icsi in 2011?

Hello girlies!

Donna, I'm very sorry you have tested negative today sweetie. It may be too early but I can see the logic behind why you have done this. Maybe you will get a lovely suprise, but if not I guess at least this way the news sinks in over time. I admire what you have done and your words about having your two children are inspirational, having them doesn't make you any less deserving lovely. I'm glad DH is back with you soon. Take care, you are very strong :hugs:

Gill, so lovely to hear from you. :hugs: My goodness you have been on some journey :nope: I often wonder how you have been going. The wait until thursday must be awful, I pray you get some answers. Maybe in this case bad news is kinda good if you get my logic. At least it may give you something to work on for your future, as opposed to all being 'ok' and not getting an answer to your heartache. I think the adoption process is something healthy to work towards and is an excellent plan if that is the road you wind up on. Its so sad that so many have to wait for 4 m/c before help is offered. My SIL had 3 chemicals last year and she had to wait until her 3rd before she could be referred to FS. Nothing was found to be wrong and so she has been given high dose folic acid and baby aspirin. They started trying again 2 weeks ago. Thank you lovely for your kind words, I hope so too :haha: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Tinks, hope you enjoyed the vino last night! Bless your DH, I think at this stage he really need'nt worry. You are having ICSI and even if not a huge count they are bound to find some good strong swimmers, you only need a few! I'm not suprised you were tired after your appointment, its all the emotional stress of it all. I hope you can relax a bit now (until next time :dohh: I'm exactly the same!!!) Hope you are ok hun :hugs:

Hi Liz, Annie, Littlemouse, Gilkar, hope you are all having a lovely weekend!! Gilkar, good luck for your scan monday!

AFM... feeling less sore today. Managed asda with mum. They are going home tomorrow :cry: Going to miss them loads, they have done so much for me the last week or so. Not much else to report. Resting up and chilling out before work on monday. Praying corker is a fighter and is staying with me :cloud9:

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Lolly, we are fine though. The cons said there were only a few :spermy: that could would have been suitable in the last SA but thats why we are banking them :thumbup:

I have everything crossed Corker is making himself at home :winkwink: It must have been hard saying good bye to your mum and dad :hugs::hugs::hugs: Glad you are feeling less sore. Going to Asda on a Saturday is brave :haha:
Lolly - what's PMA ?

I go for blood on Thursday morning. They didn't seem too concerned about the cyst thing today. I dunno. Off the estrace, as of today.

Said my ovaries are still stimulated from the last cancelled cycle (which seems odd since they cancelled it due to poor response).
So, back to ya all Thursday or later. Urgh. Think Im still doing the short protocol (antagonist) thing. Won't know anything until Thursday afternoon.
PMA is positive mental attitude :thumbup:

Good luck today gilkar,hope you come back with good news :hugs:

Not much to report with me, waiting for :witch: to show :growlmad:

Getting organised for my 2nd camping trip. We are going Friday night for the weekend. This time with 2 of my sisters,my brother in law and neice. My neice has only just turned 3 so and has never been before so it could be interesting :haha:

Hope everyone is well.
Hi everyone :wave:

How are you doing? I have not been on the forum much lately so sorry for missing everything that's been going on!

Tinks good you had your appt last week - fingers crossed you'll be poking before long now!!

Lolly how are you feeling? How long till you can POAS sorry I've lost count of where you are. Hope you're doing ok and not going stark staring bonkers with the wait...

Donna, I've posted to you on one of the other threads but just wanted to say how amazing you sound - so brave and brilliant when I know you must feel vulnerable and sad. Lots of :hugs: to you lady, and who knows what might happen with good old nature! My sis conceived naturally at 41 and my friend at 44 so it can happen for you too.

Gillawating and Gilkar hi ladies :wave:

AFM: I have very little to report, which is partly why I've not been around. It's a really weird old time after having so much going on every day! We have a scan on Tuesday thank God, perhaps I will actually start believing then. In the meantime, practically no symptoms, just a slight queasy feeling but nothing extreme. I don't actually want to feel ill but I'd like more indicator that something is really going on in there!

