icsi in 2011?

gill - im so sorry about your bil i do hope the treatment he gets helps i work with cancer patients everyday and it never seems fair!
good luck for saturday i will be thinking of you! lets hope timed intercourse does the trick!!

lolly - im good thanks af came on the 7th and i will be down regging from the 27th eek! cant wait to have my holiday now! sounds like your cat is getting there with the catflap!

tinks- hope u had a fab break in liverpool! 4 more days eeekkk!!!!!

Lolly we will make sure you take your meds on Tuesday :haha: Any luck with the cat flap?

Gill hope you managed some pretty good :sex: yesterday :winkwink: Is it just a waiting game now or do you have to go back to the clinic? Sorry to hear about the bruising, is it just that certain one that made you bruise?

Annie, hope you are well, not long until your hols now :thumbup:

AFM - We had a fab time in Liverpool. It was just lovely, shame we had to come home only booked one night :growlmad: I was spoilt and wined and dined in a nice restaurant on the albert dock :cloud9::cloud9:

I can not believe I am staring DR tomorrow!!!!! I keep thinking I am going to get to the hospital and they will say sorry but you cant start today :haha:

I am a little worried as I have read a lot of women get quite emotional and overwhelmed when they do their first injection and see all the drugs. Now if I have to do all this whilst at the hospital I am going to feel like a right idiot if a start :cry: infront of the nurse :dohh: She w:dohh:ll think I am loon :haha:
:happydance::happydance: Tinks, can't believe its tomorrow!! And the nurses will have seen all sorts, if you wanna cry you do it girl, its a mad mixture of emotions! When I did mine I was conscious of someone watching and just jammed it in. Then later came up in red blotches around injection site. So my advice to you is don't be put off, don't rush and remember don't be embarrassed, they see it every day. You will be great, look forward to an update tomorrow when you are officially on your ICSI journey :happydance: :hugs:

Annie, glad AF appeared, now go enjoy your holiday!! Lovely way to de-stress and get your body in shape before starting your cycle, you deserve the best time :hugs:

Gill, hope things went to plan yesterday!! Feet up now and lets hope for some good news. Hope your BIL and sis are coping alright, I can't imagine how awful it must be for everyone :hugs:

Well yesterday we went to see our friends little baby. He is 5 weeks, shows how long we have been putting it off. Its terrible really but they don't know and I just couldn't cope with the 'when are you going to have one?' questions. Funnily enough I was fine once I was there. He is gorgeous and I had lovely cuddles, they never even asked either so it was fine. In my head the thought is always worse. Cried before we went and got a bit worked up but after felt happy for them. Me and DP then went for tea and cinema so had a nice day all in all. More cat flap training today. I keep thinking he's getting it but then it pours down and he sits by the door crying and getting soaking wet when he could just walk in :dohh: So think it may still take some time!! Have made a cake today and have eaten too much so might head off for a lie down with my book, can't face thinking about cooking tea just yet!!

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
I am very pleased that you were ok once you got to your friends. Those visits can be hard but we just have to believe that it will be us one day :hugs::hugs:

Silly little cat :haha::haha::haha: He will get there :thumbup:

I will remember your tip hun, thank you. I am so anxious right now, dont know how well I will sleep tonight.
Poor you, its the build up thats the killer. And its so annoying that its a long car journey too! Rescue remedy may help? What times your appointment hun? You will be great :hugs:
Appointment is at 10 :thumbup:

We will see, I may be wrong and sleep really well.
I hope so. Good luck, we will be thinking of you xxxxxxx
Hey Everyone, just thought I'd check in and see what's going on. You are all gearing up for action. :thumbup: :hugs: :hugs: Good luck with all the down regging. :flower: Tinks you will be just fine. :thumbup: You can do this no bother to ye. Stick it in there and concentrate on the words in your head "no pain no gain". At one stage I was taking three injections a day, down to just one stingy one now - Clexane. I have to have a little mantra in my head to do it every time.

Well we have worn ourselves out this weekend. No romantic endeavors, just getting the job done!! The daily steriods have messed up my sleep, Im only getting about three hours each night so Im pretty exhausted most of the time. Was killed with ovulation pains last night to the point my lower back was in bits. Now is just a wait. Im swollen and feeling pretty off but that could be the ongoing meds. Gonna be a long two weeks. Swinging from optimism to misery. The clinic wanted me to make an apt for the beta blood test when I was there the last time but I said I'd wait and see - not put the cart before the horse and tempt fate. So I will do a test on day 14 and pray to mother nature in the mean time.

Been cleaning and stuff for my sister and busy with their stuff this week so that should take our minds off our troubles. My BIL is now waiting on the results of the pet scan to see if the cancer has gone through him. There's a really torturous wait, god love them.

