icsi in 2011?

I'm really sorry to hear your news lolly. :hugs: well done for thinking of round 3. We'll be there every step of the way hunni. xx

Gillawaiting good news that you've changed clinics, sounds like a positive step forward. Good luck x

Hi to everyone else and good luck with your cycles xx
Hi Lolly, I've just been looking for you to find out your result & I'm gutted for you, I really am. All you can do is keep trying, as crap & unfair as it is. We'll all get there eventually cos we have to xxx
Hey folks, just thought I'd drop in and give you some updates. Thanks for the kind words of support :flower: Went to new clinic today after DH had dna fragmentation test done this morning. Weird day because cons in old clinic rang me to say they would be happy to go ahead with treatment HALF AN HOUR before we had our new clinic apt. :wacko: Waited a week for her to ring and she rings then!! Told her we were following her advice and she was happy to leave the door open to us. Also bumped into acupuncture lady 15 mins before that too. Weird because we were all 2 hours drive from home. :wacko:

Anyhoo new clinic - OMG! First consultation in a long time where I didnt come out and want to jump off a cliff. New cons SOOO optimistic. :thumbup: Loads of new things to try :) Not recommending the chicago bloods yet b/c seem to think DH sperm is crap quite apart from dire low count etc. DNA test will tell us loads. They have this new thing called ISMI or IMSI. They do icsi but run dye through the sperm or something and look a lot harder at it for a few hours and pick out one that is perfectly formed. It seems its not quite pgd but along those lines and THEY DO THIS!! I just couldnt believe the new things she was talking about. What hope!! :happydance: Apparently if its really bad, they can go in there to the two testicles with a SCALPEL and get some decent stuff out. Poor DH was cringing a bit but cons was wonderfully straight with us. She promised me that even I got prego in the morning on our own they would give me a ton of meds to help sustain it and if we do ICSI they would also give me a whack of stuff to try to keep any pregnancy. What a relief that was to hear. Other clinic told us repeatedly they would give me nout. :nope:

Also she gave me prescript for lexapro to enhance my mood to get through the next month. I didn't ask her but she took one look at me and said she could see the stress and tension coming out my pores and this wouldn't help. I could have kissed her. Went to gp the other day and couldnt bring myself to ask for something so this woman was a godsend. They took some blood to get AMH levels to see what kind of time we got to work with. Other clinic never did that! Im back in 3 weeks for SIS test. All costing us two arms and two legs but what can we do? :shrug: Like you guys, I'd sell my soul to the :devil: right now.

I dunno where any of this is going to go but I wanted to get on here and give you all some hope. DH decided he is quitting hockey for a while (bad for sperm) and gave up drinking and smoking entirely ON THE SPOT. Think the scalpel might have had something to do with it.... Gulp. :spermy:

Wish me luck on this lexapro stuff girls. The cons said it was a happy pill.

Lolly, how you doing? Have you had a follow up meeting yet?
Nayla if you are out there, I hope you are doing ok.

Sorry for the uber long post. There was nothing to say for so many months and finally there is hope. I really hope some of this info is useful to somebody.
Hey folks, just thought I'd drop in and give you some updates. Thanks for the kind words of support :flower: Went to new clinic today after DH had dna fragmentation test done this morning. Weird day because cons in old clinic rang me to say they would be happy to go ahead with treatment HALF AN HOUR before we had our new clinic apt. :wacko: Waited a week for her to ring and she rings then!! Told her we were following her advice and she was happy to leave the door open to us. Also bumped into acupuncture lady 15 mins before that too. Weird because we were all 2 hours drive from home. :wacko:

Anyhoo new clinic - OMG! First consultation in a long time where I didnt come out and want to jump off a cliff. New cons SOOO optimistic. :thumbup: Loads of new things to try :) Not recommending the chicago bloods yet b/c seem to think DH sperm is crap quite apart from dire low count etc. DNA test will tell us loads. They have this new thing called ISMI or IMSI. They do icsi but run dye through the sperm or something and look a lot harder at it for a few hours and pick out one that is perfectly formed. It seems its not quite pgd but along those lines and THEY DO THIS!! I just couldnt believe the new things she was talking about. What hope!! :happydance: Apparently if its really bad, they can go in there to the two testicles with a SCALPEL and get some decent stuff out. Poor DH was cringing a bit but cons was wonderfully straight with us. She promised me that even I got prego in the morning on our own they would give me a ton of meds to help sustain it and if we do ICSI they would also give me a whack of stuff to try to keep any pregnancy. What a relief that was to hear. Other clinic told us repeatedly they would give me nout. :nope:

Also she gave me prescript for lexapro to enhance my mood to get through the next month. I didn't ask her but she took one look at me and said she could see the stress and tension coming out my pores and this wouldn't help. I could have kissed her. Went to gp the other day and couldnt bring myself to ask for something so this woman was a godsend. They took some blood to get AMH levels to see what kind of time we got to work with. Other clinic never did that! Im back in 3 weeks for SIS test. All costing us two arms and two legs but what can we do? :shrug: Like you guys, I'd sell my soul to the :devil: right now.

