! And also they want to take some more bloods (as they always do!!) to do an indepth look at one of my hormone levels. Apparently they do this after a failed cycle to ensure that the dosages etc are perfectly suited to me and my body to get the best possible outcome. Sounds very positive. I'm praying all is ok, last time had in depth bloods I had to have an MRI and they diagnosed PCOS in addition to existing endo! Why is it we always expect the worst?!!

So, once I get my bleed, usually after 10-14 days I ring back and arrange to start DR! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that it's really happening this time :happydance:

WOW!!!! Long message!! Best go and sort tea before DP gets home (good girlfiend :haha:) All my love,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Slb, I'm just so sorry to hear that. My heart sunk when I read your news. Its so so unfair and it's just not right. Its not right that people in different areas don't get the same amount of tries, but not to let you try at all makes me sick. What is your next move sweetheart?

Nayla!!! Lovely to hear from you and DO NOT apologise silly. We all understood that you needed time. I hope you took some confort ion the fact we were all thinking of you. The bleed after is just crushing isn't it? The worst physical symptom is over now though, its just the mental hurt. But I must say that you sound to be coping very well. Its a hard one about whether to try again now or not, and I don't think I can offer you any advice as it is something so personal to you and your circumstances. From my experince I was not ready for at least 2 1/2 months to try again. Before I thought that if it failed I would want to try again now. I'm not a petient person and so I was suprised when I realised that I just couldn't face anything ICSI related after my BFN. Me and DP went on holiday and I took time to emotionally grieve and heal. But that was me, everyone is different. I can see your DHs point, but you have to remember it is your body. I know I got very angry with DP when he talked about trying again. I felt he didn't understand the battering my body had taken and how it had made me feel. I wanted to quit all together and adopt at one stage. I was in a very low place. I guess I took longer to heal. But I'm glad I took that time as I feel very good about round 2 now. So I guess what I'm saying is that if you want to try now then go for it!! But if you are not sure then wait as I think you need to be in a good mental state to experience something like this and come out the other side, no matter what the end result. You are doing great Nayla :hugs:

Annie, 12 eggs is a great result. I hope you have had a good fertilisation report today and are not too sore. Look forward to hearing the news and just think, this time tomorrow/friday (depending on what day transer you are having!!) you will be PUPO!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!

Tinks, how are you? Hope your week is going well, as fast!!

Dwrgi, hope you are doing alright hun!

Gill, how are you feeling? Been thinking of you.

AFM... I rang St Mary's today for a chat. The lovely nurse talked to the doc about me and after chatting with me again everyone involved has decided to get the ball rolling! Very happy but then she left a voicemail asking me to go in a 1 tomorrow. Struggling with the timing due to work so going to ring them back in the morning to try and go monday (I know... you think I would be running there!!!) But of course I will go if needed! Its just my new job don't (and won't) know about IVF and so would have to think of something and i'm a bit pathetic and don't like lying! Also my boss tomorrow (I have 2) is quite scary so a bit nervous of telling her I have to leave early with only 3 hours notice!! But its just tough, if hosp can't rearrange then I will be there!

I will be collecting a prescription for norethisterone to induce a bleed as I generally don't get AF... went nearly a year without one once! And also they want to take some more bloods (as they always do!!) to do an indepth look at one of my hormone levels. Apparently they do this after a failed cycle to ensure that the dosages etc are perfectly suited to me and my body to get the best possible outcome. Sounds very positive. I'm praying all is ok, last time had in depth bloods I had to have an MRI and they diagnosed PCOS in addition to existing endo! Why is it we always expect the worst?!!

So, once I get my bleed, usually after 10-14 days I ring back and arrange to start DR! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that it's really happening this time :happydance:

WOW!!!! Long message!! Best go and sort tea before DP gets home (good girlfiend :haha:) All my love,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello! Lovely to hear from you and what fantastic news that they want to get the ball rolling for you! Brilliant news. I'm sure you must feel that it's good when they are working on your behalf as it takes so much of the pressure off you and DH. I really hope that you can sort out your appointment-I know what you mean about scary bosses and always mean to look up assertiveness tips, but never do! Good luck with it, whenever you go!

