icsi in 2011?

Hi Nayla,

I know what you mean - i'm supposed to be working but can't keep my mind on anything at the moment!!

Here's a thought.....if your husband just called to see if you were sleeping, surely the phone ringing would wake you up anyway!!??

With the cyclogest I also never realised that i could get so much of my arm up there!!

I spoke to the clinic on Monday and have a 7 week scan on June 14th, so we get to see how many have stuck. It does seem very wierd now because you're just left alone to get on with your normal life until then. No tests no nothing they just take your word for it! I keep asking DH if it is real!

Just think, you'll be PUPO in no time and munching away on pineapple like you wouldn't believe!

Now get off B&B and get some rest!!!! Oh and I should really do some work........

Liz xxx
:happydance::happydance: Well done Nayla!! 8 is a fantastic result, 60% increase on last time so that is amazing (oooh, check me out with the maths :haha:) You had great fertilisation last time and lovely 8 cell embies on day 3 so you should be very optimistic :hugs: I know, I know, the worries creep in naturally, but I have a strong feeling for you this time. Plus, all those meds have gotta help you being super sticky in my mind. Now get some :sleep:!!!!

Hi everyone else!!

Liz how are you? It must be a surreal feeling and that you want that scan NOW!!! Can only imagine that the BFP is only the beginning and now you wait all over again! :dohh: But enjoy it, you are pregnant :happydance::happydance: How did the interview go hun?

Psp, I see from other threads that your are pupo and your embies are great quality :thumbup: Congratulations!! We have lots of lovely news on here lately! I hope you arn't obsessing and going google crazy :wacko: Lots of rest and lets hope for some super snuggley beans and continue with our BFP roll!! :hugs:

Hi Littlemouse, so good that your boss is so lovely. Isn't it refreshing when something goes well!! I'm glad to hear that your side effects settledown mid morning, but poor you until they do. But get used to it for the morning sickness when you have a bean on board :cloud9: When is EC scheduled for, any indications yet?

Hi Tinks, how afre you getting on? You should put a big calendar on the wall and red cross the days up until your appointment!! :haha:

Fisher, I hope the spotting has settled right down for you. Hurry up scan, it must be hard waiting, we are thinking of you :hugs:

Annie, hope you are well :hugs:

AFM... day 9 today, can't believe it. Back to hosp sunday at 7.30 :dohh: for blood test and all being well can take first stim injection that night. Its all getting too real now, fighting off the nerves! Eeeek!! My symptoms from the metformin have totally gone, my body must have gotten used to it. Bit scared of the gonal F though as that another newbie and from what i've read it aint that pleasant :wacko: Oh well, it'll all be worth it [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

All my love, Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls! :hi:Sorry I haven't posted on here since the other day! :blush:I was so sleepy :sleep:and really kinda out of it yesterday (could it be pregnancy brain already?!):wacko: I didn't post at all until later on and then forgot where I did and didn't post! :wacko:Anyway, lolly is right, I did have the ET yesterday and they transferred 2 great embies.:happydance: 1 was AA (FS says it's the best you can get) and the other was AB, second best I guess. So totally thrilled with that! :happydance:And this is my first 5 day transfer so thinking this is really good! :thumbup:And my DH is so funny because he was at work (my mom took me) and he's like "Why didn't they put 3 back!" And he is scared of triplets, as am I!:haha: He's too funny! I just said, "the others weren't the best and I trust FS to do what is best!":thumbup: Anyhow, when I finally got home (FS is 1.5 hrs away) I had to get my laptop into the bedroom, where I have set up shop, so I could get on here with you ladies! :winkwink:Don't you know my wireless went out for half the day! It's all good now and I'm just trying to rest and veg as much as I can! Eating some pineapple core that I cut the other day (1/5 is not a lot really!) and I bought some walnuts too, think I read that somewhere! Oh, and they added estradial twice a day to my progesterone in oil, methyl prednisolone (steroid), and the rest of my antibiotic from ER. Friday I start on the Levonox and baby aspirin!:wacko: I'll do personals on my next post, just wanted to update you all, and thanks as always for all the support! It means the world to me, really!:hugs::hugs::dust:
Hi Lolly,

The interview was nuts, ended up being three and a half hours in total! A couple of written bits (one of which I think I was crap at), I then had to do a presentation, a meet and greet all before i got the formal interview!
There are all sorts of internal politics surrounding the job, so i'm not sure whether interviewing me was to see if i could do the job or to try to prove that i can't as they want to advertise it externally and i'm the only internal candidate! Blah Blah!
I did however feel like i had a big neon sign flashing above my head saying 'pregnant' on it though! If i do get it and then tell them in 8 weeks time all hell will break loose! Anyway, i'll deal with it if it happens.

