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icsi in 2011?

Thats good to know mmgritten, how many id you have replaced? Did you get any frozen?

Lolly they said that normally they give you the pesseries after transfer but if you have a 5 day transfer then its a bit late to start them so they ask everyone to take them for day 2 encase you go to blast now. Does sound about right lol. I will take the call, I am a control freak :haha: I am planning on going straight back to work, I work in an office so I can take it easy. No customer contact or anything :thumbup: I think I will have the full day off for transfer though.

Get some rest and chocolate hun, at least its weekend :hugs:

T4B - The pesseries are Cyclogest, I have 15 but she said to use them twice a day. Good luck for you review on Wednesday, is there any chance you could get a suprise BFP or is too close to your IVF cycle?
I was on Crinone for 15 days but they gave me two boxes. I'm sure they'l give you more when you have your transfer - just remember to ask in case they forget. I remember the embryologist rang and I handed the phone straight over to the DH haha not like me at all.
I'm tellin u if I get a surprise BFP it'll shock me & the DH for defo! and the family as wel. It would be nice tho'.. have that little bit of hope saying I am.. If it was a surprise i'd be a month pregnant on Monday. :) xxxxx
Thanks T4B, I will mention it at transfer :thumbup:

You never know about the pregnancy, stranger things have happend :winkwink:
Well T4B, stranger things have happened so never say never!!

(haha, have just seen Tinks put same below!!) Oh well, will post anyway :haha:

The progesterone our clinic does is cyclogest - lil bullets that you put in your foofoo! But my god, there's been worse in there in this whole TTC journey :haha::haha::haha:
Oh my god, I am repeating the whole thread!! See, told you I was tired, derrrr!!!

Yeah what you said about blasts and the pesseries fits together, she was talking about all the changes with the new policy etc so that works. Yeah, good for you, no point going in in the morning, like you would be able to concentrate anyway!! Just make sure you take it easy hun xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Its official, I have lost the plot!! :wacko: It should be you after EC today, but you are looking after me :haha: Sorry... :blush:

Well second cetrotide done. Not as stingy but stragely have 3 lumps. One where it went in and 2 underneath. And even more wierd is that where I did the jab yesterday (other side) has gone red again :dohh: Oh well, no pain no gain :thumbup:
I had lumps under the injection site also, it shouls calm down.

Dont worry about, I have had a nice deep sleep today :haha:
Hi Lovlies :hugs:

This thread is moving very fast,

Tinks Well done 7 is a great number and i Pray they are 7 strong Juicy Eggs.. My first IVF I remember getting 5 eggs thinking is that it!? Than 5/5 Fertilised I thought wow.. and 2nd ICSI was 8 Eggs and 6 Fertilised.. im sure you will have excellent report... Like many people mention please dont stress over numbers.. When your pregnant soon you will look back and think what was all this worry for?? Be kind to yourself xx Dont let unnecessary stress effect your hormones and your body... (Looking back at my failures im more than certain that me being stress and hyper didnt help me at all... easier said than done I know...) you have come so far PUPO is almost here for you xxxx :thumbup:

Lolly- Your so lovely and sweet and your a tough cookie! 50 Cysts wow that must have been scary to hear, I think that we have got to the stage where we think 'bring it on' nothing is over whelming anymore im so happy that you can still move forward with a huge smile on your face.. My heart says 3rd time the charm for us both and why not?? :hugs:

Annie- Hope Down regging is coming along well, I know it can drag, before you know it stimming, than egg collection within a blink of an eye!

I pray so hard all 3 of you will be preggers by Christmas :hugs:

I Hope everyone else is doing well, and sorry if I have left anyone out...

AFM Nothing to update my period came yesterday it was 6 days late and i was thinking 'oh maybe a miracle has happened" :blush: If i had not come yesterday i would have tested today... Since my failed cycle in June, Last 4 periods have been out of whack.. Hey who was I kidding :shrug: bless my husband he said to me yesterday morning your awfully late 'do you think its a possibility?' straight after the morning chat Full flow came :nope:

I guess I am plodding along.. I have my Therapy booked for next week im very nervous but I am sure she will help me see things through different eyes... In a weird way I look forward for my 3rd IVF in the New Year...

