icsi in 2011?

Hi littlemouse,
I just wanted to say we haven't seen the kings speech either and are going to be watching it tonight too!

I'm on the progesterone injections and after doing 2 tx with the pesseries I'm glad to be injecting myself lol! I hated them pesseries!!

Hope u feel better soon xx
Welcome MrsJR, I haven't start tx myself yet but i love cheering on my B&B IVF girls :thumbup: Good luck hun :flower:

Liz, you must be shatterd after your visitors, make sure you get some well earned rest.

Nayla, you should be resting as well, no house work. Sorry you didn't get any frozen babies hun. I am praying you wouldn't have needed them anyway :thumbup: Make sure your DH is keeping his germs to himself as well :haha: The house is a work in progress, although I have been in it 7 years :dohh: we can only go as fast as our cash flow :haha:

PSP, I am hoping the 'nesting' feeling is just your body telling you its the right time. Mmmmm pie, what kind did you bake?

Littlemouse 11 is great, you must be so pleased with that and ICSI is just a way to a means hun. We just have to trust the Drs to do their best with what they have got :hugs: Sorry you are still sore hun. Hope you feel better soon.

My appointment has come through and its for the 23rd June, hopefully we will be signing consent and get a start date. It is so hard to keep track of everyone so dont worry hun.

We watched the Kings speech on Friday night but I wasn't really impressed TBH. It was a good film but I think because I have heard so many good things about it I expected to much and was dispointed. What did everyone else think of it?

Bank holiday weekend was just to short. Cant wait for Friday, I am going to watch Take That in Manchester :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone is well :kiss:
hey! just wanted to pop on real quick and give an update. I should have more time tonight to give personals at work! I need to get dinner going here in a min.
I did bw again today and they called to say my levels are rising so I'm pleased with that! Doesn't necessarily mean they are growing, but I'm taking it as a good sign! Also the nurse said they will check one more time on Friday and then they are going to allow me to beta on Monday instead of Tuesday! yay! Chat with you all later!!
Morning Everyone :kiss:

PSP- Thats great news! what levels are rising in your b/w? :blush: is that HCG? anything that is rising or changing a great move! :happydance: not long left hun Monday is so close! hope you can have a busy weekend xx

Littlemouse- 11 what a lovely number! :hugs: well done! its so true the doctors scare the crap out of us with FSH number AMH TSH etc etc... and when it comes down the business everything seems to exceed the statistic :thumbup: sometimes its better they keep somethings to themselves its just added stress that we clearly dont need, and of course in your case your a shining example! :happydance: how many will they put back?

It seems the US girls have injections in the 2ww... for me no way! i cant carry on an extra day with injections :nope: by the time i came to the end of stimming i was a nervous wreck, it was such a relief no more .. i guess its the bullets for now :blush: they are very messy i know. Also i get myself worked up as i tend to push them up so so high.. I get scared that they might be pushing my embies around :blush: I know thats far from the truth... but i find the higher up i push them the less mess it causes.

Mrs JR- I cant believe we test next thursday :hugs: hope your fine and not looking too much for signs :thumbup: i have took the full 2 weeks off, i know myself i will not be able to concentrate at work so the best place for me is at home for now...

Tinks- Takethat your so so lucky! im sure it will be electric! I know what you means houses are very expensive to do up everything costs a fortune.. my family have been in our home for over 35 years and there still doing something to it :dohh:i bet it will be lovely in the end...

AFM 4 dpt NOTHING what so ever to mention.. No cramps.. No Twinges.. zip zero.. way too early i know.. and no news is good news i guess... since the extra medicines what i have noticed since the day of egg transfer is that i have been going to the toilet 3 times a night :dohh: which is very annoying... 1am 3am and 5 am its like i wake up automatically with a full bladder :shrug: any other lady the same as me? i NEVER wake up for pee pee at night but im always going... wish i was pregnant and i can say thats its a sign! :cloud9: but from the day of transfer past 3 night...

Everywomen is different so women have IB feel everything... and some dont feel a thing.. Good Luck to us all !! :kiss:
Hey Ladies,

Hope you’re all good. Some really exciting news is round the corner on this thread, I can feel it!

Lots of you seem to be feeling the cyclogest 'side effects' - i never knew you could have wind that bad! Still using the front door and the windy pops have gone away, so there is hope.