Yes, desperate for the scan, after the test it doesn't seem real and like I said before they just take your word for it! So a very odd feeling..... I am pretty tired though and have these funny feelings in my tummy like it's kind of stretching round the edges! makes me think maybe it is 2!

Let us know how the stimming goes - i didn't have any side effects from the gonal F, so i'm sure you will be fine. You're well on the way now - how exciting! don't be too nervous it will get you to where you want to be.

Liz x

I think our posts crossed! Brilliant news, Congrats on being PUPO - how exciting 2 beans! Make sure you use this time to get lost of rest and look after yourself, not to mention the pineapple!

Liz x
Fisher, I hope calling the hospital has helped! Keep positive, you surely are still preggo and that’s awesome!:thumbup:

Angiemon, stimming is almost here! Bet you are getting excited!:happydance:

Littlemouse, I hope the side effects go away totally for you soon! I bet your follies are going to look nice though and it will all be worth it! Good luck today and let us know how they are doing!:thumbup:

Lizz, must feel so good to tell some of the family. I can’t wait for the day when we can tell my in-laws. They have no idea that we are doing this again and probably will be shocked, but so excited! Now you make sure you are getting some rest! Oh, just saw your recent post about your interview! Sounds like the interview from hell!:growlmad: I bet you did great though!:thumbup: You sound like one tough cookie! :flower:Goodluck! Don’t worry about what you will do if you get it. They can worry about that, too bad!!:haha:

Nayla, I totally missed that you had your ER yesterday! :dohh:Sorry!:blush: You know I’m pulling for you though!:thumbup: It just seems like you just started! Wow, time has flown! Congrats on all the eggies!:happydance: I’m sure you are going to have some nice fert numbers!:thumbup: Let us know asap how many make embies! Sounds like they got you on a bunch of meds, I think that’s a good thing!:thumbup: Very pro-active! I’m feeling so good for the both of us! I can’t believe our 2ww is going to overlap!!! Love you girl!! :hugs:Stay positive and be good to yourself! And hey, you need to change your “currently feeling” cuz surely you are not sad anymore!!! :nope:You must be at least “hopeful” like me!!:hugs: PS go to bed!!!:sleep:

Lolly, glad your metformin side effects have gone. I know your excitement and nervousness too! Just don’t let it get the best of you! It comes to a point when you just have to say “I’ve done all I can and it’s not really up to me anymore!”:shrug: And as much as it stinks, even if we do everything right, it still might not work. Which is sort of comforting in a way I think?:shrug: Kinda forces you to relax and be calm. Having said all that, it can, it will, and it does work! I have proof!! :happydance:It happens for people everyday so it can happen for us too.:thumbup: Once or more like I’m hoping! Sometimes I feel a little guilty on here, like I have my son, which I’m forever grateful for, and now I want another! :blush:And so many ladies are dying to just have their first! But then I think, I am proof of hope. And he is a living, breathing testament of how well it can work!:thumbup: And he is so happy and healthy! Sorry for going on and on. Just have a lot of thoughts that only come out on here. FX’d for all of us!:dust:
Haha Lizz, crossed again!! Yep, I'm on the pineapple! 1/5 isn't a lot though! I cut up 2 the other day and have eaten some yesterday and today! Thanks!!:hugs:
Hi everyone

Liz well done you on the job interview, that sounds amazingly tough, I can't imagine doing such a thing in my current state of mind and body! When do you hear? And how are you feeling anyway?!

Nayla you must be really pleased, that's a great number! Hope you are feeling ok after GA today. When do you hear from the clinic about how they are all doing - is it not until Saturday??

