If your around 5 weeks join to share symptoms all the way to POPPING!

Welcome Suoma- Glad you have a midewife appointment! My midwife forgot to call to arrange an appointment:growlmad: pfffttttt! wont speak to her to get an appointment untill next wed :(! im glad someone else is bloated i feel like im gonna pop!

Hi Dino:happydance: - I couldnt agree with you any more....the month i am least obsessed with being pregnant i end up pregnant after trying for 2 years :dohh: its typical when i have a big party next week and a holiday with 15 mates to new quay! :nope:

chiapso- We have much in common my OH is a computer technician and i am about to finish of my last year training to be a primary teacher! And my mum was a childminder with her own business! Deffo a fab job!

ArmyWife19840- your right id be glad for any day as long as my little bean makes it! :D
Do you know what i loooove about this thread?!?1 i get to look at all your baby tickers and be like eeeeek thats what my bean is doing too!:haha:
Well, I'm about hmm.. 5 weeks 3 days ( i think 4 days)
I'm 28, be 29 next month, the man just turned 29.
so far.. just sleepy and irritable, some cramping, a little nausea.
I've been waiting for this for 9 years now, so yah!!
hey guys

congrats to you all
im 5 weeks myself today. 27 years old and this is my first, so like all you first time mama's im freaking out too.

My symptoms are: nausea for first 2 hours in morning (which im hoping around week 6 it stays as nausea not ms) :wacko:

I don't seem to have as much energy as i normally would, i notice it when walking my dogs now, normally im fine, where as i took them on a big walk the other day and i was kinda huffing and puffing towards the end.

Food cravings- this is a weird one for me- Mushrooms (??) its weird because i dont normally like mushrooms hehe. Everything im cooking im putting mushrooms in.

Dh is convinced my boobs are getting bigger, i think im in denial

Look after urselves
Morning everyone

Nice to 'meet' you all. Feeling good to day - my moods are a bit al over the place at the moment but I am also getting frustrated as I don't 'feel' pregnant yet I am... and here I am writing ont hese boards and stuff.. I don't know, feel a bit like a fraud in limbo land. Anyone else feeling like that?

Cassie - no, it was more spotting...
hey guys

congrats to you all
im 5 weeks myself today. 27 years old and this is my first, so like all you first time mama's im freaking out too.

My symptoms are: nausea for first 2 hours in morning (which im hoping around week 6 it stays as nausea not ms) :wacko:

I don't seem to have as much energy as i normally would, i notice it when walking my dogs now, normally im fine, where as i took them on a big walk the other day and i was kinda huffing and puffing towards the end.

Food cravings- this is a weird one for me- Mushrooms (??) its weird because i dont normally like mushrooms hehe. Everything im cooking im putting mushrooms in.

Dh is convinced my boobs are getting bigger, i think im in denial

Look after urselves

Hi hun, at least mushrooms is a healthy craving! I'm craving chicken and gammon which is very weird because i was a vegetarian :shrug:

My boobs have gone up 2 sizes, i was a 36-D and now i'm 40-E :dohh: very sore i can squeeze in a 36-E but i like the extra back room so i dont have to feel it digging in at all! Ahhh i remember the days when i was putting on a padded 34-C
We do all realise we could have leap year babies? I don't know why but this is freaking me out - think we should take a vote on who gets the leap year baby! haha my due date is the 29th Feb but not many are born exactly on the day so i think i'm ok!
Morning everyone! and wecome newbies! :D

I havent even left bed because i feel like im gonna throw up all over the place!

I have an upset tummy atm! it says in the first trimester you probably will feel constipated but i am the opposite i keep having diahrea!:growlmad: Is any body else getting this?

when i come on af i always get diharea with period pain. SINCE im getting af like cramping im wondering if this sets of the diashrea???

sorry tmi:blush:
Good morning! I am the opposite. I am having constipation. But I have increased my fiber intake significantly. SO Im thinking that may be why.
I also had slight pink spot after one of my bm's. I got really nervous but I read online its very common in early pregnany after sex/bm.
Im just trying to remain calm on Tuesday.
I always thought tww was the worst, but this feels the same if not worse. lol I hope this will eventually go away in our pregnancies!!
Good morning! I am the opposite. I am having constipation. But I have increased my fiber intake significantly. SO Im thinking that may be why.
I also had slight pink spot after one of my bm's. I got really nervous but I read online its very common in early pregnany after sex/bm.
Im just trying to remain calm on Tuesday.
I always thought tww was the worst, but this feels the same if not worse. lol I hope this will eventually go away in our pregnancies!!

