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icsi in 2011?

Hey folks, plenty of lovely chat on here! :coffee: :flower: I can't believe all the action. Tinks holy cow. Things are flying for you now. :thumbup: One more week!!! Yay!! Lolly you'll we like a doctor yourself when you are finished with all this stuff. My lord, you've been through the wars. I didn't know they did mri scans for hormone stuff! Annie, how is the down regging going? Any weird menopausal side effects? The night sweats really got me.

Im going to chime in about the acupuncture. I rang Karen Costin myself when we were thinking about acupuncture in January. In the end we went to someone local who specialises in fertility acupuncture so we could go at night. I dont know if it had anything to do with it but DH was doing it for a few weeks when we got pregnant naturally, right when we were about to do ICSI. Turns out I was pregnant when we signed the consents that time. I know it takes 72 days for sperm to grow but honestly I think the acupuncture did something. DH's numbers were dire around that time and still we managed to get pregnant so I think it did something for motility. We will prob both do a session now before this IUI.

Went to clinic today and got new prescription. A few new additions. Clinone (I think that's what the box said) instead of cyclogest. And also will be on estrogen as well as progesterone this time around. No down regulation, just waiting for period and straight to gonal f and then tamoifen. Gonal F have newer fancy pens now too, just to make it more complicated! Spotted a little this evening so hopefully AF just around the corner. Gotta go back to clinic tomorrow for the chicago tests. Turns out they can only do them on Tuesdays, the blood has got to be fresh and they fly them out on Tuesday evenings. I felt sorry for the poor girl who had to ring me this evening to give the beta test results. She said it was zero and I ended up consoling her! lol.:dohh:

T4B, don't know anything about the Hari so would be happy to hear your experiences. Merrion were great for any physical problem but useless for what we needed. They wasted an enormous amount of time for us and now my amh is so low I don't have time to be messing around. Sims are much more willing and able and on the ball. No time wasting!

Come on AF lets got rocking and rolling!! :grr::grr:
Hey folks, plenty of lovely chat on here! :coffee: :flower: I can't believe all the action. Tinks holy cow. Things are flying for you now. :thumbup: One more week!!! Yay!! Lolly you'll we like a doctor yourself when you are finished with all this stuff. My lord, you've been through the wars. I didn't know they did mri scans for hormone stuff! Annie, how is the down regging going? Any weird menopausal side effects? The night sweats really got me.

Im going to chime in about the acupuncture. I rang Karen Costin myself when we were thinking about acupuncture in January. In the end we went to someone local who specialises in fertility acupuncture so we could go at night. I dont know if it had anything to do with it but DH was doing it for a few weeks when we got pregnant naturally, right when we were about to do ICSI. Turns out I was pregnant when we signed the consents that time. I know it takes 72 days for sperm to grow but honestly I think the acupuncture did something. DH's numbers were dire around that time and still we managed to get pregnant so I think it did something for motility. We will prob both do a session now before this IUI.

Went to clinic today and got new prescription. A few new additions. Clinone (I think that's what the box said) instead of cyclogest. And also will be on estrogen as well as progesterone this time around. No down regulation, just waiting for period and straight to gonal f and then tamoifen. Gonal F have newer fancy pens now too, just to make it more complicated! Spotted a little this evening so hopefully AF just around the corner. Gotta go back to clinic tomorrow for the chicago tests. Turns out they can only do them on Tuesdays, the blood has got to be fresh and they fly them out on Tuesday evenings. I felt sorry for the poor girl who had to ring me this evening to give the beta test results. She said it was zero and I ended up consoling her! lol.:dohh:

T4B, don't know anything about the Hari so would be happy to hear your experiences. Merrion were great for any physical problem but useless for what we needed. They wasted an enormous amount of time for us and now my amh is so low I don't have time to be messing around. Sims are much more willing and able and on the ball. No time wasting!

