icsi in 2011?

Nayla just thought I would tell you what I know about FSH as its that test result that originally had me referred for ivf.

FSH is the hormone your body produces to make you grow an egg and ovulate every month, and the higher it is the harder your body is having to work to ovulate, so it gets higher as you get older and as your egg reserve becomes depleted. A lot of fertility stuff seems to be decided on the FSH test BUT nowadays many clinics are putting less importance on this as it is thought to be unreliable (it can vary quite a bit from one month to another).

My FSH was originally thought to be a bit higher than they would have liked for my age and because we'd been TTC for 18 months at that point they thought it wasn't happening because my eggs were running out. It was a very dark day that we got that letter through..

Anyway, in preparation for ivf I've had some other tests done to help them determine protocol and dosages etc. These tests are thought to be a better indicator of ovarian reserve. One is the AMH test - this measures anti mullerian hormone which is produced directly by the follicles, so is a really good measure of ovarian reserve/ activity.

The other test was the baseline scan where they look at how many follicles you have on day 3(ish) of a normal cycle. Again, a much more direct indicator of what's *actually* going on. I had 17!

Based on these results the consultant said there wasn't a problem with ovarian reserve as they were both good.

So, apologies for the essay! But just wanted you to know that FSH has to be taken with a pinch of salt. I spent 6 months feeling awful that my eggs were about to run out because of this one test result, and only found out 3 weeks ago that the FSH result was an anomaly, so if you speak to the FS about this I don't want you to worry like I did!

Tinks re. the injections, they told me to do them in the evening around the same time every day. I'm doing them at 7pm and sometimes that just means you're out and about. It does become 2nd nature after a couple of goes though. I did my first one at home and by day 2 I was shooting up in a restaurant loo :))

I am still very spotty by the way! Psp I mean with pimples rather than in my knickers! Surely this is the hormones? I look like I'm 14 again, not a look I'm really trying to recreate!!

Hugs to all
You girls are ANGELS IN DISGUISE :hugs:

I just feel like im the emotional freak in the gang! :blush:

Lizz your words give me great hope i didnt realise yours was also recently this year :hugs: you dont have to answer hun but what happened? with me nothing implanted :nope: did HCG was 3.0 did another one after 2 days and it was 3.75 so it was a definite no... than my period came 3 days later... awful awful awful... the FS told me because my HCG was 3 something tried to take place that was a good sign?? :shrug: i hear many women who are not pregnant have <5 HCG in the system anyway?... (hey dont want to pull you back to those dark days you enjoy what you truly deserve Hun) xx :hugs:

Little Mouse- god bless you for your message 'take it with a pinch of salt' i like that :thumbup: i think we get so consumed with stats and numbers its scray :wacko: I was googling and some clinics say 12 and under is normal some say 8 and under is normal.. 'google is bittersweet and not for the weak hearted' I think i will not ask.. because i know myself what ever the result maybe i will be scared to death that not only has my husband got a handful of good sperms i might also be running out of eggs :wacko: Ignorance is bliss.... Im just looking at your msg i had blinding headaches first few days, and today will be my 9th day of stimming and im fine.. :thumbup: and the Spots :dohh: i usually get complimented about my clear skin, i have huge spots on my cheeks and they look like boils!! Eww sorry TMI.. and im tiny and my stomach is always flat i have a beer belly now :haha: i have never seen my belly pop out this much... its looks so so cute! i wish was a baby in there :cloud9: huge belly and spots, i will just stay in today! :haha:

PSP- Your a star! opps i have been stuffing myself with pineapple last few days.. :sick: thats nice to know i can relax till after transfer :hugs: i LOVED the way you said you trust your FS fully we have to! :thumbup: they also want to take my eggs to Blastocyst and see what happens? but i know im a chicken and she told me theres a risk with everything and they can arrest? but the Embroylogist if in doubt will never ever consider Blasto so i think your EMBIES are mede out of steele :hugs: the good thing about Blast is that the 2ww is a little shorter and we dont stress longer :haha: i need to get some relaxtion music.. Lady Gaga and beyonce isnt exactly soothing :shrug: where can i get these zita west cds? does Virgin Music stores have them? and the visual stuff... i need to stay calm and postive :thumbup:

Tinks- aww thanks Hun im well happy with 8 Follicles.. last few days i have been injected 3 a night at 7pm, been lucky not to be out at these times.. last try we injected 7am everyday... we thought why not try night time? its so much calming for us.. Inject than have tea and watch my soaps :coffee:

Not a soul knows what were doing IVF or in the process of it, im dying to talk to my sister, but i know she will me msging me everyday throughout the 2ww and maybe causing me more stress :shrug: its like im biting my tongue.. i think the minute its a BFP the family will all know :cloud9:

im so loving this thread now! Sorry i typed the 1st BFN :cry: But after me its none stop!! First Annie... Than Fisher now Lizz xxxx your next PSP hopefully than me :cloud9: than Littlemouse and lolley than Tinks and etc etc etc!! aghhhhh this is great we must all stick together when were in the pregnant bit of this site :hugs:

Will update you all on Monday, when the confirmed dates are for EC :hugs:
Lizz sweetie congratulations I'm so happy for you, I know I disappeared but I was in the background routing for you. Just was feeling so sad with our outcome, I'm so glad it worked out for you. Can't wait to follow your updates.
Hey EOE.
littlemouse, yes, at first I did get some pimples, but I was attributing it to a new cream I was trying as I am sensitive and break out with makeup/lotion other than clean 'n clear and Mary kay! But hormones are definatly one to do that too!

Nayla, I don't know about zita west. :nope:I'm going to check itunes, they should have something. I was thinking of loading up my iphone to listen after ET!
Seems like blasto is a good idea! a few strong embies is better than lots of ones in a grey area! iykwim! The thing about 3 vs. 5 day is that some do drop off and stop dividing after a few days and some FS's think the embies will do better in the uterus, so they transfer at day 3. But I think the strongest make it the longest so good way to weed out the weak ones! :thumbup:My FS said "we know more about the embryos at 5 days, and they have more than a 50% better chance of implantation than 3 days". So sounds good to me! So the 2WW is shorter? I just want to know when I can POAS!:happydance:
Tinks, he doen't know what we are doing, nor did he know last cycle. Too worried about dissappointment. Hopefully will be able to give him good news soon!
Nayla, dont worry, once I start tx you wont be the only emotional freak :winkwink: I feel like I cant cope some days now and I haven't even started :dohh: Dont beat yourself up, if you needs to scream and shout and have a cry then do. It has to be better than bottling it all up plus that what this place is for :hugs:

5 day transfer does seem a little more scary but if it gives you an extra 50% chance of it taking then it sounds like a plan. I guess you just have to do whatever your FS suggests which I bet is one of the hardest things as well, putting all your trust into other people.

PSP you will have some goods news for your son very soon :thumbup:
:happydance::happydance::happydance:Congratulations Liz! I knew all your signs sounded too good to be a negative! So made up for you, all your crazy non-alcohol drinking behaviour was so worth it! Well done, you did it!! :thumbup:

Nayla 8 follies is great, judging by last time when there was an excellent quality egg in each then things are looking up! I hope you are feeling a bit better today, its a huge journey of ups and downs, hopefully ending on a massive high :cloud9: And like littlemouse said, my clinic has always been more interested in AMH, they told me that this is what they use to judge ovarian reserve. Think FSH just determines if you ovulate. I don't but my AMH is through thee roof so know there are plenty of eggies in there, they just can't get out!! I agree with you though, sometimes ignorance is bliss!

Tinks, cinema was fine thank you. We didn't talk much baby and when we did I instigated as I felt I ought! Saw water for elephants, loved it! Both cycles they told me to chose a time between 4pm-7pm to inject and then do it the same time each day. Would imagine they will tell you the same. We chose 6.30 as we should both be back from work by then. Just means for any evening appointments or when out at weekends you may need to carry your cool bag around with you!! Hope you have had a lovely weekend!

Psp, I'm sure you little embies are not so little anymore! Sure they have been dividing nicely over the weekend and you will get a good result! The 50% increase sounds good to me! Must say bit scary as my clinic only do 2 or 3dts, bit gutted now :dohh: Although am I right in thinking your DS was a 3dt? Is there still hope?!!! Hope you are holding up ok and time is speeding along nicely :hugs:

Boo for the spots littlemouse! The things we do eh, only natural though all the stuff we pump into ourselves. Not the best look but it'll be worth it! Are you having headaches? Remember to drink lots, makes your follies swell, good luck :hugs:

Hi please, how are you doing hunny? Hope you are taking time to grieve and letting it all out. I see you are starting again in july, I'm sure they have learnt a lot from this time and things will be different next cycle :hugs:

Hi to our preggo ladies Annie and Fisher, hope all is well with you guys :hugs:

AFM... Just having a nice chilled out day with DP and my furbaby. Raining out so having a pj day and loving it!!! Injection no.7 tonight, 1 week til stimms! Time flies. Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone
I'm not feeling great today as still bleeding and I'm sure its getting heavier :cry:
I have had a rubbish day and keep crying as I'm sure it hasn't worked now, just confused why would I get a positive test result then keep bleeding???