:dust: to you all
Thanks for the pep talk Gill. I will bear all that in mind :thumbup: Your 2ww is going to be a slow one but I have everything crossed for you. I am praying for the best result possible for your bil :hugs::hugs:

AFM - my cons has now decided I should do short protocol instead of long. So I have had needle teach but not done any injections. I will just go straight to stimming on cd 2 or 3.

I have to wait for my period which is due sat/sun and call them on day 1 and then go for a blood test on cd2/3. If my levels are ok I can then start that night or the next. I have been perscribed

150iu of Gonal F each night
0.25mg of Cetrolide each night but only from day 4 of stimming
500mg of metfomin twice a day
5000iu of pregnil 36 hours before EC

I will also get passeries after ET.

Can I ask the girls that have taken gonal F, what was your dosage? Is 150iu low????

My head is spinning but I am a lot more excited than I have been and very glad the process has been shortend.

Oh and they also said my scans indicate PCOS???? News to me, I dont have any symptoms so it I do it must be very very mild :shrug:

We got to the appointment 50 minutes late as well and the nurse wanted to book us in for another day, I nearly had a breakdown lol. They managed to see but we had to wait a bit. The nurses were lovely :thumbup:
Hi tinks, hi gill, hi annie!!

Tinks sorry for late reply, phone lines been playin up since weekend :growlmad: Anyway, its sounds an eventful visit yesterday, thank goodness they still saw you! You must have been so upset, glad it came good in the end. Short protocol is good news, less time and less injections! :happydance:

Gill i hope all is ok with you and you caught that egg!!! Also hope the scan shows good news for your bil and family :hugs:

Well i remembered! First tablet taken. Its 2 a day for 10 days then af about 3 days after that.

Well off to work, catch up with you lovely ladies later, love Lolly x x x x x x :hugs::hugs::hugs:
oh and sure your dose of gonal f is fine. They like it lower due to the suspected pcos. Although like you said yours must be mild as you have regular af etc. My dose started at 112.5mg and still got mild ohss but my pcos is quite bad. They will monitor you extra closely though so you will be fine. Also can i ask what cetrolide is? Even after all this time thats a new one to me!!

Thanks hun x x x :hugs:
Thanks Lolly. The nurses were so nice, the one that did the teach was called Jenny and was very lovely.

Cetrolide is an injection to stop me ov'ing as I am not DR they still need stop ov. Maybe you will be on the same. Have you taken metformin before? I think that is for PCOS???

Glad you have remembered your tablet :thumbup: Are you just waiting for AF now?
Oh maybe I will be too then as this is my first time on short protocol. Thanks!! Yeah Jenny is lovely isn't she, one of the best, so glad that you had her! How are you feeling about everything, is it scary to have all your meds/sharp box etc? Yes metformin is for PCOS, well actually originally its for diabetics to use but has good results for women with PCOS and infertility treeatment. I have it once before and expect to again this cycle. Did you have to go and wait a year at the pharmacy to get it?!!

Yep thats it, pretty much waiting game now for af, should be a couple of weeks yet :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi folks, Tinks I was on 150 of Gonal F for about ten days all in all. I also took the cetrotide to stop ovulation for 2 or 3 days to allow follies to get bigger without popping. Was taking something called tamoxifen too although I dont really know what that was for. Pills for 5 days. Looks like you are all set to go. Don't blame you for having a minor meltdown at the apt. I would have gone to pieces and probably begged on my knees if it had come down to it :dohh: No shame!!! :blush: So fair play to you for sticking to your guns and getting in. :thumbup:

:cry: Things have been pretty dire around here. I haven't felt any symptoms at all. :cry: When I got pregnant before, even though I didn't know it on both occasions until I took a test, I kept notes because I was in the habit of keeping notes and taking temps etc. Looking back, I had sore bb's from ovulation, I always do in a regular month but since down regging over 2 months ago, my bb's have shrunk and completely squishy. Nada happening. Apparently the progesterone supplements can make your mood crap, has anyone else ever found this? :shrug: I've started to think about the next process already. :cry: Will email the doc next week and see if Im to continue on the clexane injections, steroids and anxiety pills and go straight into the next cycle. She said we would do iui if the TSI didn't work. I've already made up my mind, one IUI and then on to ICSI.

Adoption people called me again today. Everything working away there. Will be 4/5 months before the next step in that process.