Come on AF lets got rocking and rolling!! :grr::grr:

Gill thats amazing about your experience with the acupuncture. I'd go to anyone really but I want to find out costs first.. Is it expensive for the acupuncture?? :wacko:

I've heard so many different stories from clinics but we were referred to the Hari Unit from the doctor in emergency. A girl I know is a midwife and I was bleeding quite heavily so she just made me go to the Rotunda and that was pure luck for us cause we got an appointment really quick so was kinda faith :flower:

Firstly we were under Dr. Rishi but then we seen Dr. Monaco - We had a meeting with him and although the doctors seem to lack a human touch so I've read I think its because its pretty straight forward to them. We were in and out in 15 minutes. Gave us a list of things to do & gave me the pink protocol card and we were on the way. Only needed to give a months notice to say when the next period was due and that was it. Extremely straight forward which I'm glad about now for going to cycle number 2 :winkwink:

They have an open meeting which is compulsory and I couldn't believe the room was full I'd say about 500 people. Just goes to show the amount of people TTC.

The nurses are very very nice and the lady who does the ER is amazing. They all have the human touch and treat you like a proper person and really are all excited for you going for treatment. I don't know there names - can't remember but I do have some favorites :winkwink:

You seem to be on completely different meds to me. Everyone seems to be. What protocol is everyone on?

xx Babydust to you all:flower::flower:
Hi folks, how's everyone doing?? :flower: Any new developments??

T4B the acupuncture costs us 50 euro each, a go. Apparently we could claim some of it back if we had vhi but we don't so we can't! We spent quite a lot of money on it at the start of the year. :cry: Those open meetings sound absolutely terrifying. 500 odd people must have been quite shocking. It's really interesting to hear what other hospitals and clinics are doing. Did you try any other procedures or meds before going straight to ICSI?. Im on so many meds because of miscarriages, antibodies, anxiety etc. Merrion would give me nothing at all, not even an aspirin, but thankfully Sims are much more open to progress and giving things a chance. If, at the end of the day, nothing works, we will honestly say we gave it our best and tried everything we could.

I went back up to clinic for the chicago tests today. Got talking to the lovely cons. Seems I will have to do another intralipid infusion for this cycle. It's all megabucks. :wacko: Conveniently my period arrived during the night so its all up and running from tomorrow and first scan on Saturday morning.:thumbup: I think the cons was reading my mind or something because we were talking about the IUI and she said if this doesnt work, we will go straight to more "aggressive' treatment and not wasting time. I thanked her for reading my mind and told her that the down regging seems to have worked because I have no period pains! The endo must have gone from the lack of estrogen. :happydance: It's great not to have that pain which from experience is as bad as miscarriage pain and lasts as long.
Hey Gill. Hope ur meds will do you the world of good. That girl who's now pregnant had 3 miscarriages. she's about 3 months now so not sure her exact story and not my business to ask so ders luck for everyone at some stage :winkwink:

50euro isn't so bad for the acupuncture at all but I suppose if ya've to go a lot of the time its a lot a money. That's 100 a wk for one session each.
We didn't try anything before the ICSI except the NAOMI where I learn about my monthly's and determine when I ovulate etc. I know all that inside out and didn't work so when we got referred we jumped at the chance. Wouldn't say there is much more we can change in our lives. ICSI seems to be the only option unless his sperm improves.... :winkwink:

Hope everyone's doin well with all der meds and you's are all relaxing - doctors orders :flower::flower:
Hi gang.

T4B - I am short protocol :thumbup: Really hope you get some good news at you follow up appotintment :hugs:

I wish we lived nearer to the clinic, it takes 1.5 - 2 hours to get there 3plus in traffic so can be a like 5 hour round trip :dohh:

Gill - Souds like you have some possitive news and more meds, is there anything they have not perscribed you :haha: FX for this time hun. I have a gonal F pen, they are very easy to use :thumbup:

Annie - How are you hun?

