If your around 5 weeks join to share symptoms all the way to POPPING!

Hi Cassie I'm 19, I've already got a son Dante hes 20months and 5 weeks pregnant now :) getting very excited but worried also keep looking at baby things but feel its a bit early... I cant help it cuz I'm so excited. I've told most family and friends im just not broadcasting it on fb lol. I'm not eating junk just endless amounts of pineapple, grapes and strawberries. And maybe a few packets of crisps but giving up smoking the last few days has been really hard! u been 2 the midwife yet or has any1? xxxx
Thanks for clearing up the leap year thing Cassie : ) And yes, its our first. Terrified. Don't worry about the pains, its normal. I also had some weird discharge (sorry - a bit tmi) that totally freaked me out but again, thats totally normal.
Coooeee Ladies, Bunska, I think I JUST beat you, turned 32 on 22nd June, the day I got my BFP!!! I have had a 'full' feeling which I find quite reassuring! Boobs are a little tender but nowt much else yet BOOOOOOOO I'm due on Feb 29th!!!!!!!!
Hi Cassie I'm 19, I've already got a son Dante hes 20months and 5 weeks pregnant now :) getting very excited but worried also keep looking at baby things but feel its a bit early... I cant help it cuz I'm so excited. I've told most family and friends im just not broadcasting it on fb lol. I'm not eating junk just endless amounts of pineapple, grapes and strawberries. And maybe a few packets of crisps but giving up smoking the last few days has been really hard! u been 2 the midwife yet or has any1? xxxx

You sound just like me! i have been eating a ridiculous amounts of pineapple and other fruits! haha! I have only told 5 close friends just so i can chat to people when im stressed out! i am waiting to tell family and fb untill 12 weeks scan! Cannot bloody wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out on friday and i gave up smoking straight away! I am doing really well concidering my friends and OH are continuing! The midwife was meant to call me on wed and arrange our first meeting but she didnt! i rang the doctors this morning and they said she forgot :dohh:! so now i have to wait for a call next wed! Do you meet up first then arrange a scan date?
Bunska- MyCM is milky and i feel wet all the time ~(sry if tmi) if thats what you mean?!?! i have deffo got that without a doubt!

Ola Greenie- :yipee: Its nice to have a range of ages on here! is this your first? I know about the full thing i am soooooo bloated all the time! My boobs were the first sign i couldnt cudde OH cos they felt bruised! I notcied last night i had very light and few veins on my boobs which excited me! hahaha how sexy!
Hi all! I would like to join too!!

Quick run down.
I am 27, DH is 29. TTC for 14months for baby # 1 !!!
Finally got our BFP June 16th! My due date is Feb 26th.

Symptoms: Cramping since O!!! Mostly on the right side, but now is changing to all over the place. Very sore breasts.

I go in on July 5th for my 6wk appt. Just to check and make sure everything looks ok.
I am so excited! I want this holiday weekend to go by fast!! lol
I will definetly keep everyone updated and im excited for us to all go through this journey together.
And I feel the same way when it comes to symptoms, every second I feel something diff, i google til my fingers hurt lol. My husband always says you should be a pro at knowing everything now since I google so much lol.
Hi all! I would like to join too!!

Quick run down.
I am 27, DH is 29. TTC for 14months for baby # 1 !!!
Finally got our BFP June 16th! My due date is Feb 26th.

Symptoms: Cramping since O!!! Mostly on the right side, but now is changing to all over the place. Very sore breasts.

I go in on July 5th for my 6wk appt. Just to check and make sure everything looks ok.
I am so excited! I want this holiday weekend to go by fast!! lol
I will definetly keep everyone updated and im excited for us to all go through this journey together.
And I feel the same way when it comes to symptoms, every second I feel something diff, i google til my fingers hurt lol. My husband always says you should be a pro at knowing everything now since I google so much lol.

Howdy Armywife:flower: Congratualtions i like your sotry underneath your ticker! i love it when that happens! Its nice to also have someone who has been trying for a long time! Im very jealous that you have a 6week appointment! my midwife wont have even got in touch by then! :growlmad:

I know im always googling things but my OH tells me to STOP! he is like just relax and enjoy our little sticky bean will be fine! I think cos it has been 2 years iv waited for it toooo long i dont want to wait again!

any way welcome!

