icsi in 2011?

Just wanted to wish you good luck tinks! I hope all goes really well and you get some dates to get everything moving. Will be thinking of you hun x x x x x :hugs:
Hi Girls!

A quick update from me, I had my ET today :happydance: They rang at 10.40 and we set off at 11.15, luckily I was up and showered etc. Too nervous for a lie in!! They transferred 1 8 cell embie, the embryologist, doc and nurse all said individually it was of the very best quality so i’m happy. Sadly the other 3 didn’t make it. One didn’t develop and the other 2 did too fast. One was at blasto stage on day 2 and the other was at 7 cell on day 2 and 8 cell by day 3. DP spoke to them to ask about keeping the 8 cell one growing to see if settles down, but sadly it’s against their policy to do so. They said this type of growth is very abnormal and signals a chromosome abnormality so gotta trust that they know best. But everyone was calling my transferred embie a corker, so that is its lil nickname! Feels surreal to be pupo again!! :cloud9:

So let the 2ww begin...

Tinks hope you got on ok? Look forwarde to an update!

Love to all of you and thanks for your good wishes xxxxxxxxxxxx
That's great news lolly. Cmon little corker, make sure you stick.

Are you resting up for a few days now?
Thanks Angie!! I was just about to post on the other thread but you beat me to it :haha: Yeah I have 3 days to rest up now and back to work monday. I've had the whole week off and I had originally debated that but am so glad I did. have found it all much tougher this time round, looked like an old woman walking in to the waiting room today!! Was sat with all the other women in their skinny jeans, eugh! There I was in the baggiest tracksuit I could find :blush: And it still hurt to move!!! :dohh: Anyway all done and I am home being looked after :thumbup: Have done the first progesterone suppository, brought it all home again :wacko:

How are you feeling today lovely?

xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Woo Lolly!!! Fantastic news, I'm so so pleased for you that sounds brilliant. You take it very easy for next few days please!!


Ah thanks littlemouse! Trust me, I will be!! :haha: Hope you and bubs are doing good! xxxxxxx :hugs:
I hope so too - it's giving me no signs whatsoever so feeling pretty cautious... going to POAS again tomorrow. Fingers crossed :)

Fingers crossed hun but its early days, don't worry about lack of symptoms (I know I know, I would be just the same!!) But lots of women don't, my mum had one day whre she felt rough throughout her entire pregnancy with me. But sure you will be just fine xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Hi Lolly,

I'm sending you lots of sticky dust and hugs! Great news it all went so well and like we've all been saying, it only takes one good one!

Really take it easy, especially in your head. Don't let yourself run away with the 'what if's'. Keep focussed on each day and do the best for yourself in that day and soon 14 will have passed.

Everything is crossed for you.

Liz x
Right girls I am back. I am cheating and just copying and pasting from my journal. Its been a long day and I need to sleep :haha: Sorry for not to many personals but I promise to catch up tomorrow :thumbup:

I was a nervous wreck by the time we were seen!!!!! We arrived very early and they were about an hour behind so we had a lot of waiting to do :dohh: Good news is that the PCT have agreed to fund 2 cycles and it looks like DH will not need the SSR op :happydance: The not so good, but could be a hell of a lot worse news, is that we cant start just yet as they can not rely on the fresh sample that DH would produce on the day of EC, his SA was the worste yet :nope: We need to bank some sperm first :thumbup: This means at least 2 more trips to St Marys to deposist some of the boys for freezing before we start. This way if the fresh sample is not good enough they have a back up in the freezer :thumbup: The nurse is calling with an appointment tomorrow. Also my hormone levels are quite high and he thinks I have a high risk of OHSS. This isn't necessary that bad though, they will start me on a lower dose when strimming and monitor me a little more closely :thumbup: We signed like a million forms and that was it. I think thats it anyway. My head is spinning :wacko: Oh and I will only be allowed one back unless they are low quality. I wish we could have been given a better time scale but he said it depends on so much and not to focus on AF dates. As this is when you have ring I dont see how I can not focus on them though :shrug:. Loads more was said but I cant remember at the minute :dohh:

Had a lovely tea at TGI Fridays at the Trafford centre afterwards though and treated myself to a new troll bead. I have ordered one that looks like cells dividing, thought it was appropriate :winkwink: Oh a safety chain. If I was to lose the braclet DH would not be too happpy :haha:

Congrats on being PUPO with corker Lolly :thumbup: Get some rest hun

Night night gilrs :hugs:
Lolly congrats on being PUPO :happydance: rest up now xx

Littlemouse i'm sure all will be well with your testing tomorrow. Are you doing the digital conception one that tells you how many weeks since conception? xx

Tinks great news that you can get some treatment funded. The time to start stimming will be here before you know it. Good luck xx

i'm fine, on 7dp3dt. only another week to go, but I already know I wont wait that long. That naughty little devil popped up in my head today and told me we were going to test early. He's such a little bugger!!! xx
Well, keep us posted girls. Me, I'm just waiting for Monday !~
Prob. more delays !~ $%#$!@
Littlemouse i'm sure all will be well with your testing tomorrow. Are you doing the digital conception one that tells you how many weeks since conception? xx

Yes I am, and really pleased I bought those ones - way better than the silly lines!! I did it this morning and it says 3+ weeks. I'm so utterly amazed all over again, I really am :cloud9:. I woulld like some symptoms to begin now please!

Try and hang in there Donna! It will be so much better if you can make it without caving in.

Yay Tinks that is all great news! I think putting some chaps in the bank is a lot easier then SSR for your other half isn't it? Fingers crossed you can start really soon :)

Hi everyone!

Yay Littlemouse! :happydance: So happy all is as it should be at this stage. No I second Donna and enjoy :cloud9: Will be much easier after today i'm sure. Lots of love hun :hugs:

Tinks sorry you had to wait so long, definately not good for the nerves :wacko: Why are appointments always late? No matter where you go they are always behind :dohh: I did wonder as there were 6 transfers yesterday and hoped that that didn't delay the afternoon appointments. Grrrr! Anyway, it sounds all good girl! No op for DH is great :thumbup: Bet he is happy about that one to! I bet your head was spinning,there is so much to think about but all in all it sounds very positive. Did the nurse ring you with some dates today? Hopefully they will be quite soon and then things can get going! You will be having your injection teach before you know it. And raised hormones are not always a bad thing as long as monitored closely, it means you have a good egg reserve :happydance: Well done on getting stage 1 out of the way :hugs: Oooh, and the bracelet sounds great!!!

Hi Donna, how are you feeling today. Darn that little devil, always telling you to be naughty :haha: When do you think you will start testing? Youre a braver lady than me! :haha: Don't even have a HPT in the house yet!! Rest up lovely :hugs:

Thank you Liz and baby beans :hugs: I hope you are right and that time flies. I'm back to work monday so that will help keep me occupied (I hope!!!) You seemed to do so well on your 2ww, hope I can follow suit. So far no obsessing but god, its only day 1 :haha:

Gilkar, come on with the PMA hun! I had 9 cysts that were found half way through my cycle and thought it was all game over but I made it, and so will you :hugs:

AFM... had loads of cramping yesterday and pain. I actually took paracetamol which I never did during 2ww last time. But was tense with pain and reasoned that that was probably worse for little corker than anything. Rang the clinic and they said 100% fine to take them. They said it is probably the bruising which I have had quite bad due to the cysts being drained during EC. And then on top of that the scanner pressing on everything for transfer = Ouch!! Today feeling lots better, still tender and achey but alright. My mum and dad have cleaned the house for me :blush: and are looking after me (what a lazy cow huh?!!) They are going home sunday and I will miss them tons, they have been stars!!

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Folks,
Been a long time since I've posted but I've been watching you all and holding my breath for each and every one of you. :flower: Nayla if you reading, you are especially in my thoughts.:hugs: So many new names and stories and ups and downs. If only we could will each other to have the blessing of a baby.

I didn't post in the last few weeks/months.Been anxiously waiting for time to pass to get our recurrent m/c test results. We tested on May 5th and have apt to get the results on Thurs 30th June. Was supposed to be 5th July but I hounded them as nicely as possible until we got a cancellation next week. Both DH and my nerves are shattered thinking about it. I had to take this week as holidays off work as I just can't deal with daily life at the moment. (I know you are prob the only people who understand that feeling). Everyone talking holidays and plans and kids and schools. It's so hard to make plans for vacations (both financially and treatment timewise) or dare to dream about driving a kid to school one day.:cry:

The reason for posting now (apart from trying to hold on to sanity here!) is that the tests might be relevant to people here. From what I've read the reasons for early m/c can be the same as those for couples who can't get pregnant with ICSI.

