icsi in 2011?

Annie amazing news :) Keeping everything crossed for you xxx

I have phoned a clinic local to me and I have passed there basic criteria so it is just the screening questionare and testing stage to go through. We will proceed with it all when we get back from our honeymoon. So excited to have another option, I just hope we get accepted and everything goes smoothly. Hopefully I will be having icsi this year afterall :)

Love to you all, hope evryone is feeling good xx
Congratulations Annie!! Pupo at last, yaaaay!! Sorry to hear your other embies didn't make it but hoping you won't need to try again for a long time! Good luck girl!! :happydance:

Slb... that's fantastic news! So after all the heartache at the beginning of the week things are looking up. Have a feeling this will be a good year for you!! :happydance:

Nayla, good for you hun! Glad you have made a choice, i'm sure it is the right one for you. You'll be saying its the best thing you ever did when you get that BFP!! :happydance: I'm with you on the no-stress, relaxed, more positive cycle!!

Bring it on ladies.....


Hi Dwrgi!!

Sorry I've only just seen your post!

Thank you so much for your kind words, they all mean so much. You are so strong and have been through a lot. I guess we all have. Its so lovely to have a place to spill everything out. I'm sorry if I had a mini 'freak out' with my posts!! Its all well and good talking about it, but now I'm due to start again and it seems real, i'm scared! But your words help me through it and I hope mine can help each of you. :hugs:

That's a very interesting point about embryo transfer and it seems that wherever I look/read a different clinic has a different rule. Nayla did you say at one point that your clinic were willing to put back 3 if they could? I have read on other threads of women having 3 pt back when in their 30's. So it is interesting that you mention it being a legal obligation. Is it absolutely set in stone? Just thinking of my circumstances as we were told only allowed 1 due to my age (25 at the time) But on ET day were told only 2 had made it and so they were transferring both. They seem to make judgements as they go along! Its a toughie. Can you talk at your appointment on tuesday? From my experience the docs/nurses are very good generally and have lots of advise. I'm excited for you, not long now!! Sorry can't be of more help. Guess its a case of weighing up pros and cons, greater chance of BFP with risk that comes with multiples. Although knowing me I would say the more the merrier!!! (My irrational motto!) Did read during last 2ww of a woman in america-think 38/9-having 5 put back!!!! Yikes :wacko:

Lolly I think it is based on age and the procedure my clinc told me they wanted one blastocyst but because my embryos didn't quite meet a safe criteria to carry on they transfered two relatively decent 8 cells I have the there other instances when the transfer three in my clinic and seems the ages of those are over 40!
I think maybe frozen egg transfers may be more too!

I was told 55 pereceny chance of pregnancy from icsi at my clinic and if I do get a bfp 40 percent chance it will be twins because of my age scary stuff! I really just keep willing these embies on I'll take one or two I'm not fussy lol funnily I really wanted to get to blastocyst but now I'm happy I've had two put back x
Hi Lovlies,

Annie like yourself they put back two 8 Cells and they just said there both excellent quality?? i wanted to go blastocyst but they said 3DT is safer option, i was thinking it will be better in me than in the lab and many dont make it and stop growing by day 4 and 5, it would be playing russian roulette leaving them for 5 days so i was happy with 3 DT, wow 40% of twins :happydance:

Lolley at the very start they said they would consider 3 and i was so excited, but your right, they change things as they go along, On the day she said that they couldnt ask for better embryos and putting 3 8 cells in will increase the chance of multiples (which i dont mind at all! :cloud9:) and im only tiny weighing just over 7 Stones she said it will complicate the pregnancy and be harmful etc etc?? at the time i was thinking you know best, and when she told me a lady that had 3 8 cells put back in, she got pregnant with tripplets, she said it was very complicated from start to finish, and she lost all 3 babies at 22 weeks :cry: and this women was very healthy double me in weight, i was thinking i have no chance with more than 2 :nope: i would rather have 1 healthy baby full term than try and get 3 that will be difficult?

