icsi in 2011?

Hi Ladies...

This is a very quick post, i will update you all on my appointment than i will read everyones msgs and type a longer one later :thumbup: (wow this thread is moving super quick!)

I cant believe its 6am im fresh as a daisy! :dohh:

Ok we had to wait for 1 hour for the appointment.. i think she had last minute egg collection or something? as she was in her scrubs and kept walking in and out very fast.. it the end we saw her at 5.30pm..

Ok the good news i have 4 good sized follicles on the rights ovary and 3 on the left and loads of small ones she told me that they will all catch up within days :thumbup: Im very happy after 4 days of injections i have 7 Follciles.. my last cycle it was after almost a week of stimming there were only 6 small ones.. So increasing the drugs have made a huge difference :thumbup: and Dr seems to be very pleased... last time i remember her clearly telling me ' thats not as much as i would like to see on day 6' She said everything is going well :happydance: She added an extra injection Leuveris last night so i have Gonal F and Leuveris and wow that stings! :dohh: She said it will help to make the small ones catch. Today will be day 6 of stimming and i have to pop in on Saturday Morning to see what an extra 3 days has done to my follicles.. I went in with an open heart saying i will be happy with 3 or 4 and this stage and when she said 7 and many will catch up :cloud9:

Ok ladies This is very important information, At my last appointment i asked her to test my Thyroid Antibody? i have googled so much about failed IVFS as many women that have failed IVF'S or loads of miscarriages A high Antibody can cause this and PREVENTS AND REJECTS IMPLANTATION :shrug: It was for my peace of mind, she told me its an expensive blood test which i didnt mind paying for now and just knowing we have checked everything :coffee: So far all my tests come back great not this one :nope: it should be under 115 and mine is 195!! my heart sank in my chest and i felt my eyes filling up.....

She was calm and told me not to worry maybe this was a HIGH REASON THAT IMPLANTATION DIDNT TAKE PLACE shes not sure for certain but told me it 'might be' better we found this out now.. (i was thinking if i didnt tell her about this blood test and if my 2nd one failed and than she did that blood test i will be kicking myself! Honestly ladies god bless google, and ask anything, sometimes i write notes from other womens journals and ask the doctor to check and test me on certain things)

She told me some womens Antibodies can go high as 400, and 195 is not too too high? in my eyes in should be under 115 and mines 195 thats high enough for me.. Sorry if im not making sense, Anyway im on Steriods now (great!) she said that this balances out the immune system and kills excess cells that might prevent implantation etc etc I just dont want to be a women that had 3 or 4 failed IVFS than they do this test and say Oh this is the problem?? :nope: i know i just had 1 failed cycle so far, in my eyes thats one to many.. and i want her to EXHAUST every avenue to find out what it might have been?? Lucky we found this out now.. and it does makes me think which other things i have of whack??

We went for a meal after the appointment as we didnt leave till well after 6pm.. my husband told me for once im glad your a 'google freak' it might pay off :haha: i said to my husband i just said it casually at the last appointment 'Can you please test me if my body might be rejecting the Embroys?" 100% she would never have tested me unless i asked.. and the results 'its high so my body might me rejecting it :shrug:' i would have LOVED IT TO BE WITHIN RANGE... but hey theres a problem that were trying to fix.. :thumbup:

The moral of my long winded story ladies is ask ask ask... im not a Doctor far from it and sometimes it feels like im trying to tell her to do her job.. she told me shes trying to save us money and doesnt want to do unneccesary tests after just 1 failed IVF, and the tests go on forever... i told her i i would rather pay a few £100s on blood tests than lose £1000s on a failed cycle, i told her is there any other tests that i should be doing now? she said so far we have covered important ones, and i need to stay relaxed ( i will give any women going through IVF anything she wants if she can truly say shes Calm, its IMPOSSIBLE to stay calm in this heart breaking journey)

Ok lovelies i need a shower and to get ready for work...

Take care and i will catch up later with you lovlies... i so hope Saturdays scan will be lovely :happydance:
Littlemouse, so glad your DH’s boss is one of the good ones! Nice that they are understanding about things, shows positive for his future there right? :thumbup:As for ET, I was advised to take 3 days off in total, 1 for the procedure and 2 after. I have done that for the past 2. This time I am taking an extra 2 days. I have 6 days in total planned as I work midnights I took the night before off, the day of, and 4 days after. I just thought I would like to stay home and rest a bit before going back. My job is not particularly busy (usually) or stressful (I’m a nurse) but sometimes it can be so just to cover me. I too have a bunch of time I can take as I have been saving it up but I’m holding on to most of it in case I were to need bedrest during pregnancy!:haha:

Lizz, you are cracking me up about the whole wine thing! :rofl:So sneaky! I was even telling my DH about it and he thought it was funny. (and he thinks I’m nuts :wacko:for being on here all the time!) So when is your test date again?

