icsi in 2011?

PSP- Fantastic!!! 5 Embies is a good solid number, Well done! :happydance: (my last ivf they got 5 eggs i was so scared thats not enough :wacko: and all 5 fertilised and they did very well, really is quality not quanity, try and enjoy the weekend Hun there dividing nicely as we speak xxxxxxx)

AFM i went clinic yesterday to have 3 Shots.. Leuveris in Arm Gonal F in Belly and Centrotide in belly and what a huge needle that was! i definitely am feeling that the short protocol is a little intense than the long one? Its just injections that dont end...

I dont know if its the injections or the Drugs (3 Shots yesterday and 5 Pills and it all just got to me as im just over 7 stones and very small frame??) had a very very low evening, i thought i was going to cry my organs out :cry: had a huge panic attack and i couldnt even tell me husband what was wrong, my words would not come out :nope: i was Hysterical, was so so heatbroken :cry: he told me this morning 'he was so afraid he has never seen me like this ever' kept telling me deep breaths, im feeling much better this morning... luckily i was not in my 2WW as i know that intense emotion would have caused me problems...

I dont want to tell my husband this ladies but i know myself im so Depressed.. is it the ICSI? maybe :shrug: Have any of you ladies had a break down? i was scared that i was going to be strapped and taken to a mental house! It just felt like my body was letting it all out...

On a better note i woke up from the most AMAZING dream ever! i was Pregnant gave birth to a lovely girl it was so sharp... the mid wifes were so nice... (i needed a wee but didnt want to wake up incase i lost the dream :blush:) my husband was rushing in and out,,, guests were coming in.. i can still smell the ward i was on :cloud9: Maybe after the evening i had the Lord sent me this dream to say everything will be ok??

I have to pop in shortly to the clinic for the 8th day Scan.. I hope the follicles are fine and we can get a date for some time next week?

Going to have a shower get my face on and face the world... Have a lovely weekend everyone ...... Lizz you have done so well not test... Good Luck for Tomorrow your signs look great :hugs:
Awe! Nayla! :cry:I'm thinking you still needed to grieve from last cycle!:cry: It's only been a few short weeks! It's okay to be emotional, just try not to let it take over. :nope:Do some things that are pleasant and happy. Away from IVF. What works good for me is a talk or visit with family or best girls. Try and get your head straight before you end up on TWW!! What about meditation after your meds? I've never really done that but if the meds seem to be working you up, counteract that with some good, soothing thoughts. Maybe think of things that calm you and do those more often. You are going to need to tap into these resources for when you get close to procedures! I am thinking of adding some nice music to my iphone to listen to after transfer. Something really relaxing.
I can't believe you are looking at procedure dates for next week already! Grow follies, grow!:hugs:
Hi Everyone!

Psp massive congrats on 5 embies! I'm sure they are fighters and you will have some great blasts come next week! What a fab result, bet you are so pleased, but thinking of you over the long weekend wait. Hope yoy ahve some nice things to occupy you :hugs: Oh and loving the frog thing, gottabe a sign, and you have had a few lately!!

Annie, lovely to see you back. Must say I was worrying about you, and what an awful week you must have had. Thank goodness all ended well, I just can't imagine how you and DH must have felt. But must have been so amazing to see the little heartbeat, congratulations :cloud9:

Fisher, congrats, another BFP!!! :happydance: Sorry to hear about the spotting but as so many of the girls have said, it can be totally normal in early pregnancy. Obviously you will worry, we all would, but here's hoping all is well with baby bean. Tak care won't you :hugs:

Nayla, i'm so sorry to hear youre so down. That is an awful lot of meds for such a small frame. I often think that and i'm on less at the moment and 7 1/2-8 stone, so its a lot for you. I had similar after my failed cycle and it did take a while to really sink in. I felt that things would never be ok again. Psp has nailed it about grieving in my eyes and some relaxation/visulisation techniques may well help. Is there any natural suppliment your clinic could recommend to help you stay calm? Always worth and ask. I hope your scan goes really well and you have a better day. Plus the dream sounds lovely! Bet you never wanted it to end. Lets hope it comes true v soon :hugs:

Tinks, thing I know the info you mean, mine is still filed away incase I need a refresher!! I did take part in some research. One was surrounding OHSS. It wasn't invasive though and was just stat collecting, how much meds, how many eggs, hormone levels etc. And they grew one of my fragmented embies for a few extra days to see what would happen etc and take some data. It was one that would be no good for transfer and so would have been discarded. They did ask about stem cell research and I was like you wanting to help others. They did also say if anything flagged up in our DNA would we want to be contacted later down the line, any hireditory diseases etc. That freaked me out a bit and so we didn't go down that route. I feel a bit bad we didn't in a way as obviously other women have gone through it to get IVF to where it is today and maybe I should to. But I am comforted to know I did take part in tow other studies. Good luck whatever you decide hun :hugs:

Liz, I soooo hope that is a good sign. Google seems to suggest so by the sounds. I sympathise with the nerves that must be going through you now for testing (and inteview, eeessh that sounds bit hardcore!!!) I'm praying for you to see 2 lines tomorrow. All the luck in the world :hugs:

Littlemouse, how are you getting on? Could they start you on stims yesterday? Hope yor lining was good :hugs:

AFM...Not much to report really!! Had 5 injections and lotsa tabs so far. My body seems to be getting used to them as every day I feel a little less sick. Off to cinema later with pregnant frriend. The whole 'happy for her, sad for me, selfish guilt' thing is already going through my head. But least at cinema you don'tt have to talk!!! So limited baby chat, yay! Timing is rubbish though so means will be doing my injection in the toileta, happy days! Will console myself with popcorn and sweets!! take care and love to all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
haha, injections anywhere and everywhere!:wacko: I had to do mine last week in the toilet at my FS. I prob could have asked to go in a room, but no biggy. Do what it takes! :thumbup:Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, I am working all weekend! fri (now!) sat and sun! Midnights so that puts me home monday morning waiting for a phone call while I sleep! Wonder if I will get any sleep at all! I am so looking for signs anywhere I can! Last week a patient asked me if I was preggo! Funny that I took it as a compliment!:haha:
Good morning everyone - happy weekend :)

I'm in a bit of a hurry so just want to say hope everyone is okay with all the various stages and highs and lows. Fingers crossed for lots of good news over the weekend and Monday!

Just quickly wanted to say that I did my first stimming injection last night - I didn't get scanned again but when I saw the clinic on Tues they said it would all be fine by Friday (hope thats true).

Anyway: I feel horrible today! Really strange - kind of dizzy, tired, vacant and a bit queasy too I had a really sleepless night which won't have helped - not sure if that is a meds thing too? Also I seem to be very spotty these past few days..

I just wanted to ask if this is all normal? I will feel soo much happier if you say yes!

I'll check in again properly later.


Woo hooo, that's great news, i'm sure they will be growing stronger by the day and be super embies by Tuesday.

Hope everyone is ok today, I am going nuts about testing tomorrow, but have been with the relatives all day which has been a good distraction.

I am halfway down my bottle of 'wine' tonight - my apple juice and water concoction shoved back into an empty bottle.

No one has figured it yet, so maybe I'm not as much a lunatic as I think.....

Liz x
Lizz, lol, love that! Please let us know asap after you test tomorrow! Fx'd for you you like crazy! I will be checking often!

littlemouse, sounds like a normal thing to me. I've been feeling a bit dizzy, ever so slight, if I turn to quick. I had spotting off and on throughout this cycle. Everyone responds different though. I don't usually get a lot of the side effects from things. (guess I'm sorta like a tank and my body can handle a lot!) Which is funny because it's not like I'm a big drinker (none now, but hardly any before anyway) and have never even tried drugs or smoking, so not like I have any tolerance or anything. But everyone is different. Sounds okay to me though!
Morning Ladies,

It is just after 5.30am, I couldn't sleep all night and neither could DH, but it looks like I won't be able to change the cat litter tray for the next 9 months........

I got a BFP!!!!

We're both sitting here in bed in complete shock. It's nuts! We keep looking at the test to check it actually says the words on it. I went for one of the super duper ones which also tells you that I am 2-3 weeks. Still can't believe it. OMG.

Go pineapple.......!!

I really didn't think this would happen, or I was too scared to get my hopes up. Got to figure out what happens next as I haven't dared to look that far ahead.

Anyone got any idea how and when they tell if one or both have stuck?

Off to stare at the test a bit longer......