Both DH and I did chromosome tests and DH did extra Y Deletion chromosome test (total cost 600 euro). I did full thrombophillia work up and another thyroid test (which was just thrown in as a 'might as well'). We were lucky there was no charge for the thrombophillia work up as they normally don't do those tests till you have 4 (yes 4) m/c's here. So we thought we would have to pay for them. I thank the stars for the person who made the judgement call - not to charge us. So coming down the line ICSI is a dead cert but maybe with egg donation or sperm donation or hopefully, best case scenario, just a ton of meds or injections to sustain pregnancy if it works. Our clinic only goes so far so if more tests required, eggs or sperm, we have to change clinics :nope:

If any of the new girls here have any experience with these things, I sure would love to hear it. You know that feeling when you are on a fun fair ride and you are holding on with death's grip and your mind is manic. That's what this feels like.

We have our forms to get our fingerprints taken for police clearance from the U.S. for adoption process here in Ireland. Will get it done this weekend in our local garda station. It's the last of the paperwork we need. Been a long haul there too. Had to get so much paperwork from the U.S., 2 marriage certs from different states, divorce decrees, even my ex-husbands original birth cert is required. We don't relish the thoughts of the whole adoption process but if its our only option left in a year or two, we are determined to be ready for it. Surely if you knock on every door, one of them will open? [-o<

Good luck everyone. Lolly, hope you stay sane for the 2ww. Have my fingers crossed so tight for you. Keep posting your updates and I mean this in the best possible way, hope you feel sick as a dog in a few weeks and gleefully throwing up:hugs::hugs:
Gill :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Its good to hear from you. Sorry you are still waitning for all the tests/results. Good luck for the 30th :thumbup: I cant beleive they wait for you to have 4 MC before testing, its just cruel. Sounds like you have a lot of paperwork to work through regarding adoption but its good that you are keeping every option open :thumbup: Think og you hun :hugs:

Donna, I dont know if I would be able to wait either. When do you think you will test?

Littlemouse, glad you feel more reasured seeing it on a digi. Try to relax hun. It is happening :thumbup:

gilkar I am praying you dont get anymore delays :thumbup:

Lolly, sorry you are feeling sore. You must have been prodded so much with treatment and the cycst on top :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Your parents sound great though coming and cleaning your house, its lovely. Keep resting :thumbup:

Yes Lolly, the cons said my ovarian reserve is very high.

We have the dates for banking the :spermy: 20/07/11 & 22/08/11. So we are looking at least a couple of months before treatment but I would rather have the back up and I am a lot more chillied knowing funding is sorted. DH is very happy to not need SSR but was a little deflated hearing the SA was the worst yet :nope: I really wish he wouldn't beat himself up about it. I dont care who or what the problem is as long as it can be sorted and we get :baby: in the end :thumbup:

TFI Friday girls, I am off to my sisters for a glass of wine or 2 or 3. Feel mental drained after yesterday, I know that sounds dramtic and it was only a cons appointment but worked myself up so much :dohh:
morning ladies, just a quick one as today is the first day of a new me (I hope) I am 9dp3dt and have another BFN :nope: I know there is the tiniest chance that I may still be in but I doubt it very much. I am using FRER which detects at 12.5miu, so only needs a really really low HCG level. I've always told myself how lucky I am to have 2 beautiful boys and when I talk to myself (which I have been a lot lately :wacko:) I say i'd rather someone who doesn't have any children be successful rather than myself. IVF has taken over my life and today is the day it stops. I'm 42 and the only reason I went down this route is because the Dr's told me i'd have bad eggs and ivf was the only way. Well i've proved them wrong. 'Great embryos' is what they said. So maybe we can make great embryos on our own, maybe not. We still have a snowbaby too, so we'll see. I will still come on here to catch up with you all and watch lots of successes and support the not so successfuls but in my mind i'm letting go a bit. Thanks to everyone for all the support and good luck lovely ladies. xx Not a quick one at all was it?
Donna :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: please dont give up yet. 9dpt is very early. Our Dr said we wont be able to test for 2 and a half weeks!!!

Your words are very sweet and I am sorry about the the :bfn: (if its is a true :bfn: :winkwink:) You have your snow baby that you can use aswell :thumbup:

Thinking of you hun, take care :hugs:

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