I dream breath twins... that would be great :cloud9:

slb80- wow never say never hun, 2011 will be all our year :hugs:

DWRGI- Hi sweety thanks for your sweet words, Hun your going private and your paying your hard earned money, im sure that they will put 3 in, its not impossible for them at all, im 28 (29 next week) and they considered it at the start, i just feel they are being awkard?? whats 1month? on the day they just change everything, have a heart to heart with them and say that you need this to work and this might be your only chance and you have a busy june july ahead of you?? maybe just maybe they will help you :thumbup: theres no harm in begging, 3 is a great number and as lolley mentioned the more the merrier, 4 or 5 put back is a different story,,, but 3 i hope it goes well for you. Theres many women in the USA, India, East Europe in there 20s and early 30s and they have 3 put back in.. and go on to have 1 healthy baby some twins and only 2% tripplets, just say also you understand the risks.. im sorry i sound OTT but you have come so far and its only right your 100% happy with everything.

Hi Lovlies,

Annie like yourself they put back two 8 Cells and they just said there both excellent quality?? i wanted to go blastocyst but they said 3DT is safer option, i was thinking it will be better in me than in the lab and many dont make it and stop growing by day 4 and 5, it would be playing russian roulette leaving them for 5 days so i was happy with 3 DT, wow 40% of twins :happydance:

Lolley at the very start they said they would consider 3 and i was so excited, but your right, they change things as they go along, On the day she said that they couldnt ask for better embryos and putting 3 8 cells in will increase the chance of multiples (which i dont mind at all! :cloud9:) and im only tiny weighing just over 7 Stones she said it will complicate the pregnancy and be harmful etc etc?? at the time i was thinking you know best, and when she told me a lady that had 3 8 cells put back in, she got pregnant with tripplets, she said it was very complicated from start to finish, and she lost all 3 babies at 22 weeks :cry: and this women was very healthy double me in weight, i was thinking i have no chance with more than 2 :nope: i would rather have 1 healthy baby full term than try and get 3 that will be difficult?

I dream breath twins... that would be great :cloud9:

slb80- wow never say never hun, 2011 will be all our year :hugs:

DWRGI- Hi sweety thanks for your sweet words, Hun your going private and your paying your hard earned money, im sure that they will put 3 in, its not impossible for them at all, im 28 (29 next week) and they considered it at the start, i just feel they are being awkard?? whats 1month? on the day they just change everything, have a heart to heart with them and say that you need this to work and this might be your only chance and you have a busy june july ahead of you?? maybe just maybe they will help you :thumbup: theres no harm in begging, 3 is a great number and as lolley mentioned the more the merrier, 4 or 5 put back is a different story,,, but 3 i hope it goes well for you. Theres many women in the USA, India, East Europe in there 20s and early 30s and they have 3 put back in.. and go on to have 1 healthy baby some twins and only 2% tripplets, just say also you understand the risks.. im sorry i sound OTT but you have come so far and its only right your 100% happy with everything.


Here in good old Ireland where there is absolutely no funded fertility treatment whatsoever, the private clinics wont allow me put back more than one egg and Im 33. If we had the money we would go to the U.S. (my dh is American) where they will let you do what YOU want to do.
Oh Nayla you made me cry!! I can only imagine how lovely that would be, to all meet up with our bumps and babies! I will think of that day, it WILL come!!

I'm sorry that you are struggling so much financially. Its just so wrong that people have to go through what so so many take as a given. Its just not fair and sometimes I can't get over that fact.

I so see your DH's point and before my failed cycle I would have agreed. But something changes when it doesn't work. It did for me anyway. All I want, all I've ever wanted is to be a mummy, but ICSI is so hard and there was no way I could try again straight away. But like I keep saying, everyone is different.

We were very lucky that we had an overdraft and scraped into it to get a package holiday away. It was cheap and tacky but also the best thing we did. I forgot about it for a few days. But then we got back and I got depressed. I Looked up adotion with social services and was adament that I would not go through the hurt6 ever again. DP started asking why I felt so against trying again and surely I still wanted our baby. Of course I did. I can't explain it though, I just could face doing it again, ever again! But I think the pain was just so raw. My DP wanted (think he still does) to keep trying over and over until we get our BFP. But I can't. I am like you and think two and if not then look into other options. We have compromised at 3 attemps. I don't want to sound ungrateful and I want to be pregnant so much but I can't put myself through it too much. I will sink again. I think you can understand how I feel and me with you. I think a person changes after a failed attempt. I am positive now and strong again. But I remember the bad place I was in. DP wanted me to go docs and get anti-depressants but I wouldn't as I was worried it could effect my chance to adopt if it keeps failing. Its so hard. I hope whatever choice you make its right for you.