Will speak later.

Liz xxx

CONGRATULATIONS HUN!!! its coming in fast all the BFP!!! oh i hope im also 2nd time lucky :hugs:

Lizz!! Yay! I knew it! congrats!!!!:happydance::happydance:
Is it at the 6 week scan? I know with my son his beta was so high, they thought he might have been twins, but nope!:nope:
Good job!:happydance::happydance:
I have my pinnapple right here in front of me! lol!:haha:
Hi Ladies Well what a great start to Sunday another BFP! :thumbup: Well dome Lizz xx

Also Thank you so much for your kind words. I told the Dr what happened and she said to me 'your coming across as a strong exterior, and trying to show us all that your relaxed and you have a dont care attitude, i can see your very scared vulnerable and emotional, its better to cry and get it all out of your system now... and its not the drugs its coming from you :shrug:' well you girls hit the nail on the head, i dont even think i have grieved what happened not long ago... and im PETRIFIED TO THE BONES if it doesnt work.. Im going make sure i spoil myself rotten in the 2WW... i have a list of movies i want to watch, (Hurry up Hangover 2!) ITS SO SO HARD NOT WORRY ABOUT IT WHEN I HAD A FAILED ONE NOT LONG AGO :shrug: but im praying so hard for peace in my heart to get me through the next few weeks [-o<[-o<

Thw scan went well yesterday.. I have 8 follies now in total and there around 13mm a good size :thumbup: and shes happy with the Uterus.. I asked her out of curiousty how some women have 15+ Follicles is it anything to do with the drugs there on and the dosage?? she said that can make a little difference and women with PCOS tend to have loads of Follicles.. She said 8 is a great number and theres some small ones trying to catch up :thumbup: she also emphasised she would rather have 10 strong eggs at egg collection than over 20 that are not too strong... so i guess we should always remember quality quality :thumbup:

Also as i was her last appointment we got chatting about long and short Protocols.. she says it despends on the FSH and age of the women? have any of you ladies had you FSH Results?? i think i will ask her on Monday what mine is as im so curious, I have googled it and it tells the FS how many eggs you have left and what protocol will suit u?, I dont think i want to know now lol :dohh:

I have my Scan on Monday and were looking at Wednesday or Thursday for Egg Collection :shrug: I dont mind either way as long at the follicles are big and strong i dont mind that extra stimming. Today will be my 9th Injection.

In regards to Pineapples my fridge is full of them :blush: how much did you girls eat during stimming and after transfer? im scared of over dosing on pineapples :haha:

Ok lovlies and take care... each and every one of you are in my thoughts daily xx
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all your messages - i'm still in shock!

Nayla - I know exactly what you mean about being terrified. I was in tears this morning before we tested. Our first failed ICSI was only in February, so it still felt very raw all the way through this one. The different thing this time is I think I wasn't so hard on myself, I didn't stay at work late, I had a couple of sneaky afternoon sleeps, listened to visualisations/confidence Cd's, I think overall I was a bit kinder to myself. It's totally understandable how you feel though.
As regards the pineapple, as I understand it you are supposed to get one and eat a fifth of it the day of transfer and then each day for 5 days after, however, I only just found this out and I had been eating it a few days before. Remember the core!
I'm amazed this has happened to me, so keep positive and look after yourself.

Hope everyone else is ok, my head is all over the place today - in a good way!!

Liz x
Liz :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am soooooooo happy for you :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Well done and congrats :thumbup:

Have you told your familly or still keeping quiet? They are going to guess something has happened when they see your shocked and happy faces :haha:

Never thought about the litter trays, we have 4 cats so that will be a job for DH :haha: Did you continue to clean them out through tx?

PSP, I really dont think I would be able to sleep either waiting for that phone call. GL and let us know as soon as they have called :thumbup:

Nayla, sory to hear how much you really are sufering with the ups and downs. Listern to your FS, she sounds so lovely. Well done on 8 great follies :happydance::happydance: so in about a week you will hopefully be PUPO:thumbup: I cant wait to see hangover 2 either, the first one was ace!

Lolly, how did it go at the cinema? Hope you coped alright :hugs: What did you see?

Littlemouse, sorry to hear you are suffering side effects :hugs: take it easy hun and I hope they ease a little soon.