Lolly how are you doing? Not long to go till the next bit now :happydance: good luck for Sunday!

Psp hope you are still horizontal!

Fisher how are you doing?

AFM: I'm not queasy or dizzy any more but swollen around the middle and quite a lot of twinges from one side. I'm sure this is all fine and means things are working but I do feel a little bit delicate with how I am moving around. I've dropped my gonal f dose as estradiol was a bit high. They said yesterday they might bring EC forward to Monday but most probably it would remain on Wednesday. I want them to bring it forward of course! But now they dropped the dose I guess that is unlikely. That means another 6 days - bloody ages! Anyway next scan is tomorrow morning so let's see..

Right better do some work. Hugs to all

littlemouse, yep, still trying to lay down as much as possible.:thumbup: Had a crappy night though. Made the mistake of eating a snack before bed and my reflux acted up.:growlmad: I was trying to sleep sitting up all night so the acid wouldn't come up. It's happened before and I've ended up with pneumonia! :wacko:Which of course is the last thing I need right now! I did okay I think as my lungs feel clear this morning but my throat is a bit sore so must of gotten some there. Anyway, I'm having a bit of cramping so hopefully that is a good sign! Only day 3 so...
But I know how you feel, feels like stimming takes forever! It seems like to me that the slower the better really for those follies! Think of them growing nice and stong, not fast and crazy!! lol! Good luck on the scan tomorrow!:hugs:
PSP, congrats on being PUPO and fx they both stick. 3!!!??? I dont think you husband thought that through, can you imagine having 3 at once lol. Hope you are resting and dont get sick of the pineapple :winkwink:

Nayla, so please EC went so well and you have 8 collected. Saturday must feel like an age away at the minute. Hope you are keeping your mind busy. Have you recovered from EC now???

Lolly, hope you are well and praying you can start stimming on Sunday. The info I received from St Mays mentioned Gornal F, does it have a lot of side effects???

Hope your scan goes well tomorrow littlemouse. You never know EC may be Monday. Hope you are feeling a little better :hugs:

Ooooooh Liz, lets hope its twins making themselves at home that you can feel. You must be so releived to have the interview out of the way. You can now relax, you have done all you can so try and not worry about it, what will be will be hun :hugs:

No news with me. I have had 2 hesterical crying fits this week but I am due on so thinking its just that. DH was so sweet and just hugged me even though I was being so harsh and nasty. He has put up with quite a bit recently.

Lolly, i havent got a calander but I set up a ticker, just so I can see it counting down, I am so sad lol.
Tinks, he just was saying that to give us the best chance of 1 making it! No, he certainly did not want triplets!! :nope:He doesn't even want a girl!:growlmad: Nice right!! But I know he will be happy with anything that works healthy! :winkwink:He says last night "a girl on one condition: no dating till 18!" :haha:He's just scared!! We did have 3 transferred the other 2 times so that's sort of something to do with it too. but that was on 3 day transfers. These 2 embies were far and away better than the others to where my FS did not even consider adding more.:nope:
What a sweet DH you have! You are lucky to have such support! You will be stimming away before you know it! Hang in there. Ticker is a great idea!!:hugs:
Thank you all for your support and kind word :hugs:

Lolley- Thanks for doing the Maths bit sounds like a good increase :thumbup: I hope i get full marks on fertlisation last time was 5/5 but as we know anything is possible :shrug: PMA i guess... oh i so i hope you start stimming soon xx Also try not to worry about the Gonal F im the biggest wimp ever, the injection you cant even feel :thumbup: but headaches were there on the first few days.. and emotional like crazy through out the full stimming...:wacko: (maybe thats just me.. you will be fine, your a tough cookie xx)

PSP- Hows PUPO Princess doing :kiss: i think with Blastocysts on very very rare occasions they put 3 back and you have to be like 40+ , usually its 1 or 2 max... You have winner! x did they tell u how many made it to blastocyst? Did all of them make it? Not that it really matters hun, your PUPO... :hugs: im just getting nervous will they live that long in the Lab? Also Hun at my clinic Sundays is an off day no one is in.. how will they monitor my embryos, or it will not matter if they dont look at them for a day?? :shrug: im thinking if we go blast for Monday they might vanish on Sunday as baby potential :baby: were neglected :wacko: im nervous... But you lasted the 5 days i will try to also :hugs:

LittleMouse- the Embryologist lady said she will ring me on Saturday to give me an over view of the embryos.. I was itching to call this morning, but i didnt which my husband is very proud of me... As last cycle i called at 8am and the the embryologist was just taking her coat off :blush: I believe no news is good news.. :thumbup: So i guess i will quietly sit still and see what Saturday brings :headspin: Your stimming seems to be going well Hun :hugs: wait till the end of stimming Delicate isnt the word.. Its such a relief getting them all out.. even weeing was painful, its a good sign that your feeling the action though :thumbup:

Tink- Aww its so natural to fight and cry.. We were driving for my trigger shot late at night and we had a huge huge fight... he sat in the car while i went in.... it was so so messy he called me Crazy and said im ruining our marriage!! cutting a long story short after the injection ignored him on the drive home.. got ready for bed.. than he cuddled me and said 'im sorry this is crushing me as much as it is to you...; i think its healthy to make up and break up :thumbup: I also love your Ticker.. I have tried to make one but my MacBook doesnt play nice, or im just dumb! :blush:

Lizz- Well done on the Interview, like many have said with my frame of mind i can barely type my name :blush: probably type ICSI :haha: Really does consume our thoughts...

Fisher how are you doing Hun?hope the spotting has stopped?

AFM after taking all those drugs, When i finished all the tablets i was exhausted, My husband said i can split them through out the day to make it easier for me? But if the FS said night there has to be a reason :shrug: i was Knocked Out slept at 9pm got up at 7am.. i really need a number 2 as i type (TMI) :blush: but whenever i even try the pain is over whelming so i stop pushing, i dont want to be constipated for the transfer :shrug:, i know the eggs are out just feels very very sore.. even when i get up and sit down i need to push myself up and i hobble around... feeling very sore, i read it can take 48hrs for full recovery.. I know i dont want to push when the Embryo is in me.. i need to pooped asap :wacko: Hubby said drink prune juice.

Also when i put the Crinone Gel in me last night when i pulled the tube out it was covered in red blood, not going to worry myself im sure everything is still very red and raw in there, hoping theres no blood tonight.

Bless my husband it said to me yesterday Sorry he was being off with me lately, i was scared that my count was going to be Zero again.. I asked him where were you when i was getting ready in my gown?? he said i was waiting outside the Lab room for the lady to come out and tell me if i had any sperms? or if they needed to cut my balls open?? :dohh: I just never know whats going through his mind :wacko: i dont think we got the count of sperms :shrug: im sure its still far off the average count :nope: but enough for ICSI :happydance:

My goodness what a long mail.. I just feel so fresh after a good night sleep and i think i was typing with a blur yesterday....

Ok ladies i will update on Saturday how many fertilised and what day the transfer will be on.... Im trying to be in charge of the situation and for me not to call the clinic today is such an achievement! i have shocked myself..

A close friend has Friday off so will be meeting her for Lunch tomorrow.. (get my mind of my eggies) she does not have a clue were TTC for ages or even on the 2nd IVF :dohh: hopefully i can blag it and smile through the questions she has 2 boys,. I have a huge bruise on the back of my heart where the needle was in me from the G.A, this friend notices everything, so foundation on the back of my hand i guess :haha:

I love scary movies so we might go and see Insidious.. It does look dead scary, not sure thats what my little brain needs at the moment :wacko:

Ok lovelies Love and hugs to you All :kiss: for some reason im feeling so so happy and calm.. i hope i stay like this [-o< My dream is to see a double red on a HPT, as it seems like a fantasy to reach that goal xx

