icsi in 2011?

A suprise will be nice Liz. GL for the scan.

Annie, I will have a look later hun. Really hope af shows today. Its typical that she goes AWOL when you need her to come.

Have a good day everyone x
Hi folks, I know I don't belong here anymore :blush: but I would like to stay cos this is such a cool group. :hugs: Annie, Tinks, Lolly, thank you all for the kind words. I can't believe there is so much action on this thread now. You are all making such strides!! Lolly good to have you back in the saddle. :thumbup: Fair play to you. You all have been in my thoughts and I wish you all the luck in the world. :hugs: Anyone hear anything from Nayla on any other threads?

Turns out I have already down regulated with that injection they gave me in my butt 6 weeks ago. We were waiting weeks since for my period to arrive so they scanned me to today. No lining there at all. Looks like the DR worked very strongly which seems to not be a problem so they started me on injections and tamoxifen today. All I could say to the doc was 'wow'. It's hard to believe we are doing something. I will be on two injections from tomorrow - Gonal F and Clexane plus steriods, tamoxifen, aspirin and lexapro. Between the anxiety meds and the DR, the old libido has taken a nose dive. :dohh: Strange times. After all the tests etc I can't actually believe that this is now happening. Still gotta wait on some more tests to see if they are adding intrapilids into the mix. (test went wrong when they got sample in France to so had to re-do it a week ago :wacko:) Another scan apt on Friday.

Liz thanks for coming back and giving us your update. Such happy news. Did I detect there that you said boys/girls as in you are having more than one? or am I picking that up wrong... Good luck for the scan. Please come back and keep us posted with your good news. :dust:
Wow Gill - GL for tomorrow. Isn't weird how we seem to spend so long waiting for tests and appointments and then it all seems to come at once and you are in shock even though we have been waiting :dohh:

Really hope everything goes ok with the meds. Whats the drill then with IUI? How long will you be injecting for?

I for one would love it if you stuck around, you are still going through infertility the same :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hey guys,

gill goodluck with the iui!!!

i finally had my period arrive on weds so i can start down regulating on 27th after my hols to tenerife! all worked out nicely really! cant believe im doing this again right now! when i think back the last year seems mad to think this is my second cycle this year after being preg for 3.5 months too it's all flown by! hopefully in a few weeks we can all move across to our little pregnant thread together after all this time!!! xxxxxx
Thanks Tinks. :hugs: I'll stick around for a while and see how all this pans out.

Been some more developments.:wacko: Went for scan today to see how the stims are going and it turns out they are going well for IUI purposes. Only 2 large follicles at this stage but Dr seemed surprised that they had grown so quickly and happy with progress - lining was coming along lovely too. Then she told me that we will be doing timed intercourse and I have to go for another scan on Monday and bring my trigger shot. No IUI :nope:

Then I emailed her when I got home because I forgot to ask her about the last set of blood tests.:dohh: Turns out I have "significantly elevated anti-thyroid antibodies and anti TPO antibodies", so apart from the clexane and steriods, I also have to do intralipid infusions. They will prob do one on Monday when Im there. Feeling pretty miserable right now. We have run the gauntlet and it turns out they have needed to give me absolutely everything and now timed intercourse, no IUI. Very very very nervous.:cry: She said they would do IUI next month if timed BD didn't work this time. Oh god, Im scared of this not working and scared of it working and another miscarriage.:cry: Im scared that DH's sperm counts have gone up the chute again and we are pissing against the wind. Feeling pretty bad now. Could this be a mix of the stims, steroids, anxiety pills, plus clexane, aspirin and tamoxifen? :argh:

Anyone else any news? Is anyone else feeling as terrified as I am?
Gill :hugs::hugs::hugs:

First of all great news that everything looks goos on the scan. What was DH count last time? I am sure that they wouldn't be bothering with timed intercourse if they didnt think there was a chance of ot working. Just look at IUI as the next step that hoepfully you will not need :thumbup:

You are not alone in feeling scared, I am S**ting myself but I do not have the worry about MC as I have never had a BFP. I cant imagine how a loss makes you feel :hugs::hugs::hugs: We have to stay possitive though.

As for the drugs, wow, you are deffinatley trying everything on offer :haha: No wonder you are all over the place.

Take it easy hun.

Annie - Glad treatment doesnt interfere with your holiday :thumbup: TBH this year has been a blur for us also.