Fisher, how are you? Any more news? :hugs:

Hi leila fae, hope you are having a good weekend.

Ok, so I have heard a couple of you say now that you have had to inject in the loos or other places. Do you have to inject at different times through out the day. I just asumed you did it first thing. Not improtant, just curious.

Will be stocking up on pineapple for the 2ww :thumbup:
Hi Tinks,

Yep, my sister in law now knows everything! She was curious that she could hear us up so early so sent my 7 year old nephew in to investigate at 6am!

I can't tell you what a relief it is to talk to someone about the whole damn thing, it's been so hard not telling anyone. We will tell our parents tonight and then keep quiet with everyone else until 12 weeks. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

Funny about the cat litter, I read somewhere ages ago that if you are pregnant you shouldn't go near it, so have only been making the most of DH doing it during the 2ww! What a great excuse!!

Liz x
Yey, I really dont know how you have coped keeping it quiet. It must have felt like such a weight has lifted. Did they not even know you were TTC? What a lovely day today s going to be for you :hugs:

9 months with no litter tray duty sounds ace, I hate that job :haha:
YAY Liz!!!! I had a dream about you last night that it was positive and you were pupo and now it came true!!!! Bloody fantastic news!!

You must be completely over the moon and :cloud9:

I'm so so so happy for you lady. Here's hoping that this thread continues to have so much good news.

Lots and lots of :hugs:to you.

Nayla, please do be good to yourself! :flower:Look for positive signs, anything positive. :thumbup:Do things that lift your spirits! Think warm puppies! lol! :haha:As for the follies, I had like 16 last time (1 ovary mind you) and it was a BFN! This time I had 7 follies of good size and I'm so hoping for BFP! It is quality that matters! :winkwink:I'm just praying my little embies make it to Tuesday![-o< I have never done a 5 day transfer so a little nervous about their survival! But I totally trust my FS and that's what he recommends. As for the FSH, my FS has done testing but never really tells me about it unless I ask. I think it's kinda overwhelming for a lot of people to know all that is involved. My FS just makes any adjustments necessary. I'm so glad you have good communication with your FS now.:thumbup: That must really put your mind at ease. I agree with Lizz, I too read about the pinnapple core thing. Start on day of transfer, eat 1/5 everyday for 5 days. I have already cut up 2 and have been nibbling on the "meat" part a bit, saving the core for tuesday! Probably a bunch of hokey, but I believe in the placebo effect and I don't care if it's only "belief" that makes it work, as long as it works! Let us know how the scan goes on Monday!:hugs:

Tinks, I have had to do injections once in the morning and once in the evening so sometimes it gets complicated. Especially since I work nights. I get off work at 7:30am and would go straight to my FS office and get there by 9am. Thus have to do a shot there. (I would then have 1.5 hr drive home) Then I would do my evening shot around 9pm so I could get ready and leave for work by 9:45pm.

Lizz, when I was preg with my son, I asked my ob about the cat litter thing. She said it's because they can carry a disease (which is in their feces) and it can cause big problems for preg moms/babies. But only if they are outside too. And she didn't sound worried about it at all.:nope: So I had to still do the box, but it was a nice excuse not too! I say stick with that! :thumbup:I can't complain too much as my DH does it at least as much as I do though!
And I don't know how long we are going to keep our secret (WHEN it happens!) since only my parents know we are doing IVF again and my girls at work. I really would like to wait 12 weeks but it will be so hard! I just don't want to hurt anyone if something goes wrong. Especially my son. He wants a brother or sister so bad. We had explained to him awhile back a little about how he came to be and IVF and that there were 2 others with him in the beginning. A mistake though because one day awhile back he came to me crying saying he was sad for his brother or sister who died!:cry: I had to explain to him that they really didn't "die", just didn't grow. I know he would be heartbroken if something happened. Well, let me get the BFP and then worry about all of that I guess! Oh, and I had a failed ICSI in feb too.:cry: This time's the charm!!:happydance:
How sweet is your son PSP. Its got to be hard for them to understand. Does he know you are going through treatment and that at the moment? It would be very hard for him if the worst did happen but you must stay possitive hun, she says :haha: Think how excited he is going to be when you give him a baby sister or brother or both :winkwink: I am sure all your embies are growing and doing well. Not long until transfer now. Stay strong :hugs:

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