AFM, my appointment this morning went well and I am scheduled to start IVF the next cycle, which will be May now :)witch: came to visit this morning, and I guess it's just too short notice; I also need to get my head around this!), with egg collection due to take place in June.. Gosh, I don't know where people get the strength from, as Consultant said only 15% success rates for people in my age category-not huge at all, but I'm sure we have a better chance this way than naturally, after TTC for three years now! She took bloods for my amh levels, and just have to wait now for the next period... So, I'm excited but also apprehensive... we need b**ls of steel, if you ask me, pardon the expression!!! :headspin:

Hope you're okay and look forward to hearing how you get on tomorrow (or Monday!).
Love, Axx
Annie that is great news, keeping my fingers crossed for you hun xx

Nayla, glad to see you back here, I can not imagine how hard the last 2 weks have been for you hun, and it is great you can start again so soon. I am sure you will know when AF arrives as to what you want to do.

I have just got back form my appt at st marys and it is deverstating news:cry:. My PCT are not funding ivf at all. St Marys still want me to have some bloods to see what my egg reserves are like just incase my pct re instate ivf at somepoint in the future but for the forseeable it is unlikely. I have to go back in July to get the results of this test and we have been filed should things change. Private at the moment just isn't an option, we don't have that kind of money. So it looks like this is it! the end of the line for us and we will never get our baby:cry::cry::cry:

Hi Slb-so really sorry to hear this. I think this is going to be the reality for so many authorities now, with the huge cuts that they have to make. It just stinks, as the Tory toffs (oops, personal political view coming through there) who are in power can well afford to go private and pay for this treatment anyway. It is absolutely scandalous. I am thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling a little better today. Is there no way at all you could borrow the money for one cycle...???

You've probably been through this sort of thing but could your DH take vits etc. to improve SA results? Sorry if you've already tried this-vits C, E, Selenium and Zinc are the best ones; my Fertility Consultant said about a client whose partner had a very poor SA result-he went and tried Wellman Conception for three months and bingo stingo, his count went through the roof.... Worth a try????

Anyway, sorry if I'm preaching to the converted! Take care of yourself and try to stay positive...
Lots of love,

And just wanted to say what a lovely pic of your dog in your avatar-soooo gorgeous!
hi all,

well i had the egg collection this morning! still a bit dozey and feeling quite sore but when i went under i took myself to the maldives and that was a lovely thought!

they got 12 eggs and seem quite happy that they should be able to use most if not all of them so fingers crossed for that! dh sample was a-ok too apparently!

so i will wait til weds now to see how they are doing!

nayla- so pleased to see you back and i can only imagine how the last two weeks have felt for you, if you want to have another go soon then go for it!
thats a lovely post hun im just so sorry you are going through this big big hugs to you xxxx

Hi Annie,

Just wanted to post quick hello and to wish you huge luck for tomorrow-it's all looking really positive for you! Fingers crossed for tomorrow and lots and lots of love,
Thank you Dwrgi!! So glad your appointment went well to! we could well end up being cycle buddies, who knows?!! Hospitals love throwing stats around and it can be scary. But at the end of the day its all down to how well your body reacts to the treatment and you sound positive and I truely believe that will help you. I was so negative last time and I swear it effected me. So come on girls, PMA all the way!! You're right, we need to be made of strong stuff to go through all this. And thats just why its the women that have to suffer :haha: Although to be fair its the men that are subjected to the hormonal rages!! Well, its only fair!!

So excited for you, you will do just fine and we are all here for you, and each other... sorry for sounding a bit Jerry Springer :flower:

Hi Nayla - First of all, I cannot believe they threw out your unused embryos !? Without your knowledge. If they weren't good, then okay, but .... if they were ....... that 's insane !~
5 embryos - I would be on CLoud 9 !~ I got only 5 in 2 different ICSI's. You have enough to work with - so I'd go for it ! My last one only had two embryos - and was unsuccessful.

Good luck - whatever your decision.
I am going for round 2 for 2011. Final try. Each ICSI costs over $ 6500 - and the drugs bring it to $ 10,000 Canadian dollars. Lucky for me, my work prescription coverage covers pretty well all the drugs.

hi all!

dwrgi great news on starting next cycle i will have everything crossed for you and lolly!!

slb- im ans so sosorry that your area are not funding a cycle for you that really is discusting in my opinion! the post code lottery situation in this country really needs to be sorted out it's so unfair that some people get three go's at the and then others none at all! i am on my one funded cycle but am assuming that i will end up wanting another go and am currently saving my life away incase that this fails and i dont feel i have to wait an eternity to have another go!