I dunno where any of this is going to go but I wanted to get on here and give you all some hope. DH decided he is quitting hockey for a while (bad for sperm) and gave up drinking and smoking entirely ON THE SPOT. Think the scalpel might have had something to do with it.... Gulp. :spermy:

Wish me luck on this lexapro stuff girls. The cons said it was a happy pill.

Lolly, how you doing? Have you had a follow up meeting yet?
Nayla if you are out there, I hope you are doing ok.

Sorry for the uber long post. There was nothing to say for so many months and finally there is hope. I really hope some of this info is useful to somebody.

Hello Everybody! :hi: I've been lurking a bit since April as I was in denial about IVF/ICSI, but I'm in a better place now so I hope you don't mind that I join you?

What fantastic news Gill, abut your new clinic, and it is so godd to hear such hope in your post. It just shows how stressful a situation TTC is. I'm interested to know how you get on with your Lexapro, I hope it helps you cope with things a bit better. I know exactly how you feel. Big :hugs: to you!

So sorry Lolly to hear your sad news-life is so very unfair. I hope that you are taking good care of yourself and being kind to yourself at this time. I'm thinking of you!

Hello to psp, Lou, Donna, LizzB, tinks, littlemouse, and anybody else I might have missed. Big :thumbup::thumbup: to you all!

I'm due to start nestertherone (I think) in a couple of weeks time and then ICSI in August. Can't wait to start now, waiting for it is giving me the heebie jeebies....

I hope you all have a good weekend, lots of :dust: to us all!

Gill that sounds really possitive :thumbup: its amazing what they can do, I have never heard of that dye thing before. Isn't it funny how you can be waiting ages for things and then all of a sudden they all come at once :dohh:

g for you upcoming treatment Dwrgi :thumbup:
hey guys lolly i just wanted to say im so sorry and im thinking of you.

im not great at the moment but im sure with time i will make it back here to discuss my next icsi cycle at the moment im fighting the pct for more funding so watch this space i will let you know how i get on xx
You are in my thoughts and prayers Annie :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hello Annie-so sorry that you're not feeling good. It is perfectly natural. Good luck with the quest for funding! You deserve it!

Take it easy and be kind to yourself.

Hello and :flower: to everybody else too!
:hugs:Hi Ladies, I haven't been about much as I am still feeling very much in limbo and feel like I don't belong anywhere just yet. We have another appt at St Marys in 2 weeks time to discuss my blood results for egg reserve and to see what our options are. I already know that my pct are not funding even 1 cycle. There has been some confusion about this over the last 2 weeks as this report https://www.garethjohnsonmp.co.uk/uimages/File/appg_IVF_report.pdf says my pct offer 1 cycle but only between the ages of 23 andn 29 so I am too old being 30:shock::shock: the next day I got a letter from my pct saying that all funding has been suspended and has been since dec 2010 for everyone! I have often wondered when I have heard things in the news lately why my pct have never been mentiond when they are saying local pct that don't offer, It seems to me they are telling lies to appear as if they are offering cycles. This has angered me a lot and I want to take it further but I have no idea where to start. Does anyone have any ideas?? I know that the lie they are telling doesn't help me being just out of the age but tbh I think the age 29 cap is insane!

Anyway rant over I hope everyone is ok.
Anne I am so sorry :hugs:
lolly I am thinking of you :hugs:
Gill things are sounding positive for you :hugs:
Tinks glad things are moving forward for you :hugs:

and a :hugs: to anyone I haven't mentioned xx
Hi slb firstly congratulations on your wedding love the avatar!

Your post made me pick up my mobile to reply straight away! If you go onto the infertility network site there is a page on there with template letters you can use to send to your pct logging your request/appeals for funding one to send your local mp and even the secretary of state! Don't take this lying down Hun I'm not I have started this process since my mc and have already met with my local mp showing evidence of how bad this postcode lottery has got! He is writing to the pct supporting my case and has been very helpful. My next stop if they say no is to appeal and if that does not work I'm going to the papers! The only way these pcts will ever stop playing with our lifes and feelings is to fight them and keep it in the media because the more people do the more they have to take notice!
Hope this information helps you a little big hugs xx
Sib 80 - the 29 cap is the greatest load of horse manure I ever heard. Only a clueless male could come up with that figure. Surely a woman would know better. I hope everything works out for you. It's all a long fight this fertility business.

