icsi in 2011?

Hi girls

Thank you all for the well wishes :hugs:

We got 18 eggies :happydance: Very shocked, think I said to the doc 'are you sure?!!' :haha: Was so suprised after last cycles responses, 7 and 5. But I also know that lots of eggs may equal poorer quality, or lots may be immature etc, so not getting carried away by any means. Just trying not to think ahead and just see what tomorrow brings. I have been so relaxed so far so hope that continues and I sleep tonight!!!

Feeling ok, went to sleep and came round so much better than the trauma of last time!! But last time they drained lots of cysts plus had mild OHSS so guess that was not usual circumstances. Been resting all pm, have had some paracetamol and feel a bit like have been punched but soooo much better than before. Long may it last!

Oh and Tinks, was third in :haha:

Hope everyone is feeling ok?

Gill, how did you get on today? :hugs:

Tinks, how is the bloat, it is so uncomfy but your ovaries will still be bruised and healing, plus you have had extra trauma from ET so things will take time :hugs: But like Annie said, lets hope it doesn't ever go cause you get your BFP :happydance::happydance:

Annie, :hugs:bet monday can't come soon enough for you. Hope you have nice weekend planned so time goes extra quick :thumbup:

Hi T4B, hope you continue to be my lucky charm :winkwink:

Nayla, sending you :hugs:
Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
18 eggs is amazing Lolly, well done you :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

It doesn't always mean poor quality hun, you may have 18 faby ones. I reallyh ope you do sleep tonight, I didn't last Friday and it was a very long night :hugs::hugs::hugs:

So glad it went much better than last time as well, was it busy in there? There was only 3 in last week so it was quite peacefull.

Now rest up and take it easy, I cant wait for your update :thumbup:

AFM - I am doing good, the bloat has ease ever so slightly but still look a little preggo. I looked in the mirror this morning and was letting myself imagine it was a real pregnant belly, sad I know :haha::haha::haha:

What do you ladies think about tests???? Is it worth spending loads on the big brands or do the own brands work just as well? I have 2 asda, 4 day early tests that I have had for ages but was wondering if I should add any to pile, like FRER??? Dont want to waste the money though if its not necessary iykwim?
Thanks Tinks :hugs:

Yep, there were only 3 today aswell, heard the nurse saying to another lady that they used to have about 30 EC a week and have now limited it to 20. Longer waiting times I guess but on other hand better care when you are in. Swings and round-a-bouts :shrug:

Glad yo are doing good, can't believe a whole week since your EC, time flies, but sure it isn't for you :wacko: Good bloats easing little bit. As for the preggo belly I did to. Did it yesterday actually :haha: We can only hope and pray huh [-o<

As for tests, I see no harm in a supermarkets own TBH. They will have to have checks to ensure that they are accurate as they claim and many of my friends who have got lucky tested using asda ones and got an early BFP. That said maybe thats just my opinion, you've got me thinking now...

Wonder what the other ladies will think :hugs:
Hi Lovlies :hugs:

Lolly wow 18 eggs is Amazing!!!! :happydance: Oh i have great feeling that this cycle is going to be the one :hugs: 18 im more than certain a great number of them will be of superb quality... Rest and the morning will be lovely news xxxxxxx I want this so so badly for you darling xxxxxxx Keep cool and stress free the best you can...

Tinks- Hope your doing well Hun, you sound so great 1 week in :hugs: awww dont worry about looking in the Mirror admiring a bump that you will have very soon, im sure we all have done that :blush: in regards to the test, im sure the branded ones will just be as good xxxxxx All the best Darling.... You and Lolly will kick start some action into this thread again with lovely news :hugs: im excited for you both xxxx

Annie- Aww hun its ok to have the down days, Its only natural to be nervous, the embyro implanted beautifully last time for you, and this time it will implant for keeps, xxxxx Treat yourself to a lovely book to try and pass time xx (im a bit of geek i love reading books) My First ICSI Was the Long one and i remember thinking this is dragging! than when stimming started it happens super fast... Rooting for you :hugs:

Gill and T4B- Thank you so so much for your kind words... im sure i will have all your beautiful support on here when i stop going for Therapy, I honestly feel so much better wished money was not an issue.. i guess the next one I will just have to tell her.. mayb during my 3rd IVF i can pop in and have a chat with her.. but going weekly is in impossible for now...