Lolly - How is DR going? I have only had a scan the last 2 times I have been so didn't need to go the blood room first :thumbup: We had breakie in spoons this morning, very handy to know thats there :winkwink:

AFM - We had a follie scan this morning and we have 6 follies bang on and about 6 just a little small but should be able to catch up. I am having my trigger shot tonight at 10pm and EC is Friday morning. Oh and one follie is still way to big, its got carried away apparently :haha:. I am happy with that and feel very lucky that so far my treatment has gone well and to plan :thumbup: So nervous about being out to sleep for EC, Havent had to go under before so its all new :nope:
Hi everyone!

Gill I’m really sorry that your negative was confirmed. You are so lovely though, comforting the nurse! You sound so positive for your next steps so good for you girl, you go kick some ass!!! :ninja: :gun: :grr:

Hi T4B, how are you? So you sound like you will be starting round 2 soon, have you got any rough dates yet?

Tinks, how are you? Achey I bet but great news with all your follies!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Congratulations for EC Friday, so happy for you!! :thumbup: Totally understandable you are nervous but you will be fine and they will take good care of you! :hugs: Wow, can't believe you are here already!

Hi Annie, hows DR going? Hows the hot flushes going?!!

AFM... was in for bloods this morning, another 5am start!! All was fine so continuing with 112.5 of gonal f and back again Saturday for another blood test and then scan Monday. I have taken 3 shots of the stims so far and start on the cetrotide tomorrow. Bad thing is I have uni on a Thursday night 6-9 and take the injections just before 7. So looks like it means taking a cool bag to work tomorrow and then injecting at uni. At the moment i’m debating whether to tell my tutors and get excused from lectures for few mins and get a room, or just go to the toilets. I don’t really want to tell them (and get the pity looks/chat-especially doing an early years childcare degree!!) but at same time I have to mix up the cetrotide and am worried to mix it in a dirty bathroom/spill it. What do ya reckon girls?!! :shrug:

I’m bit achey but not sure if its follie feelings this early of end of af. Also metformin gave me a really badly upset stomach in the night but luckily ok now. Just so tired but prob more to do with getting up at stupid o’clock this morning! :wacko:

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx :kiss:
Lolly - Glad your bloods came back ok. If the toilets are nasty then I would ask for a room. The cetroide is sealed and you push the needle through the seal so you cant spill it if that helps. Have you got a pen for gonal F? That will be easier. I thought that I could feel twitches and twinges from day 2 :thumbup: The metformin is nasty isn't it? It still doesnt agree with me :growlmad:

We joined you this morning in the 5am madness :wacko:

I am feeling very uncomfortable and just worn out tonight. I am thinking of calling in work sick tomorrow, I really dont think I can face it if I feel like this :nope:
Thanks Tinks, good to know about the safety cap. Yep have a pen so that ones ok. Eeek, still in two minds what to do! :dohh:

Ahhh, poor you :hugs: You should ring in sick if you can't face it, you will be off friday anyway so don't push yourself. Feet up and daytime tv is needed!! :thumbup: Eugh, early mornings are killer huh :wacko: Its so dark and cold! But only one more early start to go for you :happydance::happydance: Oh, and glad you found spoonies :haha: We couldn't believe we had missed it for so long!!

Yeah the metformin is bad, sorry you are still struggling with it. I try and take it on a full stomach but still getting sicky feeling. Lets hope we are getting sick for different reason soon :happydance::cloud9:
Lolly your conundrum reminds of what happened a few weeks back. I was stuck in traffic in the city and had to pull in and park on the street and do a cetrotide injection.:wacko: There was just no other option.:shrug: I was a bit mortified in case anyone would think I was doing drugs in the car or something but its amazing what you can do when you have to. It wouldnt be so bad if my stomach wasnt completely bruised from the clexane injections. It looks like I've been beaten up.