I hope I don't sound over dramatic girls! It was just all the build up and hope and a negative result, really found it hard. I so hope its different this time. And if not then I am stronger. Can you tell I'm getting scared!!

Rearranged appointment for monday, so will just take each day as it comes. Think we all have to with this infertility lark....

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

Just want to say that I understand how you feel about trying again. It's not quite the same but Im definitely terrified of getting pregnant again even though its the only thing I want in the world. How many times do you fall off the horse before the damage is so bad you can't get back on? We gotta keep going though. We got a little time on our side. I hope to come back on here in a little while and read that you are happily pregnant and it was all worth it!! Rooting for you. :hugs:
Gill, thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. You have had such a tough time and I feel slightly embarrassed for whinging now. You are incredibly brave and I so admire that you are continuing in your fight for your forever baby. All my love hunny :hugs:

Nayla how are you doing today? It is crazy that things vary so much between different clinics/docs/pcts, with different criterias for ages, weight, embie nembers etc. Get confusing doesn't it?!!! Also the freezing guidelines are different to. I am shocked that they discarded your 8 cell embies. Were there fragmentations maybe? I had two 5 cells and a 4 cell that they did not freeze. I know this isn't great for day 3 but from this site I have seen that other people have had their embies kept for a few days to see if they grow further incase they were just slow developers, but mine were disposed of immediately :cry: Lets hope we both get lots of lovely eggs and embies this time now they seem to be adjusting both of our medication doses :happydance:

Annie, how are you pupo princess??? 2ww driving you mental yet? Hope you have turned google obsessive like I did!! Good luck hun! :hugs:

:hi: Tinks, dwrgi, slb and everyone else! Hope you have all had great weekends in the sun!

I am at the clinic tomorrow for blood test and get my AF drugs. Yay for getting things moving!!

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
Gill, thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. You have had such a tough time and I feel slightly embarrassed for whinging now. You are incredibly brave and I so admire that you are continuing in your fight for your forever baby. All my love hunny :hugs:

Nayla how are you doing today? It is crazy that things vary so much between different clinics/docs/pcts, with different criterias for ages, weight, embie nembers etc. Get confusing doesn't it?!!! Also the freezing guidelines are different to. I am shocked that they discarded your 8 cell embies. Were there fragmentations maybe? I had two 5 cells and a 4 cell that they did not freeze. I know this isn't great for day 3 but from this site I have seen that other people have had their embies kept for a few days to see if they grow further incase they were just slow developers, but mine were disposed of immediately :cry: Lets hope we both get lots of lovely eggs and embies this time now they seem to be adjusting both of our medication doses :happydance:

Annie, how are you pupo princess??? 2ww driving you mental yet? Hope you have turned google obsessive like I did!! Good luck hun! :hugs:

:hi: Tinks, dwrgi, slb and everyone else! Hope you have all had great weekends in the sun!

I am at the clinic tomorrow for blood test and get my AF drugs. Yay for getting things moving!!

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Lolly

I shall be thinking of you tomorrow-good luck at the clinic! And yes, brilliant to get things moving! Let us know how you get on!
Morning Ladies,

Lolley All the best at the clinic Hun xx your about to start! xx

Gill- I didnt know that at all? :shrug: Sounds very very strict, i believe every clinic should give us a choice with 1 or 2 to be put back and we sign that what ever happens will be our responsibility :thumbup: There are some clinics i have read around the world that will put back 4 or 5 in a 20 or 30 year old now thats silly:wacko: and alarm bells will be ringing! its just a shame Drs wait for a failed cycle than thinks 'ok we will put 2 in now :dohh:' its OUR money and OUR emotional stress not theres! Remember it just takes 1 healthy embryo, some women do have 2 or 3 put back and nothing happens... (im one of them :cry:) stay strong and positive ( i know it is not easy) cyber hugs to you :hugs:

Lolley She did not mention about the other 3 fragmentated? all i remember was the word 'excellent and perfect' being thrown around the room :shrug: for it to be thrown away that does not sound perfect to me?? than she mentioned that it was not grwoing as fast as she would like after 8 cells milestone? i dont know anymore :nope: i just hope and pray i make much more eggs for them to freeze.