AFM I was chatting with my husband that I feel a tiny bit stronger and would like to start JAN time? he was thinking Spring.. I told him spring is so far away and I turn 30 in April would be great to at least be pregnant before im 30.. His words I want to see how you are emotionally and mentally, but if your a nervous wreck theres no point flushing money down the drain... so im trying to show him im not obsessed about it.. and hopefully a new year a new BFP... This whole thing is just getting silly now and its dragging... I just want to get pregnant now and move forward. I feel like I have been on PAUSE for far too long just need to press PLAY again and start moving Forward.....

Im sure we will all me Yummy Mummies in 2012!! xxxxxxx

Have a great weekend xxxxxxx Lolly, Tinks And Annie hope the next few weeks bring you all joy xx
Thank you Nayla :hugs: You are so lovely :hugs:

Very happy to see you with good clear plans. Obviously follow hubbys advice and see how you feel come January but you are on the right tracks. Wish it didn't all come down to money :nope: Its not right that you are having to pay out for treatment that is obviously needed and is having such a positive effect on your mental and physical health :nope:

For your next try are you sticking with the same clinic hun? Think T4B is cycling January so hopefully you will have a buddy :hugs:
Hi Everyone, what a day..
Lolly wow, 18, that's really fantastic. :happydance: Fingers crossed they all fabulous eggies and doing well. Will they put 2 back on this cycle?

I had a bad day really. The clinic was mental busy from 7am and we were the last couple having a procedure, so we were there from noon until 6.30, with an hour out for lunch. The doc rescanned me to see how the follies were doing and it turned out I had 4 big ones on one side and 2 big ones on the other. Some of the smaller ones had caught up. They gave us the option of canceling the cycle as it was too risky for multiples or pricking and draining all the follies on one side. This place just loves to spring stuff on me :growlmad: So what could i do, legs up in the air, but go ahead. It was extremely painful. No painkiller or sedation. They prick them with some kind of needle. i couldn't look to see what they were using but man, the pain of it. She took out all 4 on the left. :cry: I went through all the meds and constant nausea just for 2 follies. :cry: Im in a fair bit of pain now still even after the panadol and bloated like a balloon. Now we gotta get ourselves in the mood and do the deed all weekend. Gotta say, after all that, Im not really. My bits are just too tender!! :wacko:

Not feeling too hopeful now tbh. I was lying there after it and thinking we must be mad, all this pain and torture, mental and physical. Maybe some :sleep: will help.
Annie - Yea the doctor was telling me that the pharmaceuticals come in selling products like a shop.. I've had a look online and he was right in saying that there is proof to show that egg quality does improve and thats why stimming can be longer.

On my previous short protocol they couldn't believe the amount of eggs I had - they only wanted the very max at 12. But i'm glad I had my review as they had a meeting before my review and recommended I try menopur next so each cycle obviously will be improving :)

Chin up annie you've been through a lot now and stimming for such a long time is just more waiting.. I can see that ur defo fed up & it does really annoy u especially after ur past events with 12 eggs... I think once you keep thinkin positive.. like picture yourself looking at a scan with a babys heartbeat and picture a baby growing up & u always been der through all the happy memories then it kinda helps you through...

