icsi in 2011?

thanks tinks but im 11.5 weeks this week i thought the waiting for icsi dragged somehow this seems even longer! hopefully i can stop being neurotic in two weeks time!

Hi ladies!

Liz, a proper congraltualtions on your lovely news. Please don't think we see you as smug, we are made up for you :cloud9: You truely deserve this and I hope you have many many years of happiness ahead! Go girl!!!

Annie, thanks for thinking of me! I can't believe you are nearly passed the 12 week milestone! Time is flying! Probably doesn't feel that way to you mind, bet that scan can't come soon enough! I'm sure all is great and your little bubs is cooking nicely! Can't wait to see some piccies, stay positive hun!

Tinks, how was camping? How was the weather, I know it hasn't been great lately. So glad you and DH had a good time. Its lovely to get away isn't it? I know when me and DP went abroad and it was suddenly just us a load of stress just melted away. I can't believe your appointment is so soon now!! Bet you can't wait!! :thumbup: Thank you again so much for your support!

Hi Littlemouse, thanks so much! Have I seen on another forum you got your BFP????!!!!! :happydance: How are you feeling hun! Huge congrats to you!! :cloud9:

Psp, how are you doing lovely? Good days and bad but hoping more are starting to be good again. Life can be cruel and i'm so sorry it didn't work out, we were all so rooting for you. I picture you as a strong lady and know you will come out of this fighting. Have you and DH talked any more about adoption? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hello Leah, so sorry you have had to join us here in our TTC limbo. The girls have already given you good advice about PCTs and waiting times. In response to only having a few tests I would bet that as soon as you get called in to you fertility clinic for the first time they will want to repeat many of the tests for themselves anyway. Usually they do more bloods and maybe take some additional bloods for a more indepth look, and another SA. It helps them to monitor any changes and keeps your details up to date on their systems. Good luck! :hugs:

Well ladies, what a difference a week or 2 makes! Here I was thinking it could be all over for good and today finally got some good news! The cysts have reduced, I now have 4 as opposed to 9. The ones I have left have reduced in size and are not posing a problem. My bloods and hormone levels are spot on. I was terrified that they would not see any follies growing on the scan due to the cysts taking all the room, I was wrong... they found 37 :shock: I am amazed and finally have hope we will get to EC!!! The lady scanning, her assistant and nurses were all really suprised to but very happy! They did say they are a bit worried about OHSS due to the sheer numbers so I need to drink lots more fluid, 3 1/2 ltr each day, I was already on the toilet most of the time on 2! :haha: I'm back for another scan and bloods saturday morning where I should know more and hopefully some guesses for collection :happydance: The follicles are all around 12-13mm, so where they should be for day 8. I'm not silly enough to think there are eggs in even half of them, but am just so pleased our change has been given back! A good day, but still a long way to go... I'm feeling tired and headachey but other than that ok. No sore boobs, not much blaoting, cramping, pain or feeling uncomfortable like last time. Think the Gonal F is much better suited to me that the Menopur!

I would like to thank you all for thinking of me, means so much :hugs:

Love from Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yay Lolly that is brilliant news! Do make sure you have all that water like they said! Fingers crossed lots of those follies have some lovely fat eggs in too :)

What a difference from the beginning of last week, isn't that mental how much it's all changed for you in such a short time? Amazing.

And yes, I did get my BFP on Monday - I've lost track of which thread I said it and where I didn't! Still can't really believe it and going to test again tomorrow because I'm so frightened it might not be true.

Anyway, good luck for Saturday and let us know!

yay lolly im so pleased for you!!! xxx

tinks when is your appt?

congrats littlemouse fab news!!! xxxxxxxx
Yup, doing fine. Just waiting for af. She's a bit tardy this time. Probably something to do with the last thing they did to me. Oh well ... Still on DHEA .... it's probably delaying it too. Oh well again. Karen
Hi all!:wave: I just wanted to give an update here. Not too much to say, doing pretty good.:shrug: I haven't been on much this week since I have picked up some days and will have worked 7 days straight come sunday!:wacko: I'm taking sunday off, which is my normal day off. Then will prob work 5 days straight till my weekend off, which is Friday and Saturday. (I'm soooo looking forward to that!:happydance:) But need the money badly since I'm going to be paying off the 2 ICSI's and now we have just bought a new truck!:happydance: Kinda spur of the momment purchase, but our old truck was 7 years old and on it's last leg! So got this shiny new one that I drove to work and everyone is in awe! Nicest thing we have ever owned and not even like it's the top of the line one!:nope: Has a ton of neat things with even the back-up camera and beeps! I wish I could drive it everyday but we probably won't too much.:nope: Mostly for winter and to pull the camper. Felt good today though, even if I will have to work more to make sure all the bills get paid!:wacko:
As for TTC options, I'm kinda on hold now, not sure what we will do if anything. I have my follow-up on July 5th so we will see what FS has to say. I was in such a big hurry to do all of this again this year since I will be 35 next year, but now I don't feel in a rush anymore. :nope:Just going to take it all as it comes. I figure if we do adopt someday, there's no time limit on that.:nope: Plus I'm going to get a regular ob/gyn doc (I've been using my regular doc for the past several years) and then discuss staying off BC in small hopes of somehow magically getting a natural BFP.:winkwink:
So hanging in there, stalking all you girls to see your progess, pulling for you!
lol, so much for not too long a post!!
Will catch up personals later.:hugs:
Sorry Annie, I read your post wrong, though you said you were 13.5. No wonder i was thinking time has gone quick lol :dohh:

Lolly, wow 37!!!! I know they wont all contain eggs but what difference a few weeks makes. Cant beleive you dont feel that bloated with 37? I am glad the gornal f agrees with you better, at last you seem to be getting soom good news :hugs: 3 1/2 litters of water is loads, you may as well camp out in the bathroom :haha: Good luck today.

Camping was really good thanks, the weather was ok. We did get some heavy rain but it seemed to happen at ok times so we were still able to have a BBQ and camp fires :thumbup: It was great to be away just the 2 of us, shame it couldnt have been longer though :winkwink:

Congrats littlemouse :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so pleased for you. When will you be having your first scan?

good to hear from you gilkar, sorry AF is playing games, hope it shows soon :thumbup:

Glad you are doing ok PSP. :happydance::happydance::happydance: for the truck. You can look at is as a reward for all the stress you have been through. You deserve 10 x that mind :hugs:

Well our appointment is 5 days away :happydance::happydance::happydance: cant wait but I am getting very nervous they will say there is a problem and we have a delay for some reason :wacko: Only time will tell :thumbup:

We are doing a walk tonight thats an anual thing here called the wreck treck. Its to raise money for the RNLI and its a 3-4 mile walk out to sea and back. I have never done it before but looking forward to it. You have to wade through a lot of puddles, some will be way above my knee i think as I am only 5.1 but DH is 6.3 so he can carry me :haha: should be fun.

Hope everyone has a good weekend :kiss:
Tinks that sounds fun, where is it? We are going for a little country walk today as the sun has come out after torrential freezing rain yesterday!

Psp I just wanted to say I think you are being amazing. You sound so positive and the fact you are still here egging everyone on is brilliant and brave.

How are you feeling about the follow-up appointment? Would you consider having another go with your frostie, or is that really impossible money-wise?

Anyway, hope you will have a lovely weekend with your family and enjoy your big truck - I have truck envy!!

Tinks I really want to go camping too! We've just bought a car and I'm mainly excited because it means we can go off when we like. In fact I wanted to go camping for our 1st wedding anniversary in 3 weeks but it looks like we'll be moving house the week after so probably will be packing boxes!

Good luck for your appt this week, how exciting! Do you think you'd be able to begin this cycle? We started the same day as we went to the clinic, as it happened to coincide with CD21 - so after so long waiting, it all felt very sudden.

We've got an early scan on 5 July, at which point theoretically they should detect a heartbeat. This seems to be a major advantage of having had IVF treatment - I can't imagine having to wait until 12 weeks before having any kind of scan. I'm excited and terrified all at once. I daren't really believe it's true until that date to be honest, so I hope it comes soon :)

Hello Ladies

Hope you are all having a lovely saturday!

Just a quick update from me, more drama i'm afraid.... On the scan they saw 9 progressing follies and 29 smaller ones. The largest 2 were 17mm. They said they will ring with instructions if needed or if I don't hear to be in again on monday for final bloods and scan. I have been feeling pretty rubbish yesterday and today, I have never had to fight so hard to stay awake at work. I was in training in the afternoon and actually realised at one point my eyes were shut!! I have been urging on water and food, so am not drinking as much as I should be, am now forcing it down. My bother has come to stay and took one look at me and kindly said I looked rough :haha: Haven't told him whats happening so just mumbled something about long week...

Anyway they rang about half an hour ago and thinks have changed again... Thursday my E2 was 5000 and something, today 2 days later it is 15000+ They are very worried about OHSS and explains the feeling crappy and :sick: Sp I have been told to reduce the Gonal F from 112.5 to 75ml tonight, Buseralin as normal, and am triggering at 10pm tonight. I am concerned as there are only 2 large follies but the nurse says that the smaller ones will continue to develop so hopefully I will have some more come EC. DP has put it in perspective a bit though and said that a week or so back we didn't expect to get this far so anything is a blessing. He's right, and hopefully I will soon start to feel better again. We are out for a fathers day meal tonight for both our families. Really don't feel like it and the thought of food is making me feel sicky but sure once there will be ok. And at least we have to be back by a certain time now so know it won't be a late one. So 7.30am monday morning. Scared but kind of calm to cause I know there is nothing I can do now.

