icsi in 2011?

hi, can i join? i'm down regging right now, started lupron 1 week ago and last dose of the BCP was last night.. next appt 8/25 and will start stimming with luveris and gonal f on 8/26. right now EC is tentatively scheduled for 9/6, eeek! we are doing ivf w/icsi and aha.

i just stopped drinking alcohol (not that i drink a lot, just the occasional wine really), stopped taking ambien (insomnia issues), and my plan is to reduce my coffee this week (that's a REALLY hard one!)... also increase protein intake.

i'm a bit nervous about the actual EC and ET.. does anyone have suggestions? how do they do the ET, is it like an IUI?
Hi everyone!

Well, looks like i'm back! So sorry I went AWOL, I genuinely meant to hang around but something inside clicked and every time I typed the websites address in I couldn't press enter. can't explain it. I'm so sorry I haven't been around to support you all in your journeys. Seems like a lot has happened...

Firstly Gill. Wow hunny, you have been through the mill. I am so inspired by your sheer determination, shows what this means. I really hope things start picking up for you. Your new consultant seems to be a star - should be given the money you will be paying - but it surely gives renewed hope that there are new things to try. I'm so happy for you for that. Thank you for thinking of me and Nayla during our time out! :hugs:

Tinks, hi lovely!!! I have seen on another thread that you are soon to start! Wow, so thrilled for you. I have a great feeling for you hun. How are you feeling about things? :hugs:

Annie, so glad to see you are also back. I often think of you. Good for you for trying again. It must be so hard but again, like Gill, it shows what this means to you and how strong you are in the persuit of your family. I can't imagine what it is like to be in your shoes and wish you your forever baby this time. I hope both yours and Gill's angels are watching over you :hugs:

Dwrgi, how have things gone for you sweetie? All good I hope. I'm sure you have posted on other threads but struggling to catch up properly after so long away!!! :hugs:

Hi touch the sky, how is stimming (and caffine withdrawal!!) going? I have never had iui, but with ET they insert a small catheter through the cervix, position it using ultrasound guidence and in it/they pop! easy! The bad bit is you need a full bladder so it can be quite uncomfy to say the least!! Are you having full sedation for EC, I know some clinics do it differ4ently.

Well girls, here I go again. Third time lucky? To be quite honest i'm not optimistic but I have to try. This will be the final time before adoption. DP says not to think ahead like that and focus on this try first. I'm tryingh hard to but I was so positive last time I think it will take a true miracle for it to work this time. I guess we will see. I am booked in to get my gonal F 22.9.11 with baseline bloods and scan 24/25.9.11. And all being well we will then be doing short protocol for first time. Very happy if thats the case as the less invasive this time the better.

Nice to be back with you girls. Come on, we all need a bit of baby dust


Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, I didn't realise this thread was still going.

Gill - Wow all that sounds so scary, how are you getting on?? Cant wait for an update :thumbup:

Lolly - Good to hear from you. Are you still st St Marys? So you will be stimming from arounf the 22nd Sep???

Dwrgi - How is treatment going? Hope you are well.

Touch the sky - How are getting on with stimming?

Hi Annie :kiss:

My update is that we have banked enough :spermy:, had to bank 2 batches before staring, the last SA only showed a FEW sperm that would be good enough :growlmad: We are now due to go for needle teach and start DR on the 19th :happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so nervous and scared. Not necessary of the drugs and the physical aspect, its if it fails but I am trying to stay possitive. I am s**ting myself about EC though, that is the only physical thing I am really scared of, I dont like the thought of being put to sleep and it panics me.