Tinks, will be thinking of you tomorrow. We are rooting for you and will be dying to hear how it all went.:hugs:

Booked acupuncture for next week for DH and I. It's worth a shot. IUI doesnt have great odds of working in general but hey, we gotta give it our best.

Thinking about Christmas and hoping everyone here gets their greatest heart's desire.
Thanks Gill.

The acupuncture is worth a shot hun, what have you got to lose? I have everythin crossed for the IUI hun :hugs:

Well I am very nervous about tomorrow now. Worried I will be aware of things around me :dohh: I am scared of being put to sleep as I have never experienced it before but I would rather just fall asleep and wake up not aware of anything thats gone on.
My internet went last nite so missed u all chatting away.. so hard to keep up haha

Gill - I think we'll all be going for the acupuncture :) happy days - might as well have a shot it can only help that bit better :) Hope it goes well for you ... let me know how it feels xx

Tinks - i'm on the antagonist protocol. Is that a short one.. I think ders a few so i'm a bit lost haha Good luck with your egg collection in the morning - hope you feel really good after it. I was so sore for the few days.. but sure its worth it ;) I was put asleep for my ER and the DH woke me up.. I was so sore they hooked me up to a drip of pain killers but dont be worrying. I heard its very uncomfortable if your awake and you feel like you've had a lovely sleep :)

Lolly - havent a clue if I'd be allowed start on my next period - do they normally let you do it the month after??? i wouldn't mind to be honest. I'm due around 21st october and have my review on the 12th :) If i were you I wouldn't want to tell them but again how clean are the loo's. It's bad enough doing the injections itself without worrying how sterile the place is :) I'd go for a little room xx
hi all,

god this moves fast when i dissapear!

Gill im glad your all geared up for your next iuifingers crossed for this cycle! xx

tinks goodluck tmrw i will be thinking of you hunni! Lots of eggies hopefully xxxx

lolly glad all is ok when is your scan?

t4b - i hope at your review you can arrange to get going as long as you feel ready i needed these last three months to recover from my last cycle and miscarriage and actually my new clinic wanted two periods before i started but that may have been because of my d and c xxx

afm, im having a immediate skin reaction to my injections each night it doesnt bother me but i will ring the clinic if it continues x and im just so tired but otherwise all good and continuing to remain positive about it all xxx
Evening everyone!

Tinks, mega good luck for tomorrow!! You will be sedated like a deep sleep and to be honest it will probably knock you out! (which is a plus in my eyes :thumbup:) I remember waking up last time thinking 'did I say that or dream it?' so its all a bit fuzzy. You will be great and sure to get some nice eggies :happydance::happydance: good luck hun, we are all routing for you!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

T4B, my clinic make you wait 3 periods (or in my case 2 and a bit months and then induce one :dohh:) before another cycle, but have heard so many different stories. Again, different clinic different rules. Hopefully you should get some answers at your review appointment, not long now :thumbup:

Hi Annie, sorry to hear about your reaction, but good that you are managing it. Strange that it didn't happen last time :shrug: I hear ya with the sleepiness! But great to hear you are on track, have you got 1 week DR left?

Hi Gill! God the things we do to get our injections on time huh! I have nearly had to do it in the car once and had exactly the same worry, luckily we made it back just in time!! Good to hear that you are good to go with acupuncture and IUI :happydance:

Well girls, sorry for the late post, it has been my manic thursday (just what I really didn't need!!) I chickened out of telling them at uni in the end and 6.50 was sat religiously in the toilets with a ton of alcohol wipes and away I went :haha: Managed to mix the cetrotide ok but youch, did it sting!! Not going in but like Tinks said, after and left a red welt and bled a bit! But maybe I just did it too quick as was worried everyone would think I had been sat on the loo a bit too long :haha: Next bloods saturday and then a scan and bloods monday. I'm super sleepy and bit achey at times but ok. Have fell asleep watching tv each night this week so may just give up trying and go to bed now!!

