icsi in 2011?

they funded once cycle but i think it should be two across the board with the reasonable ages being 23-42! the postcode lottery being discusting in my opinion!

also the discrimation against severe mf cases upsets me if i had pcos we could have had months of clomid 3 gos at iui then the one icsi because nothing else is suitable we got one go a icsi and thats it.

i think it's a no go in change thier minds but maybe one day soembody will get the additional funding they deserve because of others trying to fight it xx

we will be having a go again oct/nov whatever happens funded or not xxx
I so agree about MF. We just get thrown in at the deep end and its sink or swim :hugs:

I really hope you are one of the couples to get extra funding. I know the chances are slim but you never know hun. I wish you all the luck in the world :hugs::hugs::hugs:
well ladies here is my update :cry:
Well deverstated isn't the word we had the hospital appointment yesterday and my AMH levels are 6.3 when it should be 30-40 so basicly I have low egg reserves, So firstly egg share can't happen but to top things off my consultant has said that to be with any kind of chance we need to do IVF within the next 12 months, ideally 6. I have no idea where we are going to get £5000 from in that amount of time. I know a loan is prob going to be our only option but I am now so terrified that if we go forward with a loan and it doesn't work it will kill me inside everytime the payment comes out of the bank. I also asked about an appeal and she feels it wont hurt but not to pin our hopes as our pct is one of the worst and always has been for IVF she does feel it is a waste of time :cry: We have looked into adoption but as my dh will need and organ transplant at somepoint in the future we wont be considered. How on earth am I going to hold it together when my sister has this baby next month? tis is her 5th, she is a heavy smoker and has continued to smoke, still isn't sure about having this baby as this is her 5th time she has had a contraception falure! God I am so deverstated.
well ladies here is my update :cry:
Well deverstated isn't the word we had the hospital appointment yesterday and my AMH levels are 6.3 when it should be 30-40 so basicly I have low egg reserves, So firstly egg share can't happen but to top things off my consultant has said that to be with any kind of chance we need to do IVF within the next 12 months, ideally 6. I have no idea where we are going to get £5000 from in that amount of time. I know a loan is prob going to be our only option but I am now so terrified that if we go forward with a loan and it doesn't work it will kill me inside everytime the payment comes out of the bank. I also asked about an appeal and she feels it wont hurt but not to pin our hopes as our pct is one of the worst and always has been for IVF she does feel it is a waste of time :cry: We have looked into adoption but as my dh will need and organ transplant at somepoint in the future we wont be considered. How on earth am I going to hold it together when my sister has this baby next month? tis is her 5th, she is a heavy smoker and has continued to smoke, still isn't sure about having this baby as this is her 5th time she has had a contraception falure! God I am so deverstated.

Ah Sib Im so sorry to hear your news. Don't blame you one bit for feeling devastated. Your sis having her baby is just adding insult to injury. Life is so unfair and cruel. As I was reading your message though I had one thought and just thought I would throw it out there. Egg donation. You can be as old as the hills with no eggs at all and there is no immediate panic. I keep going on about my sis who had it in Spain. She was about 42 when she had it and her hubby 15 yrs older than her. Im not saying that you need to do it but just know that it's an option that works for people and its not something you need to decide in the next few months. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
oh slb im so so sorry to hear this im thinking of you. i think the loan may be a consideration given your circumstances and i was in your position i think i would knowing that i would want to give having my biological child a go i would. having said that gill is right hun maybe egg donation is something you should also consider when the time is right to think about this. i'm so sorry that you are having such a horrible time through all f this with no funding and adoption also being a no go i can only imagine how you are feeling. big hugs to you xxx

i'm considering egg share at the moment but it's a toss up between heart and head because i dont know if i can cope with the thought if it failing and then there being another child out there with my genetics but at the end of the day thats all it is girls genetics. genetics dont make you a mother bringing a child up is being a mother and im sure at some point we will all manage to achieve this by one way or another.

I know the only thing we can do is get a loan and give it a shot, I will forever be thinking what if, if we don't. I was hoping beyond hope that we could do egg share so we could have more than one shot and I always said that I would hope someone would do the same for me should we need it. I never thought for one minute that I actually might have to consider a donor egg. I am struggling today and feel like I could cry at any second. I have never wanted anything in my life more that I want a child and now I feel like my chances of it are happening are near zero. I am just so glad I have you ladies here who understand the feelings I am going through x
Hi folks, just thought Id swing by with an update. Went for SIS test this morning and turns out I have small bit of endometriosis since last m/c. No wonder :witch: has been horrendous. Clinic gave me huge injection into my bum muscle to stop ovulation this month as apparently it feeds of estrogen and this should get rid of it.:wacko: Didn't see that coming!! Shame because DH and I had cheap weekend booked around ovulation time and stocked up on the goji berries and preseed in hope.:growlmad:

In other news both doctors today told my amh levels were low. The first one said it quite gravely after he did the SIS test and put the heart crossways in me. :cry: The other cons said no need to panic as folicles look ok. They didnt give me an amh number and tbh I was afraid to ask. We all know what it means. As we are still waiting on dh's sperm dna fragmentation results (3 weeks now) we have no action plan yet. I reckon we've spent at the very least 3000 euro so far on tests and appointments and not one step further on :( :hissy:

And the flipping police clearance from the states for our adoption papers still hasnt come either, after a month, so we can't even focus on that. AAArrrgggh. Did you ever wonder, where will it end?? I think the stork got lost or crash landed somewhere.
slb - I am so sorry to hear yet more bad news. If I was you I would go for the loan. You have to feel that you gave it all that you could when you look back in the future. You are in my thoughts hun :hugs:

Gill - sorry you are going to miss out on ov this month but at least they can sort the endo :thumbup: I am thinking of you too hun, it really has been one thing after another :hugs: Really hope your forms hurry up. I have seriously considered donating eggs in the future, after treatment, and hearing stories like your sisters confirms how much it can change lifes :hugs:

Annie - what lovely words.

Really hope all you girls get more possitive news soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh girls, I just had to come on here and share.:cry: Something happened to DH's sample for DNA fragmentation test and he has to do it again. Repromed aren't saying or don't know what happened in Denmark. Can't believe it, we are waiting three weeks for the results and had been in contact with them constantly to get the results as we can do nothing without them. Im really annoyed it took them three weeks to either figure out they lost it or didnt store it correctly. :wacko: DH can't take another test until 5th August. Im gutted. Another month down the tubes. Don't these people realise the stress and strain of all of this? We paid through the nose for the test. The man in charge is on holidays until Tuesday when he will be getting an earfull from my DH and pushing them to expedite the matter given their mess up. It just never ends and now with my amh levels falling through the floor we can ill afford this extra month. :growlmad: Where does it end.
Gill, I know accidents happen but come on, dont they realise they are dealing with peoples lives and it still does not excuse them for the length of time its taken them to be honest with you. I would be seriously asking about they will be compinsating you and stress how important each month is with the drop in your AMH levels :thumbup:

Hope you are ok :hugs::hugs:
Gill, I know accidents happen but come on, dont they realise they are dealing with peoples lives and it still does not excuse them for the length of time its taken them to be honest with you. I would be seriously asking about they will be compinsating you and stress how important each month is with the drop in your AMH levels :thumbup:

Hope you are ok :hugs::hugs:

Thanks Tinks. Sometimes I think are we just dumb and not getting the life memo or something but we gotta keep fighting, what else can we do? I've emailed the head honcho in Repromed and asked him to to get it sorted (in a much more diplomatic way than that), so hopefully they will come through. :brat: Waiting for all these results, months at a time, is such a godawful waste of life.
Oh Jeepers folks, Im back again :wacko: More updates. Turns out DH's :spermy: was too thick to test so that's not good. Im not overly surprised as all the s.a.'s indicated no motility. The head guy in Repromed has been kindly emailing me from Iraq and is going to do his best to get test done again asap. Got my amh levels from the cons too. Uh oh. Its 5.1 pmol/l so we really gotta get our feckin skates on. :dohh: She reitterated that my folicles are looking good but frankly I wouldnt want to be sitting on this much longer. Holy smokes :shrug:
gill any more news? i hope your ok.

tinks are things moving on yet?

afm ive boooked my first consultation at my new clinic for the 20th august cant wait to get going! still missing my baby xx
Oh Jeepers folks, Im back again :wacko: More updates. Turns out DH's :spermy: was too thick to test so that's not good. Im not overly surprised as all the s.a.'s indicated no motility. The head guy in Repromed has been kindly emailing me from Iraq and is going to do his best to get test done again asap. Got my amh levels from the cons too. Uh oh. Its 5.1 pmol/l so we really gotta get our feckin skates on. :dohh: She reitterated that my folicles are looking good but frankly I wouldnt want to be sitting on this much longer. Holy smokes :shrug:

Hey Gill, I got my amh at 2.9!!! It scared the hell out of me, but some get pregnant with 0.1 levels! I was given the advice to take Paradax omega oil tablets which are a combo of various omega oils, and recommended by fertility consultants. Apparently, supposed to be very good at improving egg quality-I get mine on amazon and take two a day!

Hope the Iraq man can help you-is DH taking anything for his swimmers??? My OH's levels have improved significantly since he began taking Wellman Conception for men, zinc, vit c and vit e. Volume improved, motility improved and count improved. Gotta be worth a shot??? (I am sure however that OH is not taking his religiously-one wonders what would happen if he did!).

Good luck with it all!

Hello to everybody!! :flower::flower:
Hi Dwargi, Thanks for the tips on the Paradax. I will see if I can dig those up immediately! :thumbup: DH has been taking the wellman conception vitamins for a long time now and I agree with you 100%, they have improved his counts remarkably. :happydance: I couldn't recommend them enough.

