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icsi in 2011?

Lolly hun you sound so focused. Good on you :thumbup: Your DP loves you for who you are remember that, do not feel guilty. You have done nothing to bring this on, its not your fault. I am on the other side so I can asure you that if he is like me the I would not change my DH for the world and we will get through this :hugs::hugs: There is a problem and we are trying our best, thats all that matters not who or what the problem is :thumbup:

Yes I am feeling sick and my tummy is upset, I am thinking it is the metformin like you said. I am feeling twinges but not really strong so hope its working. My tummy is growing though. I start cetrotide tomorrow night so that should be fun :haha: I think my bloods where fine as they didn't contact me. Was first there again woop woop.

Come on AF, hope she shows on time for you. I know she should because of the pills though.
Thanks tinks, that means so much! I really am focused. Think first time was so anxious, least time really positive. This time just go with the flow and focusing on entering the new year with a clear plan, one way or another!

Sorry you are feeling a bit rubbish :hugs: but great that they didnt ring, means everything is spot on :thumbup: will be interested to know how you get on with the cetrotide, its a new one for me so heres hoping all round its not a stinger! Sure it will be fine though. Has jabbing started to feel like the norm yet?!!

AF should be sunday. Never been late on these meds so hoping to follow suit!

How are you managing drinkin all the water? I found it tough but think ive got an extra small bladder :haha: x x x x x x
The cetrotide stung. It was ok going in but once I had pulled the needle out it started stinging and around the injection site went red and hot, I now have a lump just below it :dohh: Its not too bad and bareable but I certainly will not miss it. The Gonal F just seems like routine now and I dont even have to think about it :thumbup:

Still queasy on and off. Keep think that I feel better and then it hits me again :dohh: I am dinking loads of water, aiming for about 3 litres a day and peeing all the time :haha:

I am just praying that we have good news when we go for the scan. I ahev an awfull feeling I will not produce enough follies or none at all :nope:

So will you be starting Monday night then Lolly????

Nice to get some comforting words back :hugs:

Had a good think about going for the next cycle so will defo be speakin to the doctors on October 12th see what changes and that I might make or anything I need to do differently :)

Went away overnight to recover from the bad news of the BFN but fingers crossed it will eventually happen to all of us soon :winkwink: I bet were all just hoping for the day to have a BFP :happydance:

Take care & i'l try keep up with everyone :winkwink:
Hi everyone!

How has everyones week been?

Tinks, you will be doing fine and am sure you will see lots of lovely follies tomorrow! Remember your bloods were fine and obviously in line with what they would expect to see, so thats a greeat indication :hugs: Sorry to hear that the cetrotide stung you, bit scared now :wacko: But sure we've all been through worse pain, guess gotta grit your teeth and bear it. Hope the sickness is fading a bit? The water should be helping, good for you with 3litres, I find that bit so hard! But best way to stay feeling well and get best results possible. Keep it up, you're doing great! :happydance: Can't wait to hear some good news tomorrow :hugs:

Gill, how are you doing sweetie? :hugs:

T4B, so sorry to hear of your failed cycle, its so hard isn't it? How are you holding up? You last post sounded quite positive so I hope that you are moving on a bit and looking to round 2 :hugs:

Nayla, how are you hun? How is the arm? :hugs:

afm... finished my af tabs so hoping :witch: shows sunday. All being well scan monday and start Gonal F monday night. But not placing everything on that schedule becuase I know hoe easily things have change for me in the past. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!! :flower:

Lots of love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone!

How has everyones week been?

Tinks, you will be doing fine and am sure you will see lots of lovely follies tomorrow! Remember your bloods were fine and obviously in line with what they would expect to see, so thats a greeat indication :hugs: Sorry to hear that the cetrotide stung you, bit scared now :wacko: But sure we've all been through worse pain, guess gotta grit your teeth and bear it. Hope the sickness is fading a bit? The water should be helping, good for you with 3litres, I find that bit so hard! But best way to stay feeling well and get best results possible. Keep it up, you're doing great! :happydance: Can't wait to hear some good news tomorrow :hugs:

Gill, how are you doing sweetie? :hugs:

T4B, so sorry to hear of your failed cycle, its so hard isn't it? How are you holding up? You last post sounded quite positive so I hope that you are moving on a bit and looking to round 2 :hugs:

Nayla, how are you hun? How is the arm? :hugs:

afm... finished my af tabs so hoping :witch: shows sunday. All being well scan monday and start Gonal F monday night. But not placing everything on that schedule becuase I know hoe easily things have change for me in the past. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!! :flower:

Lots of love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Lolly :winkwink: I'm doing much better now & I think by making myself talk positive and trying to feel it is getting me by.. Had a few arguments over it all as I always need to put the blame on someone but sorted everything out now and really focusing on the next cycle. I can't wait to go again. I think for me the hard part of the whole process is the ER which is painful for the few days & the end of the 2ww. I'm going to use my counsellor in our hospital this time to talk to her about everything and for her to help me through it to. Might as well take advantage of it all while its der :winkwink:

Say your getting really excited now to start your Gonal F - fingers crossed for you both :flower: Are u ICSI or IVF :winkwink:
Good for you T4B! Sometimes its the only way forward. The counsellor is a good idea, I've seen my hospitals one and would recommend it. Like you say, make the most! Mine was good as she had been through failed cycles before and knew exactly how I was feeling and wasn't just someone trained to say the 'right thing'. I would definately have gone/go a lot more if my hospital was closer.

I am doing ICSI, DPs SA is 20mill and quite good, but at one stage dipped to 13mill a couple of years back, and so they do it now as standard. Suits me to be honest! I'm hoping to start soon, but last time had loads of cysts pop up as a reaction to buseralin and so all my dates changed at last minute. Strange as never happened first cycle. Medical mystery!! So this time I am on short protocol. Its just taught me not to pin everything on a day, so when I say monday, basically, who knows!!! xxxxxxxxx
hey all im back from my holiday all tanned and relaxed ( well i got back sun night but ive had a busy week lol!)

nayla sweetie im so glad to see you back here keep that chin up and you will know when the time is right there is no shame in feeling down or that you are not feeling as strong as other people we all have different ways to cope.

lolly glad you may be starting your gonal f on monday that is good news! i hope all is well with you.

tinks short protocol fantastic we were so close we arent anymore! but im so excited you may get to your forever baby a bit quicker after the wait you have had!

gill i hope the 2ww is serving you well and that in a couple of days you get the bfp you so deserve!

welcome trying for babies i hope you get to start cycle no 2 soon!

afm i started my down regging injections on tuesday tired and hot already plus with this weather hot flushes are the worst! next appt is on the 17th oct when i shoud hopefully start stims and i have my acupuncture all booked! xxx
Good for you T4B! Sometimes its the only way forward. The counsellor is a good idea, I've seen my hospitals one and would recommend it. Like you say, make the most! Mine was good as she had been through failed cycles before and knew exactly how I was feeling and wasn't just someone trained to say the 'right thing'. I would definately have gone/go a lot more if my hospital was closer.

I am doing ICSI, DPs SA is 20mill and quite good, but at one stage dipped to 13mill a couple of years back, and so they do it now as standard. Suits me to be honest! I'm hoping to start soon, but last time had loads of cysts pop up as a reaction to buseralin and so all my dates changed at last minute. Strange as never happened first cycle. Medical mystery!! So this time I am on short protocol. Its just taught me not to pin everything on a day, so when I say monday, basically, who knows!!! xxxxxxxxx

I think the SA is shocking. My DH SA first test was bad and every time he done another sample it got worse. His motility has improved from 5% to 20% so i'm buying him the pregnacare tablets when mine run out The duo pack works out cheaper :winkwink:happy days haha..

I was on the antagonist protocol and found it grand - the DH done all my needles and to be honest I was expecting to feel very odd ..

Shame bout the cysts but hopefully you'l be all sorted in no time :flower:

I think all the hospitals are different everywhere I'm in Dublin and the injections I was on are all different .. I used to be so hooked on watching test tubes babies. Think its over for the season :nope:

Hi Annie - I'd say you had a lovely holiday and they say having a relaxing break before hand can do you the world of good :)

Look forward to reading all your stories :flower::flower:
Good for you T4B! Sometimes its the only way forward. The counsellor is a good idea, I've seen my hospitals one and would recommend it. Like you say, make the most! Mine was good as she had been through failed cycles before and knew exactly how I was feeling and wasn't just someone trained to say the 'right thing'. I would definately have gone/go a lot more if my hospital was closer.

I am doing ICSI, DPs SA is 20mill and quite good, but at one stage dipped to 13mill a couple of years back, and so they do it now as standard. Suits me to be honest! I'm hoping to start soon, but last time had loads of cysts pop up as a reaction to buseralin and so all my dates changed at last minute. Strange as never happened first cycle. Medical mystery!! So this time I am on short protocol. Its just taught me not to pin everything on a day, so when I say monday, basically, who knows!!! xxxxxxxxx

I think the SA is shocking. My DH SA first test was bad and every time he done another sample it got worse. His motility has improved from 5% to 20% so i'm buying him the pregnacare tablets when mine run out The duo pack works out cheaper :winkwink:happy days haha..