Spent the day scrubbing at my sisters new rented house again. They move down from the north this weekend. Its good to at least keep busy. Gotta leave at 6.30 in the morning to go mind their little girl while they go for more tests and meetings with docs. Back to work next Monday. Had been hoping to go back with more optimism but it's just not there.
Well just thought I'd come back again after a ton of reading. Apparently at 3 dpo the eggie hasnt even entered the uterus yet so symptoms would prob be a miracle. Supposed to be after implantation when things might kick in. I'll keep a little bit of hope in the back of my mind and try to forget about this for a while. So hard!!
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Gill :hugs::hugs::hugs: I was going to say it is far too early to be feeling anything. I would prob be feeling just as upset if I was you, I think maybe sometimes people just assume the worst after too much disappointment, but please hun, try and hang in there. You have been pregnant twice so who is to say it won't happen this time huh? It is always good to keep busy but remember you are in 2ww and need to take it easy. Have everything crossed for you. How was your little niece? Hope BIL and sis got some more positive next steps at their appointments today :hugs:

Hi Tinks, hope you are holding up ok. Are you planning any time off work during this whole process?

I have my injection teach tomorrow so have morning off work. Haven't told work again - not going to either!! Have just started a new job in the dept and don't want people thinking I will be off on maternity before i've even got going (I find people assume it will work as soon as you mention IVF, sigh...) Its hard as my diary is full and just keeps getting fuller. I am deliberately trying not to book early morning visits/meetings in case they fall on scan days. I also don't want to estimate and book time off as I don't know when EC will fall. Last time they had to move it forward last minute due to OHSS so I know things never go to plan. Last time I rang in sick for the week of EC and transfer but don't really want to again as working in the NHS we get very few sick leaves within 12 months before you are hauled before HR. Is it wrong this is stressing me most of all? Am I using this as an excuse not to focus on whats really important here??? Sorry guys, feeling a bit blue :cry:

Gill - I was just thinkin it is far to early before seeing your second post. The mind games have to be the worst but please stay strong, there is no reason why this wont be your time.

How did it go with your neice??? Hope your Bil appointment went ok.

Lolly, GL with the needle teach tomorrow. Get there on time :haha: Its so hard to plan work as you said, things get moved. All you can do is do what you are doing. Try and make sure you have free ish morning for scans and bloods. Have you got much leave left? Maybe you could take a that for EC/ET if you want to keep it quiet? Do not appologise, its what we are here for :thumbup:

I am just planing on working around my appointments, have EC plus a rest day and ET off. Then I want the last part of the 2ww off. I could not cope getting AF at work. My work do know, I have been quite open about it and I am now wondering if I have been too open but whats done is done. I know what you mean about people assuming it will work. I have a new line manager and she was going on about expectant mother risk assesments???? Hello, no baby yet!!! She means well though. I work for the DWP and we have a 8 day sick leave in 12 months trigger point and then its normally an offical warning :growlmad:

Lolly, Jenny was lovely and there was another young girl/women with blonde hair, she was nice also. Yes we had to over to the main hospital with our carrier bag full of drugs and wait, shell shocked :haha:

I am feeling ok about it all at the moment but I have just said to DH that I jsut feel constantly on edge, even if I am relaxing. I feel better than I thought I would though :thumbup:. I have got drugs and a sharps box staring at me in the front room and drugs staring at me everytime I open the fridge :haha: I just want to get jabbing already.

Hope everyone is well :kiss:
Thanks Tinks! :hugs:

Yeah I have leave left, its just the fear of EC being sprung on you and having to ask for leave with only a days notice - its meant to be a week. Oh well, guess what will be will be and if I have to ring sick again I will. Only thing there is if I did would have to have a block of sick days from EC to ET as that would only count as 1 sickness. If I had EC off went back a couple of days then ET off sick it would count as 2. Confusing :dohh: But you are in same boat but with days, thats kinda worse. We are allowed 3 sick leaves but one sick leave can be weeks if you understand???

Was the blond one called Sam? She did my very first teach. Or there is another one who did my last transfer who I really like, but can't remember her name. There are so many!!! :wacko: Haha!

Its surreal isn't it, going to the fridge to get the milk and staring at your triggers shot :haha: Good luck staying sane next few days, sure you will be fine :thumbup:

Thanks for your support as always :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxx
I guess we just have to believe it will all work out and work will be the last thing we are worried about at EC/ET :thumbup: It is all confusing and worrying at the minute though.

The other might have been Sam, I was having my melt down when I was speaking to her so didn't pay much attention :blush:

Trigger shot and gonal F sat there with the milk and butter :haha::haha::haha: so strange.

How are you coping hun? You have the long AF wait before the fun begins, that must be tough :hugs:
Aww poor you, don't worry,next time you see them i'm sure all will be :thumbup: Maybe seeing some nice follies :happydance:

Yeah sure you are right, the work issue will fade away. Think like you said its the long af wait now. But at least I know when it'll come. Makes it a bit easier at least instead of wondering if it will be late/early etc. Then need the scan like you to see if can start stims. Never had a scan while on af, can't imagine it'll be too good :wacko:

Although left my dignity at the door a long time ago :haha:


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