No Annie, thats why I am getting so stressed. We have not been officailly referred yet so cant call for a cancelation. Our fertility clinic doesnt even know we exsist yet. We have been waiting for our local hospital to write our referral to the fertility clinic, St Marys. DH Urologist told us she would write to them on the 21/12/2010. I have been chasing since then. I called today and its getting worse. DH urologist has just wrote a letter to my specailist, at the same local hospital, asking her to make the appropriate referral, so we know have to wait for my FS to receive the letter and get another letter typed up. Its taken DH Urologist 4 weeks to write a letter, what if it takes another 4 weeks, it feels like a life time away
Why cant the Urologist just write the referral like she told us she would????
I just want to know when we will have an appointment with St Marys and to just get on the list
Feeling really
about it. Its no wonder my cycle is messed up with this stress. No one can give me any straight answers
Am I over reacting girls or is it normal to get this worked up
How old are you Annie, if you dont mind me asking? Whats the diference between embies and a blast transfer? Is Blast transfer frozen??
The General does sound scary but I think i would rather not know whats going on