Hope you are all well and big hugs to my B'n'B girlies :hugs:

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks littlemouse! Congrats again too! Can't wait to hear how you do with the scan!:happydance:
As for the frosty, I don't know if we will use it since it costs almost as much to do a fresh and there is a much higher chance of it working. That's why we went fresh again this last time. 8400 for fresh 5400 or so for fet. My fs said only 25% chance of success with fet since it has to survive the thaw as well as implant. I do hate to leave it hanging like that though. :cry:So anyway, I don't know what if anything we will do next. Wish I could try again but I feel like I can't keep throwing money away.:nope: What if it doesn't work again? I guess there would have to be something that can be done to make a difference, increase the likleyhood of success in the next round for me to consider it. Then finding the money would be another hurdle. Not sure if that would be possible.:nope: To be honest, sometimes I think I should stay off of here and move on from TTC. When I come on, I get a bit wrapped up in it all over again. -but have to say I'm addicted! Maybe eventually what I will do (if it ends up that I am not going to ttc anymore) is just get some of you girls' emails and keep in touch that way.:shrug:

Lolly, I bet you get a few nice eggies in there! :thumbup:Remember, only takes one!! Everyone is so worried about the numbers, and I guess I would be too since you get FET's free too. So surely you want some to freeze. But hang in there and I'm sure you will get some good embies when the time comes! Funny, aren't brothers a treat!:haha: And only they can get away with that crap too! lol!:winkwink:
Talk to you ladies later!
Littlemouse, I live in Fleetwood which is about 10 miles from Blackpool :thumbup:

Camping is great fun, some people will just hate it though, its one of them :haha: It expensive for your first trip as you need to buy everything but then its a fairly cheep get away and I just love the fact its so basic and simple and there is no TV, computers or anything else, all you have to worry about is what to eat :haha:

It will feel like an age away until your scan but I bet it will come round quicker than you think. I dont blame you not beleiving it until then, I would be just the same. We concentrate so much on getting our :bfp: but that just the begining I guess :hugs:

I will be about 7dpo at the appointment so will be due a week later. I dont know if that will be to soon for the PCT to agree funding and things :shrug: DH may need SSR so this could hold things up, I think they may want to do this before we start and freeze it, if we neede it. Its all up in the air at the minute. If I can start next AF I will be one very happy lady :thumbup:

Was you under the NHS littlemouse? Sorry I cant remember if you have said.

Lolly, I am so sorry that there is more problems hun. Listern to DH though, a few weeks ago you didnt think you would be able to do IVF so stay possitve. EC tomorrow :happydance::happydance::happydance: Did you have a good meal? Hope you start to feel better soon. How did your trigger shot go??

PSP, you need to do what ever feels right and best for you. Take care hun and we are always here for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am sure I have heard it somewhere that you have to go on BC pill before you start IVF/ICSI. Is this true? Did you girls have to go on it before hand?

Well the walk went well. I got very wet and muddy but was very good fun. My neice (5) and nephew (3) also did it. My nephew was not keen at all though and had to be carried for most of it :haha: I am aching like you would not believe today though :growlmad:

I should be making chilli for a little get together we are doing for my dad for fathers day but cant seem to get my ass in gear :haha: I blame B&B :haha:
Morning everyone, how are you all?

Wow Psp, I’m surprised at the cost of a FET compared to a fresh cycle and how similar they are. How long will your clinic keep your frostie? I guess maybe it’s safe for down the line? I know what you mean about it being addictive on here. When I took a couple of weeks out even though it probably did me good mentally, I really missed everyone. Would be very happy to keep in touch by other means though! Your truck sounds great by the way! You deserve a treat and that sounds a good one! Hope you are the envy of your work colleagues!! :hugs:

Tinks your walk sounds a really fun idea and for a good cause. Did you fall in any puddles?!! Bless your niece and nephew, goof for them! I didn't go on BCP. Is it meant to regulate your cycle or assist in DR? I have seen other ladies say they have had it but never have been sure why!!! :wacko: Or is it simply for protection? If thats the case they did tell me to have protected sex before and throughout treatment. Sorry, bit clueless :shrug:

Hi to our preggo ladies, Annie, Liz and Littlemouse!! How are you all doing? Hope you have all had lovely weekends!

Hi Gilkar, any sign of AF, typical, never arrives when you actually want her :growlmad: (which isn’t often!!)