How is everyone, hope we can start the thread up again :thumbup:
hi all,

gill how are things going now any more progress?

tinks hunni you know ive been stalking you lol! i have a journal somewhere u will have to check it out lol it's pretty lonely on there!

dwargi how is going?

touch the sky welcome and goodluck with your cycle!

lolly im so glad to see you back hun been missing you on here! i'm glad your giving it another go and never say never re other cycles hun u may just change your mind. it's hard to repair yourself from any of the traumas we have all been through weather it's a loss failed cycles or even just the infertility itself so im my opinion were all brave!!! keep your chin up i know you can do this.

tinks lolly when we started back at the start of this thread none of us would have ever imagined that we'd be into september cycling together but here we are! im just waiting for my af to pitch up typical it's late this time round isnt it!! then i will phone the new clinic and get the ball rolling i must be mad! but lolly your right im focused on getting my forever family and yes hopefully my little angel will help me this time. lets hope for twins he he!!

Hello ladies
Annie i cant believe we are all here trying again either, hopefully this time will be our time!!!
Im starting the bcp in a couple of weeks then the buserelin on the 10th oct so think i might be a little behind you. Im feeling nervous again about starting the injections and also really cant believe ive got to go through it all again!!
Hope everyone is else is ok :)
my gosh we really all are cycling together now! this was not the way the thread was going to pan out! maybe this is a good sign for us all i do hope so :)

fisher glad to see you here with us (although i understand like the rest of us you rather not be)

Annie - I didn't know you had a journal as its not on your siggy. I will be reporting for stalker duty dont you worry :flower:

Hi Fisher - Good to hear from you again, obviously not in these circumstances but you know what I mean :hugs:

Who would have guessed we would be cycling sep/oct together. I thought I was due to start my drugs in March :haha: how wrong was I. If you had told me at the start it would the mid - end Sep I would have been unconsolable but as its gone in stages its been just about bearable.

Its got to be a good sign :hugs::hugs:
Annie - I cant find your journal :growlmad: Have you posted in it recently? Not very good at finding things on here though :haha:
Wow how crazy that all our cycles suddenly are so close!!! I hope you are right that it is a good sign Tinks!!

Annie, thank you for the lovely words of encoragement. I'm going to give this cycle my all and then reassess whatever the outcome. Its a good feeling that I won't be going blind into yet another year. Any sign of AF? Always late when you want her the most. Our bodies play the nicest tricks... How are you finding the new clinic, is it a private one this time lovely? :hugs: I hope you have had a nice weekend xxx

Tinks, bet this has all been such a long time coming! So happy you will get the meds soon. At my first injection teach they had me measure the buseralin and inject myself in front of the nurse. My hands were shaking!
But you will be just fine. Its the fear of the unknown but then once you do one you realsie its not so bad. After a couple of days its just part of the routine! Yes still at st Marys. I think some may want a change after 2 failed attempts but I don't see anything they have done wrong to be honest. they got me to good ETs both times,just my body messing around. Plus each time I call they seem to get me in quickly so musn't grumble. Think I have been very lucky in that respect. It seems as all the probs are mine I am priority with seems totally wrong when I speak to people like you lovlies who have MF probs. Maybe its because my body is in decline?!! But it does make me feel bad. Hopefully thinks will be smooth from here on for you :hugs: xxx

Fisher, welcome back but sorry that you've had to be. How are you feeling about starting again. A break can do the world of good though xxx

Slb, I have been behind and just caught up with your news. If you are reading hun I wanted to let you know I am so very sorry that you find yourself in this position. I think the loan is a must as its like you said, you will always regret not trying and think the awful what ifs. And wouldn't it be amazing if you got lucky that first time! The post code lottery is all so wrong is it pains me to read stories like yours knowing just how hard all this is anyway. Congratulations on your wedding lovely. Just sad that you've had to start married like off with these worries. Good luck sweetie xxx

Well I seem to have read the dates slightly wrong with my treatment. I go next weekend to pick up a prescription to induce a bleed. These I start 20th sept. Then in for my injection teach and to get meds 22nd sept. My bleed should start around 30th so scan and bloods and hopefully straight to stimming 2/3rd oct. How crazy that I rang the hosp friday and now may be having EC in 5-6 weeks. I'm not pinning everything on it by any means though. I'm in the frame of mind where I think something will go wrong. Must snap out of it!! I would love to cycle with you ladies :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to post to say i'm rooting for you all - some of you will remember me, others maybe not from this board and a couple of others.