Strange things going on with me. They gave me that huge injection in my butt on cd5 to stop ovulation to get the endometriosis to die off. :wacko: Then I got my period on cd13, three days ago. Now I dont know where I am. Man in Iraq was helpful (he back in his office in Dublin now) and its just our luck that the lab in Denmark where they test the dna fragmentation, is closed this week. They close this week every year to sterlise or something to that effect. Sods law!! :dohh: So we will have to wait until next week or the week after to get the results. So that will end up being 6 or 7 weeks for these results. So frustrating but sure what can you do. We'll live to fight another day..
gill any more news? i hope your ok.

tinks are things moving on yet?

afm ive boooked my first consultation at my new clinic for the 20th august cant wait to get going! still missing my baby xx

Good luck with the new clinic Annie. :flower: I know what you mean about wanting to get going and missing your baby. Your clinic appointment is on a Saturday? That is so convenient!!! Do let us know what happens and what they tell you. We're all ears.
Hello Everybody! How are you all?

What a pain Gill that your clinic is closed. It's all about waiting, it seems to me!

Annie, am so sorry about your loss; I know how you feel. But hopefully August 20th will be here before you know it and you can move on with the next stage. Hang on in there hun.

Well, I am at last starting my treatment, and have booked a scan for tomorrow (day 2 scan, although my period started yesterday, it started 7after mid-day so they count it as day 0. How bizarre!). But, can anybody help with this question I have? My recent acupuncture has (I believe) reduced my period from two-three days to just one. Even after taking norestherone to delay the period by another week, there's been hardly any blood. So, my period started yesterday lunch time, was really light and has now practically finished. Also, I have a strange pain which I had when this happened before with another acu lady. I know that the clinic will check for the thickness of the womb lining, and give drugs to thicken it if necessary so that the embryo (I really hope there will be an embryo) can implant, but surely this will put me at a disadvantage? Any advice or words of comfort will be very gratefully received!

Thanks in advance and hope you are all well,
Big hugs,
Hello Everybody! How are you all?

What a pain Gill that your clinic is closed. It's all about waiting, it seems to me!

Annie, am so sorry about your loss; I know how you feel. But hopefully August 20th will be here before you know it and you can move on with the next stage. Hang on in there hun.

Well, I am at last starting my treatment, and have booked a scan for tomorrow (day 2 scan, although my period started yesterday, it started 7after mid-day so they count it as day 0. How bizarre!). But, can anybody help with this question I have? My recent acupuncture has (I believe) reduced my period from two-three days to just one. Even after taking norestherone to delay the period by another week, there's been hardly any blood. So, my period started yesterday lunch time, was really light and has now practically finished. Also, I have a strange pain which I had when this happened before with another acu lady. I know that the clinic will check for the thickness of the womb lining, and give drugs to thicken it if necessary so that the embryo (I really hope there will be an embryo) can implant, but surely this will put me at a disadvantage? Any advice or words of comfort will be very gratefully received!

Thanks in advance and hope you are all well,
Big hugs,

How are things going Dwrgi? We weren't much use to you at all but hopefully your clinic have you sorted! :thumbup:

Anyone any other news too? It's been fierce quiet on this list for a while now. Nayla, Lolly, you guys out there? Have you made any decisions? :hugs:

AFM we gotta wait for test results. :dohh: How many times I have said that now? Im like a broken record!!! :wacko: Hopefully we will have them by or on Friday but Im not holding my breath.

Here's a question for any of you girls that have had treatment. The clinic gave me that huge injection for down regulation to cut out my hormones for a month to get rid of the endometriosis. It was sore for a few days and the pain went away. Now the pain is back three weeks later with a vengence and I seem to have a large lump deep in the tissue. Did any of you guys have that? I wouldnt normally be alarmed but even my husband felt it and got panicy. Is this normal? :shrug:

Thanks folks!!
gill im sorry not much use on that one i didnt have an injection for that sorry xxx is it better now?

thanks dwargi u were right 20th came quickly and it looks as thought im back on the ICSI wagon! starting next cycle strangly cant wait! xxx
Hey folks, just thought I'd come back here and give a quick update. :hugs:

We are doing an IUI cycle this time and we got all the meds today. Really scary amount of stuff. They have given me prescriptions to cover every possible scenario and loads to be taken for three months if we get positive. I think the steroids will be the worst. So we have to wait until the down regulation wears off, should be the end of this week and a period will come and then its time for scan and onto the meds. :wacko: Did more blood tests today (they are running out of tests now, no joke) and that is just to decide if we need intrapilids aswell as the rest of the stuff.

Im terrified and excited all at the same time. Im only 5ft and 7 stone and meds usually have strong effects. Dr also told me to start the lexapro soon too as it wouldnt be good to have the same anxiety at a positive test again. That alone is going to make me a bit sick. It all comes together doesnt it? We are having house guests from the U.S. next week and then a big family christening. :dohh:

After so long and so much testing, we can't believe that something is actually happening now. It seems nuts. This thread has been so quiet for a while now. How is everyone else doing?? What are you all up to out there?:kiss: I miss hearing all your news. :hugs: :hugs::hugs:

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