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icsi in 2011?

Oh God Tinks :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Its like this one.....

What do I think is meant by my infertility?

I think it is so my partner and I grow closer, become stronger, love deeper. I think we are meant to find the fortitude within ourselves to get up every time infertility knocks us down. I think it is meant for our medical community to discover medicines, invent medical equipment, create procedures and protocols. I think it is meant for us to find a cure for infertility.

No, it is not that we are never meant for to not have children. That's not my destiny; that's just a fork in the road I'm on. I've been placed on the road less travelled, and, like it or not, I'm a better person for it. Clearly, I am meant to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and greater inner strength on this journey to resolution, and I haven't let myself down.

Frankly, if the truth be known, I think I have been singled out for a special treatment. I think I am meant to build a thirst for a child so strong and so deep that when that baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest, most refreshing drink I've ever known.

While I would never choose infertility, I cannot deny that a fertile woman could never know the joy that awaits me. Yes, one way or another, I will have a baby of my own. And the next time someone wants to offer me unsolicited advice I'll say, "Don't tell me why I have been handed infertility. I already know."


They tell you to be there at 1pm (well, they did with me both times) Then its a wait and depending how many ladies are there depends on how long you have to hold it!!! :dohh: I don't know how they work out who is first etc though. I'm like you. My bladder fills up so quick and soon i'm bursting. Both times I have had to have a half wee before transfer :haha: It was either that or leakage!! I get worried thinking i've had a drink and i'm fine, so drink more then before you know it, yikes!!! I'm sooo rooting for you hun, and know whatever decision you make will be the right one for you and future family :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Scan tomorrow is first one since starting stims, all my stuff seems to be happening exactly a week behind you! Hoping the EWCM means good things then, thanks for reassuring hun! I did get it a lot first cycle and got more eggs that time than last so heres hoping. Scan is 8.40 so second one in, gonna leave early in case of traffic and spoons opens at 8 so maybe time for a quick drink if we are early!

As for weddings :cloud9: Hubby and baby is too much to dream of, I swear, if this works out I will never complain about the petty things again!!

Babydust for us all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That one is beautiful also :cry::cry::cry:

How strange, that was my scan time for my first follie scan :thumbup:

I am sure they mentioned something about late morning but I will soon find out. Do you see the consultant or anything to discuss things before transfer or do you do that over the phone? How in gods name do you go for half a pee????? I do not think I could manage that :haha::haha:

There is no reason why your DP will not become DH and you WILL get your baby.
Its the embriologist that calls and talks you through everything. You only see the consultant at time of transfer, but then last time she talked me through the grade of embie again and was really nice. Last time we also talked with the embriologist at our request and they are happy to do so, so remember to keep asking if you are not sure :hugs: May well be late morning now cos of new systems, prob be better, less time to get get overly anxious!

Half a wee, well lets just say it took some strong pelvic floor muscles :haha::haha:

Thanks Lolly, so is it the embryologist that decides if we can have 2 and do you have to tell them on the pone what you want to do? Sorry for all the questions :dohh: Can you tell I am anxious :haha: You will be regretting be a the same clinic as me lol x
Haha! Don't be silly!!!

To be honest hun both times they kinda just told me. First time I had 2 embies on day 3 and they said as I only had 2 they wouldn't freeze 1 and so would put 2 back. Then last time I had 3 on day 3 but 2 were developing too fast which is a sign of abnormalities. They transferred the 1 good one as discarded the others :cry: Thats why we wanted to talk with the embriologist but they said it was policy. I guess it comes down to wanting patients to have healthy babies and we had to understand that. But so hard when pieces of you are still fighting on :cry:
Gill so glad ur scan has gone well for ya. ICSI sounds way better than any of the IUI's or IVF treatments. So fingers crossed for u x x x That bloated feelin isn't great I know all to well about that but as u said its so worth it. :) And about the therapy thing wer talkin bout - its very true u can lose urself with all that goes on. I think talkin about what is on ur mind especially here will help us all no matter wheather its a great day or a bad day share everything xxxx :)

