icsi in 2011?

oh psp and nayla im so so sorry that you are both going through this terrible time once more!! I just cant believe this sad news and words cannot describe how im feeling for you both right now xxx

lolly is right take your time to grieve and when you are ready we will be here waiting for you with open arms of support

sending all my love and hugs xxxx
Nayla hun, massive :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Make sure you take care of yourself and give yourself time to heal. You are in my thoughts :hugs:

Lolly, its good to hear from you. Sounds like you have had many downs since your last post. Its good that you have start stims, how is it going? I am so sorry to hear about your cousins husband, that is truely awful. Dont feel guilty for being jealous when she got her :bfp: no ones knows what is round the corner :hugs:

Well camping was great fun :thumbup: shame we had to come back so soon, everything just felt so simple and relaxed and care free but then we had to come home :haha: Its done us good though :thumbup:

Hope everyone is well :kiss:
Tinks, glad you had fun camping! I can't wait to go! We have one trip planned in July and 2 in august.
Hi Ladies,

I hope you're all doing ok.

Nayla & PSP - hope you're both feeling ok and managing to be kind to yourselves.

Lolly - Guess you've been stimming for a few days now - how is it going?

Tinks - Welcome back from your camping trip, it sounds fun. It's great to change the scenery sometimes isn' it?

Well I had my 7 week scan this morning and we found out that it's twins! I'm over the moon, I can't believe that this is happening to us! I'm back at work and grinning like a nutter, trying to hide from everyone as i just keep giggling. We got to see the little flicker of their heartbeats, it was incredible. In fact the nurse was a little suspicious that there may be another one in there too, but thinks it's probably the yolk sack....but I am having another scan in 2 weeks just to make sure (apparently it is reasonably common for blasto's to split).

I just wanted to say that I really never, ever thought that this would happen to me. A couple of years ago they turned me down for IVF as I was too heavy. Then I spent the year working hard to loose weight, a stupid consultant sent us away for another few months saying it would happen naturally, they screwed up the appointments time and time again, then our first attempt didn't work, which was heartbreaking.
So keep positve and strong - i hope you don't think me smug, but I really am rooting for all of you.

Love Liz x
Lizz, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats great news. You have made my day :happydance::happydance::happydance: Twins are fab and I should know since I am one :winkwink:

And thank you for those wise words. I bet it will be awhile before it all sinks in :thumbup:

Thinking about you Nayla and psp :hugs::hugs:
Lizz, not thinking you are smug at all! :nope:Congrats on the twins! So exciting!:happydance:

Tinks, I'm doing okay. :shrug:Good days and bad days I think. I have my follow-up appt with FS on July 5th so we will see what he has to say. Though probably won't matter too much since there's no $ left to do anything.:growlmad: But who knows? I can't see him having any suggestions to increase my chances unless he is willing to do surgery to remove my hydro tube, which he previously said was too dangerous for me. I'll let you guys know what he says.
For now, just trying to pick up more hours at work, lots of bills to pay. Following everyone's progress on here, wishing I was in the running...:cry:
Hello Ladies...

Firstly a huge Congratulations on the Twin News, look after yourself Lizz and a happy and healthy 9 Months.... Well done x

Also I thank you all for your kind words... Its a very shit position to be in, its like some one has ripped my heart out and put it in a blender... Very very unfortunate. It will be 1 week tomorrow since i found out... Im still raw and broken... And what im finding is that im snapping at my husband and hes just withdrawn himself from me.... i can honestly say this marriage is hanging on a thread... :cry:

We have both decided to give ourself a break now till next year... The last 4 months has been very tough on us.. and we have very very painful bills to show for it... The FS mentioned that she would like to do a Hysterscopy on me and to see my uterus and more blood tests (all this will cost around £1500 which we dont have :nope:) but she is convinced 90% its just bad luck.... :cry: and told me she has one lady last month that got pregnant after her 5th try i dont want to be 'that lady' :cry:

I need to accept the hand that i have been given and try and be strong.. i will be lying if i say for the remaining of 2011 i will not think about babies i will... it consumes me awake or asleep... thats all i want so so badly, but i need to know its 'me' im talking about and looking at my life EVERYTHING has been a painful struggle and complicated nothing is easy in my life, exams,, job interviews and trying to get pregnant is another example that NOTHING HAS OR EVER WILL BE A SMOOTH JOURNEY....