Tinks, great that your appt is coming so soon! Something to look forward to now that you have a date in view! :thumbup:I hope you get some good news about the sperm retrieval not being so long! And you are not moaning! :nope:Everyone has their own hurdles on this journey and they all have a right to worry/complain/moan about them, we’re here to listen no matter!:hugs:

Kazzab, keep on with that attitude! It will serve you well!:thumbup:

Lolly, I am actually feeling quite well! Not too bloated, though I did eat too much at dinner last night! :blush:But only slightly crampy, without any pain, which I did have last time! Too funny about your meds near the lunches! :haha:And your dream too! Weird how Tinks does have blonde hair! You ladies scare me sometimes! :wacko:And as work goes, you choose what you tell them. If you have to manipulate the truth, oh well, too bad! Whatever makes it easier for you, they don’t need to know the details!:nope:

Nayla, haha, so much for a quick post! I’m like that too though, can’t stop the flow once it starts! Congrats on the follies, sounds great.:happydance: And for speaking up about the thyroid thing. I wonder if it has something to do with why they are putting me on steroids this time. Seems like they make tests and then just give you what is needed without explaining why. Maybe that’s because they know we will obsess! :wacko:Glad you are asking everything. I do too. When I hear something on here, I totally ask even if it’s nutty! I don’t care! They are nice about it though.:hugs:

AFM, had the trigger Tues night so ready to go for this morning. I leave in about 2 hours so I will have to get ready soon. I’m pretty excited! My DH is a little less than thrilled about producing in a cup! :haha:Like that is the hardest thing to do! :winkwink:Says it wouldn’t be so bad if he had a fluffer! I don’t think our insurance covers that though! :rofl:Lol! It’s so weird not drinking some water since I have been drinking so much lately. When you can’t have something, that’s all you think about right?! I’ll chat with you all later and let you know how it goes!:hugs:
Hello Ladies

I started to have some spotting yesterday lunch time so got myself into a bit of a state and thought that was it over.....but I did a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive!!!
I have had some blood on and off today so not feeling to positive :(
Has anyone else had this or know anyone who has had this and gone on to have an healthy pregnancy?
I want to be excited as this is he first time I have ever had a positive test :)
I am 12dp3dt
Any advice would be great thanks
CONGRATULATIONS FISHER!!! ANOTHER BFP!! :happydance::happydance: :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Bleeding is very very normal Hun, what i have read many women have it during the 1st Trimester! check the 1st trimester thread hun theres loads about spotting! Awww well done hun made up for you :hugs:
Lol i just realised my essay that was suppose to be a quick msg :blush:

Psp- how was ER? your in my prayers hun, please let us know how it went :hugs: hope they got some great eggs :hugs: and in regards to the Steriods sometimes its better not knowing what the drugs are for lol, im more than certain its linked to Thyroid Antibody, and with what i have read its very safe xx

Tinks- 23rd June thats so so close!! aghhhh :happydance: it will all be starting soon for you Hun xx definitely before August Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Lolley- what a funny dream! aww it would ne so nice one day when were ALL mummies that we meet up :cloud9: you girls are like my extended family love you guys to bits! :hugs: Your doing great hun drinking all that water keep it up :thumbup:

LittleMouse- I here some girls go work the next day some have the full 2 weeks off i think it depends on the situation... I took the full 2 weeks off doing NOTHING and relaxing and being extra extra careful and i got a BFN :cry: some women go work the very next day, and get a BFP :happydance: See how you feel about it, theres no harm taking the first 2 days off :thumbup:

AFM had my 6th Injection today... I had Gonal F (in belly) and Leuveris (arm and its a stinger :dohh:) trying to stay cool and relaxed... Im hoping on Saturday the smaller follicles are looking good and we get a date..? My husband wants to take off the ER day and needs dates ASAP... Last time when i woke up from G.A i was so so dizzy and sick it will be nice if he can have the day off... but half would be nice, dont fancy getting a taxi home..