TINKS - I haven't tested yet - tink i'l buy a test in the morning just to make sure.. But my ovulation is bang ontime. Had the rise in temperature this morning & didn't wana move from the bed - was so comfy. Slept til 11 which is shockin for me always up before 9am.... U should have called the clinic to see how they are doing. defo call them in the morning if u hear nothing. it'll give u some peace of mind but on the other hand its a good sign cause they would ring if there was also no developments. :) Tinks - i cant understand your worried about finances but as I've always believed - Whats meant to be will be. If you have the choice of the 2 I would truly go for it. You'll manage with two babies financially not matter what.. A few yrs ago i was told a saying that kinda stuck with me.. God will give you only what u can cope and deal with and to be honest I've gotten through some tough times in my life and its really helped me. Our finances have now plummeted but I'm still going to be optimistic with everything - still going ahead with looking for a new job and still going ahead with the icsi. I think no matter what decision u do take it will be the right one. You'll know on the day of transfer what to do, so for now I think relax... Hope that helped a little xx

LOLLY love chattin wit u - like we know each other so much hehe madness.. I'd say u felt amazing after ur 12 hours.. I practically live in my pjs, some days if someone is poppin over i'd still be wearing them with some makeup on haha... I'm so buyin a test tomoro morning but was just saying there that I ovulated today - well i had the high temperature so I'm thinkin it'l b a BFN but sure i'l test and let u girlys know.....

Sorry for such long msgs i'm on a buzz today xxx
hi guys its very strange how clinics vary with the way they do things. as my transfer last time was with an empty bladder and im glad becuase i was uncomfortable enough without worrying about weeing he he!

lolly im so glad everything is going ok looking forward to hearing about nice big follies too!

tinks woooooooooooooo u could actually be pupo with twin embies tmrw. my opinion is id rather have the two put back as even though it would be tight financally it increases the chance of that much wanted bfp. i had two last time and a singleton pregnancy and at new clinic i can have 2 blasts put back if we get to that and i will because i would feel so much happier that a bfp would be likely from that especially since i have had a previous positive cycle. remember nobody can ever afford a child but truthfully all they need is clothes water and love.

gill im glad you are full swing into your iui already! righ now i feel quite behind you guys still down regging have been for 2 weeks now with another week before i can start stims!

t4b test test test put yourself out of this am i arent i best way to know he he i do hope it is a spontanous bfp for you that would be fab.

nayla hun im so glad you are taking positive steps towards councilling anf gill is right it is good you are bringing up the downside of all of this reminds me to remain grounded and there is not a day gos by that i dont feel eternally sad about the loss of my baby i should have been 28 weeks tomorrow and instead i get the joy of another down reg jab woo he he
nayla i really hope this councilling gives u the strength you need to start icsi no 3 remember we will be right here willing you on xxxx

afm, yes im bored off the down regging now and wish my period would bog off ha ha! 17th is my first acupuncture and clinic appr to start stimming hopefully. had a busy weekend sorting the house and ebaying old crap in the hope im making room for a baby or two he he xxxx
since this threadbegan we have had only 1 twin bfp and one angel. im willing everyone to do this now so we can start our icsi in 2011 - sucess thread in the pregnancy section so that we can start the next part of our journeys together :) xxx
Hi annie.. In the clinic i'm in they allow all couples to have two embies put back which is great.. :) nice to be having a clear out - i love when i get into them moods to clear the place out :)

i'm so glad i'm not the only one thinkin about the pregnancy thing. I'd of been one month yesterday & i will defo do a test tomoro but i'm sure with me ovulating its going to be a BFN I dont tink u can ovualte durin pregnancy i'l have to google it.... Good luck with the acupuncture let me know how it goes for u as i'l be hoping to try myself..... As for me i'm off to the dentist for a check up & 2 fillings. Had a botched job done last yr - thought it was two white celings and he gave me 2 silver fillings and chipped my tooth....
omg 1 twin pregnancy & an angel xx lets all tink overnight about the joys we'll all be holding one day xxxxxx
Lolly - I know what you mean, the thought of them just being discarded is breaking my heart. I guess we just have to listern to the experts in the end and do what we think is best :thumbup:

T4B - Thank you so much for the advice, that saying is so true. If we have the option then we will go for 2 and worry about finances later, if needs be. Its only money isnt it :haha: TEST women :haha:

Annie - Thank you also for your advise, we will go for 2 if its an option. I would feel blessed with twins :hugs::hugs: I can not beleive I should be PUPO by tomorrow afternoon, I feel like I have waited so long for this 2ww. Sorry DR is dragging, really hope you can get stiming soon nd produce some fabby follies. 2 blasts is really good, that should almost gaurentee a BFP surely :happydance::happydance: Good for you sorting stuff out. It can really help clear you mind sometimes cant it?.