gilkar- ggod luck with your next go at ivf!! xxx

well i just had the call.....

we had 11 eggs they injected out of the 12 and we now have 8 little embryos!

three of a/b quality 3 of b quality and two others! currently we dont meet blastocyst transfer criteria as they need four good ones but they have decided to culture them for another day and are going to make the decision tomorrow!

so i'll either be going in tomorrow for a two embryo transfer or fri/sat for a one blastocyst transfer either way the embryologist started the call with it's godd news so i'll just have to trust them!!

go little embies go!!! xxxx
Annie, wishing you all the luck in the world hun x

Thanks for your kind words ladies, It means a lot. I am feeling a bit better today, DF got home from his conference late last night so haven't had a propper chat about things yet but we might look into an egg share scheme. This means that we could probably afford 3 cycles and at least then we have given it our best shot. I am going to do some calling around today and get some info sent out so we can look at the bigger picture. If that fails or we don't qualify I don't know what we will do. So I am keeping everything crossed! We won't jump into anything and we will just think about things between now and the wedding and then move forward on what we decide in July.
Slb80- so sorry hun about the news, life can be so mean when it comes to TTC, i always think that bad luck happens to very good people, on the bright side im sure egg sharing will be a great option! keeping in mind your age im sure you will have loads of lovely eggs :hugs: I wish you all the luck in the world hun, i will be celebrating my 3rd wedding anniversary soon i would do anything to go back to the preperation bit! it really does take your attention and something to look forward for, Hang in there hun xxxx

Annie- 8 Embies thats excellent! :happydance: a day makes a huge difference! i hope that they grow nicely and you will be PUPO the hard work is done! i so wished i chilled out more, looking back i was laying kittens through out the whole treatment, Egg Transfer isnt to comfortable, but you will be thinking i dont care whos looks at my bits as long as the embies are put back safely :thumbup: getting very excited for you!

Gilkar- Hi hun i thought that would ring me or say something? but the day i got my blood test was the day they told me they got rid if them? my husband said things happen for a reason, but 3 is a very good number to freeze, they could see that i was clearly shocked, and to be honest everyone the nurses the lab lady the FS all gave me 70% chance of success if not more? they were all so confident it was going to work? :cry: looking back maybe she thought theres no need to freeze them and she gave an excuse that they were growing slow? by day 3 many were 8 cells it just makes me think that they would have kept growing? what is done is done i guess, I will make sure they freeze any future cycles that i will do. Wow you get covered well, it makes a difference getting financial help, im so scared that we will be in debt due this, unfortunately were dipping into all our savings and its scary. hopefully will be worth it when we get our baby :thumbup:

Lolley- your such a star Hun x it meant alot coming back and seeing everyones words, as i was not really 'alone' i had you girls xx i have so much going through my head, i think i will pop in on cd2 (i think 2 weeks or 2.5 weeks not sure where i am with my cycle as my period didnt come till day CD35, and im usually cd 26/27) i will see what the FS says to me and why not i will just go for it again as too much thinking will stop me doing anything) im so so scared about repeating it, as my husband told me when you fall of a bike do you wait for months before u jump back on? or do you get on it straight away?? i said you cant compare a failed ICSI to falling of a bike! hes just bouncing of the walls with excitement maybe because he heard the FS said 2nd time will be the charm, buts thats what she said 1st time :cry: I so wish we can go on a holiday or do something nice, but money is just getting tighter. i told my husband were NOT celebrities with money to burn, i worked out it will be just over £10,000 we would have spent in a matter of months :cry: thats so much money! and really we will be scraping what we have in our accounts, and im thinking of selling clothes and bags on Ebay, and having a baby should not be like this :cry: Also it was the 1st time in weeks and weeks that we made love last night, as i was in No mood at all during and after the treatment, it was a little painful i think as we have not had sex for well over 1 month, and he was joking around saying if your ovulating this might be our lucky night! ( i feel like yelling at him sometimes! hes in his own coo coo land! and were not doing ICSI for a laugh!, i just think he has it in his mind we will be that miracle couple thats waiting for IVF than gets pregnant, but its ME were talking about)

I just read in a magazine interview that Celine Dion fell pregnant on her 6th ICSI/IVF and now has 2 beautiful boys! 6 CYCLES! she must be super women! im dreading round 2 and she managed to have 6, but she got there in the end, and im sure she didnt sell no clothes or considered selling her car to make money :cry: its scary.. and i dont think NO WAY on earth we can go for cycle 3 we just dont have that kind of money,