I have always wanted to be a MOM before 30 and i have missed that boat now... theres a lot of things i want in my life and frankly cant have it yet everyone seems to get things so so easily yet i have to sweat blood to get the simplest things :cry:

my prayer now is to have a successful IVF and i will call it a day, forget repeating it so many time to complete my dream family of 3 and 4 :cloud9: i use to think it will work first time and i will do it 3 or 4 times... Oh boy i was so so wrong! :cry: i just want a baby to call my OWN....

Its been so nice knowing you all... and probably when im back in Jan im praying hard that you will all be pregnant and i will have a new group of friends... i hope and pray by next year everyones dreams have been reached.... I wish you all happiness with a stress free journey :hugs: take each day as it comes and keep going....

Slb80- hope you have a great wedding you will be in my prayers....

I will try and pop in to see where you girls are on this journey.. AFM this place has been a god sent... and i will leave for while ......

Again good luck to you all... and i hope and pray no one experiences failed cycles the pain its unbelievable it destroys a persons soul. Going in for a 3rd IVF is hard to swallow when no one knows im going through this at all... even when i told my sister back in March she was not on the same page... NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THIS HELLISH JOURNEY UNLESS YOUR GOING THROUGH IT :cry:

I will try and put a brave face and accept that more friends and family will be pregnant in the next few months... more people will ask me what im waiting for...? i know all these questions will be asked... i choose to keep this journey to myself... i dont want pity looks or sympathy of friends... or even having the tag 'the girl that cant have kids' i would rather the world think were just doing fine.... :cry:

Life has been so so mean to me... and with my parents recent divorce my mother doesnt give a shit about anyone but herself and her life! i so wish i can hug her and tell her the hell that i have been through... but speaking to my mum is like an ice queen!! no emotions or care for anyone just herself! she will never understand me :nope: and my father i dont want to burden him, hes 68 and i just dont want to upset him.... im so so ALONE in all this :cry:

sorry for typing my soul out, im just a broken women with no one to turn to and no where to go :cry:
Nayla hun, I am so sorry you are hurting so bad. I wish I could give you a real :hugs: I cant imagine going through this without my families suport. I know we are not with you in person but we are all here for you and you are not alone :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Can you and DH get away for a bit? I know its not that likely with all the bills you have but it may do you good to spend some quality time together. I would think its normal to snap and take things out on each other, take each day as it comes :hugs:

Take as much time out as you need but you have to keep believing that one day you will hold your baby :thumbup:

PSP good luck for the 5th. Would you consider the surgery if it was risky?
Nayla I am so sorry for your pain. I think you have made a brave decision to wait and definately the right one for you. I'm sure you and DH will be strong again given time to reaffirm your love for one another. It will always be hard and gut wrenching.

So sorry we can't give you a hug, and remember even when you feel so alone you are not. I'm sorry that you don't have the support of your family, it must make the process so much tougher. It won't help your hurt but you must remember that there are people here for you and we can truely understand how much it can make you ache inside. You may never forget but time will slowly help you heal.