I couldnt agree more! this is 100 x worse than the 2ww.....i think constipation is the norm to be honest! m trying to eat more fibre to prevent Diarhea.

I havent got any tummy pains today! i miss them:dohh:
Food cravings- this is a weird one for me- Mushrooms (??) its weird because i dont normally like mushrooms hehe. Everything im cooking im putting mushrooms in.

Hahaha me too - im just cooking them on their own and eating them! Just had some Breaded Garlic Mushrooms!! Noms !!

Hope youre all doing well today :flower:
Hello all you Preggos :) I hope you all are feeling well today.
I am finally pregnant for the 2nd time after trying for almost 4 years.
I am 5 weeks 5 days but my ticker says 4 for some stupid reason lol.
I have an ultrasound on july 14th and cant wait.
As for symptoms I have been nauseated since 2 dpo. in the beginning it was all day long but now it comes and goes in the day and is more prominent at night.
High Temps,Gassy and as for the bathroom it's either one extreme or the other tmi.
Boobs are a bit enlarged but not sore as for my nipples they are killing me!
Lots of cramping and stretching and creamy cm.

Could I please join? I'm exactly 6 weeks today! :happydance: I'm 37 (YIKES) but I'll be 38 by the time Baby arrives, so I think that officially makes me the oldie. This is my 5th baby, but my youngest is 10, so I feel like this is my first all over again! It took us 39 months to conceive this miracle, and I'm still reeling. :cloud9:

So - symptoms! My boobs are HUMONGOUS. So sore, that if I bump them in my sleep, it wakes me up. I'm taking hour long naps (sometimes longer) during the day, which is unheard of for me. And I can't seem to stop smiling.....:kiss: Looking forward to getting to know each of you! xx
My last af started on the 23rd of May too! Lol my due date ranges from 27th of Feb to the 2nd of March so yeah could be a leap year baby! My midwife tried to call me but couldn't get through so she sent me a letter with my appointment date on ( well I picked it up from the doctors, as I wanted it sooner! Lol). God knows how I'm gonna pass the time till 27th of July!!!!!!! Will be 9 weeks by then.

Can't believe u have to wait another week! Oh and yes this is my first baby, never been pregnant before only came off bc on 20th May! Didn't expect it this quickly! Finding out so early is kinda weird! Lol we've got soooo long to go! I'm just praying everything will be ok, I want this baby soooo much!


Everything you have said is everything i think! I always scare myself" like im worryign because i have had tummy and back ache for 6 days and today its stopped! Im sure i should be gratefull to stop?!?:dohh: but im like why have they stopped ?!? honestly i am enough to do anyones head in! poor OH! So is that just a meeting with the midwife to talk about things and arrange your first scan? xxx

lol yup every little twinge and ache im like ohh whats that! all the cm im like am i bleeding arghh!!!!! must stop! lol

Its just the initial meeting to chat about family history and take blood and urine i think lol, and then i think we arrange a scan from then? thats what i think happens :) ive got a bit of back ache at the moment and i feel a bit tired and tearful, this is all soo weird, its all very minor though, so i dont know if its really there or am i making it up? i dont know, im soooooo confusing myself!


I'm in the same boat!!! I'm 4 weeks and 6 days pregnant and this is my first time being pregnant. I'm so worried about losing my baby :( because I want this baby so much!!! I just got off the birth control end of April so I was surprised :) Dr. said my HCG levels at 4 weeks and 3 days was at 1550 and progesterone looked good so I'm keeping positive. I'm trying not to read scary things about miscarriages etc... and just enjoying the time! I've been nausea pretty much since the 4th week began. I combat it with crackers but it doesn't always work. Other than that, random headaches, backache and of course TIRED! Today I've noticed a lot of CM...must be the MP getting ready to form! (sorry tmi) Bought my first box of diapers since someone advised us to start buying them now so we have a stock of them by the time baby is here. I really enjoyed buying them!

I'm 25 so I'm hoping that my age helps reduce my risk of miscarriage!
Good morning everyone! Weird thing happening today and yesterday. My stomach has been very itchy. From what I read it can be due to the body preparing to stretch. Just seems too early yet :shrug:
I thought taking a nice shower would help, but its still itchy.
Labor of Love :)
Hellooooo everyone! :hi:
Welcome MamaD and hopingnowsit!!!!!