Im sorry im talking away, usually I talk when im scared, i just wish in a few years down the line we will all meet up in real life with our babies having a hot drink and a giggle of where we have been, Oh that would be lovely, and why not ladies,,, we can make this happen, I have cried screamed curled up in the corner of my bedroom, and never ever again i will allow myself to go back to that dark time! the world stops for no one! we just need to keep going and see that cute baby at the end of the tunnel x

BABY DUST TO US ALL xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox

Love and Hugs to you all x
Oh Nayla you made me cry!! I can only imagine how lovely that would be, to all meet up with our bumps and babies! I will think of that day, it WILL come!!

I'm sorry that you are struggling so much financially. Its just so wrong that people have to go through what so so many take as a given. Its just not fair and sometimes I can't get over that fact.

I so see your DH's point and before my failed cycle I would have agreed. But something changes when it doesn't work. It did for me anyway. All I want, all I've ever wanted is to be a mummy, but ICSI is so hard and there was no way I could try again straight away. But like I keep saying, everyone is different.

We were very lucky that we had an overdraft and scraped into it to get a package holiday away. It was cheap and tacky but also the best thing we did. I forgot about it for a few days. But then we got back and I got depressed. I Looked up adotion with social services and was adament that I would not go through the hurt6 ever again. DP started asking why I felt so against trying again and surely I still wanted our baby. Of course I did. I can't explain it though, I just could face doing it again, ever again! But I think the pain was just so raw. My DP wanted (think he still does) to keep trying over and over until we get our BFP. But I can't. I am like you and think two and if not then look into other options. We have compromised at 3 attemps. I don't want to sound ungrateful and I want to be pregnant so much but I can't put myself through it too much. I will sink again. I think you can understand how I feel and me with you. I think a person changes after a failed attempt. I am positive now and strong again. But I remember the bad place I was in. DP wanted me to go docs and get anti-depressants but I wouldn't as I was worried it could effect my chance to adopt if it keeps failing. Its so hard. I hope whatever choice you make its right for you.

I hope I don't sound over dramatic girls! It was just all the build up and hope and a negative result, really found it hard. I so hope its different this time. And if not then I am stronger. Can you tell I'm getting scared!!

Rearranged appointment for monday, so will just take each day as it comes. Think we all have to with this infertility lark....

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
:hi: Annie!

Wow, 8 embies, thats fantastic! Either of those two options sound great, you must be so pleased! I really hope your transfer goes well, you will soon be on the dreaded 2ww and a PUPO princess!!! Wishing you tons of :dust: Take care of yourself! xxx :hugs:

:hi: Slb!

So glad to hear you are looking into egg sharing, sounds a really good option for you and soon to be DH. You are sensible to keep level headed but sounding a lot more positive than monday. And you have a lovely couple of months and a wedding to look forward to so try and keep smlng! We are all rooting for you xxx :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!! Tinks, Gill, Dwrgi, hope evryone is ok xxx :hugs:
slb egg share sounds like a good idea to me let us know how you get on! xx

nayla that was a beautiful post hun and we will be here for you whenever you need us my dear! and agredd meeting up with bumps and baies would be so nice!!

thanks for your kind words girls!

tinks wher are u? im missing you!!

well girls .... im offically pupo with two little embies!!! i have to say egg transfer is deffo the worst bit for me so uncomfortable! i got a call at 9 was in and 11.45 and they did the procedure! they could not freeze the other 6 in the end as they didnt meet frozen criteria so my two mini ninjas need to do me proud!!! so mad!

Annie!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee: it brings tears to my eyes!! wow u have come so so far PUPO is an amazing feeling right!! i pray so so hard they stick, relax relax relax is all i can say!! :hugs: wow you have two in you :baby::baby: what cells were they hun? im sure they were great! Try not to worry too much about the ones they didnt freeze as i have good feelings that you will not need them! are you walking like a penguin :winkwink: i was walking like i was 9 months pregnant!! im so so happy for you!!

