icsi in 2011?

Lolly, hope EC has gone well and you are not too sore and you are now resting and being waited on by DH :haha: Update us with some numbers please :winkwink:

I will try to remember where we park but, as you know, the car park is a nightmere!!! Our appointment is 3.30pm. I dont think we have had MRSA swabs? Are they just mouth swabs?

All my excitement about the appointment seems to be dissapearing an being replaced with nerves and panic :wacko::wacko::wacko: I am soooooo scared they are going to say that we have wait for one thing or another or put treatment it on hold for some reason, more proceedures or waiting lists or funding :wacko::wacko:. I know I am over reacting but my mind is racing for fun. All this said I am so glad to be finally going to the appointment and will get to speak to someone that knows what they are talking about :haha: Everyone keeps saying we will be infecting before we know it and it will be wirlwind, I just you are all right :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Annie, congrats on 12 weeks. How sweet is your mum??? Thats lovely. 9 more sleeps but I am sure everything is fine. We will just never stop worrying will we. Thank you for your lovely words of suport :hugs:

Good luck for your scan gilkar :thumbup:

Well girls, I am going to be an auntie again. My twin sister called me this morning and she has just found out she is expecting her 2nd baby. I am soooooooooooo please for her. I know me neice will just love being a big sister :hugs::hugs::hugs: It was hard to hear in some ways and a bit of a reminder of how easy some people can fall pregnant but I am really pleased for her. It would break my heart to think she had to go through any of this and I know she would never rub any of it in my face, I love her to bits. Oh mixed emotions today or what :dohh::dohh::dohh::haha:
Evening Ladies

Well all things considering I am happy with my 5 eggs! Seen as it was a bit of a last minute rush to get it done today before OHSS meant it was cancelled I am a bit worried they may not be mature but guess tomorrow will find out where we stand. DPs :spermy: were :thumbup: so pleased with that. I felt quite rubbish earlier, quite bit of pain but they gave me codine at the hosp which worked wonders :haha:

I was in quite a while as my heart was racing (120 bpm) and wouldn't stabilise :wacko: They think it was the anti-sickness drugs, but must say was a little unsettling waking up with all these worried faces writing on clipboards and a drip being prepped!!! :nope: But luckily didn't need the drip and after an hour was wheeled back to DP. Burst into tears when I saw him :dohh: and kept saying I don't know why i'm crying :blush: Then my heart went up again but settled after being force fed some toast (last thing I wanted was food!!) and drinking lots of juice. Have slept all afternoon and am starving now but don't actually fancy anything if you know what I mean! Have a plate of fruit prepared!

Tinks congrats on your news, lets hope you and your sis can soon become bump buddies :cloud9: That would be amazing :happydance: Sorry you are getting nervous, its the build up thats the killer. But sure you will be fine! :hugs: The swabs are in your groin, in the creases, and up your nose! I'm trying to remember when we did ours, but think it was early on so they may ask you, just wait and see! Have you decided about any research being done?

Hope you are all ok, will update you when I know more. Keep your fingers crossed for me!! :hugs:

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxx
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Lolly, you aound like you have been through it :hugs::hugs::hugs: At least its over now and you can focus on ET :thumbup: Do you have to call in the morning then? Its nice that they roll you back to DP so you can recover with him by your side :flower: You should try to eat something though hun, even if its just more toast. Take care of yourself :thumbup:

I would love to be bump buddies with her and for us to be on mat leave together.

Its good to know someone thats receiving treatment at the same clinic, thanks for the info Lolly :thumbup:
Oooh Lolly well done sweetie that is fantastic - so pleased for you!! Fingers crossed they all fertilise for you.

Lolly it sounds like you had a tough time!!! I was really emotional after egg collection too!!x
Well after the worst 2 1/2 hours wait they rang about 30 mins ago! Well actually they rang DP, I couldn't bear to take the call and would rather he deliver the news. He's a bugger though and just said well they rang.... YEAH, AND?!! 4 have fertilised :happydance: Really pleased with that as its only 1 less at this stage than last time and all things considered I feel very lucky! I have has the embryologists words ringing my ear all night, that due to early collection eggs may not all be mature, that the average fertilisation rate was 60% blah blah :wacko: My heads been spinning! Soooo GROW EMBIES GROW!!!! Looking like a 3dt Thursday all being well which I would be so happy with. Never thought I would get this far, just hope it continues to go well as it can.

Thanks for your good luck messages, I am so lucky to have you girls and your support :hugs:

Oh and dream I see on your ticker that you only have a couple of days left til testing, good luck hun :hugs:

Right i'm off to eat something, haven't yet today as felt too sick with nerves!

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, Don't think i've ever posted here as didn't think I would be an icsi girl. But I was in the end so can I join pleeeeeaaase? I've been stalking for a little while and wanted to say congrats Lolly on your 4 fertilised eggs. Great news :happydance:

Little update on me. Had ET last thursday with 3 embies so on 2ww now and it's driving me crazy. I have never known time go sooooo slowly.

