If your around 5 weeks join to share symptoms all the way to POPPING!


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Jul 21, 2010
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Hi all!

Basicaly this is my first pregancy and to be completely honest i am nervous and soo excited. I would love for those who are around the 5 week mark to join so I can discuss symptoms, compare pregnancies and generally have a natter week by week as we change untill the dreaded but exciting due date!

Any way im 22 I have a lovely Fiance called Dave who is the sweetest man alive. We were told that together we hardly stood a chance of conceiving (I have Cysts on my ovaries and OH has very low sperm count) However after 2 years of TTC i fid myself doing a pregnancy test and here i am! Sitting twiddling my thumbs waiting for each day/week/month to pass :blush:and analysing every twinge, researching everything about little beans and just generally being a bag of hormonal fun!:dohh:

Anyway! It would be great to get together a group of girls to talk to through the whole pregnacy who are experiencing the same things and due around the same time!

Lots of Love and baby dust
My name is Meagan, I am 22, (23 next month) and I am also 5 weeks. :) This is my second baby. I know I dealt with all of this stuff the last time, but for some reason, I completely forget everything!! We got pregnant our first month on both babies. With my first I had spotting through out my whole first trimester and now have a happy and healthy 10 month old. I found out about this baby 4 days before my period was supposed to start. I was holding my breath until it had officially been missed. :) As far as symptoms, I pretty much knew 2 dpo that I was pregnant, because I developed my second ever yeast infection. My first was with my son. :) I am crazy tired, and feel sick from time to time-- no barfing. I also get dizzy occasionally, but nothing major. My boobs arent sore in the slightest, and overall Im feeling very good. :)
im 6 week 5 days now n at 5 weeks i had sore boobs eatting alot .... everything isstill the same .... sometimes i get a like sick gag but thats it when i brush my teeth it is the worst idk why lol
Hi i am 5 weeks and I really don't have any symptoms yet, nipples may be a little sensitive and I have lots of cm! Lol but I am waiting for more! Hurry up! I want some! Haha.

I've just got the date for my first midwife appointment on the 27th of July!!!!!!! Arghhhhhh how am I going to stay sain till then!

hi i'm 32 i am 5w3d with my 4th baby,
so far i.ve had very sore boobs and lots of cm
x x x
Hi I'm Zoe, I'm about 5 weeks 4 days with my second .
My boobs are really sore, some days i cant stop eating and some days i cant bear the thought. I get ever so bloated on an evening too.
Congrats people! xxx
Hi there. I am 5 weeks and 3 days and found out 6 days ago that we were expecting our 5th baby together. I am 28 and have 1 boy who is 10 and then 3 girls 7,6 and 3. I have had sore breasts, cramping and backache. And for the past 2 days the morning sickness has crept in although lucky enough i have not been physically sick.
hi, im Donna. im 29 and this is my 3rd baby. ive got a 9 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. we were ttc since just after xmas and finally got our bfp a couple of days ago :happydance:

so far ive not got much in the way of symptoms. ive occasionally been feeling a bit nauseous(sp?) and ive been getting mild cramps kind of like really mild period pains. im not worried about the cramps though because i had them with both of my other pregnancies too but with the other 2 they got alot worse so im just waiting for them to really kick in! oh and ive had a bit of backache too x

hi..im amanda this is my 1st but have had 2 previous MCs..

I found out 3days ago and should be excatly 5weeks today..symptoms are nothing at the moment slight cramping..my BBs today are starting to get abit sore/sensitive..lots of CM which i keeping thinking is AF..my first scan will be at 7weeks around the 11th july..

oh and another thing its maybe a symptom not sure but gassy/diarrhea and aches all over my body.
Hi Cassie, you sound exactly like me! After 14 months of TTC we were also told that our chances of conceiving naturally were slim to none but here I am! It's only when we officially stopped 'trying' that I got pregnant (just goes to show eh!) and I didn't even do a test till AF was 11 days late as I wouldn't let myself believe for a minute that my late period was due to pregnancy! So when I got those 2 lovely dark lines I was (and still am a bit) in total shock!

Anyway, big congratulations to you! :hugs:

Well I'm 5wks and 5 days today (due date is 20th Feb 2012) and my symptoms are:
- horrible nausea but no actual sickness (mornings and evenings are worst)
- very sore boobies all over. Seem to be getting worse...
- slight food aversions/cravings. Gone off anything sweet and craving salt!

Ally xxx
Hello all! I'm very excited to turn on baby and bum and see all these replies from all you lovely ladies that are around the same time as me! I'm hoping you decide to stick around so we can compare every single detail!!!!!!!!!!

Megan (MLS)- it is lovely to have someone the same age as moi! I think its lovely that you have such a clear sign (yeast infection) that your preggas (Wish it was that simple sometimes) apart from a yeast infection being a pain in the bum! Where are you from!?

