icsi in 2011?

fisher im so sorry hugs hugs hugs xxxx

nayla congrats on the er! i hope ur all pupo'd up bfore you know it!

im sorry i havent been on guys its so hard to keep up with you all!!!

im actually fine as fine can be! no symptoms at all but sadly that can be quite stressful as i disbelieve im pregnant!

i just have to accept i am and get on with it even if there is a problem nothing i can do about it u think once u have been through icsi and see two lines your worries and fears stop i was so wrong lol!

psp im looking forward to hearing a bfp announcement from u hun!!

I've decided I'm going to get on with living again. :thumbup:I'm getting ready to go out to the city with DH and have some dinner. Sun is out finally and I'm moving on. What is gonna happen will happen and I will deal either way. Done wasting time about it.
Probably I'm preggers and all the worry is for nothing anyway! lol!:haha:
Fisher im so so sorry about the news, dont know what words to say :hugs: Please look after yourself and your partner x

PSP- Thank you for your reply Hun and try no to worry about your Blood works, luckily they monitored you very close and can make the changes... we dont have BW as much as i would like at my clinic :dohh: your sounding a little down hun, i think all the excitement and build up, than your all alone and you think what do i do know? :shrug: stay strong Hun, we have come this far and its so true what will happen will happen, sending you calm vibes xxxxx :hugs:

AFM IM PUPO :cloud9:

Out of my 8 Eggs 6 Turned into Beautiful Embryos. 4 Grade 1 and 2 Grade 2 :thumbup:

I had one 8 Cell two 7 Cells and Three 6 Cells That was very early on Saturday Morning.

The F.S and Embryologist was telling me to come in in day 3 as they were afraid that they might slow down in the lab and it was too big of a risk to go Blastocyst. I was over the moon and off we went. There going to try and take the remaining embryos to Blast..? she said if the cells dont look strong enough theres no point in freezing as they will never make it through the Thawing process?? :shrug: I said do your best, i guess i will wait for that call in a few days.....

They put TWO Grade :baby::baby: 1s back 8 cell and 7 Cell.. everyone was laughing and chatting in the room before i knew it we were done :thumbup: than the FS strokes my face while i was lying down saying relax stay calm and it will work i want this just as bad as you :hugs: (she was lovely)

I was also told NOT to eat Pineapple in excess she said its a hot fruit :shrug: Papya Mango Pineapple i should avoid...? i was shocked.. our fridge is full.. i think everyone has there on views.. i think i will still nibble the core.. and im eating x5 Brazilian Nuts a day, thats also suppose to help? and all i was told by the embroylogist eat fruit and veg and drink alot of milk and water :shrug: shes said theres been NO scientific proof in food, if they knew they would prescribe it.... :thumbup:

Thats it i guess ladies... going to try and relax and enjoy myself.. Husband made a huge steak last night, and i woke up this morning with a funny tummy :wacko: I hope that it will not affact my embies, I dont want to hurt is feeling but im sure it was the food... Hes being extra extra nice its scary! got a stack of magazines and funny DVDS :thumbup: Last night he was cooking so i got up to peep on what hes cooking? he yells 'sit down now u need to rest!' awwww love him so so much xx

What will be will be? its written in the stars.. so going to relax for the next 2 days than i will life as normal as possible...

Keep me in your prayers Please xx I do feel so so much CALMER x Negative thoughts = Negative results, positive thoughts = positive results :thumbup:

Hope everyone is enjoying the remaining of the weekend xxxxxx
morning ladies! Cant post much as on my phone and its bein a nightmare! But had to say massive congrats to nayla! Brilliant news and absolutly loving your attitude. Positive vibes for you hun and in my thoughts and prayers. Cant work out how to do smileys but big hugs for you! Psp i hope your ok. Its crazy hard and we all do it but try not to read into your blood work too much. Its so early and its just great they are lookin after you well. Be good to yourself sweetie. Fisher im just so sorry. You dont deserve this and i hope you surround yourself with love and support. We are here for you if you need us. Well im just about at hospital for bloods to see if i can start stims today. Will let you know! Love to everyone! X x x x x x
Goodluck lolly!!