Well, I now have a cold….sniffing and sneezing all over the place – I hate colds I am never ill, and I obviously can’t take anything either which sucks, but I think I will scoot home from work early today for a lie down. Still exhausted from looking after the house full over the back holiday weekend but will put that right – thanks for all the encouragement.

My life gets more bizarre by the day…..I have just been offered that job! OMG! Crazy, crazy few weeks.
I need to take it because it is more money (also within the same organisation so it will count as continuous employment for maternity leave), but it will work out that if I work 4 weeks notice here that my first week will probably coincide with my 12 week scan, so I would turn up for work all excited about the new job and go….’oh by the way…’ I’m terrified that I accept it and then they find out, they can somehow performance manage me out over the first 3 months.
They probably can’t but I’m not sure where to go with all this stuff. Probably should talk to HR confidentially, but I don’t really want to tell anyone about the bean(s) in case it jinxes the whole damn thing…..

Am I going mad?

Liz x
Liz just to say one more thing about the job; in the past I've had a 'confidential' chat with HR that was instantly relayed directly back to my boss. Hopefully not all organisations are like that, but proceed with caution as they're really there for the management's interests primarily!

Also, in terms of when you MUST legally say that you are pregnant to an employer I think you have quite a long time. It's completely possible, had you conceived naturally, that you would still be unaware of it right now. Which is a bloody weird idea for us with all we're going through minute by minute!

I don't know what your place is like and you'll know what feels right. How have they behaved towards other women who are pregnant?
Nayla, they are monitoring my estrodiol and progesterone. I go back tomorrow for another check. I do work this weekend so that will help! Oh, and I’m peeing constantly too! I am drinking a lot more, and eating more as I am hungry and thirsty all the time now! The peeing is somewhat due to everything being bloated and pressed on the bladder. How are you feeling today?:hugs:

Tinks, it was cherry pie! And so easy to make! :thumbup:I feel like having some now! Sadly it is gone! Maybe ice cream will be in order today! :happydance:Oh, and I watched that movie a while back. I liked it but a bit slow. I fell asleep during the middle,:sleep: but picked it up at the end and I don’t think I missed too much!:dohh:

Littlemouse, I forgot I wanted to mention to you that my FS does ICSI on everyone, so don’t worry about it! Just another way to make it work!!:happydance:

Lizz, congrats on the job!:thumbup: Do what is best for you, don’t worry about when you have to tell them you are preggers! It will work out! That’s life right! Littlemouse gives good advice. I would hold it close to the vest until you can’t anymore. Only you can say when it is the right time to tell them.:hugs:

AFM, still waiting! Today is D9P5DT Not whole lot of symptoms as of yet. Always hungry and thirsty. Still some mild cramping at times. Once in a while I feel slight twinges in my bbs, still not sore yet though. I wish I could just know already. I feel like I’m pregnant, just feel it, but hard to trust it because of the stupid hormones!:growlmad::dust:
quick update, I was naughty and POAS this morning and it was neg. However, my bw order included hcg to my surprise, so maybe some better news this afternoon?
Hi ladies sorry I haven't popped in for a while, all this wedding stuff is keeping me busy! I am so happy the weather is starting to pick up! Tinks hope you have an amazing time at take that tonight, I am there sunday, so looking forward to it.

Got a letter from st marys and they have put my appt back to the end of July no so gutted about that :(

Good luck to everyone and I hope you are enjoying the sun and all have a fantastic weekend. I will try to pop in from time to time over the next 2 weeks to keep an eye on everyones progress xxx
Hi ladies sorry I haven't popped in for a while, all this wedding stuff is keeping me busy! I am so happy the weather is starting to pick up! Tinks hope you have an amazing time at take that tonight, I am there sunday, so looking forward to it.

Got a letter from st marys and they have put my appt back to the end of July no so gutted about that :(

Good luck to everyone and I hope you are enjoying the sun and all have a fantastic weekend. I will try to pop in from time to time over the next 2 weeks to keep an eye on everyones progress xxx
sorry to let everyone know, my hcg was negative, like I thought it would be. FS wants me to keep on the meds and do the repeat on monday but looks like I'm out.
I can't even tell you how I feel right now.:cry:
Hi Ladies,

PSP - Hope you're ok, I really feel for you. I know how difficult it is, but your doc has kept you on the meds for a reason, there may still be a possibility.
Try to keep your mind as occupied as possible over the weekend, go out, do something if you can.
I'll be thinking of you.

Littlemouse - hope the transfer went well this morning?

Hope everyone can get out in the sunshine this weekend.