Keep positive, it really can happen, nothing is impossible. You are all really strong amazing ladies and although the treatment is all consuming both emotionally and physically and the days and the waiting seem endless, things really can happen for you.

Keep up with the positive thoughts even when it seems like that's the last thing you want to think.

Oh, and remember the pineapple (!) every day after ET and the high protein diet after EC and look after yourselves.

Lots and lots of luck, everything is crossed for you.

Liz x
Thanks Liz!!

Lovely to hear from you and see that all is well with you! Thank you so much for your words of support, you are who we all aspire to be, happily expecting with twinnie beans, good for you!!! :hugs:
Thank you so much for the advice Lolly. You are so lucky to get a 3rd cycle their but so you should :hugs::hugs: Am I right in thinking they will give me all my drugs at needle teach? Will I inject myself with bruseralin right there and then or is it just saline? Its just that my appointment is at 10am so will I have to inject at 10 everyday? Sorry for all the questions. Hehe we my bump into each other at some point during our cycles :haha: Dont feel like its wrong that you are priority, I think they are right. This is your 3rd go and should no way have to wait any longer than needs be :hugs::hugs:

Wow not long at all until you start youe meds. I can totally understand why you are preparing for the worste but maybe a change in protocol will mean a change in your result :thumbup:

Good to hear from you Lizz :hugs::hugs::hugs: How are things with you? I will rememeber pinapple :haha:

All good here thanks, things have gone very well so far. Still in shock 20 weeks later that our second attempt worked! We still can't believe it! Considering all we go through it is so worth it.

I'll be watching and rooting for you all.

Liz x
Oooh have you had your 20 week scan yet? Are you finding out the sexs?
Hi Tinks

Yeah on my very first teach they had me inject the buseralin in front of them to make sure that I was able to measure, get rid of the air bubbles and inject properly. Think mine was an early morning appointment, but don't worry, its a one off. You inject that first day at say 10.30, then from there you will inject the next day at a time of your choice between 4-7pm, and stick to that time each day. I was worried first time too about how it would interfere with work etc but doesn't work that way luckily!

I'm looking forward to short protocol this time, not sure why but nurse said that in the consultants brief they had decided this was best way forward so gotta trust the big wigs! I know i'm so lucky to have another try. Hoping third time lucky! Should be positive as I know there are not many in my shoes to get 3 attemps and even though I whinge, I am forever thankful as I know sadly there are others who don't get any :( xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Lolly, wow it all seems real now.

The way the NHS works hun is not your fault and anyone would snatch their hands of for whatever they offer. Doesn't really matter what we think :hugs:

Anythin different this time around has to be a good thing. Plus less drugs :happydance::happydance: When I spoke to the nurse on Tuesday she said I was boarder line for long or short protocol due to my AMH level but I dont know if thats all they go by or what :shrug::shrug: All we can do is do what we are told and keep the faith :thumbup:
So are you doing long hun? I don't really get the criteria. Think they sometimes start with a standard and then play by ear! Its hard to put your fate and btrust in strangers, but like you say, its all we can do. And hope :hugs: xxxxx
Yep I am long. DR hopefully starts on the 19th. I will be cd24 though not cd21 but the nurses dont seem to bothered :shrug: Just cant wait to get going.

Yes, plenty of hope :thumbup:
hi all wow this thread is a go-go again yipeee ive missed it!!!

thanks fopr the lovely words lizz i hope you are doing well!

tinks my journal can be found on posts started by me on my profile i think!

still no flipping af so bloody annoyed!!! xx

We have the scan on Thursday, so very excited but we've decided not to find out if they're boys or girls!

What with the clinical nature of the ICSI we thought it would be nice to have a surprise in January.

It will be you all soon having to make these kind of decisions!

Liz x

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