Nayla your a little pupo princess I have everything crossed for u and you are In my thoughts and prayers! I find all your pineapple talk strange guys I decided when I was pupo not to get too hung up on things like that and ate what I wanted and now I'm preg so it didn't make any difference! I contrated on resting etc instead! But if u think pineapple and nuts will help do it even if it's just to ease your mind cause ur right a positive attitude is what's needed!
Goodluck girl I know u can do this xxxx
Hey Nayla how exciting that is great news! You need to change your status now lady you are pupo!!! Hope you are feeling ok and taking it easy.

Psp sorry to hear you are feeling a bit low about everything. I think there comes a point when you have basically run out of emotional energy after all the ups and downs, which just leaves you completely depleted, so it's no wonder, especially when you are worrying about your bloods. I've got another week until I'm on the 2ww so I can't even imagine how agonising that must be! When is your OTD - it can't be long now??

Lolly let us know how you get on - exciting day!! I hope you get to start today, it feels so good to move on to the next stage.

AFM: I did my trigger at 11.30 last night and then went to sleep. Couldn't wake up this morning I feel completely exhausted. I think I'm just gonna take it really easy today and have a good sleep before EC tomorrow morning. We have just had a big grocery delivery and going to make sunday roast later - yay!

I'm pretty nervous about it actually, when I think about what they do it freaks me out a bit, but I know it's all worth it. And we'll then have the moment of truth of how many they actually retrieved. I'm really hoping for 12 as they said they'd do half and half ivf and icsi if we had 12, but only icsi if fewer.

Annie hopefully some more of us will be as lucky as you in a few weeks!

:hugs: to all

lolly, hope you get good news to start really soon!:thumbup:

littlemouse, good luck with your ER today!:thumbup: My beta is suppose to be on June 7th, which is exactly 2 weeks from my 5 day transfer. Too long I think!:growlmad: We will see if I can last! You will be 2WW -ing with us soon enough!!:hugs:

AFM, still in the LONG 2WW, well, almost 1WW now! I'm back at work and hoping it will make the time fly so I can get my BFP! I'm still cramping some on and off and hungry a lot so hopefully that is a good sign. Nothing else of note yet. Other than "just not feeling like myself", if that means anything.:shrug: I sure hope something's going on in there!! My DH said, "boy, if you're not pregnant, you are going to have a lot of work to do!" nice right?! I have been eating like mad, actually drinking too! We shall see!!:dust:
Wow Nayla, congrats on PUPO :happydance::happydance::happydance: Stay possitvie :thumbup:

Lolly, how did you get on at the hopsital?

Littlemouse, good luck for EC today. Hope everthing goes to plan :hugs:

Hi annie, glad you are doing well. 9 weeks already :happydance:

PSP, sorry to hear you have been feeling down. Eat what you want, you have enough on your mind without counting calories, worry about that at a later date :winkwink:

Fisher hun, I am soooo sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope you are taking care of yourself and enjoy your spa break. Keep us updated hun :thumbup:

AFM not much to report, AF arrived yesturday :growlmad: Keeping myself busy with a bit of de cluttering and cleaning. Finished decorating the living room so go to move onto either our bedroom room or kitchen, cant decide which one to do first.

Hope everyone is enjoying the bank hoiliday, its going to quick for me mind :haha:
Hey ladies

Just home from the clinic (and straight on to b&b!). All went fine, we got 17 eggs - yay - though don't know yet how many are mature/ good enough to do anything with.

A bit of a surprise was that DH's sample had lower motility than they wanted, 30% instead of 'normal' 50%. This means they want to do all ICSI to give us the best chance. I'm a bit disappointed as I wanted a small element of nature taking its course in the process rather than someone in a lab selecting the one sperm to inject to each egg. But of course I can get over that and want to give ourselves the best chance - it would be heartbreaking if we did it straight and none of them fertilised.

The surprising thing is that DH's SA was fine previously, so not sure if this is a one-off (of all the days to have a one-off..) or if that's been the issue all along - they said to him it might well have been the reason we didn't conceive naturally.

Anyway. I'm on the sofa now about to watch a movie and do some recovering.

Hello Ladies

Well I wanted to come on and update you instead of everyone wondering where I had gone. Not good news for me i'm afraid. The blood test showed very abnormal hormone levels and I was called into an emergancy scan today. My overies are not good and as yet we don't know the future of this cycle or our chance to have our own child. I continued DR for another week and the scan next monday will give us our answer. I think I've already lost my hope. I won't go on about the ins and outs, but am going to take some time away from this site and I do hope no one is offended. Its just too hard and raw right now. Who knows, a week may alter things and I may be back with a more positive outlook before you know it. I do hope so but sadly fear not.