Love + best to all
Thanks Littlemouse. I'm sure everything will be fine with your scan and you can start relaxing. But do we ever really relax?........................ Good luck hunni xx

Hi to everyone else, lots of love xx
hi all,

im going to be back with u on the icsi wagon soon well maybe if i can bring myself to try again.

we had 13 week scan today and i have had a missed miscarriage so i have to go to early pregnancy unit tmrw to decide what happens next.

im devastated and not sure i can go throught this heartache any more im just no meant to be a mummy and i cant face this!

goodluck to u all on your journey and tww im going to take some time to come to terms with our loss xxx
Oh No Annie, I'm so so sorry sweetie. You are a mummy, you will always be a mummy, a mummy to an angel baby. Sending you a massive hug:hugs: xx
Annie love I'm so sorry, that is utterly heartbreaking. Massive hugs to you. X
Annie, I am so so so sorry hun :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: There isnt anything we can say that will make you feel better but you have the right idea to take time to heal. Take care hun. I hope your appointment today doesnt complicate matters further :hugs: Think of you :hugs:
Annie my heart aches for you. There is not a damned thing anyone can say to help but please know that we share your pain and understand it and all the techie stuff that goes with it and it helps to keep writing and writing and know that someone is reading and is there with you. :cry: I've had 2 missed m/c's. The first one, like you, I was at about 12 weeks. Embryo got to 8.5 weeks that time. It's so difficult to talk to people who don't know anything about fertility and clinics, treatments and problems so this thread and this site are a godsend at times to pour your heart out. So keep pouring. We are here for you and praying things get better.:hug:

You might be interested in how this meeting went for us this morning..

DH and I went to get all our recurrent m/c tests results back after a full 8 weeks wait for results. Everything came back fine which believe it or not is truly devastating. The cons wanted us basically to go away and keep trying even though DH has no sperm and we are obviously pre-dispositioned to m/c again. I fought the case and told her we needed to at least give ICSI a shot and then draw a line under this as we are already undertaking the adoption process. I told her my father is 76 and Im not prepared to wait and 'hope' for something that might never happen. Her best advice is to change clinics and do all the immunology/nk cell stuff with ICSI at another clinic or even in the U.K. So by doing endless tests and without doing a single treatment we have now gone to the complete end of the spectrum. We signed the consent for ICSI anyway and got our HIV etc bloods done. The cons will discuss our case at the team meeting and they will decide whether to work with us (they don't do immunology stuff) or send us on our not-so-merry way. It's hard to believe that even when you are paying top dollar through the nose for every meeting, test and treatment, they still may not be willing to help even after they have established we have major problems. She did recommend one more thing. DH has to get sperm DNA fragmentation test done. That means a needle to get the :spermy: for iCSI if good enough. Apparently sperm breaks down a bit when its comes out normally and doing ICSI with sperm that arrives via needle instead might help us. Test is about 400 euro so it's worth a shot.

So that's it. Just thought it might interest people here to see what else is out there when ICSI doesn't work or recurrent m/c. Gotta go research all this immunology stuff now and figure out where we are going to get the funds. Egg donation or sperm donation at least has a start, middle and end. This stuff is pie in the sky and Bank of America (note i didn't say Ireland,har har, no money in that bank!).

Thanks for being here folks and understanding everything without pages of explanations. Annie, :hugs:. Nayla if you are reading, hope you are doing ok too. Lolly, Im rooting for you big time.
:hugs: to everyone here for letting us share your journey.
So sorry, Annie. Take your time to heal.

I am back to another blood test on Monday. #$#!!@ This cyst apparently, is still creating unwanted hormones so I am getting another test MOnday. I'm ok with this delay, if it's the last. That's all I know. It's a long weekend and getting drugs would be too hard, I think. Plus, I want to have a beer or two.
Sorry to say ladies but I have just had to post in the failed cycle thread. I am ok, please no sympathy, I will be alright.