Jeaniepresto- Tell me about it! i am sooooooo hungry all the time! i could eat a cow even if i have ust had a massive dinner! im ust trying to eat fruit as snacks rather than eating junk! but i did enjoy a massive pizza takeaway last night! Nom nom! How lovely your further on than us.....maybe you can give me an insight to whats coming up each week!?!?Is this your first?Where are you from?

berry26- I can totallly sympathise with the cm sorry if tmi but i feel wet down there all the time which makes me panic so i have to wipe to make sure its not AF! Is this your first? Eash how good is your midwife! my midwife was meant to call me yesterday!but she didnt :growlmad: i rang the doctors and they said sorry she didnt realise she had to call people for appotents she will be in touch next wed!!!!!!!!!!!!:nope: do they not know how eager i am!?!??!?

snow fairy- Hiiii- i deffo have the sore boobs and cm so i match you there! Your 4 th childl! whoop! im coming to you with all my annying questions you are officially the pro in my eyes at being pregnant!!!!:blush:

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"[B]]Dantes Mom [/B]- Hi zoe! I just cant stop eating it would be nice to feel like i dont want to eat one night! I know about the bloated thing i look like i am 5 month gone! i swear the MIL has noticed it to cos i noticed she kept staring! How old are you zoe?[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Teal"]lesh07- Hi! you and snow fairy are definitly the captains of being preggars in my eyes! I will deffo be coming to you when i need advice! Im so glad you ahve had tummy and bak ache....it feels like my AF is about to ccome i have had it for about 6 days now but today i have woken up without it for the first time! no doubt it will be back! Its just uncomfortable more than anything! I read somewhere that lower back ache is a sign of miscarriage but sso many pregnant ppl experience it what do you think?!
happygal- Im glad your not worrying about the aches- if your not worried then im not worried! its nice to know you had these in your previous pregancies! where are you from?!?

[COLOR="DimGray"[B]]TTC#1Amanda[/B]- Firstly sorry for your mc's:hugs: I have my fingers crossed this is a sticky bean! Its nice because this is both our first! i have never been pregnant before now so really havnt got a clue what to expect! how lovely that you get an early scan- hopefully that will reassure you! i cant wait for the first scan! Remember to upload a photo![/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Babylady- Hey ally! im glad to know of someone else who has been trying for quite sometime! i couldnt agree with you more i ignored all pregnancy signs cos i was sick of getting BFN's i feel less pregnant this month than other months when i wasnt pregnant!:dohh: I seemed to pay less attention to :sex: this month to CRAZYYYYYYY!!!How old are you Ally?[/COLOR]

Well ladies i look frward to hearing from you and a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS and STICKY BABY DUST to us all!
Babylady- Hey ally! im glad to know of someone else who has been trying for quite sometime! i couldnt agree with you more i ignored all pregnancy signs cos i was sick of getting BFN's i feel less pregnant this month than other months when i wasnt pregnant! I seemed to pay less attention to this month to CRAZYYYYYYY!!!How old are you Ally?

I'm 29 (old bird!) :haha: I know what you mean - when we were actively TTC every single goddam month I was symptom spotting like crazy, was convinced that I was pregnant and then ended up disappointed when all I got was :bfn: I think that's why I waited so long to test this month - I think I developed a phobia of HPT's! :haha: My symptoms have only started to really develop in the last week which makes me realise that symptom spotting in the TWW really is pointless for the majority of us! So what is your due date (you may have already said but I don't wanna click the 'back' button to check as I'll lose everything I've just typed!! Xx
Babylady- Hey ally! im glad to know of someone else who has been trying for quite sometime! i couldnt agree with you more i ignored all pregnancy signs cos i was sick of getting BFN's i feel less pregnant this month than other months when i wasnt pregnant! I seemed to pay less attention to this month to CRAZYYYYYYY!!!How old are you Ally?

I'm 29 (old bird!) :haha: I know what you mean - when we were actively TTC every single goddam month I was symptom spotting like crazy, was convinced that I was pregnant and then ended up disappointed when all I got was :bfn: I think that's why I waited so long to test this month - I think I developed a phobia of HPT's! :haha: My symptoms have only started to really develop in the last week which makes me realise that symptom spotting in the TWW really is pointless for the majority of us! So what is your due date (you may have already said but I don't wanna click the 'back' button to check as I'll lose everything I've just typed!! Xx

Well i have only estimated using online calculators my last af started on 23/5/2011....but i have irregular period that vary from 25 days to 35 days so its difficult to be precise. I am trying to work out what day we conceived but thats tricky too :S i think after narrowing allllllll the infor il be due around the 26th feb! Its scary though being due so late in february cos you might have a leap year baby! eeeeek! Have you had any cramps or aches? i have but like i mentioned to one of the other girls this is the first day i have had none!:wacko: Is this your first bean?!?!?
My last af started on the 23rd of May too! Lol my due date ranges from 27th of Feb to the 2nd of March so yeah could be a leap year baby! My midwife tried to call me but couldn't get through so she sent me a letter with my appointment date on ( well I picked it up from the doctors, as I wanted it sooner! Lol). God knows how I'm gonna pass the time till 27th of July!!!!!!! Will be 9 weeks by then.