Hope everyone else is well.... Lizz were praying for you hun x :hugs:
Fisher, i dont blame you for being cautious but it is sounding good :happydance::happydance::happydance:. I am on another IVF forum and quite a few of them on there has had bleeding very ealry and thought it was all over but they have gone on to have :bfp: and are pregnant or have babies now. It be the worst worry ever but by the sounds of things it is quite normal. Have you called your clinic? When will they do a blood test? Good luck hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nayla, congrats on your follies, that is a massive improvement from last time. I wish i could be so forward when speaking to drs, i go all shy and forget everything :dohh: I have set up a memo on my though and are inputing questions as the pop into my head :thumbup: Good for you speaking up and it turns out its paid off, even if the high level isn't effecting implatation at least you know you got it checked and treated :hugs:

PSP how has ER gone???? I hope you have your feet up resting as I type. The men dont half make me laugh. I have heard it all wanting a fluffer now :haha::haha: To us their part is very easy and straight forward but I do feel sorry for them, I am a softy. Its so embarrasing for them, bless :dohh:

I wish our minds did work the same as the fellas Lolly, the world would be simpler. We got a massive info pack through the post today and his eyes lit up, he was excited as I was to get it open :haha: Our appointment is with a Dr E Edi-Osagie and it says he is head of reproductive medicine. We have an info pack on ivf and different procedures and loads of stuff asking us to take part in a research study. I dont want to get my hopes up but it looks like this is really moving forwards. Would they send all this stuff if we wasn't going to start soon???

Going to get reading now, it may take awhile :dohh:
I think our posts crossed there. I hope your DH can get the day off for ER. It would make things less stressful for you :thumbup:
OMG Fisher that is so exciting well done you :happydance:

Everything well and truly crossed.

:hugs: X
hi guys im so sorry i've been awol i know nayla knows why and that was i didnt want to bring down the tone of the thread! i was bleeding last week for a few days and it really freaked me out! then i went for my early scan at 6 +3 and there was no heartbeat! we were devastated as it should be showing by that point but its a bit of a grey area!
we went back this morning after a horrendous weeks wait and there it was a beautiful blinking heartbeat sooo chuffed it's unreal!!

my gosh so much has been happpening here i cant keep up! but im still thinking of you all!!

fisher congrats on the bfp! liz goodluck with testing!

psp= treatment coming along nicely are u pupo now?

lolly and nayla go girls ur doing so well!!

tinks we have progress roll on 23rd june!!!!

welcome newbies!!

love to you all and anyone i have missed!! xxxx
Annie :hugs::hugs: that must have been the hardest week of your life. What a scare :hugs::hugs: Seeing that heartbeat must have been like a dream come true.

Yes we have progress :happydance::happydance: how fast things will be moving will be confirmed in 5 weeks :thumbup:

I have just been reading all the leaflets and stuff that came with our appointment and they say we can choose to have 1 or 2 embies put back. I was told I would only be allowed 1. I will be over the moon if i can have 2 put back.
Annie that is fantastic news you must have had such a tough week, talk about :cloud9:! Hooray and what a great positive to hold onto for everyone else too :)

Thanks for all the well wishes first off!:flower:

Annie, congrats at the heartbeat! :happydance:Another hurdle over! How scary that must have been for you!:hugs:

Tinks, yay for 2 embies!:thumbup:

Nayla, I hope your DH can get the day off. Mine took today and he hates to take days off! I’m trying to get a friend to take me to transfer since he doesn’t want to take another day and it would be nice to save some for after the baby comes!! :winkwink:I hope your follies are growing at a good speed!!

Fisher, Yay! Preggo!! :happydance:So happy for you, and after the spotting, so glad you got your BFP! I had spotting with my son, a little later though and it ended up being a blood spot on the u/s so they had to watch me closely. But my body just absorbed it and he was fine!:thumbup:

(copied from other thread)
AFM, I had my ER today and they got 8 eggs!:happydance: Not too shabby with my one lone ovary! Last time they got 16 but I had a lot of pains and even a gusher of bleeding last time so I think this is much better! Quality over quantity! :thumbup:I have very very minimal cramping right now. It’s always funny when you go into the OR and they start giving you sedation. One minute you’re talking, the next minute you are waking up in recovery!:wacko: I have to tell you a funny story about last time, I was reminded today when they brought me in. So I had to have a BM when they took me to the bathroom right before, right. So I go and I’m all trying to hurry cuz they are waiting for me so I rush and come out. Well as soon as they have me lay down, I realize I didn’t quite finish and had to go again! So I had to stop everything and tell them, which was super embarrassing!:blush: But I was afraid they would put me out and then I would have the BM right then and there! :dohh:So they walk me back to the bathroom and the nurse has to watch me (nice!) because they had already given me some sedation! :wacko:Crazy! Well at least that didn’t happen this time! I didn’t even have any bleeding after! We went right out to lunch and I have been feeling fine, just really tired.:sleep: The FS is suppose to call tomorrow with fertilization results, I can’t wait! :happydance:Oh and I was started on Augmentin (antibiotic) and progesterone in oil shots today. I add some more meds on Sunday as well.
I have to tell you too that my son came in my room tonight when I was lying down and said he and DH saw a mommy frog carrying a baby frog on her back in the yard! Is that a sign or what???:happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well tonight!!:hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Happy Friday everyone! Well I have a crazy long day/evening at work yesterday and all hell breaks loose!!