No news with me apart from slowly going crazy :haha:
Hi everyone :flower:

Gill, so sorry you are feeling this way. Its a lot of news to take in. It is so scary but i'm sure they are doing all they can for you :hugs: I think maybe I am just a chicken in rather not knowing :shrug: But good for you for pushing for all the answers and lets all pray that they can give you the right meds to hopefully conceive and sustain a healthy pregnancy. Like you all I am also terrified. Not scared on the injections, EC, ET but of the day I have bled and known it was over - its been the same each time and I know this time round I will have a breakdown that day. I try not to think too much as I probably wouldn't want to do this again. I think we just live one day at a time through this. 1 focus and when its done we move to the next stage. I guess thats how many of us have lived our past few years. can't wait for it to be over and just be truely content. i wish you all the luck in the world :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:happydance: for AF Annie! Great timing with the holiday first, just what you will need to relax and get your body ready. Would LOVE to see that new thread form :hugs: All my love :hugs:

Hi Tinks, how are you hun? Nervous I see, but don't worry, the build up is worst. You start creating a picture in your head and I swaer it won't be as bad as you think. Once you start you will be fine :hugs:

I'm off to the hospital tomorrow to get my noresthisterone to induce a bleed. Will start that 20th sept. Rang to triple check the pharmacy is open on a saturday just in case! Think after we are going to go to ikea before coming home and putting a car flap in the door for my lil kitty - I have been so worried about him being out in the rainy weather :dohh: DP thinks i'm mad and not happy unless worrying about the cat! But he is my baby!! (is it wrong I cooked up 2 chicken breasts for him and he has his own special food tub in our fridge?!!!) :wacko: My friends tell me I need a baby :growlmad:

Anyways lovelies, have a fab weekend, all my love, Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Thats good advice Lolly, one step at a time. They only physical thing I am scared of is EC and thats not becasue of any pain it just becasue I have never been put to sleep before and really dont like the thought of it. I have many reasurances though that it will be fine and it is just like going to sleep so feel a little better but still going to talk with the nurse on the 19th.

Good luck at the hospital today, hope it all goes smoothly. Just remember where you parked. Not that that helped us last time. We got the right floor and still couldnt find it :dohh:

How long will it take do induce the bleed? Is the 20th when you start stimming?

I dont think you are crazy, we have 4 cats though so we really could not feed them chicken :haha: I do love them and think they each have a different personality, they are ace. Well apart from the one thats scared of the rain and occasionally tries to wee on the floor :haha:

Hope everyone has a nice day :kiss:
Hi Girls!!

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend?

Gill, hows it going? Thinking of you and hoping this is your time :hugs:

Tinks, wow, I knew you had cats but 4?!! That must be a nightmare for hoovering :haha: How are you feeling? Its a bit surreal carrying on as normal isn't it knowing all this is looming! Hope you are doing ok :hugs:

Hi Annie, bet you are excited for your hols! Be better weather than we have had here, what going on?!! Pouring rain all last week and now weather warnings for the wind, summer doesn't exist anymore!!!

Well I went to the hospital yesterday. Pretty uneventful. Went in, waiting room had 8 people in and I was called straight away, bet they were fuming!! They wouldn't have known it was just to collect a prescription! Was in and out in less than 5 mins! The nurse said 'come on Lauren, we are doing it this time', I hope she's right but I still can't see it working. Sorry for the negativity, its just I feel I was so positive last time and it still didn't work :shrug: I hope as the time gets closer som PMA returns. I have my tablets to induce a bleed. i start them on 20th for 10 days. Then about 3 days after I should get AF. Then I have to ring and will go in for a scan. So all being ok I should stim from around 5th october. Crazy to think that with short cycle I could be in for EC in about a month.

I am trying to carry on as 'normal'. Have been having a baking day today, lasagne and lemon cake. Start my new job tomorrow. Think I told you about it ages ago during 2nd cycle. Well what with police checks and working in NHS (yes, its not just appointments that are slow :haha:) etc I am only just about to start. Its within same team but more suited to me, pre 5s so working with kiddies. Its great but I will admit it sometimes bugs me to go in to a smokey house, a dirty one or one where there are no toys etc and have to advise the parents on how to give appropriate care. Its wrong of me to judge but being denied a child myself it does make me mad that some people are blessed and just don't realise what they have. There is nothing worse that a child with chronic cough and house smells of cigerettes :growlmad:

Ok, rant over!!! B ut despite all of that I genuinely do love my job, I just wish I could do more sometimes....