Annie- how are you feeling?? almost there hun xx

Tink- how have you been hun? we miss you in here xx

Hope everyone else is well x

AFM its just gone 7am this morning i was woken by my period :shrug: im on CD18 i was only on just over 2 weeks ago, but i did come on a week later after the failed ICSI so any other month plus that week it should be cd26 for me and it sounds about right? I guess i will make an appointment in my lunch hour and pop in tomorrow that will be CD 2, not got a clue will im be down regging or stimming tomorrow? i just have a mental blockage :cry: wow its all happening so quickly, it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since i was last at the clinic since the dreaded result, but she did say pop in on CD2 that is Tomorrow.

I will update you all x
hi all hope ypu are keeping well! i totally agree the number transferred one or two should be down to choice and what annoyed me was the clinic kept onand on about getting to blastocyst when the could it was then a-ok to put back two just doesnt make sense!!

well guys im ok up and down like a yo-yo decided i was out already this morning as i had a night sweat and i do before my period but its far too early?

breasts are so sore from the progesterone and im getting alot of niggly pains and stingy feelings from behind my pubic bone so i hope thats a good sign i guess i should remember it aint over til the fat lady sings!!

lolly good luck for clinic hope all went well!

and omg nayla u go girly! fab news xxx
Dwrgi - They transferred three embryos two years ago - when I was 38. It worked.

Sounds like you are doing the short protocol - ISCI that I am in June. My failed ICSI in March they could only get two embryos - that's why it failed ..... I neede that third one ! ha.ha.
Only the drugs are paid for through work - not the procedure ! That's still over
$ 6500.00 for us.

Annie - Awesome for you !~!

Gotta run - talk to you all soon,

Hang in there Annie, its really isnt over as no symptoms are the same xx

Todays appointment was ok, I had my uterus scraped at the start before she did the Ultrasound and ouch i was digging my nails in the bed it was so so so painful!! it took my breath away!! like someone was pushing a 50kg medal rod so far up you and scraping it! i didnt want to cry but it was awful never felt physical pain like it than i had to have an injection so i dont get infected. I asked her is it too early to scrape it she said usually they do it 1 month before a cycle.

Once that was done she did an Ultrasound and my good luck there was a 5CM Cyst on my right Ovary which means NO starting Round2 of ICSI this month! How do i feel? totally fine not sick to the stomach not gutted just feeling fine, and honestly a sign of relief, shes given me the BCP and said that should shrink the cyst it and its very very common after IVF.

I guess im looking at the middle of May now to start round 2, deep down i think im secretly happy not to be starting today, its not even been 3 weeks since we found out the cycle failed... i think i will will be 100% ready by the time May arrives... Husband is worried about me and that im gutted nOT AT ALL, happy as a daisy for now, and want to keep living...
Nayla i'm so happy that you are happy!! Really think that extra month will do you a lot of good and reall;y focus you and starting again. Plus we will be cycle buddies by the sounds of things :happydance: Obviously not good about the cyst but like I said in your other icsi thread I really don't think it will be anything to worry about. My last cycle was while I had a cyst and while they tried to reduce it before, they still went ahead no probs. The scrape sounds awful! So sorry for you. Ow, ow, owwww! Least all done and dusted and hopefully never again as it is BFP time :happydance:

Annie, hoping your symptoms are a good sign and those pains may be little one starting to snuggle in! Too early for AF so fingers crossed for you. Hope you are being looked after and 2ww isn't too torturous!

Dwrgi was it your appointment today? If so tell us all how it went, hoping you have some dates to get the ball rolling!

Tinks, hope you are ok, not heard from you for a while so hoping that all is alright and you are off enjoying the sun?? Give us a shout when you are around hun :hugs:

Hi Karen, good luck with your cycle, bring on lucky number 3 embie!!

Hiya slb, hope you have had a good weekend!

:hugs: Gill!!

Well had my appointment yesterday. Sorry I didn't post to update you all last night but had a headache no amount of drugs would have touched!! All is all it was a good appointment, it was just everything else involved in the trip that went so terribly!! So here goes....

