ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Thats brilliant news bumpsparkle and good information on the fet process as I wasnt too sure what it involved, bet you cant wait, I'm the same now glad that they froze them as I wasnt well enough all even though I'm impatient I know it was for the best
So exciting for you! Xx
Star - I'm going to try & wait until my test day but i did start spotting last time about 3 days before test day so i'll have to wait & see if it happens again.

I do hate all this waiting I wish they could just put it back & say Yes its happened your pregnant or no it hasn't been successful instead of all this not knowing.
Had my egg collection this morning- they got 8 eggs which they said was more than the expected 6(?!) - to me this doesn't seem like many as I am only 26..? :/
Procedure was ok but I wasn't "out of it" like they said I would be, I was fully aware of what was going on and also in pain!
In the recovery room I felt so so sick and couldn't eat or drink so they put me on a drip for a few hours and I was the last to leave..! :/
Anyway find out tomorrow how many fertilise and when we have have transfer, have been sleeping in bed for a few hours, today feels like a dream..!
Chimmi, glad ER is over and done with now and that they got 8 eggs. I don't think the number is necessarily just based on your age, but the dosage of stims. I hope you're feeling a bit better now. I'm sorry to hear that it hurt. It sounds like your experience was similar to mine! Good luck for the fertilisation report tomorrow!

Bumpsparkle, that sounds really positive about your FET consultation.

Pinkys, I hope you managed to enjoy your anniversary despite everything. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow!

Afm, I am now 3dp2dt so hopefully by little embryos are now blasts and will be getting ready to implant in the next few days. I decided to stay off work today and tomorrow as this is what had already been agreed with work, but I had been considering going back early if I was feeling fine. I was feeling ok but still decided to give my body more time to rest. I don't work Fridays anyway, so I'm now off until Monday, which will be 8dp2dt :). I've got to go for a scan tomorrow to check my ovaries for signs of OHSS and I will find out OTD.
Pinky - :hugs:

Chimmi- great news you survived the collection :happydance: I don't think age has anything to do with it. I had my cycles agd 29/30yrs and have retrieved 9 eggs then 11 eggs then 7 eggs. They assure me that next time it's just as likely to be in the teens... i think a lot of it is down to chance. Re: dose, me and Star had the exact same dose and protocol and she got over 20 so i dont thing dose has much to do with it either. Do you get a fertilisation report this morning? Good luck!

Emz- 12th is my christmas do too :) i hope the wait goes quickly for you

Beneath- good luck for your appointment on monday

Madonna- good to hear you've been taking some time out to rest :)

Bumpsparkle- glad to see the excitement kicking in :)

I hope everyone else is ok. I've been busy now I'm back at work. I've got an interview a week on monday for a secondment to keep me busy xxxx
I was on 175 menopur for 8 days then they put it up to 225 for last 3 days ( I had 15 follicles?)
Anyway I haven't had any pain since the procedure so that's good, I guess the good thing about less eggs is less chance of ohss and pain afterwards right?
Will hear in a few hours how many(if any) have fertilised..!

Hope everyone else is ok, and so sorry pinky :(
Had my egg collection this morning- they got 8 eggs which they said was more than the expected 6(?!) - to me this doesn't seem like many as I am only 26..? :/
Procedure was ok but I wasn't "out of it" like they said I would be, I was fully aware of what was going on and also in pain!
In the recovery room I felt so so sick and couldn't eat or drink so they put me on a drip for a few hours and I was the last to leave..! :/
Anyway find out tomorrow how many fertilise and when we have have transfer, have been sleeping in bed for a few hours, today feels like a dream..!

I was disappointed when I only got 6 eggs but. They only need one good one for it to work so fingers crossed. When's the transfer?
Had my egg collection this morning- they got 8 eggs which they said was more than the expected 6(?!) - to me this doesn't seem like many as I am only 26..? :/
Procedure was ok but I wasn't "out of it" like they said I would be, I was fully aware of what was going on and also in pain!
In the recovery room I felt so so sick and couldn't eat or drink so they put me on a drip for a few hours and I was the last to leave..! :/
Anyway find out tomorrow how many fertilise and when we have have transfer, have been sleeping in bed for a few hours, today feels like a dream..!