Anyway, will shut up and get back to the catflap training with my lil kitty. All I will say is its not going well and short of shoving him through he just won't have it!!

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
I am doing ok thanks Lolly. I have my wobble moments but getting through the wait and count down.

Last time I was at the hospital was the 30th August and a girl walked into the waiting room, I am sure she said her name was Lauren to the nurse. Was you there that day? She had really long blondish hair pulled back into a ponytail and was carrying a phone. I just wondered if it was you as soon as I saw her as there isn't that many younger ones there is there?

I hope the nures is right hunny, I really do :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Haha cats are so funny to train to use the cat flap. We had to stand on either side of the door and keep pushing each one out of it and then in again. Took ages :dohh: They are so dumb so times :haha:

Hope you are ok hun :kiss:
:haha: my name is Lauren (have I ever told you that or is it just wierd?!!) but never been a blond! Have kinda dull brown nothingy hair which I have to dye red or chestnut just to make it look a bit better! But we could well end up seeing each other this time, we will have to see if any dates match up! Could be having bloods together at the crack of dawn, who knows :haha: Would have to get a coffee if that ever happened, could you imagine our poor DPs with us nattering on about injection this and follicle size that :haha:

I tried that with the cat, pushed him through but he was not happy!! Started hissing at me and ran off!! Have taped it up today and he is using it a bit but would rather sit there and cry for me to open the door :dohh:

Hope the wobbles are dulled down by the excitement of finally starting :happydance: Bet you can't believe its here. Its scary suddenly losing control of your own body but have a good feeling for you lovely :hugs::hugs:
were all cat ladies then me too love my furry baby he always manages to make me smile! we had to pass him through the cat flap too ha ha! he got there in the end!

lolly keep that chin up chicken another cycle does not mean another failed cycle already! i feel like that too after the mc in a different way so i really do understand! i can understand your frustrations with your job i see it alot in my nhs position too! sometimes i think even friends of mine cant see what is in front of thier faces!

tinks i know what your saying bout yound ppl at the clinic maybe it doesnt help if you have a baby face too i look a teeny bit younder than my ages so it makes the stares from others even more annoying! he he xx
Lolly, that would be fab :hugs::hugs: You mentioned your name in your last post hun and made me rememeber seeing that girl. Weird. Lolly please hunny do not rule yourself out before you have even started. Listern to the nurses and believe this will work :thumbup:

I really cant believe its here, I feel like I have been waiting forever for this but I know its not as long as some. I really am not looking forward to having no control but I am willing to do anything, as we all are.

Annie, I also have a baby face. Cant get served without being asked for ID so I do get a few looks at the clinic but hay ho.
oh my god what am i on about?!! Course i did, ok not quite so weird now! Wish i could blame the meds but havent even started yet!! :haha:

Thanks girls! I know i shouldnt talk myself out of this. So here we go, gonna be positive and look at the positives. I should be thankful i get another cycle. And annie you have been through so much, forgive me, god i must sound such a cow whinging on. You are so supportive on here and i hope we can all make it together. You are all such good people and deserve this :hugs:

So all cat people, young and baby faced! When i told the new girl at work i was 26 she couldnt believe it. Can be good as like to think i wont get wrinkles for many more years. But when they wont serve you on a night out can get embarrassing. Although we wont be having nights out soon eh girls. Hoping to stay in for next 10-11 months or so :happydance:

Xxxxxxx :hugs:
Me, Lolly and Annie do have quite a bit in common. It has to be fate :haha:

Loving the PMA Lolly, thats what we need. I would gladly not go out for a year if it meant BFP.
lolly i do hope you didnt think i was making light of your bfn's because of my mc? all situations with infertility are difficult but i just want us all to get the bfp we deserve and i wouldnt want you to write yourself off yet with negativity before the event.

wait and see what im like if i get a bfp this time im gonna be on the ceiling drive my dh mental!!