MAMAD-my boobs wake me up in the night tooo cos they are that sore! :D its a right pain isnt it?:growlmad:

hopingnowsit-Lots of cramping and stretching and creamy cm is exactly what my symptoms were aswell as boobs but cramping has calmed down and only pops up to say hi in the evening really!

Army wife- I had a bit of an itchy belly know and then! but not much! but its deffo a symptom!

jleden48- Keep thinking Happy thoughts! Thats what i have realised....just do everything you can to let the little bean grow up healthy then you have done everything you can :thumbup:

Anyhhoooo i havent been on as much as been busy seeing family! I have known for 7 days now that i have been pregnant. When i took my test last friday with a digi it came up 2-3 (4-5 weeks) I know i shouldnt have but i thought il just do another test and see if its moved up :blush: AND IT DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: its moved to 3+ weeks buzzing!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is ok and feeling great!:hugs:
Ooh can I join?!

Im Erica, 23 years old (24 in Aug) and OH is 24.

We have been TTC for 2 long years and in the last few months, quite a few of my friends, as well as two sis-in-laws got pregnant. OH had a semen analysis set up for yesterday but on Sunday I randomly decided to take a test and it was my first ever BFP!!

As far as symptoms, I was worried that I didnt have enough but I can see I am not alone in that and it makes me feel normal. I have mild cramps on and off.. Occasionally one or two of them hurt a little bit but it goes away.. I've been getting lots of CM, you would think I was ovulating or something :haha: , and I am defintely more tired..especially after I eat. My boobs are only sore to the touch but dont wake me up at night or anything..

A word of advice to you all, get your teeth checked! I had a bad infection that flared up the day I found out I was preg and now I can hardly eat, I was on tylenol around the clock up until today and I am still on antibiotics. The added stress and pain is no fun and I will probably have the tooth out on Thursday which sucks.. They tried to pull it on Wednesday last week but the anesthesia numbed everything BUT the tooth because the infection was so bad so it hurt to much when he tried :wacko:!! So ladies, get your calcium in and make sure your teeth are all good because its no fun to be starving and can only eat mashed foods or have to chop up everything into tiny bits and chew EXTRA slow :nope:
Ooh can I join?!

Im Erica, 23 years old (24 in Aug) and OH is 24.

We have been TTC for 2 long years and in the last few months, quite a few of my friends, as well as two sis-in-laws got pregnant. OH had a semen analysis set up for yesterday but on Sunday I randomly decided to take a test and it was my first ever BFP!!

As far as symptoms, I was worried that I didnt have enough but I can see I am not alone in that and it makes me feel normal. I have mild cramps on and off.. Occasionally one or two of them hurt a little bit but it goes away.. I've been getting lots of CM, you would think I was ovulating or something :haha: , and I am defintely more tired..especially after I eat. My boobs are only sore to the touch but dont wake me up at night or anything..

A word of advice to you all, get your teeth checked! I had a bad infection that flared up the day I found out I was preg and now I can hardly eat, I was on tylenol around the clock up until today and I am still on antibiotics. The added stress and pain is no fun and I will probably have the tooth out on Thursday which sucks.. They tried to pull it on Wednesday last week but the anesthesia numbed everything BUT the tooth because the infection was so bad so it hurt to much when he tried :wacko:!! So ladies, get your calcium in and make sure your teeth are all good because its no fun to be starving and can only eat mashed foods or have to chop up everything into tiny bits and chew EXTRA slow :nope:

Welcome!!!!!!!!!111 We have both been ttc for 2 years and made it !!!!!!:happydance:

Its a shock isnt it?!? when you didnt think it could happen we were about to go on holiday and come back and see a fertility specialist (Dont you just love it when that happens)

I forgot to ask .............Anyone had heatburn? i have had it constantly for 3 days ....i thought you get that when your well along!:shrug:
Sounds like you will have a VERY hairy baby lol! I shouldnt laugh though because my OH is a hairy man and I will probably be right behind you with the hb lol!

Has anyone started a preg journal yet? Im nervous to start one.. I am well over 500 pgs in my ttc journal and am afraid to make the switch just yet.. Anyone else?
Hi All :)

I am 20 and this week will be my 6th week. Found out last Sunday, mixture of happyness and anxiousness. Since finding out I have had sore boobs, needing toilet all the time, tiredness and tummy ache, now today all I've got is tiredness, bizare. Is that normal?
I'm doing this all on my own, and it is my first baby. I have so much to do it is unreal.


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