Can't believe u have to wait another week! Oh and yes this is my first baby, never been pregnant before only came off bc on 20th May! Didn't expect it this quickly! Finding out so early is kinda weird! Lol we've got soooo long to go! I'm just praying everything will be ok, I want this baby soooo much!

My last af started on the 23rd of May too! Lol my due date ranges from 27th of Feb to the 2nd of March so yeah could be a leap year baby! My midwife tried to call me but couldn't get through so she sent me a letter with my appointment date on ( well I picked it up from the doctors, as I wanted it sooner! Lol). God knows how I'm gonna pass the time till 27th of July!!!!!!! Will be 9 weeks by then.

Can't believe u have to wait another week! Oh and yes this is my first baby, never been pregnant before only came off bc on 20th May! Didn't expect it this quickly! Finding out so early is kinda weird! Lol we've got soooo long to go! I'm just praying everything will be ok, I want this baby soooo much!


Everything you have said is everything i think! I always scare myself" like im worryign because i have had tummy and back ache for 6 days and today its stopped! Im sure i should be gratefull to stop?!?:dohh: but im like why have they stopped ?!? honestly i am enough to do anyones head in! poor OH! So is that just a meeting with the midwife to talk about things and arrange your first scan? xxx

I am the granny of the group at a whopping 31 nearly 32 :winkwink:

I am 5 weeks 3 days and due on 27 February. I am also in a state of complete shock - even though we were trying - and everything just feels compltely surreal. I don't really feel pregnant at all??

Not too many sympotms. I did have bad lower ab and back ache but that hasn't been too bad the last few days. A few waves of nausea but other than that all good.

Its my moods that are the problem - i go from really excited, to terrified to *mnah*

Congrats to you all!!
Babylady- Hey ally! im glad to know of someone else who has been trying for quite sometime! i couldnt agree with you more i ignored all pregnancy signs cos i was sick of getting BFN's i feel less pregnant this month than other months when i wasnt pregnant! I seemed to pay less attention to this month to CRAZYYYYYYY!!!How old are you Ally?

I'm 29 (old bird!) :haha: I know what you mean - when we were actively TTC every single goddam month I was symptom spotting like crazy, was convinced that I was pregnant and then ended up disappointed when all I got was :bfn: I think that's why I waited so long to test this month - I think I developed a phobia of HPT's! :haha: My symptoms have only started to really develop in the last week which makes me realise that symptom spotting in the TWW really is pointless for the majority of us! So what is your due date (you may have already said but I don't wanna click the 'back' button to check as I'll lose everything I've just typed!! Xx

Well i have only estimated using online calculators my last af started on 23/5/2011....but i have irregular period that vary from 25 days to 35 days so its difficult to be precise. I am trying to work out what day we conceived but thats tricky too :S i think after narrowing allllllll the infor il be due around the 26th feb! Its scary though being due so late in february cos you might have a leap year baby! eeeeek! Have you had any cramps or aches? i have but like i mentioned to one of the other girls this is the first day i have had none!:wacko: Is this your first bean?!?!?

hiii im gemma im 19 and 5weeks5days pregnant xx im due on 28th feb so im extreamly scared of a leap year ababy :( xxx ive had achs and cramps im my back and belly but aparently it is the uterus growing xxx
just seen the comments on leap year babies. I am due on 27 Feb. This may be a silly question but what is the problem with a leap year baby..? *pregnancy brain*

I am the granny of the group at a whopping 31 nearly 32 :winkwink:

I am 5 weeks 3 days and due on 27 February. I am also in a state of complete shock - even though we were trying - and everything just feels compltely surreal. I don't really feel pregnant at all??

Not too many sympotms. I did have bad lower ab and back ache but that hasn't been too bad the last few days. A few waves of nausea but other than that all good.

Its my moods that are the problem - i go from really excited, to terrified to *mnah*

Congrats to you all!![/QUOTE

Bunska- I am so glad that you have had the same tummy and back ache like me! I feel releived when i hear ppl experiencing the same thing....its just weired when it stopped today cos i was soooooo used to it!Im hoping my uterus is stretched enough for now!:dohh:

Hey your as old as you feel! 31 IS NOT an oldie! :nope:

I am the same i go from really happy and positive to stressing about every little thing!

Is this yuour first?
Eeeeek im typing away trying to keep up with everyone! im soooo glad we have a range of girlies on here.....hopefully if we stick with this thread we will be 9 months gone and looking back at when we were week 5 :winkwink::happydance:

GemmaRose welcome:dance: I think your the youngest im 22. I love that you get aches tooo im pretty convinced its just the little bean getting snug as a bug!

Leap year babies are absolutly fine! If it was born on the 29th Feb it means that It will only have that birthday every 4 years as for three years there is only 28 days in feb! but your baby just gets to pick another day to celebrate (usually the 1st march)

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