Went on my own for the first time. Told DP that it was only for a prescription and blood test and not to use his hols, I'd be fine. You would think I would know my way by now but i'm so cr*p at directions so I used my satnav. Half way there I realised I didn't recognise where on earth I was and looked up address. It had switched the oxford road for one in wigan not manchester!! Anyway lucky it recalculated the route and I carried on, on new (very busy!) motorways and came in from other side of manchester. When was nearly there it told me to go right and I was pretty sure it was left. Risked it and was correct, was soooo smug! So get to the carpark and its been converted to a warden controlled staff only carpark so I panicked. Luckily the warden saw my face and came over to direct me to a nearby multistory. Meant had further to walk but was ok. Got to the clinic and sat in the waiting room. That was when I started thinking the worst and my stomach started knotting up. Silly huh?! Anway was all ok, had bloods, got prescription and told to take it to pharmacy and start taking AF meds on thursday and got booked in for injection teach and to get DR drugs on May 16th at 7.45am :happydance: So... then went to pharmacy in different hospital. Woman asked if I paid. Said 'no not for this one' and she asked me to tick why not. Have done this before but couldn't remember so asked her to help me and said why (for ICSI) She said in the snooty-ist voice EVER 'ummm yes you do have to pay for THAT', told her I had had 7 prescriptions previosly and had never paid. She replied that 'I would have has to pay', so told her I hadn't and had asked the woman before and she confirmed I didn't. She said that that would simply not have been the case and I would always have had to pay. I told her I wasn't bothered about paying (i'm really not, I am so grateful for funded cycle what on earth is £7.80), but was not lying and had never paid. She looked at me is disgust like I was trying to pull a fast one. She said if I didn't pay she couldn't doispense the medication. I shoved a tenner at her and she shoved the change back. B*t*h!!!!! So got the meds and went on my way back to carpark and paid for parking. Had parked on floor 3. Went to floor 3 and could I find the car, no I couldn't! :dohh: Walked for a bit and was suddenly on floor 5. Took the stairwell back to third floor and walked and suddenly was on ground floor. It was the strangest layout!!! The floors sloped but then curved in the middle-basically when you thought you were going up you were actually going down. Then started doubt whether I had parked on floor 3 so started looking in them all. Couldn't find it, had been 35mins by this point. Was on the verge of tears so rang my mum who calmed me down. She talked to me while I kept walking pressing the fob for my door unlock. Finally something clicked, had taken 50mins to find :blush: Unreal!!! So drove down, put the card in machine to lift barrier and said that my time had expired and had to pay again. There were cars behind me at this point so was stuck and had to leave car there blocking everyone in and walkin back to paystation to pay again. Soooo embarrassing. Off I went home. Following satnav, again a way didn't know. Following this lorry down the road when he cut a corner doing an illegal uturn, I just followed as didn't know the road and thought that was the right way. Suddenly had everyone starting/beebing/road raging at me. Just awful. Wanted to cry my eyes out there and then!!! Told DP all this last night and he of course thinks i'm a proper goon!!!! :haha: I am!! IIts kinda funny now but last night I just wanted to go bed!! My back and shoulders were trobbing from being so tense and my head was pounding. But all in all the good new is I start next month. Phew, what a day. And moral is, never go to appointments on your own ladies, always have a friendly face to hold your hand :flower:

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Wow Lolley what an adventure!! some people are so rude its crazy! the hospital sounds MASSIVE! Some think they have the right to act like that, as they have what we realllllly want :shrug: even at the private clinic im at we asked today can we pay by card (it cost £180 for a chat and ultrasound and the uterus scraping) She also said in a snotty voice i will prefer cash i can see you both have notes and between you surely you will have the right amount? :growlmad: I was thinking between us we just had £65 and she had no right looking so close in my purse, than she said the machine is down and theres a cash machine down the road, poor hubby had to run all that way... it was weird how the machine broke all of a sudden.. but we just have to bite the bullet and off we go i try not to get so upset too quickly... my husband whispered to me shes not had any for a while look at the frustration :haha:

Im not keen going anywhere by myself makes a huge difference having a travel buddy i really agree with you, my first day at school and college my dad came with me :blush: but Uni i was a big girl and went alone :haha:

Hun so you will be DRing 16th May? She told me that she will try the Short Protocol on the next try? not got a clue what that involves so i will be doing alot of reading :coffee: she said on the next cycle pop in on CD2 than i start stimming???? deep down i want to down reg as im scared of ovulating early :shrug: but shes the one with the brains not me so i will go with her choice... i guess you will be on long? i think instead of 6 weeks it will take 2 weeks?? ohhh not too sure but will read up on it.... Lolley thank you for that Info on Cycst so even if it shrinks i hope i get the green light.... Im thinking 26th 27th May i start not 100% sure yet? would be nice going through this with you... as your so sweet and hopefully 2nd timers will get the BFP soon :hugs:
lolly- you poor thing that sounds like a nightmare id have cried too by the end of that!!! im glad its all happening for you hun!!!