If your really feeling down what I do is look at all my old photo's of when me & the hubby first met & all the getting to know each other all comes back to me & I smile and laugh at some of the antics we got up to... I think that really gets me through those extremely hard days... I so hope ur feeling much better today xxx :) You'l get thru it all & wer all here for u xx

LOLLY i'm so happy - 18 eggs I knew you'd get a good few.. but 18 is massive - more than me hehehehe.. So glad your feeling much better this time round after your EC... Say you can't wait to hear how many will fertilise - when will they call u.. dyin to hear now...
oooohhhh how exciting Plenty of rest and relaxing.. its so hard - i wanted to do everything my own way but most days the hubby made me stay in bed with no choice of moving.. haha good in a way.. Oh a lucky charm thanks sweetie xxx I hope i bring u lots of BFP luck xx

TINKS - cheap tests are defo just as good as lolly said they have to pass certain tests to be allowed on the market so any preg tests are good..Hope ur bloating eases and for admiring that bump - do it with pleasure haha i done it too and i think even when i got my BFN i convinced myself i was and started to form a flamin bump so have to start exercising hehe xxx

NAYLA - ur very welcome - if you cant afford the sessions anymore u can talk here to any of us.. we are all ears & ur more then welcome to PM me to help anytime through ur journey.. Everyone comes to me for advice so i'm sure i'l have loads xxx :)
With ur situation about the hubby wanting to wait til spring is a bit like mine .. my hubby said to wait a few months but about a week after all my trauma I changed my mind about wanting to start asap and it took a lot of convincing him but I found out the only reason he wanted to wait is because he didn't want to see me so upset and disappointed at the end of the 2ww ..

God bless him he always has his heart in the right place but i did make a promise to him that I would see the counsellor in the 2ww again to keep me strong and to even out thinking of a positive and if its a negative on how I will deal with it... So i'd say really think about starting in January and explain to ur hubby if ur feeling very strong about starting then. Lolly is right you'd be my january buddy.. I've an average date I'd probably be due my first period scan on January 15th so be starting around then :) xx Hope ur feeling good today hunni....

GILL - so sorry to hear about all ur pain today.. god luv u - in my opinion I think that is disgraceful the way the clinic is treating you.. I wouldn't be happy at all with all them hours. Its adding so much stress to you..
Some painkillers before bed may ease it a little just enough for u to sleep. I really hope ur not to sore tomoro but plenty of bed rest for the next couple of days are a must.. I'm a little bit confused about u having to do the deed over the weekend..
If its a thing that u really have to I did ask my doctor about a lube and through any ivf/icsi/iui procedures ur allowed preseed - i asked him the other day and he said thats the only product allowed and it also says it on the leaflet.. It will make a huge difference and u wont feel sore at all ... xxxxxxxx hope u feel better soon girl.....

Anyways for me i've had a nice day.. have an interview tomoro so fingers crossed for that and just splashed myself with tan - going out tomoro nite clubbing - well overdue and i can't wait.. be chillin' first with a few drinks and xfactor and then partying the nite away.. The DH stayin in and lettin me let my hair down for the night.. Sorry I know u girlys are probably so jealous of me drinkin sorry xxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs:
Lolly, they will be calling about now eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk I have everything crossed for you :thumbup:

Nayla - You are sounding more possitive each time you post, good for you :thumbup: Its not fair that it all comes down to money, it may be a good idea to speak to her whilst your doing your cycle though :thumbup: Jan is not far away hun, I really hope you and DH are strong enough by then, I am sure you will be.Xmas will help with that also.

Gill - You poor thing, that sounds similar to EC but no sedation!!!!!!!!!! Oh my and I thought my ET was bad, its bringing tears to my eyes :dohh: Sorry, I am not really in the know about IUI but I thought they inserted washed :spermy: I didn't realise you had to do the dead as well. I really hope you are not too sore hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: Could you imagine going ahead without draining any? You could have had sextuplets :haha:

T4B - Good luck for your interview, hope it goes well and have a fab night tonight. I am jealous of you going out and drinking :haha: I do miss a nice glass of wine on a Saturday night but I know its worth it :thumbup:

AFM - Nothing much to report again. The bloat is going down but I hope thats not a bad sign :wacko:
Morning ladies!