I was on the antagonist protocol and found it grand - the DH done all my needles and to be honest I was expecting to feel very odd ..

Shame bout the cysts but hopefully you'l be all sorted in no time :flower:

I think all the hospitals are different everywhere I'm in Dublin and the injections I was on are all different .. I used to be so hooked on watching test tubes babies. Think its over for the season :nope:

Hi Annie - I'd say you had a lovely holiday and they say having a relaxing break before hand can do you the world of good :)

Look forward to reading all your stories :flower::flower:

You're in Dublin!!! Im going to Sims in Clonskeagh. Went through the mill with Merrion and changed over to do the autoimmune stuff at sims. Where are you attending??

Oh wait, maybe you mean Dublin, San Fran or somewhere else....ooops!
morning ladies!

Tinks, how are you getting on hun? Was it scan day yesterday? I hope you got on well. Been thinking of you :hugs:

Annie, your holiday sounds amazing, just what you needed. Yay for starting, wishing you all the luck in the world for this cycle :hugs:

Gill, how are you lovely? :hugs:

Hi t4b, have you had a nice weekend? :hugs:

Afm... Af started today so in for bloods and scan tomorrow and hopefully start gonal f tomorrow. Bit scared as DP has really big meeting that he is presenting in and tomorrow is the one day he cant do. So hoping is pretty routine and no bad cyst news that i have to deal with on my own! :wacko:

Love to you all, lolly x x x x x x x
morning ladies!

Tinks, how are you getting on hun? Was it scan day yesterday? I hope you got on well. Been thinking of you :hugs:

Annie, your holiday sounds amazing, just what you needed. Yay for starting, wishing you all the luck in the world for this cycle :hugs:

Gill, how are you lovely? :hugs:

Hi t4b, have you had a nice weekend? :hugs:

Afm... Af started today so in for bloods and scan tomorrow and hopefully start gonal f tomorrow. Bit scared as DP has really big meeting that he is presenting in and tomorrow is the one day he cant do. So hoping is pretty routine and no bad cyst news that i have to deal with on my own! :wacko:

Love to you all, lolly x x x x x x x

Hi lolly hope u had a great wkend too :) I'm not feeling very good this wkend. 3 people I know are pregnant. Shes now over 5 months pregnant with her 2nd baby and got pregnant a month after her 1st. The other girl I know didn't ever want children and the 3rd girl is delighted and she well deserves it but i just cant help feeling really annoyed about it all. I'm sure i'll get over it soon but just very heartbroken now.. :cry::cry:
Hi Everyone,
T4B where are you attending? You might have missed my previous msg to you. It's so hard when everyone comes out of the woodwork pregnant. Don't blame you for lying low and feeling feckin miserable. There's nothing fair or just about it. it's probably a terrible way to think about it but I try to tell myself that everyone will have some strife in their life, ours is having kids, and these other peoples will come in a different form. :nope: It's stops the green with envy from becoming bright neon :) You have all our hugs :hugs: :hugs:

Off to clinic tomorrow for confirmation that last cycle didnt work, new prescription for IUI cycle and to get the chicago tests done. Really need to discuss the meds too. The steriods are leaving me with so little sleep, the anti anxiety stuff has flung my libido off a bridge, the progesterone turned me into a hostile monster. Only thing that doesnt seem to have done anything bad is the clexane injections. I've started to take some weird sadistic pleasure in battering my stomach with needles. No pain on gain and goddamit, somethings gotta work!!! :grr:

Lolly good luck tomorrow with your apt. :thumbup: Glad things are moving for you now. Keep us posted. :hugs:
evening lovely ladies!

Gill im really sorry things are still a battle, how did you get on today. As if its not enough to have to deal with the process and hurt, crazy drug induced behaviour to boot is just takin the you know what :hugs: i agree that everyone has their own challenges, just wish this wasnt ours. Although only truely appreciate that now. Think sadly if i had had my family very easily i would prob be stressing over money or something stupid. I now feel that if we are blessed with a child i will never complain again!! Thinking of you :hugs:

T4B so sorry you are feeling that way. Eugh its the worst. Especially when they complain of the sickness etc. While sure they must be struggling i would give anything to puke every morning!! Sweetie, it is a cycle of ups and downs and im sorry you are down today. But we are here and know exactly how you feel, you are not alone. All my love :hugs:
Hi annie, how is DR? xxxx

Hi tinks and nayla if you are reading. Stay strong x x x x x

Well strange day. Bloods done early. Had to take my notes to the nurses. Everyone swanning through with their little sheets and theres me with my 2 massive files :wacko:Then waited for a prescription for metformin, then back for scan. All in all took about 3hours, mainly waiting :growlmad::growlmad: anyway 1 fluid cyst which was already rupturing, great! Then she drops the 'but there are 25 pcos cysts on each ovary, so 50 in total!!' HORRIFIED! so went back to see nurse and she told me i'd won with that number... Not funny! Said not to worry, as if, that it was not unusual, as if, and to wait for hormone level results. So armed with this info i left feelin pretty depressed and 4hours late for work!