Liz x
Psp- im so sorry about your news :hugs: i really am hurt with what i just read your such an amazing and strong women. I know you dont want to hear this but maybe just maybe your HCG will surge up as these number increase alot in 24hours and maybe Monday will have some surprising news for you?? i so so hope i am correct... in my prayers Hun xx

AFM im 8DPT and 11 DPO feeling very very low these days :cry: i have NO symptoms what so ever... NO signs No Implantation Bleeding NOTHING to indicate that implantation 'might' have taken place? as 8 days in it should have happened by now... :shrug:
I really dont know how i will cope of its another No? i have been doing so well up until yesterday just so so scared ladies... I just wish its a yes.. its possible to be a yes i have seen 100s and 100s of women that get BFP's with IVF it just seems like a difficult dream to catch....
I dont know if its my emotions or what feeling very very shitty and heartbroken i hate feeling this way..

Just want thursday to get here already... my husband hasnt been acting himself either and told me hes so so scared that its another no... than we need to seriously re evaluate things :cry: i cant see myself childless without my husband i really cant... :cry:

Sorry just having a down day... my heart tells me this hasnt worked at all.. its hard to explain, its just emptiness... :cry:
Nayla, thanks for the thoughts.:hugs: I have my mind set that it is another no for me, that way if for some miracle it is a yes, it will just be an amazing surprise. :thumbup:
I know how you feel. I think it was like day 3 for me that I had the breakdown.:cry: I just had this overwhelming feeling like it wasn't working. Very negative. I don't know if it was like a hormone thing or what but it was tough.
I want you to really keep in mind that probably most people don't have any symptoms at all during the 2WW :nope:and you are still very much in the ball game!:thumbup: Try to keep from going crazy by keeping busy. It's very strange now for me. Even though it is not a positive outcome, there is much relief in knowing. I'm not even thinking about "well, what is this cramping?" or analyzing symptoms. Freeing in a way.:shrug:
Give you DH some time. Is he implying he will leave you if this is a BFN? That's crap if so. :growlmad:But I'm sure he is just so scared. Please hang in there. Sending hugs to you!:hugs:
I'm working on finding something fun to go do next weekend as it is my weekend off. I'd like to get away and go somewhere but funds are limited. We will see. Talk to you soon.:hugs::dust:
Hello ladies

Psp im so sorry that it hasnt worked for you.... hope you are feeling ok :)

I had my app this morning at the hospital they kept saying it was a miscarriage which has made me a little sad cos in my head i was just thinking that it hadnt worked. But on the positive side they said that its good that i got pregnant so hopefully next time it will work!
Ive got to have a blood test to check if there are any obvious reasons why i would miscarry and ive got to have 2 periods then we can do it all over again :) so hopefully by end of the summer we should be able to try again :)

Hope everyone else is ok i will keep popping on to get updates

Gd luck to everyone and thank you for your kind words :)
Hey Fisher,

I hope you feel okay after your appt - did they say how they could tell it was a mc?

I really think you should take that as a good sign that your body is trying! I know lots of people who when conceiving naturally have had a mc to begin with and then a successful pregnancy, as if your body is having a little practice :)

Hi littlemouse

Im feeling fine thanks looking forward to getting started again :)

They said it was a miscarriage cos i had quite a few positive pregnancy tests and then a few days later i had a negative so she said i was pregnant at one point.

Hope you are ok :)
Fisher that makes sense - silly me!

I'm okay, I'm 2dp5dt but have felt completely drained ever since ET day. It's odd because there's nothing to recover from like with EC but I think the whole last month of treatment has just caught up with me, body and soul.

I've just left the house for first time in 48 hours to get some DVDs and that exhausted me! So it's back to the sofa for me now with my pineapple :)

fisher, I'm so sorry about the mc, but you are right, now at least you know you can get preg and that's a good thing!:thumbup::hugs:

littlemouse, get your rest! feet up!:dust:
Hi Ladies,

Psp - I hope you're doing ok, I'm thinking of you. x

Fisher - You seem to have a really positive outlook on your news from the docs, sometimes it just helps to understand doesn't it? Plan something fantastic to do before your next treatment and it will come around really quickly.

Nayla - I really wouldn't panic too much yet. I had virtually no symptoms on my 2ww, felt fine and back to normal. Try not to jump too far ahead in your mind as you will just end up torturing yourself when you need to be looking after yourself. I have everything crossed for you.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Liz x

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