I want to thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart for all your love, support, advice and friendship, and wish each of you all the luck in the world on your quests for your precious babies. I have faith that the time will come for each of you.

Love always, Lolly xxxxxxxx
Lolly I am so so so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: You take all the time you need. No one will be offended. I really hope you get some better news next Monday :hugs: If you need to talk but dont want to come on an open forum you are more then welcome to PM me or talk to me on FB. Lots of love and hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Littlemouse 17 is a fab number, its a shame you have to use ICSI 100% but if its what the FS sugests then it will be for the best. Maybe your DH motility was so low due to stress, its not suprising really, the amount of pressure we are under.

Are you doing a 3 day transfer? Will that be Thursday then?
Hey everyone,
Can I join u? I'm currently on the 2ww and I'm 3dp3dt I'm feeling pretty good about it all at the moment!!! I'm sure it'll change though. I test on thurs 9th! I'm listening to my zita CDs and having Accu every other day.

Is anyone else on the dreaded 2ww??

MrsJR xxx
Hey Ladies,

Sorry, had a crazy few days with a house full and not one second to get on B&B without them noticing.

Looks like i've missed a few things.......hope everyone is doing ok.

Fisher - I am so sorry for you, you must have had an awful few days. I hope you have managed to relax on your few days away. I really feel for you, make sure you look after yourself over the next few weeks.

Littlemouse - Great news about your collection, hope you've had a relaxing day - it really isn't as bad as you think it is? Hope the CD is helping a bit, get your Zita on and stuff your face with pineapple! Don't worry too much about the ICSI, that's exactly what happened to us. I guess you will be ET on Saturday? I have a good feeling about your call from Olga in the lab tomorrow. Let us know.

Lolly - I completely understand. I do hope you're ok and just wanted to say thank you so much for all your support since my failed ICSI in Feb. You really have been amazing all the way through the ups and downs of it all. Be kind to your self though. xx

Psp, Tinks and Nayla - Hope things are ok with you?

Off to bed, I am so not having 4 people to stay for 4 nights again, ever. Even if they are family, i'm knackered...

Lots of Love Liz x
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend :hugs:

Lolley- Im so sorry to hear your news, always remember dear where theres a problem theres a solution.. YOU will be a mom.. some peoples journeys are much more bumpier than others but you will get there soon.. I pray so hard that Monday brings you much more joy and hope. Do what you need to do Hun sometimes taking time of the website is what you need xx were all here waiting for you arms wide open xxxxx we will miss you while your away xxxxx

LittleMouse- Thats Great news 17 eggs well done!! :hugs: i hear so many people that have ICSI last minute.. i have heard some horror stories where women have had like 20 eggs than do IVF and nothing fertilises :nope: now thats anyones nightmare! but with ICSI 70-80% Guaranteed fertilisation. Its stress some men having amazing reports leading up to IVF than on the day they just have a few :shrug: im sure if your hubby re did the test it will be fine again! :happydance: look after yourself for the Egg Transfer are you having day3?

Annie- how your doing Hun? xx i know what you mean we get so obsessed with what to eat during the 2ww, if someome told me to eat Frogs legs to help implantation i think i would! :haha:

Fisher- Your in all our thoughts and prayers, hope the Spa went well :hugs: must have been bliss..

Tink- you little DIY lady sounds like your keeping yourself busy.. i bet when it comes to do your nursery you will be a pro... Not long for the appointment

Lizz- You have been a busy camper, wow 4 people is alot! you can take a deep breath now and enjoy pregnancy, are you feeling anything different hun? make sure your till taking it easy as you were in in the 2ww :thumbup:

Mrs JR- Welcome Hun, im also testing on the same day :hugs: im 3dp3dt Thursday 9th June, i feel much more calmer than my last ICSI, i guess time will tell, hope we get a double celebration :hugs:

PSP- Hope your hanging in there Hun> going back to work must be great when time is concerned... i just feel like a sloth watching my life pass by.. Im hungry all the time, i know its the steriods just after i take them i feel like a Gremlin need to eat ASAP :blush: I really pray dear theres Magic going on in our tummys are we speak :hugs:

AFM Its day 3 since the Transfer, its way too early to start imagining anything.. i have been very very windy so what ever noise or action that is happening its the wind :blush: Cyclogest is a nightmare! Also i dont have frozen babies :nope: they didnt make the criteria, i pray so so hard i dont need to do this the 3rd time from scratch (please please lord bless us all)

Just been relaxing on the sofa watching old classics.. My husband rented me out the Goonies i will watch that later (great classic when i was a kid!) also i watched Neverending story yesterday... love the films that take me back to when i was a kid.. :cloud9:

My husband is full of a cold coughing everywhere and a bad throat, i cant seem to stay in bed longer than 7am... :shrug: i woke up with a huge headache and my heads on fire.. i so hope this will not affect my implantation [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< as that should be taking place in the next few days....