Well... phone goes... chicken out again and make DP answer :haha: Out of our 18, 1 was immature and another abnormal make up. So 16 injected and 11 little embies going strong today :happydance: That takes us to about 65-70% fertilisation rate and over the average so i'm very happy :happydance: GROW GROW GROW [-o<[-o<[-o< They are ringing monday morning (unless god forbid anything goes wrong in the mean time, otherwise tomorrow) and we will take it from there. I have monday booked off and am still pretty sure we will be looking at 3dt again but I guess gotta wait and see. I hope they grow well, traditionally we have had some that grow a bit too quick or not one day then loads the next etc, so still very very nervous :wacko:

Hi Tinks! Don't worry about the bloat hun, sure all is good. No matter what your ovaries will be shrinking and so it'll just be that. Doesn't mean your beautiful beanie isn't snuggling in. Have you made any decision with what brand tests you will go for. One of each maybe just to be safe :haha:

Gill, omg i'm so sorry. I echo Tinks words that it sounds just like EC but awake. Thats just awful for you :hugs: I know that EC isn't comfy and that is with pain meds and being pretty much out of it. I hope you are recovering well :hugs: What a journey you continue to go on, sending you all my love :hugs:

Thanks T4B, good luck today :thumbup: I hope that your night out turns into celebrating :happydance: Thanks for all your positivity. I find I'm going through the motions, getting excited, and then pulling it straight back in again to be neutral. Such scray times huh :wacko:

Hello Annie and Nayla :hi: Hope you lovely ladies are doing better each day :hugs:

AFM... should be at uni today but no way! Ended up emailing my tutor Thursday and telling her everything. She was so nice and supportive and said that I can have extra tutorials with her and she will go over lessons I have missed. Feel a lot better for that. i am actually meant to be doing some work now. Have started but bored already and wanted to see what was new in the world of B'n'B :haha: Best get back to it.

Love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
That is an amazing result Lolly, ours was around 60% fertilisation so upto 75% is great. 11 sounds fab, I am jealous :haha: I was quite gutted with 3 TBH but we only 1 for our baby. I really hope they are all going strong, you should get some frozen for sure and you will have back up this time :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Will you go to Blast if you have 3 or more top quality on Monday? Did you go to blast last time? Sorry, I cant remember :dohh:

Glad you have spoken to your Uni, at least they can now support you a little more :thumbup: Booooooooooooooo to work.

I am going to get a 2 pack of FRER, may be a waste and DH will not like it. He thinks they are all the same, even IC :dohh: Its tough though. I will use the FRER for the first 2 tests and then go on to the asda ones.
Aww thanks Tinks :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm still shocked at the difference this time to last two cycles, where at this stage we had 4 and 5 embies. I know it doesn't really mean anything at this stage but its just weird how this cycle has differed so drastically up until now. Like you said though you only need one, and the fact that the 3 you had ferilise all grew to the very best quality is just fab :thumbup: No, this cycle is the first we will have done under the new policy, they were only doing 2 or 3dt last cycles. But in saying that even if they were taking to blast we wouldn't have been given that option anyway. So all in all just not sure about what we will do. We have both taken the wait and see what monday brings and take their recommendation kinda attitude. We are very relaxed this time. Its strabge as because it is last go I thought I would be frantic but I have come to realise that what will be will be, and while I pray every day this is our time, its good we are both so on board with future plans if it sadly does fail.

Good idea with tests, and no not a waste, just whats right for you. DH won't mind once he sees that bfp anyway :hugs::hugs:

Deffo boo to work, looking into child care in Hungary... why I don't know, I live in ENGLAND :haha::haha:
Hi all,
Sorry for my doom and gloom yesterday. :flower: Passed out on sofa and went to bed early. :sleep: It did help. Still in some pain today but it's going. :thumbup: With IUI the docs all recommend that you BD as much as possible afterwards to increase your chances of catching an egg. I suppose it's in case you don't ovulate until a while after they think you will. The lexapro had put to sleep all the connections in my neither regions so there was no 'fireworks' in the deed for me for the last 2 months. :cry: After discussing with the cons, I went off it 2 weeks ago at her encouragement and my bits slowly came to life in preparation for this weekend. :happydance: From my past experience I recommend a big orgasm to help to those spermies move along! She wants me to go back on it though for the ICSI cycle. Actually I think the lexapro helped a lot with the steroids because I've been feeling constantly nauseous since I came off it.:growlmad: T4B's the preseed is the biz! I think that also helped with last pregnancy. No sperm there but used preseed and a big 'O' after DH. There's method to the madness!!