You sound just like me! i have been eating a ridiculous amounts of pineapple and other fruits! haha! I have only told 5 close friends just so i can chat to people when im stressed out! i am waiting to tell family and fb untill 12 weeks scan! Cannot bloody wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out on friday and i gave up smoking straight away! I am doing really well concidering my friends and OH are continuing! The midwife was meant to call me on wed and arrange our first meeting but she didnt! i rang the doctors this morning and they said she forgot :dohh:! so now i have to wait for a call next wed! Do you meet up first then arrange a scan date?

I found out on Friday that I was pregnant and quit on Sunday took a lot of willpower tho. My OH doesnt smoke tho so im fortunate really ... I called my doctors and the earliest appointment they had 2 see the midwife was 13th July seems like forever! Then she informs the hospital and they send you a scan date through the post .. Well thats what happened with my 1st . on the plus side the longer i wait to see the midwife the less time until my scan! :) xxx
Cassie04: I pretty much harrassed my way to get that appt lol. I kept calling and saying I was getting cramps/pinches and then finally they said Ok lets schedule you for 6wks.
My original appt wasnt until July 18th. (8wks)

Its hard too because I want to scream to the world Im pregnant, but I havent told anyone yet, Just Bnb! :)
We plan on sharing after our 6wk appt.
Cassie04: I pretty much harrassed my way to get that appt lol. I kept calling and saying I was getting cramps/pinches and then finally they said Ok lets schedule you for 6wks.
My original appt wasnt until July 18th. (8wks)

Its hard too because I want to scream to the world Im pregnant, but I havent told anyone yet, Just Bnb! :)
We plan on sharing after our 6wk appt.

Eash thats exciting! i really want to tell everyone but i am not going to tell ppl untilll after the 12th week.....just incase! :D

I know my best mate said i need to be more firm with the doctors cos i am a push over!
My last af started on the 23rd of May too! Lol my due date ranges from 27th of Feb to the 2nd of March so yeah could be a leap year baby! My midwife tried to call me but couldn't get through so she sent me a letter with my appointment date on ( well I picked it up from the doctors, as I wanted it sooner! Lol). God knows how I'm gonna pass the time till 27th of July!!!!!!! Will be 9 weeks by then.

Can't believe u have to wait another week! Oh and yes this is my first baby, never been pregnant before only came off bc on 20th May! Didn't expect it this quickly! Finding out so early is kinda weird! Lol we've got soooo long to go! I'm just praying everything will be ok, I want this baby soooo much!


Everything you have said is everything i think! I always scare myself" like im worryign because i have had tummy and back ache for 6 days and today its stopped! Im sure i should be gratefull to stop?!?:dohh: but im like why have they stopped ?!? honestly i am enough to do anyones head in! poor OH! So is that just a meeting with the midwife to talk about things and arrange your first scan? xxx

lol yup every little twinge and ache im like ohh whats that! all the cm im like am i bleeding arghh!!!!! must stop! lol

Its just the initial meeting to chat about family history and take blood and urine i think lol, and then i think we arrange a scan from then? thats what i think happens :) ive got a bit of back ache at the moment and i feel a bit tired and tearful, this is all soo weird, its all very minor though, so i dont know if its really there or am i making it up? i dont know, im soooooo confusing myself!

Nice to meet you ladies! I am nearly 5 weeks, and this is my husband and my first child. I am 33, and will have just turned 34 when baby will be due, I still would have waited a bit, but my husband is turning 38 in a few months and he wanted a baby before he turned 40 :winkwink:. But in seriousness, I just finished graduate school last year and now have a year under my belt at work, so things are running smoothly, so it was finally time to have a baby! I still don't feel very pregnant yet, no real symptoms except for the sore boobs and being a bit more tired that usual, oh and I am off sweets and loving salt too.
Nice to meet you ladies! I am nearly 5 weeks, and this is my husband and my first child. I am 33, and will have just turned 34 when baby will be due, I still would have waited a bit, but my husband is turning 38 in a few months and he wanted a baby before he turned 40 :winkwink:. But in seriousness, I just finished graduate school last year and now have a year under my belt at work, so things are running smoothly, so it was finally time to have a baby! I still don't feel very pregnant yet, no real symptoms except for the sore boobs and being a bit more tired that usual, oh and I am off sweets and loving salt too.

