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icsi in 2011?

Great to hear everyone is doing well - so far so good :)

Thanks so much for all the comforting words from you all it really means a lot to me. I think its great that we all know we can support each other through the very depressing times....

Gill - I hope you feel much better with your meds - I think i was lucky not to experience the bad side effects - It'll be so worth the treatment when it finally happens. I am attending the Hari Unit. I'm in Ireland. Whereabouts are you based ? x

Lolly - About 10 yrs ago I had 17 cysts on my ovaries and they eventually disappeared themselves. Then 2 yrs ago I was told I had PCOS and when I did go for my 1st scan for my ICSI they said the PCOS had gone so really don't worry about it. I think for me losing extra weight got rid of them... Good luck with everything

Tinks - Fingers crossed for your follies :) Don't be worrying about the number - 4+ is what they want and its all about the quality. Some people can have 20 or more than 40 eggs and yet none of them would be viable.. as for your vitamins you should defo take more than folic acid ... Did you try pregnacare - they do ones in a double packet for yourself and the hubby & they are specifically for TTC.

I am thinking about doing acupuncture. It's been scientifically proven that instead of a 27% rate with ICSI that by doing acupuncture it will increase the rate to 42%. That is a major difference. I don't know why the hospitals don't tell everyone about it.
oh girls how can i get my ticker to work? i've tried everything to fix it.
Hi T4B!

You sound a bit better today, hope that is the case. Down days are the worst but I always trying and tell myself from that point the only way is up :hugs: Doesn't always work but it try!! :hugs:

I've never heard anything like 50 but they are teeny tiny and no one seemed too bothered :haha: Think it just sounded terrible in my :wacko: I am so weird with the PCOS, wouldn't know I had it really. No pain, no extra testosterone, only 7 1/2 stone, so I know I am very lucky on that front. Just no af and horrible ovaries!!!!

I did the whole vitamins and diet galore last time and my cycle still failed. I have come to the point where I feel that if its going to work, bed rest, vitamin etc can't change it too much, although obviously be sensible. But its like my mum/nurses/DP says, whats meant to be will be regardless. However the acupuncture has me thinking, if those stats are fact then i'm impressed :thumbup:

Oh and tickers :wacko: Sorry, ask tinks.... :haha:

Hi T4B!

You sound a bit better today, hope that is the case. Down days are the worst but I always trying and tell myself from that point the only way is up :hugs: Doesn't always work but it try!! :hugs:

I've never heard anything like 50 but they are teeny tiny and no one seemed too bothered :haha: Think it just sounded terrible in my :wacko: I am so weird with the PCOS, wouldn't know I had it really. No pain, no extra testosterone, only 7 1/2 stone, so I know I am very lucky on that front. Just no af and horrible ovaries!!!!

I did the whole vitamins and diet galore last time and my cycle still failed. I have come to the point where I feel that if its going to work, bed rest, vitamin etc can't change it too much, although obviously be sensible. But its like my mum/nurses/DP says, whats meant to be will be regardless. However the acupuncture has me thinking, if those stats are fact then i'm impressed :thumbup:

Oh and tickers :wacko: Sorry, ask tinks.... :haha:


Feel so much better today & I have to say me and the DH have been getting on much better in all depts - it's like abstaining from everything for so long and the frustration has brought us together more so I think thats whats really changed my moods. Your so rite the only way is better things...:winkwink:

With my PCOS I would get extremely bad periods each month and then they changed - always on time I could nearly do it to the actual hour which is unusual for PCOS but I used to weight a lot. I was 17 and a half stone and lost bout 4 stone so i'm now going to start walking again and watching the chocolates and all that again now.
The acupuncture sounds amazing - i seen it online and i found karencostin

Where abouts are you doing your treatment? :happydance:
T4B im booked in or acupuncture too although my last cycle worked as im paying out for this cycle i thought i may as well spend a bit more what the heck! dgh has been having acupuncture since my mmc to help with his sperm its not proven for men but is suggested it's good too. (he is also on maca and wellman)

lolly i will be on 225 menopur to start and i think they will drop me to 150 after a few days so not to over stimulate. i was on 150 last time and stimulated for 17 days so much longer than many others! so new clinic will try a new approach. i guess i will just have to remember the saying good things come to those who wait lol! xxx
Hi Annie - I was reading about the acupuncture for men. She emailed me back to give her a call as she's had success rates for mens sperm count & motility. www.karencostin.ie

Hope you are doing well with all ur meds & ur new clinic :)
That is unusual for PCOS, strange how things can vary. My hormones have been so crazy in the past they did a full MRI scan on my ovaries and brain to make sure there were no tumours :wacko::wacko::wacko:

:happydance::happydance: Congrats on the weight loss, that is amazing!! :happydance::happydance: You should be so proud! So your PCOS is totally gone now? What are your infertility issues now, did you say you had mild endo or have I totally made that up? Sorry... :dohh:

I'm having my treatment in Manchester, live about 30-35 miles away on the yorkshire boarder :hugs:
i think my clinic sucess rate for thier first year (under 35's) was 67 percent i do hope t4b yours is also higher than 27 percent now too xxx

that site is interesting t4b im just having a read now! xxx
OMG lucky u got the all clear from your MRI :)

Oh i was on a roll with losing the weight now i'm stuck in a rut not going outside haha rely on the car so much its crazy but i'm going to be determined now and start again to get to my goal and they say losing weight can have a dramatic effect on TTC so i'll do anything.