DH thought the acupuncture did him wonders. He only had 3 million sperm in the catheter for the IUI after the washing etc but 66% were motile which is absolutely phenomenal from where he was last year. He didn't have 3 million sperm total then and none of them were moving. It's still not great odds but I have read of ladies who got pregnant with IUI with less. Fingers crossed.

Lolly, those numbers are bloody fantastic. Sod the school work, how could you concentrate at all, at all. Monday or Tuesday for you. We will all be rooting for you. Another soul in the 2ww :hugs:

Tinks, when do you do a test? Are ye going mad yet? That 2ww is just torture. As I typed that, I just realised that I too am now in a 2ww. Huh, what do you know? Maybe I'll get a FRER too, now that you mention it. I emailed the cons this morning already about getting a prescription sorted for next cycle. The is a thing here called drugs payment scheme. Everyone qualifies. It means you only have to pay 120 euro max per family for all your meds in any calendar month. However, you can only get a month's worth of meds, so I gotta get my timing right to get next round of meds on Nov 1st. If needs be I'll stay on progesterone an extra day or two to hold off AF to make sure I can start next cycle. We won't be doing anything in December and January as the weather will be too bad to get to clinic and my body will need a break from the meds I think after three straight cycles and a bit of abuse. We will need a break to try to find some money too.

Nayla, seriously January isn't that far away at all. 10 weeks to Christmas I heard yesterday. Yikes. It's great you are taking the time to get your head in a better place. These threads are such a godsend for sanity. We'll all be rooting for you and T4B in the New Year.

Annie, are you all right? Your patience must be worn to a frazzle. You're cooking up the best eggs though. You'll prob be the one with twins!! :hugs:

How does one let go of the BNB obsession? Forget Facemoop, this stuff is addictive :kiss: Oh and T4B's!! Im so jealous of you and your night out! In order for DH to stay off the alcohol, I too have to be a t-totaller. Haven't drank much at all since 1st pregnancy almost 2 yrs go. A night out of dancing and cocktails sounds like bliss. Enjoy it for all of us.:hugs:

**I just sat down and added up our costs so far on clinics on tests etc and only treatment was 1 IUI, included all the acupuncture, E6399.09. That doesn't take into account account petrol, tolls (4 per trip), train fares, hotels.. OMG.

*** I also just realised, I would have been due today if the last pregnancy had stuck.
hi all,

lolly hun 18 eggs and 11 fertilised thats fantastic well done you! im glad it all went well so far and fingers crossed for your next phone call! wont be long and you too will be a pupo princess!! glad you told the uni lady about it im sure that will make things a little easier for you xx

tinks hun how are you getting on with the tww? a little advice here for you i found my frer was very feint and my superdrug and asda cheapies were very very clear! so more expensive doesnt always mean the most clear result i still have my asda cheapies in a memory box for our angel the lasted well! ( also i got bfp 13 days after egg collection if that helps you not that i should be suggesting early testing!)

t4b thanks for the lovely thoughts hun im trying my best to keep my chin up and not let it get to me but i just cant help missing my angel and imagining how big my bump should be i guess that why i commited to the icsi so soon to try and cope with the loss by moving forward i guess it's now hit me that im 2 weeks from egg collection and what if it happens again?
i hope you have had a fantastic cocktail filled night out hun you deffo deserve it!!!

gill omg you poor thing that sounds like a trauma! i dnt know how you coped i freaked out when they did embryo transfer last time that sounds alot worse!i hope you are recovering now and getting the baby dance in ha ha! welcome to the tww! fingers crossed for you!

nayla, i'm so looking forward to willing you and t4b on in january i just hope we can all give you some success to move forward in an even more positive way! keep smiling hun :)

afm, monday looms and i cant flipping wait i feel like a really bruised pin cushion right now and with two injections a night from monday i guess it will just get worse lol but hopefully this will all be worth it. had a nice day shopping and lunch with dh and best friend then spent the afternoon playing with my nephew hes so lovely if anything im blessed to be an aunty anyway! XXXXX
Thank you Annie :hugs: and Gill :hugs:

Annie, it must be such a difficult time and you are being so strong. I truely admire your determination to succeed in your journey. Roll on monday and then stimming will fly by :happydance: It sounds like you've had a lovely time today, just what is needed sometimes, good friends and quality time with the other half :hugs:

Gill hunny, i'm so sorry about the date today :hugs::hugs: Again, I echo exactly what I said to Annie. I really admire your drive and I have no doubt that your forever baby in your arms very soon.