Fisher – Well done you, I’m so excited for you. Try to keep calm with the spotting, if the POAS is telling you it’s a BFP then you’ve cracked it girl, amazing! FX I’m following in the next few days, brilliant, brilliant news!

Psp – Hope you’re resting up nicely today, 8 is a great number and like we always keep saying, you only need one! Don’t forget the protein and the pineapple!

Lolly – How funny about the dream, I have crazy ones all the time. But I guess subconsciously we have all become best friends, I mean no one else in the world knows about my 2 treatments, so it’s such a joy to have you all to talk to on a daily basis. Hope the injections are coming along nicely, it’s funny the things you do isn’t it? A few weeks ago I was travelling up to see my folks and had to jump off one train, run into the loo and inject and then jump on another train! It felt soooo seedy!

Nayla – Brilliant news that the follies are on the right track, fingers crossed for them getting nice and big!

Tinks – good luck with all the reading, there is sooo much to go through, but the main thing to do is not to panic about al the information. Keep a little book with you at all times and when a question pops into your head write it down, then when you sity down at your clinic you’re armed!

Annie – don’t think our paths have crossed yet, but hope you’re foing ok, it must have been such a stressful week for you.

Well, I have a couple of days to go to test and I am really tempted to do it early, but if it’s a no I will kick myself for testing early. Should be Sunday. I keep wildly veering from ‘I think I might feel a bit pregnant’ to ‘Oh god I bet this hasn’t worked, how do we deal with it again’ blah blah.
I’ve said before that I really can’t see it working, but I also really can’t see it not working. Sounds crazy, perhaps ignorance is bliss afterall?

Just on the job interview front, I found out that the chuffing thing is 3 hours long with written bits, a 10 minute presentation, a meet and greet and a formal interview…..I’m exhausted by the thought of it and have 3 days to prepare….also I have to swerve a managers ‘away day’ to be there so I have no idea of how I do that at this stage…..my mind is so not on work at the moment!

Surely something good is going to happen soon???

Liz x
Lizz, I know, I'm about to go to the store today and get some pineapple! :thumbup:And I always get protein, so no prob there! Sounds like the interview is quite involved! I hope you can find away to keep from stressing, not sure how! :wacko:So how many days are you now? I don't know if I will be able to keep from testing early! But last time they did an early beta and it was only .2 so I knew it was a no. Seems like I've seen quite a few BFP's on here lately so that's a good sign!:hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I've commited the cardinal sin.....i've just been on google.....OMG!

I have found my tummy really hurting right at the bottom when I sneeze, last night when I was stretched out in bed and sneezed it really really hurt as it did just now in the office (like i'm getting loads of work done!).

So I google it and the first million results say that this is normal when you are pregnant.... now what do i do armed with this??? I have 2 more days to go!

I have been so good on this cycle, not googling anything (apart from maybe the pineapple thing).

Please. Keep. Me. Away. From. Google. And. Sane.

Liz x
PSP, 8 egs is fab :happydance::happydance: Bet you cant wait for that phone call. Are you having ICSI? sorry if you have already said.

Liz I really dont know if I could resist testing early but then it has to be the scariest test of your life. Will you still have a house full if you test satuday instead of sunday? You job interview sounds very full on. Is it for a really good posistion?

Lolly, did you agree to take part in St Mary's research??? It all sounded a bit overwhelming and scary. I think we will take part as I really want to help others going through infertitly in future, if i can, but was just a lot to take in and understand.

Am I right girls that I will need to go on BC before treatment? Or is this not always the case?
Liz, I think they refer to that as round ligament pain. But I'm thinking it's more later on in pregnancy. Although if your uterus is growing, it would make sense! I was having it near the end of stimming last cycle as everything was so bloated up! I couldn't sneeze, cough, or get up straight out of bed. :nope:(had to roll to one side to get up!) I think it's a good sign for you!! Can't imagine you having it if it was neg!!:happydance:

Tinks, yes, my clinic does ICSI for everyone just to make sure things move along! We probably don't need it though as we have no male factor, but I follow what my FS recommends.
Liz step away from Google right now please! I know that is basically impossible but try not to do :)
Lizz, our posts crossed :dohh: The type of pain you are feeling is how my best friend could tell she was pregnant. She had it with her first and then felt again it just before testing when TTC #2, this was a massive symptom for her. FX hun :thumbup:
Hello ladies!
My FS called today and I have 5 fertilized embies! :happydance:I'm praying they make it until Tuesday! [-o<I won't get an updated until they call on Monday to give me arrival time for Tues so it's going to be a long weekend!!:wacko:

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