PSP- Your totally right i will change my feeling as im no longer that sad bunny xxxxxx i forgot what my emotion is lol
***monster post alert!!***
Nayla, Thanks! Yeah, I think it makes a difference with how many they transfer on how many days etc. I'm not sure, :shrug:I think more of them made it than the 2, but the top 2 were highlighted on the sheet the embryologist showed me and the others were below it and not. So all I know is that they weren't the best and since we are not freezing, it didn't really matter.:nope: I was nervous too about the 5 days since I had always done 3 before. The first time I had like 8 or something and they transferred 3 on day 3 and none made it to the 5th day. But they did transfer the best ones so maybe those would have survived?:shrug: The second time, I had like 7 again and they transferred 3 and only 1 made it to blast for freezing. Again though, perhaps some of the 3 would have made it to 5? It is very tough to have to wait with no updates!:growlmad: I was told on a friday I had 5 embies and then they did not update me until Tuesday when I was ready to transfer and the embryologist came in to tell me about my 2 "gorgeous" embies! That was good enough!:thumbup: I actually think these were better than my embies in '02, but they don't rate them the same as 3 day-ers! So who knows!:shrug: PMA right? They said the "no news is good news!" thing to me too. It really is true! Don't you know the morning of transfer I'm in the shower and my cell keeps ringing. ( they always call me on my cell) and I'm thinking, "it's my DH, he calls and calls until I answer!" Then I thought, "oh, god, what if something's wrong and they're calling to tell me not to come in cuz they didn't make it!" Then I thought how crazy :wacko:that was, and sure enough it was DH calling! Don't worry about the embies on Sunday. Remember they do this all the time. They will decide if they want to do a 3 day based on how they are doing and not like they are going to be able to change anything anyway if you think about it, unfortunately. I think mine doesn't do the daily updates cuz, 1. they prob don't have the time, and 2. it would prob make us worse crazy!:wacko: So my advice is to stay busy. It helped that I worked that weekend for the 3 days in between. Time did go by pretty quick. And they did not count the ER day as day 1.:nope: We had ER on Thursday and ET on the following Tues. oh, and I wanted to tell you they have told me last cycle that if more than 1/2 of the eggs fertilize, that is considered good. :thumbup:So don't worry if all of them don't. I think that's rare that they do. I had 8 eggs to start, one was immature and so 5/7 fertilized.
I would continue to take the meds exactly as directed. I take 5 tabs of methyl prednisolone 3 times a day plus my other meds. I actually have my phone set to remind me cuz I know I'd forget! As a matter of fact, I think it's time for my 3pm dose!! Can't wait to be done with these as they make my face and chest red! Side effect! I go tomorrow for BW for progesterone and estradoil levels. They never give me the numbers, just say they are good and to continue with the current doses. Which is just fine with me really.:winkwink:
Oh, and for the BM's, prune juice is a good idea, also, your FS may be able to suggest something? You for sure want to get that moving before ET as you bladder will be full enough!! :haha:Good job on not calling!! And I think I need a lunch date tomorrow too with my girls!! Sounds like a good idea!!:thumbup:
Sorry this is so jumbled!! I think I got pregnancy brain already!!:winkwink: And yesterday I'm laying in bed with my head propped and feet propped and my lo comes in and says "mom, do you have a baby in there?!" Can you believe that! I looked at him and said, well, not yet, just my belly is big cuz of all the medicine I have been taking!! And we have not discussed what is going on with him! What do ya think of that!!:happydance:
Everything is telling me this is working...I hope I'm right!:dust:
PSP God bless you Hun for your Juicy reply :hugs: I know what you mean maybe they would rather not ring us to avoid us getting stressed :wacko:

A part of me says i just want them in me ASAP so i know there safe... and another part says going to Blastocyst is amazing.... :wacko: my husband told me if they say come in on Saturday for a 3DT dont get upset and think there weak and dying... just see it as the professionals thinking it will benefit more in you than out of you :thumbup: which is a good way to see it... Knowing me if they say come in for a 3DT i will be thinking whats wrong are they weak?? Im hoping there strong... as last cycle almost all of them were 8cells by day 3 :shrug: Yet We all know NO cycle is the same... :shrug:

I love love love your attitude Hun :hugs: and bless your son saying that its a sign :winkwink: Do you find the Steriods make you hungry? i got up at 1am craving a burger :wacko: and when i typed side effects it says, feeling hungary.. :wacko:

i know what you mean i just cant wait for it work for us all and we stop taking all the medicines... When i look in our medicine cabinet you would think it belongs to a 70 year old couple :dohh: its just bursting at the seams with my drugs and hubbys drugs to keep his sperms going... Cant wait for the day i get a bag and throw everything it out! :happydance:

Still constipated :blush: im a weakling the minute i feel pain i just get up... my husband tells me it will come out when its ready its a shy one :haha: your right if transfers tomorrow need to go Today! :gun:

Did you also go for a wee straight after Transfer? last time i lay for 30 min and went straight to the toilet this time round i think i will try and hold it in at least 2hrs?? i know they dont fall out, but i dont want anything coming out of me.