Well today I’m still feeling strangely calm and what will be will be. Expect that to change soon enough though! :haha: I triggered last night at 10. We went out for a father’s day meal with our dads last night and it got to 9.35 with things still in full swing. Kept nudging DP to go! In the end I told him to tell his dad and step-mum the truth, they knew last time and so he did as I distracted my brother (who doesn’t know) at the dessert counter!! They were really supportive and we left them with half full drinks to go. Forgot that the trigger needle is bigger and panicked a bit, but was fine doing it and didn’t hurt really. So day off the injections now, nil by mouth from midnight and then leaving from home tomorrow at 6.15, eek!! :wacko:

I messaged my best friend yesterday about everything that happened yesterday. She has been great throughout but yesterday kinda said ‘poor you, it’s not fair’ and then said ‘I don’t know what to say’. It annoyed me but then I thought she wouldn’t know what to say. This is all totally new to her (I didn’t tell her about the first cycle) and she just doesn’t understand. It comes down to the same issue that really only you ladies on here truly do. :hugs: I feel sometimes even DP doesn’t. I think the hormones are getting to me now and I just want him to cuddle me all day!! He asked me last night to detour home past the shop. I burst in to tears at the traffic lights (its only 2 mins down the road!) and said I just wanted to go home. Think he thought I was being a bit dramatic! Wish he could deal with feeling for just an hour sometimes!! Don’t get me wrong he’s great, he came to bed last night and told me how proud he is of me and how I am doing so well. But today he is just kinda bugging me.....! My lil cat slept next to me on my pillow all night, maybe he senses something different? But he kept farting! :sick:

Well hope you all have a nice rest of your Sunday, I want to go to Matalan and get a tracksuit, nothing fits anymore, I’m too bloated. Sickness isn’t too bad right now but my back is killing. Time for more water....!!

Loads of love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Maybe thats it Lolly and they ask you to use BC as precaution. I would think they may say the same to us with us being at the same clinic.

Lolly :hugs::hugs::hugs: It is so hard to talk about it to others sometimes. A lot of people do not know the details of IVF, its not their fault as you say as you only really know the details when going through it or when you have gone through it with someone close to you. We live and breath IVF and I know sometimes I forget people dont know as much I do and ramble on and it all just goes over their head :dohh: You have a right to be dramatic and emotional hun, its been a very bumpy ride but lets hope you are now at the end and it will be a happy end :thumbup::thumbup: Both you and DH are stretched to the limit, dont feel bad about him bugging you, it will be the treatment and I am sure you will be back to your normal self soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Do you feel better now that Dh dad and step mum know whats happening?

How funny is your cat???? Bet the air was stale this morning :haha:

Have you put a lot of weight on hun??? I bet its all the water as well. Hope you find something comfy to wear. Take care hun :hugs:
Aw thanks Tinks :hugs::hugs::hugs: The support of you and all the other ladies is invaluable to me :hugs::hugs:

I know, I guess we can all sometimes get wrapped up in the process and leave others wondering what we are talking about. I explain all to my mum sometimes and get mad when she questions it :haha: Crazy, its not their fault, 2 years ago I was clueless to! But now we are all mini experts and just forget sometimes that unless you go through it you wouldn't understand. My friend has been lovely to me and just wants it to work out so bad, but can sometimes be ignorant to all the stages and processes that we are faced with. Think just think take the drugs, get the eggs, mix it all together = :baby: Wish it was that easy :haha:

I would assume St Marys will take same stance with you regarding BCP. Bet you can't wait for thursday to come!! What time are you in? The might get you and DH to do your MRSA swabs if you haven't already? Just rememner where you park :dohh: Will be a great story to tell my baby [-o<[-o<

Thank you again for your lovely words xxxxxxxxxx
hi guys,

lolly i shall be thinking of you tomorrow hun dont panic about the size they got 12 eggs from me my follies werent much bigger than yours! it's true what you say about others not underastanding the physical and emotional rollercoaster of ivf/icsi i shall never forget the road it's taken to get to where i am now and am so grareful at the same time.
be proud of yourselves girls it takes courage and determination on this journey and as far as im concerned we all have that!!!

tinks im glad ur appt is finally around the corner once u get seen things pick up pretty quickly!!

psp truck sounds fab hun!!

afm well im 12 weeks tmrw still worrying so much if baby is ok in there! but i possibly maybe have a mini bump however it's hard to tell through the flub! lol!
my mum makes us chuckle everytime we pop over shes bought more baby stuff it's quite sweet that other people are more excited than we are! i just want our scan to come and be ok now another 10 sleeps to go! xxx
Well, I have af at my door. So, ultrasound today.

Good Lcuk, everyone.


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