We have had lots of heartache on this thread, come on girls, here's to the start of happy times :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Love to you all :hugs:
11 Fertilised Lolly thats SUPERB :hugs: I would be bouncing off the walls with that kind of number! With Both of my IVFS put Together I managed to get 11... But having that beautiful number from this Cycle :happydance: Seems like things are running much much smoother for you :hugs: and as i have mentioned it a zillion times.. being stress free makes a huge difference to the outcome... and im sure you have been sailing through it due to your great attitude what will be will be... I pray to the Lord i will have your strength when i start again... Knowing me I will be a nervous wreck :wacko: This is so exciting....

Tink- Hows it going Hun? I know exactly the emotions thats spinning through your head :hugs: Please look after yourself and imagine your beanie cuddled up nicely xx As Annie mentioned I was told to test earlier than you 13 or 14 after egg collection?? Entirely up to you hun? 1st cycle i Just went straight for a blood test.. wish i had done a test earlier to prepare myself 2nd time i did test before the blood test.... Do what you feel is right, Im dying for some BFP'S here :hugs:

Gill- I hope your feeling much better Dear what a long day it much have been, and I hope your ready for alot of BD, Pre-seed is a god sent I have been using the stuff for over 2 years! not like its ever helped me to get pregnant... but what ever tiny bit of sperms my husband has I want to make sure their safe and sound :haha: Im not sure How much I have spent on these Tubes,, Amazon must think that is all I do :blush:... It does feel great though :thumbup:

T4B- Aww hope you had a great night :hugs: Wouldnt it be great if were Buddies in jAN! :friends: Like a child lol i need to be on my best behaviour, with my husband hes distraught when its a BFN but he hates it more the mess that I am in... he told me if its a 3rd fail what do we do than? :shrug: he said only not your getting back to your 'Normal' self I told him if its no we get on with it and try the 4th time... than the 5th.. untill were parents! :thumbup: I hope so i can twist his arms around it... Jan will be 7 Months since our Failed IVF so im more than ready to get back in the game... I told my husband 'we have to be in it to win it' :haha:

Annie- Aww sounds like you had a lovely day, and playing with your nephew sounds great... In Therapy she told me surround yourself with little ones as its great vibes to rub onto your Fertility :shrug: I will have to call my friends round and bring their little ones closer to the time and to see if it works :thumbup: Roll on Monday x not long to go....

AFM, Plodding along a guess... I realised if my first IVF worked at the start of the year I would be due my 1st baby in a few weeks :cloud9: im still friends with many women i cycled with back in Feb and there all about to pop... sometimes i get upset that why cant that me also sharing my excitement, showing them my bump week to week.. and my Nursery and telling them what i have packed in my hospital bag... :cloud9: i honestly thought at the start of the year we will 100% have a baby with us on Christmas day :cry: far from.... Just feels like we have taken 100s of step backwards... Got to keep moving i guess... :shrug:

Also i bumped into my husbands best friend who knows my husbands problems etc etc, but has never mentioned it to me or to anyone.. He got married not long ago and his wife is due her first in Feb... I was asking him hows life? and congrats on your great news... he was saying thanks but all she does is moan and moan.. wish Feb was here already! (i was thinking to myself he should remind her how blessed she is!) but like i said if you dont experience this rough ride NO ONE will ever get it :nope:

Lolly hopefully when we start our 3rd one we will stay with the SAME clinic but husband told me shes trying her best.. theres nothing more she can do, its all in Gods hand... he said we can be in the best clinic in the world and still get a couple of failed IVFS he said this is beyond anyones hands... Also the more i think about it hun i truly hate changes, i can go to the same Restrauant a 100 times and still order the same food, and we stay in the same hotels all the time etc etc... so the thought of a new doctor new nurses new operating tables (silly i know! ) and starting a fresh is a little daunting... so Why not one last try with her..... and hopefully the final one :thumbup:

Better start on some housework... no one would believe there is only 2 people living in this house.. the mess we make :wacko:

Have a lovely Sunday :kiss: xxxxxxx
Hi Girls!