tinks u really have got a baby face ha ha! cant believe im 28 in jan it creeps up so fast on you lol ha ha xxx
Hello Everyone, how are you all doing? Looks like this month is shaping up to be a busy one around here. :flower: Im envious of you all with cats. I love them too and have had some but unfortunately my mother is incredibly allergic so when the last one got run over, we decided not to get another as my she suffers so dreadfully with them. Shame because she loves them too! :hugs: Lolly how is the new job going? Two days in? And Annie you lucky thing going on your holidays. :thumbup: Im so envious! Bet Tenerife is lovely this time of year. Nice to get some time with your other half to get yourselves in sync and have a rest before the DR. We've been hemorrhaging money this year with tests etc so there was no chance of getting away but hopefully next year we will get back to the U.S. to see DH's family. :happydance:

Things moving along for me. Have had a 2 scans now, lots of follicles, biggest ones at 14 on Monday so back in for another scan tomorrow and the intralipids infusion. Also my lining was only at 6.5 and they want it to get to 8.5. FS mentioned giving me something for it if it doesn't move along but I dont know what it was. She told me that we will probably be triggering tomorrow and then we go home and do "the deed" on Friday. Nerves are completely shot to hell. Been having a bit of lower back pain etc last 2 days so things definitely happening. :thumbup::thumbup::loopy:

We got word there a week ago that my sisters husband has esophageal cancer. God help him. He is 15 years older than her and they have a 2.5 yr old conceived with egg donation. They are moving from N.I this weekend and renting a house down here so they can be close as they will need so much help very soon. :cry: I should prob be taking it easy from Friday but truth is I will clean the new house for her and help them pack and move their stuff. It's quite a quandry.I want to help her and she needs the help but given the 2 m/c's, I need to take it easy in the 2 ww and give any possible pregnancy a fighting chance (trying for optimism here!). Sure what can you do? :shrug:
Annie, you will see my baby face on FB :haha:

Gill - I am so so sorry about your brother in law. Its awful :hugs::hugs::hugs: can you not help but more suporting and organising than heavy lifting. Does your sister know about your treatment?

GL for :sex: tomorrow. Catch that eggy :winkwink:
Annie of course i didn't! I hoped you didn't think I was comparing what I had been through to you. God, what are we like?!! I hope you are ok? Any signs of AF? :hugs:

Gill, such sad news about your brother in law, i'm so sorry. What an awful thing to have to happen. I hope that your trigger and 2ww are as relaxing as possible given the circumstances. You must feel a bit torn but like you said, you must try and rest as much as possible. People will understand and as long as you can show your thoughts are with them you can't go too wrong :hugs: Good luck lovely!!! Oh, and the new job is going well, lots of home and nursery visits with pre 5 children. Love it! Just need my own and all will be peachy :happydance:

Hi Tinks!! Wow, time creeps slowly on but you are nearly there! Hope you are holding up ok. Have you told work about time off etc? :hugs:

Well cat flap update!! He is using it but is not happy about it!! He seems to find it easier to use the pot plant in the kitchen to do his business than (heaven forbid) open the flap by himself to go out!! So it remains taped up in the day and at night me and DP are using treats to caox him in and out. Like I said, if its worth his while he is fine. If not he makes a terrible screechy cry and sulks, refusing to use it!!! This has gotta be good training for when we have a little one :haha:

Time ticks on and nearly time to start my tablets to induce AF. Its crazy but unlike other times it keeps slipping my mind and then I remembder at random times. So ladies, please, on 20th just check I have actually remembered to start taking them :dohh:

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Well folks the big day is off until Saturday. Thank you so much for all the good vibes. :hugs: :hugs: There's three big follicles (17s), couple of 14s and some other smaller ones. So all done with the scanning, trigger Friday morning and Saturday is the day. Kinda nice it all fell at the weekend and it's supposed to rain here persistently. V. convenient for these activites!! (plus my sis is now moving the following weekend so I will go up and help her pack up stuff but not have to lift anything).

The clexane is starting to give me the most almighty bruises, :wacko: like I've been kicked in the stomach. DH will have to put them in my butt cheeks if god willing we get BFP and it sticks around. :thumbup: Im a nervous wreck thinking about this working/not working. :shrug: Got the first intralipid infusion today. Was fine, just made me pee a ton for about 3 hours after.

After all this time, all those tests, all the bad news, I still can't believe something is happening. :shrug: Just gotta keep taking it one step at a time..

Lolly I can't believe your time is coming around so fast. Holy smokes. Where has this year gone for all of us?

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