Karen I know we're on another thread together but just wanted to ask how did the scan go hunni?

Good luck to all xx
Hi Donna!

Thank you!! So you were an ICSI pixie to huh?! Seems the way they are going these days in my opinion. I was second on the list out of about 7 yesterday and when they came around with the papers I was very sneaky and had a quick peak and could only see one conventional IVF. DP has lowered SA once out of this whole process but because of that they will only do ICSI. Quite pleased with that though, and know some clinics only use this procedure now.

2ww is the worst bit ever!! After going from having to do so much with bloods, scans, injections etc to nothing but waiting... :dohh: But here's hoping that you have a great shot, triplets, just imagine :happydance: All the luck in the world!

And to all of us xxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks Lolly, my dh works in Ghana so he'd left his spec in the freezer. They told us it was good for IVF but when they defrosted it, it was a no go. So icsi was the way and out of 8 eggs, 5 fertilised, so was pleased with that. We've got one snowbaby now too. I think you're right though that many fert clinics are doing the icsi, must get better outcomes. Right we're off to pick some fruit at my friends allotment. speak soon xx
Oh I see, well 5 out of 8 with a frozen sample is very impressive :thumbup: And having a frostie is great news. Must be hard on your own with all the hormones pumping around and all the invasive procedures etc. I got lonely today as DP is at work :blush: Puts things in perspective a bit. Luckily my mum is fussing and making endless cups of tea!! Sounds nice afternoon you have planned, and that you must have some better weather than I do here! Have fun xxxxxx
Hi Lolly,

Fantastic news! I'm so pleased for you. Try to relax in the next few days so they can snuggle down when they go back in.

Liz x
Well, grat news for everyone it seems. Mine is just put off another 7 days. Cyst on left ovary (apparently, it was the right last time), but it's only one so on Estrace and go back next Monday for ultrasound again. just a bit of a delay. but still annoying as my holidays are coming up and I didn't want to be doing this stuff during that.
Lolly 4 out of 5 is great :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: hope you arent to sore today. If ET is Thursday we might be at st marys at the same time :winkwink:

Wow 3 Donna :wacko: Good luck hun. Must be so hard to go through all of this when DH is away :hugs:

Hi Liz, hows you???

Sorry about the delal gilkar, hope its not too much longer and you manage to be able to chill and relax on holiday :thumbup:
Karen sorry to hear about your delay hunni. But at least it's only one and they can sort it soon. Fingers crossed. Are you doing anything nice for your hols? xx

Tinx thanks, yes it has been a bit lonely going through this on my own. I've only told about 4 friends, no family at all. But these forums have helped me soooo much.

Have a good evening everyone xx
Oh yeah Tinks how funny would that be. Transfers are started at 1.30pm and just depends how many and where you are on the list, so still being there at 3.30 isn't unrealistic!! If you see someone pacing franticly that'll be me trying not to wee before the procedure :haha:

Gilkar, sorry things are held up a bit, I know exactly how you feel, but best they try and sort it now as cysts can play havoc with your E2 levels :hugs:

Thanks Liz. Hope you are staying well. Have you told your work yet? :hugs:

:hi: everyone else!!

AFM... lazy day. Had a sleep this afternoon but other than that daytime TV all the way :thumbup: eel very bloated today which is quite uncomfortable. Feel like I need the toilet (sorry TMI :blush:) but can't, think everything is still quite swollen down there! But should soon ease up, fx!!

Love and :hugs: to you all

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Haha, its strange to think I could see you in person :haha: We will be the gormless looking couple not knowing where the cons room is, somehow we always end up in the wrong place no matter what or where we are going :haha:

Hope you start to mend soon :hugs:
fab news lolly go embies go!!!

tinks good luck for thursday ill be thinking of you!!!

lizz hope all is well with you!

donna welcome to the thread hope the tww isnt driving you mad!

afm no symptoms again and want so desperatley to see everything is ok xx
Thanks annie :thumbup:

Not long and you will see that everything is just perfect :hugs::hugs::hugs: I bet you have never wnated to feel sick as much in your life :haha:
I'll keep chekcing in to see how everyone is doing.

Nothing new here .... waiting until the next ultrasound, on Monday. Otherwise, no news.
Hi everyone!

Lolly Yay for your 4 eggs that is so great sweetie - I bet you couldn't imagine that happening a couple of weeks ago. Fingers crossed for how they have been growing lovely and juicy. Is your ET today? Good luck!!

Tinks good luck at your appt today.. hope it goes well, let us know.

Donna and Liz hi ladies :wave:

Annie how many weeks are you now? And have you had any symptoms at all yet? How long till next scan? I hope you're finding ways to stay sane!

I completely sympathise with you as I'm supposed to be 5 and a half weeks or so now, but not feeling anything and really perplexed. I'm trying not to worry as lots of women say their symptoms kicked in later on, but I just want some kind of sign that things are still happening and growing.. it feels a long wait until scan on 5 July at the moment. Am gonna POAS again tomorrow.


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