I will be signing off soon so nite nite girls and I will update you tomorrow. Please pray for our embies :kiss:
yes t4b sadly i was the keeper of the angel :( went for my 12 week scan at nearly 14 weeks and they found out i had a missed misscarriage but you know i think that strangly its just made me more determined to boost this thread with another bfp my angel is looking after me now :) xxx
GOOD LUCK TINKS :hugs::hugs: We are all praying for you and your future babies :happydance: Try and get a good sleep and can't wait for an update from our pupo princess tomorrow :happydance::hugs:

Annie, good for you, I LOVE the PMA! You have such a good chance hun, and like you said, your beautiful angel is guiding you now.:hugs::hugs: Sorry DR is such a drag, but only 1 week til stimms and sure it'll fly by. A good clear out sounds good, like a fresh start. And ebaying for some extra pennies, well thats always good :thumbup:

:haha: T4B you and me sound alike with our pj days :haha: I will do my make-up and hair (although not today... very rare that I don't!!) and wear my jim-jams all day!!! Donning some pink zebra ones today! You sound really upbeat today and I like it, good for you! :hugs: Good luck with test, even if a BFN is likely we gotta have hope, so good luck hun :hugs:

Thanks guys although im defo looking forward sometimes it's hard to forget a loss like that my angel witll always be my first child in my eyes. i do miss it xx

tinks hun good luck for tmorrow i cant actually wait for you to be pupo i know i feel like we have all be on a long journey together! ever since last december!! i truly love this thread i feel like i found my place here :) cant wait tinks for u to be the starter of our new thread.

yes the clean is good i have alot of junk we packed to move twice and it fell through twice once during last icsi the house has truly become so unimportant tho and so has the clutter hence the ebaying over the next few weeks ha ha! enough money for a twin pram maybe ha ha ha!

lolly makeup with jammies? u make me laugh! x
Thank you all for your well wishes :kiss:

Great news :happydance::happydance::happydance: ALL 3 embies were graded the highest quality.

I am now PUPO with 1 and the other 2 are in the freezer :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Oh my did transfer hurt though :nope: My cervix was all inflamed and sore from egg collection and he could not get the catherter through it, although he had severel attempts. He then had to grab my cervix with forcep type things and force it in, ouch does not cover it. I was almost of the bed and getting clammy and sicky. I am now bleeding quite a lot also but the Dr did warn my I would as all my cervix has been scratched :nope::nope:

But we got to see the little embie go in on the screen and could see it right where it should be :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

We have been told not to test until the 27th!!!!! Thats 18 days, surely this is OTT????

How have you got on Lolly????
Oh my god tinks it sounds horrific, you poor poor thing :hugs: But AMAZING news :happydance::happydance::happydance: Pupo and frosties, well done you!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so happy for you hun, you have made the 2ww and with flying colours!! Now make sure you rest, I hope you are not thinking of going to work tomorrow, think you should put your feet up after that experience, you deserve it :hugs: They make you wait ages for testing but I agree, think is a bit OTT, do what you thinks right hun :hugs:

Scan went well, lots of follies, about 25. 8 lead follies, but one is way out in front, a bit like your one Tinks so think that'll prob be too mature come EC. However as such high amount need bloods tomorrow to make sure I don't get OHSS again, although it was only mild luckily last time. Then back AGAIN wed for more bloods and another scan. EC Friday or monday, have booked both days off work today. I have a cold today :growlmad: So glad its now though and not later in week! Hopefully should be ok. But bloomin' hospital :dohh: Don't they know I need my :sleep:

Annie, Gill, Nayla, T4B :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
25 is a fab number Lolly, well done you. Shame you have go back again for bloods tomorrow and then again on Wednesday :dohh: I wonder if you will have EC on Friday and you will exactly a week behind me??? Sleep? Whats sleep hehe.

I am in work tomorrow. I am ok now though, a little crampy and bleeding but fine really. I only work in an office so it should be pretty easy going :thumbup:

I have just read on google though that bad transfers can affect success rates :cry: They ay the embryo can be in the catherter for to long :nope:
Google is now your enemy, step away from google!! Its awful not to look things up in 2ww but please try not to place everything on stories, I bet if you googled BFP after stressful transfer you would get tons of stories. They would have put embie back in incubator if the process was draggin on too long anyways. Its so normal to worry about everything but try not to stress your body more, its been through enough. I'm sure you will be just fine lovely :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm sorry you are bleeding but glad you are ok. How is DP, slightly traumatised?!!

Tell me about it, forget all the meds making us tired, its the damn 5am starts!!! :haha:
DH was slightly traumatised and shocked by the whole thing :haha: He was fantastic though and was very comforting and held my hand :hugs:

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