My DH had SA and it was 10million with 5% motility and each time he had another SA it got lower. When we finally went for our 1st ICSI his sperm count had gone from 10 million to 1 million with his motility increased to 20%. The only thing he changed was taking vit C with zinc and he forgot some days so now i'm going to get him the his and hers pregnacare. They sell it in boots and holland and barrett so i'm going nxt monday to get his set :)

Is your fertility issues just the endo & pcos? xx
I'm having my treatment in the Rotunda - Hari Unit in Dublin :)
i think my clinic sucess rate for thier first year (under 35's) was 67 percent i do hope t4b yours is also higher than 27 percent now too xxx

that site is interesting t4b im just having a read now! xxx

I've never heard of a 67% success rate - thats brilliant. I know with the Hari Unit they said it was 1 in every 3 couples that conceive with a viable pregnancy. Its very hard finding the true success rates.. If you know them for the Hari Unit in Dublin let me know annie :winkwink::winkwink:

Annie are u in the south of Ireland? :winkwink:
you can find published statistics for each clinic on the hefa website (I dont know if that is the same in ireland though) i live in the bristol area - south west of england he he.

but i am now travelling to wales for treatment because it's about 2,000 cheaper xx
Eugh, the MRI was worse than anything i've ever gone through with the icsi!!!

Oh yeah, I remember you saying about the decrease in his results now. I must say I have heard good things about sperm results after male vits. Get him popping those pills!! So yep, way off with the endo, sorry!! :wacko: Yeah those are the big probs, although it used to be the endo that was the bad one but last year or two its gone the other way and the PCOS is now bad. DP had a lowish count 2 1/2 years back at 11mill but it seemed to be a blip and has been fine ever since which is strange. But because of that we have always gone down the icsi route :hugs:
having a look at that website now. I dont tink ireland has a website like that. Nothing typical there.

I think its shocking the way prices fluctuate for TTC in different clinics. I'd say that's pretty hard travelling far especially with bloods and scans almost every 2nd day. I'm so lucky to live near the hospital. :)
Wow Annie, I didn't know that! Thats a crazy difference, how long does the journey take you?
Eugh, the MRI was worse than anything i've ever gone through with the icsi!!!

Oh yeah, I remember you saying about the decrease in his results now. I must say I have heard good things about sperm results after male vits. Get him popping those pills!! So yep, way off with the endo, sorry!! :wacko: Yeah those are the big probs, although it used to be the endo that was the bad one but last year or two its gone the other way and the PCOS is now bad. DP had a lowish count 2 1/2 years back at 11mill but it seemed to be a blip and has been fine ever since which is strange. But because of that we have always gone down the icsi route :hugs:

Well i've my fingers crossed for ya hun - Lets see its a 3rd time lucky thing :winkwink:

I've really read up about the sperm count and it takes 72 days to make fresh sperm even tho every day is new. Hard to explain really but for an example if any bloke had the flu 72 days ago it could effect the quality of sperm... Hope u understand that way hehe :blush:

We qualified for IVF when we 1st got testing done but because of the decreasing of it all we had no choice and to be honest i'd rather ICSI because they inject it - much better.

I've my heart set on the acupuncture now - seems amazing. To think that I was afraid of needles and with the ICSI I got through it everyday. The DH was great for giving them because I had to look away :hugs:
because ive cycled before at a diff clinic ive only been once for consultation next time i go it will be when i start stims and then 3 scans egg collection transfer and fingers crossed two preg scans so it's not too bad and its a hour to the new clinic half hour to the old not so bad worth it for such a saving and a better success rate i think.

oh lolly that sounds horrid i sometime give people mri scans so i know how difficult people find them xxx
I think every clinic is so different with all there procedures and that. I've a review on 12th Oct so not sure what they will say but i'm sure its to see when I can start my nxt cycle etc.

Hope it all goes well for u annie - especially with better success rates - such a bonus :) xxx
Thats not too bad then Annie. i guess saying Wales sounded so far away but its not crazily different. I remember when my bro was so busy talking he forgot to get off a train at Bristol and only realised when he heard the announcer say 'welcome to wales'!!!

Think the thing with the MRI was being strapped down, my hands in restraints. Really, if they said don't move I wouldn't have done, they didn't need to tie me up!!! :haha::haha: And the noise suprised me, never even realised they make that din :wacko: Whats your job title Annie?

Yeah I get what you are saying T4B with the spermies, crazy stuff bodies!!! I've heard some clinics now onlt do icsi due to good fertilization outcomes

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