Loads of Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hello to everyone else, I have a scan tomorrow, day 8 of stims. Not sure what it will show, not overly optimistic but will update tomorrow when have bit more time. Welcome back Tinks, camping sounds great. Liz we would never think you smug, you deserve this so much, congrats on twinnies! Lovin it!! Psp, hope you are ok, loads of :hugs: Annie, can't believe nearly 12 weeks!! Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I said it will always be hard and gut wrenching, I seem to have lost the end of that sentence where I put, but together you can make it through to better times. Sorry if that sounded very blunt, silly computer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good luck tomorrow Lolly, I have everything crossed there has been some development :kiss:
can i just ask for those in the uk how long it takes to be refered to icsi?? are we talking years or just months once they realise that you will require the procedure in order to concieve?
It completely depends on your PCT Leah. We had to wait about 6 months once they'd done all our tests and recommended ivf/icsi. A friend of mine is about to begin treatment in London and there was no waiting list. But in some places it can be a couple of years I think.

You also need to find out if your PCT is still funding fertility treatment at all, you should be able to check out their policy on website.

Good luck!
Hi Leah,

Completely agree with Littlemouse, it is all area specific, dependent upon your PCT. Some farm the IVF/ICSI out to private clinics, some do it in house at the hospitals, it really does depend.

Just to give you an idea though, we were referred in late September by the NHS (to a lovely private clinic with NHS funding), recieved the papers through from the clinic a couple of weeks later and attended an open evening mid October. We then had our first appointment with the nurses late October to work out when to start treatment.
That all depends on what protocol they use and where you are in your cycle too. I was due to start my first in late November but had to push it back a month as my elderly Mum broke her hip 250 miles away, so started in late dec.

Actually looking back it doesn't feel that long ago, but at the time it feels like a million years.

What i would say though, is make sure when they make appointments for you and you get the letters you call up and check and double check. I had a number of screw ups with my PCT cancelling appointments/making appointments and not telling me which was massively frustrating.

Good luck.

Liz x
Hi Leah,

Completely agree with Littlemouse, it is all area specific, dependent upon your PCT. Some farm the IVF/ICSI out to private clinics, some do it in house at the hospitals, it really does depend.

Just to give you an idea though, we were referred in late September by the NHS (to a lovely private clinic with NHS funding), recieved the papers through from the clinic a couple of weeks later and attended an open evening mid October. We then had our first appointment with the nurses late October to work out when to start treatment.
That all depends on what protocol they use and where you are in your cycle too. I was due to start my first in late November but had to push it back a month as my elderly Mum broke her hip 250 miles away, so started in late dec.

Actually looking back it doesn't feel that long ago, but at the time it feels like a million years.

What i would say though, is make sure when they make appointments for you and you get the letters you call up and check and double check. I had a number of screw ups with my PCT cancelling appointments/making appointments and not telling me which was massively frustrating.

Good luck.

Liz x

thankyou for that i visited the OH doctors today along with OH and i practically had to twist his arm to refer us. Our fertility clinic is based at coventry university hostipal, i think its fine as long as we get a referral. can the fertility clinci say no to us, as this is based on only one sperm sample?
oh nayla i cried reading your post im so sorry for how heartbroken you are feeling right now and will always be thinking of you and your journey please come back when you feel ready but i understand the need for a break in all of this

hugs hugs hugs dont be a stranger xxx
hi all i hope all is going well for you and lolly looking forward to hearing how your scan went!

thinking of you all xx

afm i'm ok waiting for my scan on 29th at 13.5 weeks the waiting is a nightmare i just want to know everything is ok xxx
Leah, our GP referred us to a FS at our local hopsital first in September. We got an appointment with her in October but had to do a few tests and repeat SA before being referred to the IVF clinic. Our FS referred us in Feb and we have our first appointment with the IVF clinic next week. DH had to see a urologist as well before the referral, that was in December. Like all the other girls have said, all areas work differently. I would call you local PCT and ask what the waiting time is, ours were very useful. You can call the ivf clinic as well and ask if they ave waiting times. We to have had a nightmere with paperwork so make sure you hound them and keep on at them like Liz said. Hope this helps, it is all so overwhelming. The girls on here are great for suport :thumbup:

Annie, WOW 13.5 weeks already. Your scan will be here in no time, bet you cant wait to see your little one again :baby:

Lolly, any news?????

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