Looking forward to see my friend later been up since 5am.. ironed my clothes and set out my accessories sad i know! :blush: also i have woken up with a huge cold sore :dohh: a bubble growing the corner of my mouth! i hope it isnt down to stress :dohh:

Enjoy your day Hun and your in my prayers xx thanks again for the response x
Good morning ladies
Well ive had a very emotional week! The spotting stopped but i still didnt feel like it had worked just had a feeling so i did another test this morning and it was negative!
So im def out this time :(
Im feeling very disappointed and sad.
we have one more free go so im hoping its not too long till we try again.
We are going away to a health spa next week for a few days cant wait to go and relax!

Good luck to all you lovely ladies i hope you get ur bfp :flower:

Fisher sweetie I'm so sorry. I know there's nothing to be said to make that better it is just bloody rotten. You have another chance funded so take time to recover your body and mind and don't be hard on yourself for whatever feelings you have.

Massive :hugs:

fisher, I'm so sorry! :cry:Do be good to yourself now. I know how disappointed you must feel. Sending hugs and lots of love your way.:hugs:
Nayla, please don't worry about what day the transfer is! :nope:Remember my son is a 3 day-er!!:thumbup: They will do what is best and that's all you can hope for! Sometimes it just depends on the situation and the FS/embryologist at the time.
Steroids are notorious for making you hungry! I just finished my last dose last night and I didn't have too many side effects. Just flushed in chest and face, a bit more hungry maybe. :shrug:Hard to tell if that is other meds or whatever!
Your DH is too funny!:haha: How long has it been since you had a bm? It's okay, I'm a nurse, we talk bm's all the time!!:wacko: Did you try the prune juice? or as your FS for suggestions? Also grapes and high fiber foods help, and of course drink lots of water. And they did have me lay there for at least like 20 mins after the transfer. Don't worry, it won't fall out! The nurse said everyone thinks that, but of course it's silly! :dohh:Not even the same area! I have to try to find this link, I was reading something about how the uterus holds stuff in, it was really reassuring. Anyway, don't make yourself uncomfortable holding in the pee anymore than necessary! Remember not good to stress the body too much! And after I peed, they took me back to the regular room and had me lay horizontal for at least 1/2 hour and then I could go. :thumbup:
Hope you have a good time with your friend today. All my buds were busy today so I just drove down the the lab and got my bw done (just boring estrdoil and progesterone) and stopped at the store to get some yummy food since I havn't been out and we are running low.:icecream: Came back home and cleaned up a bit. Back in my pjs again though!:winkwink:
Woke up feeling kind of down today, which is not like me.:cry: I didn't sleep good, was up a lot peeing and just restless. We've had rain here a lot for the last few weeks and I think it's starting to get to me. Tornados in the southern states have been terrible. Idk, just feeling sad today. Pretty scared this might not work.:cry: I think this 2WW early on is the hardest. No real symptoms much to speak of.:nope: I know it's too early though, but after doing everything, and then not doing much at all...just tough. If only I could vomit!:haha: lol! I had some morning sickness with my son, later on though. Well, I tried fresh baked chocolate chunk cookies, only helped a little!:haha: Maybe a nap before anyone comes home will be nice.:sleep:
Oh, well, chat at you later. Hope your embies are hanging in there! Let me know!:hugs:
Well, the nurse just called and said FS wants to increase my estrace to 3 a day and my progesterone in oil to 2ml. I'm so worried now.:cry: She said that the levels weren't all that low, just that they were starting to drop so he wanted to increase them.
Please embies, hang on...[-o<[-o<[-o<

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