Welcome!:flower: When do you have your first appt? When abouts is your due date?
hi I am 5 weeks 4 days, no symptoms so far other than occasional cramping :)
this is our fifth baby i normally get reallly bad sickness about 6 weeks so just waiting and kind of hoping it starts (worrying everything is ok!)
Welcome!:flower: When do you have your first appt? When abouts is your due date?

Hi ArmyWife1984! I'm an Army wife too. :thumbup:

My first appointment is August 4th, which will put me around 9 weeks or so? My doctor doesn't usually bring people in until 8-10 weeks for their first appointment unless something is going on. Based on the online calculators my due date is around the March 1st, but I'm hoping for a leap day baby.
Welcome CatandKitten and Fernie!:happydance:

Eash this is all exciting.....al seems we are all having the same symtoms! whoop whoop!

Berry26- I swear i make my symptoms happen by thinking about them! ahhahah i just love being pregnant (So far)! I was tearful the other night because i was convinced something will happen to the baby. Everythign in my life has been a struggle so far with lots of hiccups and im just preparing myself for the worst. Im so used to being knocked down and having to get back up so im ready to fight without having anything to fight for at the moment (touch wood)! Anyway im hoping 2 year of TTC is my hiccup for the whole pregnancy! so now i only have the fun and exciting parts!:thumbup:

Just been to Nando's for tea Nom nom! :munch: Im so hungry alllll the time!
Hello all :) Im in my 5th week with my second child, he just turned 12. I was 18 when i had my first and i read every book and watched every pregnancy and birth documentary going, but i have forgotten it all!! I better get started again.

I had morning sickness at 3 weeks! Which suprised me alot but thankfully it 'seems' to have passed now.

The symptoms i have at the moment are: Bloating ( Like you wouldnt beleive)

Extreme tiredness. I start work at 6am so by the time 3pm hits - its time for my nap hehe. I finish work at 5pm so its a pretty long day for me.

Emotional - By the time i get home from work im pretty teary. Crying at pretty much anything :)

Seeing my Midwife on the 27th July - Seems so far away!!

Nice to meet you all - Its a really lovely idea this thread :)

Hi ladies,

I am 30 years old and we have been TTC like forever now with fertility treatments and all. I had given up all hope and we took a break from treatments for a few months. So when i was a week and a half late this time, with very little hope I took a HPT and it came positive!!! I am still in shock. Go figure right. We honestly stopped stressing out and just had fun. Its makes you think...is life really that simple?

I went and had a blood test done the very next day and they confirmed my pregnancy. They roughly think I might be 5w5days today with my due date being late Feb. I am having my 6 and a half week ultrasound done next Thursday and I dont know how to keep sane till then.

On top of everything, I have my bar exams in late July and I am under a lot of stress with that. I keep asking myself if this amount of stress is good for my bean in the first trimester. I dont have insurance so I really dont have a doctor to advise me with anything. Sigh. But I am happy. This is a miracle little one and I just hope it stick all the way through and is growing up healthy. I sooo badly want everything to be ok with it. Symptoms - I am super tired and hungry all the time. Its could just be because I am studying so much too.
Hi ladies wondered if I could join the fun? I'm 5 weeks today. I'm 21 and oh is 29 we will be 22 and 30 when buhba is born.

We have exciting times ahead moving in to a lovely house in a few month, unfortunately I have to leave uni for a year but as a nursery teacher having children isn't frowned upon I love children so much I do it for a living since 16.

My oh is a computer developer and earns enough for all 3 of us so I'm leaving my job when I am 7 month pregnant and starting my own child minding business after baby is born.

Nice to meet you all

Xxx Rachel
Welcome!:flower: When do you have your first appt? When abouts is your due date?

Hi ArmyWife1984! I'm an Army wife too. :thumbup:

My first appointment is August 4th, which will put me around 9 weeks or so? My doctor doesn't usually bring people in until 8-10 weeks for their first appointment unless something is going on. Based on the online calculators my due date is around the March 1st, but I'm hoping for a leap day baby.

Im not sure if Id want my baby on leap day, it would make bdays interesting each yr but Id rather have it on one specific day that comes every yr lol... But ill take what i can get :happydance: im just happy to be preggers

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