Sorry for moaning just feeling very sad :cry:

Thank you for all ur well wishes but I really think I'm out will call hospital tomo and see what they say

Hope everyone is having GD day xxx
Fisher I am so sorry you feel like you are out. Have you done anymore tests since you got a possitive??? I am still keeping everything crossed for you. I hope the clinic get you in tomorrow or can at least give you some sort of advice :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dont worry about moaning, you hae every right to and its what we are here for :thumbup:

take care of yourself hun.

Lolly, glad the cinema went ok. It that the film with the guy from twilight in?? I will purchase a cool bag then, just incase :winkwink: Wow No7 already, its flying hun. When are you back at the hospital?
Fisher don't lose hope, it could still be totally fine you know. Try to relax (I know, bloody hard) this eve and call the hosp first thing and ask to be seen. We're all thinking of you and rooting for you.
fisher, awe! I would be the same as you I'm sure! I would for sure give them a call just to see what they say. Are you spotting or is it more like AF? Thinking of you, let us know what they say.:hugs:

Lolly, sounds like a great movie!:thumbup: I need to get out to see it! Yep, my LO was a 3 day! :thumbup:Almost seems, if it's gonna work, then it's gonna work! All the crazy stuff we think we are trying to control probably doesn't mean much in the grand scheme, you know! :wacko:Not sure if that makes me feel better though!:shrug: Guess you just got to let go a little sometimes!:winkwink: I'm trying to find anything positive I can! lol! Not long till stims!:thumbup:

I'm just waiting for the call on how my embies are doing and what time to come in on Tues for ET!:hugs:
Hi psp

Its not as heavy as af but i think its more than spotting!
Have called the hospital just waiting for them to get back to me.....all this waiting and not knowing is doing my head in

Well spoke to hospital and they told me to do another test.....it was still positive!!!!
dr said i can have blood tests done or wait for scan which she has brought foward to 6th june. Ive decided to wait for scan and try and relax and hope that the bleeding stops soon :)
so im not out just yet......only 2 more weeks to wait till i know for sure :)

Hope everyone is having gd day xxx
Just a quick post as im supposed to be working and just spent ages looking through posts but i had to comment

Oh Lizz, what great news. Had a really busy wkend but i was thinking of you. :happydance::happydance: you must be over the moon. :hugs:

Hi Lolly, sorry haven't been on bnb much, wow only 1 week til stimming!!!

Fisher - ive read about so many ladies that bleed so please try to think positive, its good that you can have your scan moved forward but im sure everything will be fine :hugs:

psp-hope your transfer goes well tomorrow and all your embies are growing nicely

:hi: to everyone else

Hi Ladies...

Fisher- Try not to worry Hun, Annie also had spotting and its perfectly normal in some women... enjoy being pregnant Hun!

PSP- all the best for the transfer Hun :hugs: Its the best bit knowing the embies are snuggling in well :hugs:

AFM just got back from the appointment all is well and follicles are ready for Wednesday :thumbup: I have to go to the clinic at 10pm Tonight for the HCG Shot, that will be my 4th Injection of the day :wacko:
Im so glad tomorrow is no injection day Phewwwwww 10 days of a cocktail of injections, so glad for none tomorrow :thumbup:

8am in the Morning have to be there.... getting a little nervous now, i just feel we have got to the top of the Mountain and i dont want to start the climb again.... I hope this is it for me [-o&lt;

Love to you all x
Yay Nayla that is great news how exciting! Good luck with it all.

Psp very best of luck for tomorrow. Lots of positive visualisations tonight :)

Fisher I hope today set your mind at rest a wee bit and lets you relax a little. Hang in there, it's very common to have this and be totally fine.

Lolly, Liz, Angiemon :wave: hello ladies how are you all doing? And anyone I've missed of course!

AFM: nothing special going on, about to do 4th stimming shot. I told my boss today that I am halfway through treatment and he was so surprised, maybe he thought I would have looked or acted different or something! He was so kind and is letting me take some of the time off as special leave so I don't use up all my holiday. I am so touched by this supportiveness.

Luckily the pimples seem to be a bit more under control, I hope that lasts!! And I've realised that I basically feel bad every morning since stimming - tired, sick and dizzy. That improves by mid-morning and then feel totally normal, thank goodness. I'm so impatient for Wednesday's scan now, and I know probably not a lot will be going on by then but I just want some progress!

:hugs: to all

Hey Ladies,

Hope you're all doing well. I'm still in a bit of a daze to be honest, had a tough 3 and a half hour interview today so now completely exhausted!