Annie, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Bless your angel baby, always in your heart. :hugs:

Gill, I hope you are holding up ok. It is the waiting and the unknown that is the hardest part. You deserve this sweetheart, keep fighting :hugs:

Can i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support you have shown me. I thought a failure would mean me leaving B and B, but I would like to stay if you'll have me. I want to support you like you have me, plus... I will need you for round 3! Thank you lovelys,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no Lolly love, I'm so sorry! I was thinking of you today and wondering when your test was. That is just rotten. I won't do platitudes, I know you don't need that.

Massive hugs and of course everyone still wants you and is rooting for you on round 3.

Thank you littlemouse :hugs: It is rotten but who knows, third time lucky or submitting an application for a child of our own through adoption. I will get there, we all will. Thank you so much for thinking of me. It is support like that that pulls me through. :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lolly :hugs::hugs::hugs: Its all wrong and not fare. You are in my thoughts.

Please stick around hun, you are more than welcome in here :thumbup: I know its so soon after tx but do you have a plan yet or a date for a follow up? Take care hun :hugs:
Sorry to say ladies but I have just had to post in the failed cycle thread. I am ok, please no sympathy, I will be alright.

Annie, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Bless your angel baby, always in your heart. :hugs:

Gill, I hope you are holding up ok. It is the waiting and the unknown that is the hardest part. You deserve this sweetheart, keep fighting :hugs:

Can i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support you have shown me. I thought a failure would mean me leaving B and B, but I would like to stay if you'll have me. I want to support you like you have me, plus... I will need you for round 3! Thank you lovelys,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ah Lolly that just feckin sucks. Totally gutted for you. Please stay here with us. Fair play to you for thinking about round 3 already. It ain't over yet.:hugs: I wont try to throw happy words at you but honestly you're not out of the running yet. The fertility lotto is so unfair.

Some of what my DH and I are going through might be relevant to you. Im a bit like a broken record here with the whole recurrent miscarriage thing but so much of it is the same as non-implantation. Im hoping some of this is helpful to anyone here in their future endeavors.

We are enroute to doing the chicago immunology tests. After my freak out with the consultant the other day, we decided to heed her words and take the bull by the horns. I got in touch with the other clinic. Sent the forms in through their online site, faxed them and posted them. The begging letter I sent must have pulled a few heart strings because they phoned me up today. I missed the call and rang back. Got a different girl who started talking to me about an apt on Sept 8th.:wacko: Long story short I asked her to talk to the other girl who rang me in the first place and lo and behold she had us in mind for a cancellation apt this Thursday with a view to doing the blood tests next Tuesday.It's going to cost us about €1300 just for these tests but at this point, Im going throw everything at this and do the ICSI in the most informed way we can. Hopefully if something comes back in these tests, it will result in steroids before ovulation and then more steroids at 5 weeks to suppress immune system. I've given up on the other clinic now and even though the cons hasn't called us back yet after the 'team meeting' Im not prepared to let our faith rest in their hands when they are not prepared to give me anything to help achieve and sustain a pregnancy. Im in the same boat Lolly and goddammit the fight is not over yet. :grr:
Hi Lolly,

I have been thinking about you too this week, wondering when you would find out.

Just remember that you are a really strong woman, you will get through this and you will get what you want in the end. You'll be a more amazing mummy for it.

I'll be watching the thread and keeping everything crossed for you. Allow yourself some time to come to terms with everything that has been going on and try to plan something lovely for you and DH to look forward to; have some special time together and use each other to get strong.

Lots of love,
Liz x
lolly, sorry to hear the news. I know you will get to be a mum whatever way it takes! In the end it doesn't matter really. An adopted child would be a blessing too. Keep up the fight and the faith.

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