So call at 2.30 and hormone levels are spot on :happydance: and can start gonal f tonight! Shocked is an understatement! First injection in 20 minutes and countin, watch this space! X X X X X X X
T4B - It is so so hard when everyone around you seems to be pregant, espescially when the babies are not planned or even wanted :hugs::hugs: Stay strong hun, it will be our turn one day.

Gill - How did you get on at the clinic? Sorry for all the side effects, you arent half having a cocktail of meds :hugs::hugs:

Lolly - 50 cysts :wacko: can you feel them? You poor thing :hugs::hugs: BUT :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: for starting tonight. Have they given you a pen? I got one but wasnt expecting it, makes the job easier :thumbup: Try not to worry about the cetrotide, it does sting and become itchy at first but after 2 or 3 its a lot better, I think my body must be just use to it now or something. I was at St Marys this morning also. Had a scan at 8.40am and was in and out so I am proberly one of the girls you were glaring at :haha::haha::winkwink: So happy you are starting again :happydance::happydance::happydance:

AFM - Scan done this morning and I have 7 follies on the left and 5 on the right. 1 is massive though and will be too big and a few are very little so need to catch up if they can be considered. There is about 5 on target. I cant remember the sizes and they didnt tell me about how thick my lining was :dohh: I am in again on Wednesday and if there is at least 3 big enough I will trigger Wednesday night and have EC on Friday. So girls I now need your prayers that my little follies will grow, I want double figures of egg collected :haha: I know it may be asking a bit too much but hay ho, a girl can dream (or would this be a nightmere :haha:). They seemed really pleased and said I was on target so I cant complain I guess :thumbup:
Awww tinks no way!!! I would have come and found you :haha: i didnt go upstairs til bout half ten though. Had bloods then out to pharmacy and then a spoons brekkie on my lonesome!
:happydance::happydance: well done with follies :thumbup::happydance::happydance: Plenty of time hun, so come on follies, GROW!! And im sure your lining will be spot on or they would say. Are you in wednesday? I am for bloods. But you sound like all is going great :happydance:

As for the cysts its weird really. I have always had little twinges but nothin much. Never really thought of it til last cycle but thats what it was. Its the fluid cysts that are hormone releasing so the little ones are ok. Does creep me out though!!

Thanks for injection advice, am a bit nervous but think its the thought thats probably worse. What vitamins are you takin hun? Bet it feels crazy that this time next week you might be pupo :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oooh where is the spoons??? Could have done with that on Saturday :haha:

I am back Wednesday for a scan at half 9.

I am not really taking any vits, just folic acid. I was taking a multi vit but the packet said not take if TTC so jsut stopped it. Maybe I should be taking more :shrug:

It doesn;t seem real that I could be PUPO next week, still feel so far away.

How did your firs jab go??? Or are you just about to do it?
hi all leave this for 5 mins and its all a go again he he he!!

lolly 50 cysts omg! i hope your bloods go well on weds and all go's well on the gonal f!!

tink omg your so close all ready wish i was on the the short protocol! humph!!! i really hope all go's wel on weds and you get to trigger for egg collection wooooooooooooooo!!

gill how did it go today?

afm just gotta keep going with the down regging one week done 2 more to go! xxx
Thank you Annie. I am so releived to have skipt DR and its all happend at once. Flet like I was thrown in at the deep end but now I have my head around SP I would much rather be on it than LP :thumbup: Every clinic seems to differ but a few girls have been moved onto it recently. Lets hope its a good thing :thumbup:

1 week done already :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
If you go out of the clinic, turn left and keep going, across the road, past Tesco and Lidl and its there on your left. We only found it last cycle right at the end! Couldn't believe we had wasted so many hours wondering how to kill time when we could have been having bacon butties :haha:

As for the vitamins, thats all you need. Its all most clinics recommend. What i'm taking and suddenly felt worried its not enough. But there's so much rubbish out there about what to do/not to do its probably best stick to what the professionals say!

Ah, won't see you wednesday. Only in for bloods so aiming for early start. Do you need bloods and a scan then? Have to try for 8.20 bloods and then won't feel like such a long wait til 9.30!

Hi Annie! You go girl :thumbup: Its strange being on SP, forgot how long an actual long cycle is. When you start stims what meds/dose will you be on?


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