nayla - ouch my goodness that sounds so painful!! im glad that next month u can get going and that will be great! sorry about the cyst thats a bugger!!!

guys i think im gonna be joining you both in the first failed icsi i just know it! nothings happening apart from a occasional pathetic niggle!! although i really fancy crisps and mminted lamb but i think thats just cause im a nutter ha ha!!! (i still have my sense of humour) but like u nayla if we fail we shall scrap the money together have a month off and give it another go like i said the only way forward is to brush my knees off and get back on the icsi rollercoaster! im not giving in until i get a bfp!! xxx
Thats the fighting spirit Anne! But im sure you have it in the bag, just try and think happy thoughts... i want this to work for you so so badly... its about time this thread had some good news :thumbup: sometimes its easier to be negative but the pain will always be there.... :cry:

Thats all we can do hun is keep keep going, if it was not for the cyst i will be stimming now, I guess its the Lord saying 'chill what your rushing for..' its only 1 month and that will be here soon, thats all i have been living for is my cycles and when im next on :dohh: i really am wishing my life away... I turn 29 Tomorrow and i have always wanted to be a mom before 30, i need to be pregnant by July :cloud9: to reach that dream/,,, i dont know anymore :shrug:

Hang in there Annie... xxxxxxx
funnily nayla i totally understand that way of thinking! i was wanting to be a mum by 27 but sadly missed the boat for that and am now hoping this is a bfp as i would just make it before my 28th birthday! weird since i started trying when i was still just 24!

i really dont feel confident its gonna happen my i havent cried once yet there's nothing i can do to make it any better and i wont cry incase i do upset the mini ninjas!

i'd love to be the one to bring some optimisam to this thread and really hope i do guys i want to know it can be done!

i really thought at 6dpt 3dt i'd feel something different you know but no such luck!!

Evening ladies!

How are we all? I am feeling much less stressed after monday :haha: Thanks for the well wishes!! Nayla I can't get over some of these people. Sometimes its not what they say but how they say it. We are all going through a very emotional time and also generally are drugged up and hormonal so they just ned to back off!! DP said he wishes he was with me! Honestly if she was just nice about it of course I don't mind paying, obviously something was mistaken the previous time, but why be a cow about it :growlmad: I can't beleive that woman wih you. That is so out of order. Think your hubby may have been right about her :haha: How are you feeling after your scrape (sorry, that sounds so blunt ut didn't know what else to call it) Sending you all my love. Would be nice to cycle together and no feel so alone this time :hugs:

Annie, how are you hun? I know its crazy isn't it, every little twinge or anything that you would normally just ignore is now a symptom. Is it good? is it bad? Drive you :wacko: Are you working? I didn't first time and just went mental! This time i will be stright back to work and getting my head down! Good luck sweetie, hope you are ok. Oh and the thought of your requests for minted lamb made me smile :haha:

Well I start my meds tomorrow. 2 a day for 7 days. Better than a couple of times back when I took 6 a day for 10 days!! I should then get AF between day 10-14 and have to ring hosp. 16th is provisional but should still be ok. Will start DR few days later I think, they didn't say for certain and for some strange reason I just didn't ask. Maybe ignorance is bliss...

:dust: Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi lolly congratulations on starting the meds Hun thats a step closer to you dream hopefully bfp day will be here before you know it! It's really so true about the way people talk to you I've had it too at points and the other thing that bugs me is when people tell me im young I'm 27 not 15 and ive been with dh for 10 years ffs plus he's 33 and doesn't want to be a older day he grey and bald as it is he he!!

Where is everybody tinks slb gill?! Were missing you here I do hope your all ok?

Well I had some really strong period pains across my back and pelvis last night went on for hours it really felt like af was going to come!! Settled now tho just the occasional niggle again I really hope this a good sign because a hour before those pains started I was moaning I felt nothing! I've also woken up staving again worst so far and I never usually get hungry before lunch I'm one of those
can't face it kinda girls naughty I know! And lolly I still want minted lamb sooo much even right now I don't usually like lamb that much! Yeah I'm off work but going back tues looking forward to it but I'm glad it's a three day week to ease me in gently! X


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