Thanks so much for all your kind words, it does seem unreal, we told the in laws last night, lots of tears, but it felt great to be able to talk about the treatment.

Nayla - Our first icsi in Jan/feb failed just because it didn't stick. The doc's said that everything was text book, we got 17 eggs, 8 fertilised, they put one back in and froze 3. He said that they can't explain why. Obviously this didn't help, but we were devastated. I wanted to get back on the treatment as soon as, and here we are now. Seems nuts! Try to relax and be kind to yourself as you're going through it. I do think I was more relaxed this time around, but yesterday testing brought it all back. I was so terrified before we did it.

Fisher - It sounds like you're really going through it. I hope you're managing to cope ok, hopefully speaking to the hospital has reassured you.

Lolly - Not long for stimming?? When do you start? Hope you're feeling ok.

Psp - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck with the ET and relax as much as you can afterwards. Everything is looking good for you I can feel it.

Angie - Thanks so much, I'm so relieved. How are you doing?

Littlemouse - I had the most massive spot on my neck (of all random places) just below my chin as soon as I started stimming. It looked like I had another head! Great news about your boss, wow that's unique! Let us know how the scan goes on wed.

Off to bed now....sleepy time.

Liz x
Hi Ladies I will try and keep this short, still feeling woozy from the G.A.

Egg Collection was 8.30am on the Dot, I was put under G.A feeling very sluggish, one minute had the mask on, next minute was pitch black and my name being repeated over and over again saying its finished.

We got 8 Eggs which im happy with :thumbup: (the last scan was 8 Good sized Follicles and a few small ones.. i have 3 More eggs since the last ICSI :thumbup: My husband said what ever the count dont be upset anything above 3 is a blessing so 8 was nice number xx) i lay there for 1 hour after i woke up.. My Husband had to come back and get me, went to work for a meeting and left after 1 hour.

On Saturday Morning the Embroylogist will call me to see whether i should pop in on Saturday (3DT) or Monday (5DT) I said to her i will leave it in her hands, i just hope and pray that are strong and divide nicely in the next few days [-o&lt; I will try not to think about it, i gave 100% my husband did his Part so the rest is fate and in the hands of the professionals.

i left the clinic with a bagful of drugs:

Crinone Gel 8% Vaginally at night x2 week
Cyclogest 400, Vaginally Morning x2 weeks
Duphaston 10 x1 Morning and Night x2 weeks
Asprin x1 Night
Gupisone (steriods) x1 Night weekly
Estrofem 2mg x1 Morning x2 weeks
Vitamin B6 100
Vitamin E 400
Vitamin C 500
Prenatel (My own one with Folic Acid i have been taking for Months)
Antibiotics x1 Evening next 6 days

Im feeling much calmer than last time. I really really do hope this is it for me, and all this will be a distant memory [-o&lt; I will update if it is a 3DT or 5DT, so i will be up bright and early on Saturday waiting for the call.

Feeling so sickly now, will just eat the sandwich DH bought.. and treat myself to a small cup of tea, and have a little nap.

PSP- How did the transfer go? your in my prayers...

Love and Hugs to all, will write personals after my nap x
Hi Nayla,

Wow, that&#8217;s great news about the collection! Well done girl, 8 eggs is fab and like we&#8217;ve all been saying, it only takes one!

You must be feeling woozy, so make sure you are especially good to yourself for the next few days and rest up. Don&#8217;t get anxious about the call from the clinic either, although it is easier said than done, you&#8217;ve both done your bit and I&#8217;m sure it will be good news.

The bag of drugs sounds like fun too! I only had the cyclogest, morning and night (I was doing the folic acid/multi vits anyway) and had to do the back door until ET &#8211; looks like you are going to escape the windy problems I had! Ha Ha!

Lots and lots of luck and keep us all posted.

Liz x
Thanks Lizz :hugs:

I should be sleeping and im jumping all over the thread :blush: my husband said god help him till saturday :haha: but i promised myself not to stress about it... 'no news is good news' would be fab if all 8 turned to embies :cloud9: and i can have frozen babies for the future, i think its phycological knowing we have babies on ice :baby:

I seem to have a crazy amount of drugs compared to others, I trust what shes doing and they cost so much hope they do the trick,... put in my 1st Cyclogest when i got in, sometimes i feel i push it in so high im going to touch my liver :haha: i have it in my head the higher it goes the more effective it is :shrug:

My husband just called and said why are you still awake! :blush: Mmmm baby and bump to blame.... xxxxx

Lizz your in such a blessed place i so hope i can join you, make sure your relaxing to the max :hugs: xxxxxx

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