Love to you all, Have a super weekend xxxxx
Wow Nayla, you've been round the rollercoaster good and proper. Thanks for sharing all your info. It's a very interesting read all that you have been through. I'll bore you a little with some of ours. We had those karyotyping blood tests done, DH and I. They send you this funny looking diagram thing back with the results. He also had Y Deletion test and then eventually went for sperm DNA fragmentation test. Slow process, but it all came back fine.

About the vitimins, DH had repeat sperm tests at the beginning of our clinic stuff and his results were horrendous. I forget what the numbers were but i think both times somewhere about the 1 million mark. 6 mths later, being on the wellman conception vits, eating great, no sports, alcohol or smoking and they threw in an ordinary sperm test with the dna frag test and this put him at the 20 million mark. To say we were shocked is an understatement. Try to encourage your DH not to give up on the vitamins. If for nothing else, for his good health. My DH has bad acne his whole life and was antibiotics on and off for years but hasnt been on them for a long long time now and his skin is fabulous and he never gets sick.

Also about the anti thyroid antibodies. My clinic put me on steroids and they also did an intralipid infusion a few days before the trigger shot. If I (ever) get a BFP from a cycle then they would do another infusion then too. Its some kind of soy thing they pump into you. They have some specialist immunology guy at Sims and he seems to know his stuff. That's really all they can do. There is something else called Ivig but I think that is a bit waaay out there and horrendously expensive (it could be on our horizone though, nothing would surprise me). I will do the chicago tests now too if no bfp this time. It won't mean a difference to the treatment but Id like to know what we are dealing with and what the odds really are. We've come this far, they are literally the last tests that we can do. I must check on the results sheet at home for the anti thyroid antibodies what the ranges were for you. I have high levels of two which prob means Im fecked.

It is all so hard and so unfair. You see these teenagers walking around absent minded with their kids in strollers, smoking like chimneys and disinterested and you want to scream and cry. I never go shopping anymore or out in places where there are likely to be lots of people like that. I know this might sound a bit radical but what about starting the adoption process? We spent months putting paperwork together and honestly its not like we have got our heart set on it or anything, far from it, but I did find that concentrating on those forms and getting the bits and pieces, helped to curb the feeling of powerlessness. It's doing something now that you 'might' need in future. It's just about keeping options open. We took it slowly and having to sort one thing a day made me get out of bed and go into work to phones, computer, photocopier etc.

Its a great idea to do some therapy. Poor DH's can only listen to so much. My DH is really sick of the whole thing. It just takes over your life.

Thank you Darling for all that useful information, I have actually printed it out to add to my IVF Files (im sad i know :blush:) Every bit of information helps and its not boring at all, And wow your husbands count was superb!! Congrats to that!! :happydance: I know my husband too well the second we start again he will start popping his Vitamins now hes so careless... :nope:

Really want to do the Kerotype test glad yours came back fine.. its just nice to know we have done everything possible.. As mentioned before i dont want to force my husband as its very hush hush at the moment,

The tests are not cheap are they... :nope: Easily into the thousands! and the FS always says to me whatever tests we do, IVF stays the same... :shrug: in other words why should I bother doing them?? I would rather know... she mentioned blood clotting test.. I just dont want to leave anything to chance I would rather pay now for that peace of mind...

im really dreading the Hysterscopy... as my heart tells me maybe the embryos are not that good? as theres been nothing to indicate Uterus Problem? oh i dont know anymore what to think.. :nope: as you mentioned i have come to the point where i hav no control in anything.. there poking prodding doing loads of tests there will have to find something dodgy?? :shrug: but im trying to keep strong and when that time comes be prepared for anything....

Your correct Hun and very wise in gearing your energy into Adoption knowing that you have that back up plan, for me it is so scary to think about... I have given myself 5 ICSI if that fails I cant keep living like this :nope: I so want a new born, and i heard its like gold dust getting a new born... theres many 3 and over... nothing against older children... i just want a baby so badly to love and feed and watch take the first steps... and its so complicated and expensive and invasive.. they want references etc etc and very pricey... most definitely if the 3rd one god forbid is a no.. i have to take that next step..