The house is a mess,,, im dying to start mopping hoovering scrubbing... my Docotor advised 3 full days of bed rest today will be day 3.. so i think i will start helping more around the house...

I guess thats it for now xxxxxx Love and hugs to you all :dust:
Lizz, I hope you will be able to get some rest :sleep:now that your guests are gone! How are you feeling otherwise being tired?

MrsJR, welcome! There are a few of us on 2WW including me so you are in lots of company!:thumbup:

littlemouse, well done on the ER! :happydance:17 is plenty! Any idea when ET is? Hope you are resting up!

Lolly, sorry to hear about your news. I hope it turns around for you on monday. :hugs:

Nayla, I love the goonies! I haven't seen that in forever! Now that I'm back I work I wish I would've watched more! And I can't claim it's the steroids making me hungry as I have been off of them since Friday! But it's crazy cuz I eat a good dinner, take a nap tonight before work, then wake up hungry again!:dohh: Eat something on my way in, and here I am a few hours later hungry again! :wacko:Sorry you didn't get any frosties, but prob won't need them anyway! We opted not to freeze at all this time since we are not going to be able to afford to do this again, so this better work.:thumbup: I keep getting worried because I'm not feeling anything, even though I know it's early. Just tough.:growlmad: And it's hard to tell if I'm more tired than normal or not now that I am back to work. Midnights, I'm always tired!:sleep:
Take care and don't do too much around the house! I still haven't caught up and probably won't until I get my 2 days off wed and thurs. What's funny though is I felt like I was "nesting" right before ET! I was cleaning like mad and even baked a pie! I have never in my life baked my own pie either! crazy!:wacko:
Hi nayla and psp,
Ru off work for ur 2ww? Hope ur holding up ok, Ive had a right old morning today! I warmed my gestone for about 30 mins and when I opened it I spilt it everywhere! So had to warm another and when I passed the needle to dh we dropped it!! So I've gone back to bed listened to zita and now I feel much better! I normally get clumsy when af is on it's way so fingers crossed she isn't!

Mrs JR xx
MrsJR, I just came back last night after having 6 nights off. Now back to my regular 4 day a week schedule. But good because I need it to pass the time!
Funny about the shot! I hope your AF is far away! As long as I'm taking the meds my af won't show so kinda could be a false sense of security in a way.
Hey everyone,

Lolly I'm so sorry lovely, that is rotten news but try not to despair. Totally understand you need a break from here. All the b&b ladies will still be here when you need us, just like you've been there for everyone else :hugs:

Nayla how are you doing? I did my first cyclogest this morning and I know what you mean. How long do you carry on with them for? I'm sure they said 12 weeks or something (if successful) which seems insane... all the US ladies seem to have progesterone injections instead so I'm not sure what's worse, I am quite pleased not to be needling myself every day any more!

Psp how are you doing? You sound chirpier than a few days ago so that's good :) and please keep well away from the housework for now! You must be quite close - or is it another week you have to wait?

Hi MrsJR and welcome :)

Hi Tinks, what's your news? I'm so sorry I've lost track of where you are - appt soon??

AFM: the clinic called this morning and we have 11 embryos. I'm so amazed after all we've been through and thinking I had low egg reserve, it's just incredible. No idea on quality yet as it's too soon to say, but we're most probably having a 5dt on Saturday. I'm over the ICSI thing now - I would far rather have this news today than hear that none fertilized with regular IVF!

I'm still in bed as ovaries still quite sore from yesterday and generally feeling extremely lazy, but thinking about going for a gentle stroll by the sea this afternoon. And doing lots of positive visualisations about cells dividing and embies growing strong and beautiful!

Love to all

p.s. I now really want to see the Goonies again too - what a classic!! We have the Kings Speech to watch later, as somehow we are the only people on the planet not to have seen it already :)

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