So I am pupo with twins :happydance: Sadly our other embies grew abnormally again :cry: We had a 7 and 6 cell but they were fragmented and 6 others which were in line with 4 day old embryos as opposed to 3 day. They said that this fast growth was not following a typical development pattern and so they couldn't keep them :cry: Its sad as I have seen other clinics which actually view this as a good thing but gotta trust what they say. So glad I had lots of embies as it meant that they picked 2 top notch ones to transfer :thumbup: I think this abnormal growth pattern which has always been a factor may be a big reason to the past failures. Just hope these ones are little fighters! [-o<[-o<

I don't know if i'm disappointed or excited right now! In a very strange way I think the fact this is make or break is maybe good for my headspace right now. I would have loved frosties, but kinda drags out the pain. I'm so sorry if that sounds awful but I don't know how many times I can do it, and this way the decision is out of my hands. We also got a scan pic for first time of the flash as they went in, and again I don't know if this is good or not :wacko: Think i'm psyching myself out!

The transfer was the best one by far, was ready for the 'ouch' bit when she said look, they're going in now! Couldn't believe it! So come on my lil twinnies, grow and stick!!! They are both fab so gotta try and be hopeful but remaining totally realsitic and so is DP. It'll be a miracle if it works and if not I can be happy that I tried my very best.

But I am praying for my darlings :hugs:

Hope you are all well lovelies, love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lolly that's just fantastic. :hugs: :flower: Welcome to the 2ww!! You really have done everything that you possibly could, you're a brave soul. It's great to get 2 embies put back in. Has your mind wandered to twins every now and then yet. :happydance:. It's so hard to not let yourself get carried off on such a wonderful dream. :cloud9: We are all praying for you. Although Im not religious I find myself pleading with mother earth these days and will be including you in my prayers. It's looking good babe. Do take it easy the next few weeks. Let your other half wait on you hand and foot. Good practice for him when you are too big and waddling around :happydance:
Thanks Gill :hugs::hugs: You are a star!! I have already been twinnie dreaming and had to quickly pull it back in!! How is the 2ww treating you hunny? I am 5 and a half hours in and already nervous as hell :wacko: :haha:

DP has a cold so finding he is just as pathetic as me :dohh: But can't be too grumpy as it was me that gave it to him!! He said he is trying not to think about the embies as think he is terrified. All I can think about!

I still can't believe this will happen but trying to cling to that shred of hope, please let this be all of our times :cloud9:

Thank you for thinking of me, I am doing the same for you, and Tinks and all the other brave ladies here that keep fighting to make their dreams come true :hugs::hugs:
Hi girls, just a quick one from me, sorry. I haven't been sleeping and feeling so so so anxious so calling it an early night, jsut want to see how our Lolly had gotten on.

Congrats on being PUPO with twins :happydance::happydance::happydance: How cool that you got a pic of the flash of light, its amazing to see. Sorry your offer embies didn't make it hun, I was really hoping this time would be different. But you cant ask for better than 2 top graders onboard can you :thumbup::thumbup:

Welcome to the 2ww again Gill :kiss:

Hi Nayla, Annie and T4B, hope you are all well.

I still dont know when to test and I am going insane. This is just all so hard :nope:
Hiya, I am due to start ivf with icis in two weeks. Im so excited. I am 30 and my partner is 33. This is my first cycle. My partner has low sperm count and that is why we are in this situation. My tests all came back with good results. Our dr has recommended us to go for a day 5 transfer if possible. Just wondering has anyone got any insight, experience or sucess stories to share? :)

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