Everywhere i look theres pregnant teenagers swearing at their babies.. smoking while their yet again pregnant! they dont look fit enough to look after themselves and i see them with beautiful babies... i do get angry and jealous, i have a huge home great husband a lovely garden a room ready for a baby... and most importantly so much LOVE, yet we have to take this long painful road.. :cry: I get frustrated at time.. and sometimes my husband will say 'stop staring its rude!" i get lost in my thoughts sometimes...

We will get there one day.. we just have to,

you girls are daily in my prayers... xxxxx
hi girls

Just back from uni, straight in my pjs and duvet on the sofa!

Tinks, how are you feeling today hun? Did you manage any sleep? What news lovely? :hugs:

Nayla, lovely to hear from you. Thank you so much for your kind words. Really pleased to hear you start therapy next week. A positive step towards your future. And the fact you are starting to think of next cycle says a lot. You make sure you take good care of yourself :hugs:

Hi and love to everyone else! Hope you are all ok and enjoying your weekends :hugs:

Was up early for bloods again. Went on my own as straight to uni after. Proud i managed on my own again but DP felt guilty and said about him catching train home. Seemed silly for just a blood test though. But bless him! No news about results so assuming all is ok, fingers crossed, so back monday for a scan.

Love to you all x x x x x x x x :kiss:
Nayla, I know what you mean about havin a new born. I feel the same :hugs::hugs::hugs: You will have a baby to fit in nicely in your lovely home and life. We have to keep believing :thumbup: I am sure therapy will help, I am considering it if we get a BFN. Take care of yourself.

Lolly, Good news about no news :thumbup: Bless DH

AFM - We have 3 embryos going well. 5 out of 7 were mature enough to use, 1 didn't fertilise and 1 grow abnormally. She mentioned that if all 3 are top quality on Monday then they could take them to day 5 blast but DH and I dont think we want to do this with just 3. We are going to go for day 3 transfer no matter what. We have done some research and with my age there is no evidence to suggest a blast would be better. Plus I think they are better with me and we stand more chance of getting a frosty. We may be allowed 2 back also if they are both not top grade. So many things to consider :wacko: I would have liked more than 3 and feel a little deflated after having 13 follies but as long as we have some healthy for Monday thats all that matters.
Tinks, 3 is great :happydance: lets hope they are little fighters and keep going strong for you :happydance: Good for you on deciding for 3dt, sounds like you have looked into everyo avenue. Glad you have found one thats right for you :hugs: good for you with the positive attitude, monday with bring good news :thumbup: x x x x x x x x
Tinks - great news bout ur embryos - Only 2 of ours fertilised so your well on your way now. Bet u can't wait for your transfer - the symptoms of it all happening :) I'm sure u will defo get through the 2 weeks no probs & we'll all be hear with u :) I'm all excited for u now its madness hehe.. My only problem with the 2 wks relaxin' was eating so much...

Lolly - how are u doing.. I'm sure ur enjoying the sleep as much as u can. Don't fight it cause it'll make u feel ill... I member I was sleeping a lot in the daytime & felt all the better for it so if u can sleep zzzzz :) Good luck with ur scan on monday. I'm sure ur bloods are all grand xx

Nayla - nice to hear ur looking towards therapy and ur next cycle. I read ur story and was very interested. You've come a long way & it will so happen sometime for u & the OH xx Hope ur feeling well :)

Thanks for d msgs - i've also read some strange things about pregnancies. I watch the programme on sky 'I didn't know I was pregnant', It's kinda terrifying what the girls went through but amazing how faith goes for some people.