I just wanted to share some interesting news with you all. We are still waiting on dh's sperm dna fragmentation test results. However, we didnt realise that as part of that they do an ordinary sperm test too and those results came back and you will never guess. dh went from being horrendously low to being normal again! Turns out giving up the booze, the cigarettes and having a life has done something good. Don't know if it will result in anything but just thought Id share!
Congrats on becoming a Mrs slb80 :thumbup: You were brave getting on a horse in a white wedding dress :haha:

I know a few people advised me to contact PALs for advice?? Not sur eif they can help with pcts but it may be a start hun. Something has to be done about the postcode lottery!!!! Its so unfair and harsh :hugs::hugs::hugs: HFEA guidlines say they should offer 3 cycles. I would love to know of the person who has decided to cut funding has got children. Arrrrr you have got me mad :growlmad: and the 29 age limit???? most women dont even decide to try for a baby until at least 29 :shrug::shrug:

Gill thats great news about the SA, really hope this is the turning point for you :hugs:
Sib 80 - the 29 cap is the greatest load of horse manure I ever heard. Only a clueless male could come up with that figure. Surely a woman would know better. I hope everything works out for you. It's all a long fight this fertility business.

I just wanted to share some interesting news with you all. We are still waiting on dh's sperm dna fragmentation test results. However, we didnt realise that as part of that they do an ordinary sperm test too and those results came back and you will never guess. dh went from being horrendously low to being normal again! Turns out giving up the booze, the cigarettes and having a life has done something good. Don't know if it will result in anything but just thought Id share!

That's brilliant news about the sperm result improvement Gill-I bet you're really excited about that! Let's hope this is the start of a series of good news for you-fingers crossed it results in your BFP!!

Also, as regards the 24-29 limit-WTF? That is simply outrageous. It's just some local authorit trying to provide reasons for justifying their decision not to invest money in an issue they don't feel is worthy. I didn't realise I had problems until I was 38, and had just met the love of my life. I would have been 9 years too old. It makes me seethe-here we have a 39 age limit, and I have passed that. EVERYBODY should be entitled to one cycle, regardless of age.

Phew, rant over, I hope you're all well, and have a great weekend!
Hi slb firstly congratulations on your wedding love the avatar!

Your post made me pick up my mobile to reply straight away! If you go onto the infertility network site there is a page on there with template letters you can use to send to your pct logging your request/appeals for funding one to send your local mp and even the secretary of state! Don't take this lying down Hun I'm not I have started this process since my mc and have already met with my local mp showing evidence of how bad this postcode lottery has got! He is writing to the pct supporting my case and has been very helpful. My next stop if they say no is to appeal and if that does not work I'm going to the papers! The only way these pcts will ever stop playing with our lifes and feelings is to fight them and keep it in the media because the more people do the more they have to take notice!
Hope this information helps you a little big hugs xx

Thank you so much for the details of this website. This is the way we are going as I do feel it is wrong they don't follow guidelines, thank you xx
Hi girls, Anyone any news or ranting???
It feels like we are all playing the ever-long waiting game. :wacko:

Nout new with me. Doing that SIS test thing this day next week. Wouldn't you just be sick of doing tests. Finally got my file from old clinic yesterday and sent it to the new one. It took them 2 full weeks to send it. I was ready to go up and photocopy the darned thing myself :growlmad: What can you do :shrug:

We are still waiting on sperm dna fragmentation results. It should have been here by now so Im a little worried but not saying anything to DH. I hope they didn't lose or mess up the sample or worse again, perhaps there wasn't enough of the right :spermy: in there to test. It would all melt your head!

:hugs: :hugs:
We banked out first batch of :spermy: today :thumbup: They are going to test a small amount of the sample and thaw it this week. They will monitor how well it survives over a week or so or even if it survives at all. We just have to wait fo a phone call in 1-2 weeks. Eeeeeeek

Gill, really hope your results come back soon. Its so nerve wrecking waiting for results and thinking they may have gone astray :growlmad:
i had a letter from pct stating that they wont fund anymore today however have told me with the help of my gp i can appeal this decision. hopefully they might reconsider now my mp has written to them too.

i'm seeing gp re miscarriage tmrw anyway so i will show her the letters shes completely behind us so i know she will write a fantastic appeal for us

tinks moving along nicely im so pleased for you xx
Annie, I am so sorry.

Does you pct fund 1 cycle and they are saying you have had it, is that the problem or have they just pulled all funding? Sorry I cant remember. I really hope your GP can help you and I am sure the MP letter will support your case :hugs::hugs: It is not fare that you have to fight for this after everything you have been through :hugs::hugs:

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