I know what you mean about the transfer, when im KO i dont really mind whos looking at my fuu fuu :blush: but when your wide awake and almost doing the splits, it seems like every tom dick and harry is taking a peek :blush: all thats the past now!! im wishing you dear from the botton of my heart a successful 2WW (i dont know why im typing and crying???) im so overwhelmed and everyones success in here is a step closer to all our dreams and cycles coming true! :hugs: you can do it Annie!!! I stayed in bed/sofa for 4 full days! didnt even lift a cup hubby was being way too nice, but all the rest didnt make a difference :dohh: im so so excited for you it brings back all my memories.

Lolley- wow your about to start soon :hugs: i know what u mean about adoption but its so hard trying to find new borns straight from the Mother? i do google it now and again, if we cross that bridge i definitely want a newborn, i said to my husband if we get blessed to have our own baby, as a token to the Lord we will adopt a child that needs a home. we every passing day i have a strong feeling that we will go ahead for cycle2 at the end of the month, i will just do it while my emotions are still raw and i feel 'i know what to expect' if it doest work so be it, i wont be kicking myself in october saying i might have been 5 months pregnant if i did it back in May. i guess life is about taking risks. I will be lying if i said im 100% strong in the head im more like 30-40% :shrug: while DH is showing all this energy and excitement i might as well be strong and try and have half the energy he does.

Lolley its natural to be scared anyone whos says there not is lying, and also i think being under 30 it makes you question even more that we are at the prime of our life and it didnt work?? :shrug: my sister told me her boss's wife is 44 turning 45 soon and he bought everyone a drink she got pregnant with her 1 round of IVF, im very very happy for them, again it does make me wonder its all about luck :shrug: i really pray second time the charm with us :hugs: the only thing i will change is CHILL, im going to be so relaxed and not get to caught up with follicles. eggs sized it drives anyone crazy :wacko:

What will be will be I guess..... :dust::dust::dust::dust: to each and everyone of us xxxxxxxx
Hello Everybody! This is my second attempt to write this post as the computer did something with the long response I've just spend ages typing-:growlmad:

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all the :dust: in the world.

Dear Nayla-good luck with your appointment on Monday-I hope it goes well and you get the information that you need. I'm thinking of you hun! Can you believe Celine and her 6 attempts-she clearly didn't have to go through the NHS then, as it would have taken ages, and clearly also has enough wonga to keep on going until she got her BFP. It's just not fair, that fertility treatment is so expensive, and yet you can't put a price on being a parent. Lots of luck, sweet pea! xx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dear Annie-what amazing news. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you. Try to relax and I love the PUPO abbreviation!!! Way to go!! :flower::flower::flower:

Dear Lolly-I have no idea what you have been through as I am just starting my IVF/ICSI journey, but I have had a MMC, and I do know the pain of loss. It must have been so hard for you. It sounds like a good idea to compromise at three-only you know what you can take, and you have to listen to your body and what your instincts are telling you. But I am certain you will get your dream and that you will be a mummy-just keep on trying, don't give up. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dear Slb, egg sharing sounds like a really good idea. I know that the London Women's Clinic do it; do they have a centre near you? They are supposed to be very good. I looked into this, but was too old, as they want women under 35, to get the best quality eggs. I think you'll be eligible, so go for it!!! Let us know how you get on! Good luck, hun. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Dear gilkar, good luck with your second attempt-how lucky you are to have your work pay for the treatment. I really hope that the second attempt is your lucky attempt! Lots and lots of good luck to you! :hugs::hugs:

I hope I haven't forgotten anybody, if I have I'm sorry, but I just wanted to say :hi: to you all.

AFM, still getting my head around Tuesday's private appointment for IVF/ICSI. I gather now they will do a short protocol ICSI treatment, as we have sperm issues. But, I do have a question. They want to do the treatment in June, when I am 39, and will only transfer two embryos, legally. Am I better off waiting another cycle, as I am 40 in July, and then you are legally allowed to transfer three embryos? Does anybody have any thoughts, ideas, information that can help me? This is all so new to me and I have so much to learn.

I hope you are all doing well-I'm sending you all lots and lots of :hugs: and :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
nayla that was such a beautiful post hun it just made me cry you are a truly wonderful person! i know i need to be positive so why are the scared vibes already set in?
how many did you have put back and what cell/grading were they?
they were both 8 cells hun and as i said befrore one was a/b the other b i think thats not too bad!

i've led out all aft and intend to take it easy tomrrow then no lifting etc but try and get on with it until test day! im so sore hun it's untrue my belly kills but im still weeing ok so i guess its inflamation and not OHSS!!

dwrgi good luck with the appt next and nayla too!!


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