Anyways girls for those strange feelings i'm having - i did get the bubble feelin in my stomach a few minutes ago - like the symptoms I was gettin with the meds up until Day 13. Felt like gettin sick earlier but didn't vomit or anything and i'm smelling stronger smells. My two nephews came in the door & I got a lovely smell... few family members lukin at me as if i'd lost the plot but they were eating a strawberry sweet & nobody can smell it.. haha hilarious. but if its not a pregnancy its defo a phantom one.. xxx
Hi Everyone,
T4B's that would be awesome if its true. Stranger things have happened. I got pregnant when I was just about to do icsi cycle. Only did the preg test because they were doing a trial run with a cathether and period didnt turn up to move things along...So it does happen with v.little spermies! Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Tinks, so glad things are moving the right direction for you. Three sounds good to me!! God bless you, I bet you will be like a demented chicken tomorrow waiting to see how things go. Waiting is prob the worst part of all of this stuff for everyone. Rooting for you :hugs:

Lolly I hear you about the jammies and duvet. Sometimes the sofa is the best place ever. :flower:

We went up for scan today and doc said things going very well. Producing follies goodo. Lead one is at 14 so up for another scan and intralipid infusion on Tuesday with view to doing IUI on Thursday. :wacko: I didnt think it would be that soon. Started the cetrotide today and feeling pretty dire. Chicago tests came back and nothing in them, so that was good news. Nothing else to worry about. We talked about ICSI again and she said it would be good to see what quality eggs are there and if this IUI doesn't work, there was no point wasting money and time and just go for ICSI with a view to being pupo before Christmas. Oh if only she is right, if only I can get pregnant again and this one to stick around. The steriods have started to bloat me up now and 'moon face' has arrived. Im under 5ft so any bit of bloating at all, makes me look like a big round ball :dohh: :brat: It's all worth it though!!
Hey Nayla,
I was thinking about your last posts I dug out some of our test results to see what was what. Now for the boring bits!! :wacko: I got the karotyping and the y deletion mixed up. I was the y deletion test that comes back in a nice diagram thing. The karyotype tests on both of us just tell us that we both have 46, xx normal chromosome complement and banding pattern. Also the anti thyroid tests - the antithyroglobutin range should have been 0-4.11. Mine came back 39.2 and the anti-thyroperoxidase test should have been in the range 0-5.61. Mine came back at 72.51. While the cons said at the time these tests were definitely raised, she did said she had seen figures in the hundreds and thousands. Hopefully the steriods, clexane, aspirin and intralipids will work! Oh and the thrombophillia tests we somehow managed to swing for free at the time because we were going through a different hospital, must have been due to miscarriages even though I attended local hosp for those (I didnt question it in case clinic decided we should paid for them!!). But they did tell us initially they they would have been around 400 euro mark. I hope some of that was in some way useful to you. Treating empirically would defo appeal to me. I would have done that from the beginning only the first clinic we were with made us go through all the test hoops and as I've moaned before, wouldn't even give me aspirin.

Im thinking perhaps we should all be taking a leaf out of your book with the therapy. Everything's grand when when it's swinging into action and all looking positive but it's such a different story when it goes pearshaped. Thanks for talking about that stuff on here and bringing such important issues up. Our mental health is just as important as physical and my own is usually neglected. Your strength is inspiring and I really admire you for taking that step and trying to make things better. :hugs: Please come back and tell us how it goes.
T4B - Have you tested????? It would just be amazing to have some good news like that on here :thumbup::thumbup:

Gill - Great news your scan went well and the chicago tests came back ok :thumbup: I cant even imagine what you have been through hun but you will get your forever baby, its just when. Your Dr seems optomistic so please dont give up :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Feeling better today. Still a little sore and bloated from EC but a massive improvement. I cant stop thinking/worrying about our embies, I wish we got another update today :growlmad:

What do you girls think about having 2 out back? I am a twin and the thought of twins almost brings me 2 tears, I would be that happy to have 2 babies. The coping with 2 does not bother me and I know my DH would be hands on. What I am worried about is our finances. We both have ok jobs but our wages are not brill and we need both of them, we have no savings and are already in debt. I do not want to let fiances stop us but on the other hand I dont want to put us in a worse possition. The only way they will let us have 2 is if one is low quality and the low qualitiy would not make it to freeze so it would be either have it in or it will not survive anyway, I do not like the thought of just wasting the poor little thing. Do I go with my heart or head?