Love to you all, and good luck again Tinks :happydance:

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

I'm looking for an IVF support thread. After 4 failed IUI's I finally decided to do IVF with ICSI, as the doc recommended. I'm currently on BCPs right now. Next appointment is 10/17. I need all the information and support I can get. I don't know where to start really.
T4B - Your EC does not sound nice :hugs::hugs::hugs: Hope this time will be easier.

Annie - sorry you are having a reaction, yes I would call the clinic. Hope it eases soon :thumbup:

Lolly - The cetrotide is a bit of a killer isn't it??? Mine eased after about te 3rd one so hope yours des as well. GL for you bloods tomorrow.

Welcome missyt - sorry to hear about your failed IUIs, I wish you lots of luck for IVF/ICSI :thumbup:

Well girls EC went well, I just fell asleep and the next thing I knew I was in recovery. I felt a bit light headed and groggy but no sickness or anything. They managed to get 7 eggs in total. I am a little dissapointed with this and did hope for a couple more. I would have felt more secure with a few more as I feel like 7 doesn't give us much to play with. The embryologist is going to call tomorrow morning to let us know how many were mature enough to use and how many that were used have fertilised and are still developing. They will also advise further on embryo transfer.

We also did not need the frozen sperm, DH :spermy: was enough for today :happydance:

I am feeling a little delicate and sore but not too bad at all.
oh tinks congratlations! :happydance::happydance::happydance: please dont be disappointed, that is fab!! I know we all get obsessed with numbers but you hear of ladies with lots and many end up being immature. I really hope you some good ones there and get great news tomorrow! And well done hubby! Thats excellent!! :happydance: glad procedure went well and you are feeling as ok as can be expected! Nice weekend to recover now. Feet up, tv, comfort food and good news. You look after yourself ok :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Speak to the rest of you ladies later! I am still officially at work, just had to find out how tinks had gotten on :haha:

Loads of love to you all, Lolly x x x x x x :kiss:
Thanks Lolly. I am focusing on quality. I think I will feel better once they have called. I know you are right and I would be saying the same to anyone else :haha:

They have given me pesseries to take from sunday also but they have only given me enough for a week. How long do you normally have to use them for???
Tinks, I only had 7 also. 5 where mature and 4 fertized. 3 made it for a 3dt and I am currenty 8 weeks pregnant:) I can and will work!! Good Luck and take it easy this weekend
I know, we all give advice but when it comes to yourself the nerves are natural. Are you answering the call hun? I totally chicken out and gave it to DP! But each time fertilisation has been fine so nothing to worry about really. You will do great i'm sure!

When I had my appointment the nurse said there was some different policy that has come in which included the cyclogest and how we take it on different time now. But in saying that sure that you will continue with them up until OTD and longer if (everything crossed!) a BFP. They will prob give you more on transfer day, which looks like maybe monday? When are you plaanning to go back to work? In one breath I say rest up, in another go to work to stop yourself thinking and analysing everything!! It depends on how you are with things as a person. But right now you need to just rest up. How is your pain hun? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Well, i've gone home. Only half an hour early but just so sleepy! I found myself sitting in the store room earlier staring into space, need sleep!! (and chocolate :haha:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
annie hope your reaction clears up soon for ya :)

Lolly - glad u got it all done in the loo's :) least u've peace of mind knowing your classmates don't have a clue :) x

Tinks - 7 eggs is very good - hope u get great news in the morning. Its so exciting around this time. :) Keep resting as much as u can now for your ET :) I got the pessaries for 15 days - are they the crinone one's??

Missy - nice of u to join us all on the road to TTC - i'm sure we'll all have some advice for u ... Did your doctor say ur able to go for the ICSI procedure?

I'm looking forward to my review wednesday. It's madness I don't know why but gettin funny pregnancy symptoms lately. Mayb I'm just imagining it all.. haha

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