I was disappointed when I only got 6 eggs but. They only need one good one for it to work so fingers crossed. When's the transfer?

And it worked for you? Was just a bit disappointed as heard of people getting up to 20 and I read the younger you are the more you have. The doctor who did the procedure said it went well and he was happy, and the embryologist who spoke to us after said it's a good number as they expected 6!
Will hear today if any have fertilised.
This may sound strange but I have had NO pain whatsoever since.. I was expecting to be in discomfort at least but I feel fine (more like myself than I have in weeks!) is this coz there weren't loads of eggs?
I've been taking arnica tablets since day before procedure maybe this has helped?
Embryologist just phoned and said of the 8 only 4 were mature and able to inject. And of the 4 that were injected only 3 fertilised..
Will phone us day after tomorrow (Saturday) to let us know the progress and if it will be Saturday or Monday transfer
So sorry pinkys, sendinghugs xxx

Chimmi, I think it just varies with everyone, I was on 200 gonal f for 10 days amd had 35 follicles with 22 retrieved, I dont know why they didnt cut my dose down when they saw I was over responding as thought that was part of the reason for the scans But nevermind, I didn't have much pain afterwards actually felt more relief! Good new on the fertilisation report, soon will be pupo! Xxx
Fingers crossed your 3 embies are strong chimmi. Re:pain, i was always in pain on the day of collection and then virtually nothing the following day xxxx
Good luck, Chimmi! Hoping your embies grow nice and strong for transfer day <3

Sorry, I've been MIA lately, girls. I've been stressing all week making sure my new RE has all he needs before my appt on Monday!!! It's almost here.
chimmi - hoping that the three little ones continue to thrive! Best of luck to them!

Pinkys - sorry for the BFN, it's such a hard process and I know it's emotionally exausting not to see that second line.

I am now catching up on the rest of the thread as I've been pretty quiet as I've been feeling like crap this cycle.

Had my ER today - they retrieved 20, which was a very nice surprise for us (last cycle we got 11). Hoping for a good maturity/fertilization report tomorrow....everything about this process is super stressful.
chimmi - hoping that the three little ones continue to thrive! Best of luck to them!

Pinkys - sorry for the BFN, it's such a hard process and I know it's emotionally exausting not to see that second line.

I am now catching up on the rest of the thread as I've been pretty quiet as I've been feeling like crap this cycle.

Had my ER today - they retrieved 20, which was a very nice surprise for us (last cycle we got 11). Hoping for a good maturity/fertilization report tomorrow....everything about this process is super stressful.

20 is awesome! I'm sure your fert report will be great :hugs:
Good luck for fert report tomorrow.

I HATE this waiting (the rest of the IVF is so easy compared to this bit!)
Feel so helpless and can't do anything to help our little embies grow, just have to put a bloody bum pill in every 12 hours.. Ergh!! I'm so worried none of them will make it to Saturday, 3 isn't many at all :'(
Chimmi- the waiting is definitely the worst bit i agree! The best thing you can do is find some genuine belief that one or more of those embryos WILL become your future baby. It's the only way to get through the wait :hugs:

3chords- that's such great news! Fingers crossed for a great fert report tomorrow

Beneath - i hate that we have to do all the running around! Boo! Xxxx
Madonna - good luck with your OHSS scan!

chimmi - I know you are worried that you have 3 embies growing but the way it was explained last time to me is that if your fertilization rate is high, even with ICSI (and yours is very good at 75%) it usually means the eggs are in good shape. Very poor eggs have poor fertilization rates and outcomes. But yours sound like they have a lot of potential!
3chords thanks so much for that it made me feel much better! It's so hard to think positive (and I struggle anyway) and really hard not to compare myself to people who get 20 eggs..!
The embryologist did says the 3 that fertilised are looking "very good" i remember her saying that, only 24 hours to wait to find out more now..!

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