Anyway, I am sorry, I am rambling. We may not even get the chance for 2 and if we do nothing says both or even 1 will take. Getting ahead of myself and over thinking things.
:hugs: Tinks, no news today is good news! Means they are still going strong! :happydance: Did they give an indication of a time they will call tomorrow. I just remember being up early and waiting and waiting :dohh: Then suddenly we were being called and had 10mins to get ready and go. They will ask you to drink 1/2 litre of water but considering your car journey and then wait once you get to the hospital I would go steady. I made DP stop at Tesco en route last time :haha:

I think that they will advise what to do for the best. they have with me last 2 times and were pretty good on selling the point each time. Obviously you have a say and I think once you find out how your little embies are doing it'll make the decision all the easier. there are of course pros and cons to having 1 or 2. Both health wise and of course financial wise. I have a tendency to say stuff the money, a family is your hearts desire and of course you would manage because you have to. But twins do come with increased risk. Also I have seen varying info on having 2 put back, in both positive and negative lights of getting a BFP at the end. Its so hard isn't it. But I truely think that they will help advise you tomorrow and the decision will be clear. We are all routing for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Gill, wow things are moving fast :happydance: I can't believe you may soon be in dreaded 2ww, you go girl!! Glad to hear your tests came back clear, but not so glad to hear you are feeling rough :hugs: And moonface is just mean :dohh: But all a step towards the end result :happydance: It'll all be worth it lovely! :hugs:

Hmmmm, interesting symptoms T4B :test: Thanks for your support hun. As for sleep, mamaged to get nearly 12 hours last night, was lovely. back to the craziness soon though but until then its pjs all the way!!!

Hi Annie and Nayla, hope you guys are doing ok. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM... eugh, feel ill!! My stomach is so unsettled. I eat and feel bloated and sick! Feel achey pressure in my hips and EWCM :wacko: wow! (sorry...TMI!!!) Hoping all points to some nice follies at scan tomorrow. Until then have been in bed watching crappy tv! Did do an hour on some uni work about policy within the workplace... then I realsied it was sunday and why the hell was I putting myself through the boredom!! So here I am :haha: Think I may head off for a bath soon - i'm ok as long as not to hot right :shrug: DP and bro/sis in law are talking about 2 weeks away next year. DP said it may be last chance we get as we will soon have baby or be adopting :happydance: So glad that whatever happens he is committed to having our family. We have also been talking about getting engaged and he says he has a plan :winkwink: Eeeek! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Lolly, I am hoping that the decision will be a lot easier after the phonce call. Do you meet up with your consultant before having the transfer??? Whats the drill?

I was also thinking no news must be good news, so I am gratefull for that x

They said they will call about 9 but that is far to late for us to set of so we are going to go down early again and go to spoons and wait it out there. My bladder fills really quickly. I think drinking the water 40mins - 1hr before transfer would be right, what do you think. I am sure I only have a very small bladder :happydance:

Sorry you are not feeling well, do you think its the metformin? No such thing as TMI. I had loads of EWCM just before my first scan. So much so that I asked the nures if it was ok and was she sure I wont ov :haha: She said it just means the lining is thickening and you are becoming fertile. All sounds good to me :thumbup: What time is your scan hun? How many follies did you have at your last 1st scan? I have everything crossed for it.

I say make the most of hollidays. Ooooh how exciting about DP having plans for an engagement :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: How nice would that be? Maybe he is going to suprise you once you get BFP????
This was posted in another thread, I dont necessary agree its true for all women but I think its just lovely. I am posting it with a warning though as it had me in :cry::cry::cry::cry:

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will be better. I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child. I have longed and waited. I have cried and prayed. I have endured and planned over and over again. Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams. I will notice everything about my child. I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover. I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life. I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream. My dream will be crying for me. I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see. Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love. I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain. I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body. I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall. I have prevailed.I have succeeded. I have won. So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs. I listen. And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard. I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes. I have learned to appreciate life. Yes I will be a wonderful mother.

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