Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Welcome Violette! 7 weeks is great news and congratulations. I totally agree with you on the symptoms of stretching uterus and not wanting them and then immediately when they go away feeling like 'am I really pg' and so of course wanting them back. My boobs also go up and down in size and its makes me worry when they go down. Oh the worries we put upon ourselves LOL.

Miss Lemon - sorry you're still having the nausea. I've been lucky and only had it a few days but those days were terrible so I feel your pain. Hang in there. I ate ginger candy and crackers. Maybe that will help.

AFM - Had the nuchal test this morning and hopefully the results are positive. Will have to wait for a week before we receive them. We also opted to go for the gender test too so that we'll know ahead of time. I had a big bottle of water and some mints so the sugar must have done a number on the baby - he/she was jumping around all over the place and rolling over. At one time it even looked like he/she was sucking their thumb. It was so cute and amazing to watch the baby moving around like that. We got some nice pics too. So I am praying that a healthy active baby like this one was today can't possibly have any issues :)

Hope all of you are donig well today.
Davecr033 - I am sure you scan will turn out just fine - good luck!!!

MsLemon - I know how you feel, the FATIGUE and vague nausea are working me really, and I definately don't want to complain, but can't seem to figure out how to get through a day!!!!! I am grateful though...I know the minute I don't feel this way, I am gonna freak out, so I am trying to embrace this, and enjoy it as part of being pregnant, but I am not sure if I am going to be fired for being such a slacker...Just can not keep it together at all!!!! LOL

Welcome Violette!!!

AFM - Had a scan yesterday at OB office - 8 weeks! I got to hear the heartbeat again...I believe next week at RE will be the last visit with him and last scan until I reach 12 weeks! Keeping fingers crossed! I have to go for bloodwork and glucose test before my next OB appt...Does anyone have any tips for the fatigue? I wonder that I am not exercising enough..maybe that's it?
:wave: Violette! Welcome and congrats!

I know I haven't been posting lately... Tory congrats on the 2 little peas in the pod! :yipee:

Anyone else's belly sound like a thunderstorm? Anyone too tired to prepare food, let alone cook it? Anyone have zero appetite?

I have now gone to the Emergency Room twice due to severe cramping. The first time the FS thought it was torsion of the ovary, then the 2nd trip a different FS (but within the same clinic) thought it was an ovarian cysts that ruptured or it was mild hyperstimulation from the IVF and with my hormones high... it's just going to take until 9 wks for my right ovary to go back to normal size. It also could be the constipation! :loo: which thankfully I recently switch from injectable to a progesterone gel. That said, I have also be nauseated and scared to almost eat anything that isn't going to agree and upset my stomach causing more problems with my right-mega-large-ovary. The FS said when/if that sharp, sudden pain comes again... we'll have to do immediate surgery to try to save the ovary. :shock:

Any of you heard or experienced something similar?? Any tips on what you ladies are eating? or craving? or what helped u when u were nauseated? :sick:
Hello Ladies,

Hope everyone is having a good day.

babybean - so sorry to hear about your severe cramping and ovary problem. I haven't had any issues there so I am sorry but have no advice. On the nausea part, I've found ginger candy (ginger ale, ginger cookies, etc.) that helps with the getting rid of the nausea and allows me to eat something. Also someone told me to eat potatoes when you can stand it as it coats the stomach well and helps reduce nausea as well.

My biggest problem has been fatigue. I recently started doing some yoga at home following a pregnancy yoga dvd and its gives me a little bit more energy after I get home from long day at work. Of course by 9:30 or so I am still ready to hit the bed. Also I am finding that there is a slight increase in energy after 12 weeks. I hit 13 weeks tomorrow and only felt the change this week. I also was taking 10-15 min naps after getting home and during lunch time. That helped a little too.

Any other tips anyone? Ever time I mention it to anyone they tell me to wait until the baby comes when I will be even more tired. I am thinking great no cure for next year LOL.
Sorry babybean, can't really offer any advice either. It sounds scary - really hoping it doesn't happen again for you. When I had my 6 week scan the nurse made an offhand comment about 'wow, your ovaries are still huge' which I found a bit disconcerting but was distracted with the whole twin thing so didn't ask. I do find myself worrying a bit about them but then trying to think that every day is a day further away from them being stimulated so they must be going down.

As for the nausea - I read on a diff forum that one woman chewed gum - fruit flavoured, and that helps me a bit. Oooh - and Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps. Feel better after a packet of those.

And as for the fatigue - I get home at 6, nap for about an hour whilst DH cooks (going to give him a medal when this over), then I'm heading for bed at 8.30pm ish after watching a few episodes of Frasier. Party on. :haha:

oh, and welcome violette!

Did you all go private for early scans? Cos Ive been told just because i'm IVF doesnt mean i'm special and will have to wait to 12 weeks (but my private clinic said I must be done at 6-8 weeks cos of chance of multiple birth) I also have a cyst.

Did any of you have NHS scan early ... if so how???
I had a funny preggo moment last night. Before bed I was laying on the couch eating saltines and couldn't figure out why only my right boob really hurt, so I assumed it was all part of the "process". Then when I was getting ready for bed I looked inside my bra and saw what I thought was a piece of paper then realized it was a really jagged piece of cracker.

I had one of those "aha" moments :dohh: and showed my husband. Then promptly ate it. He was grossed out but I was hungry!!
Hi Everyone, Hope all of you have been doing well. Welcome to all of the new people in our group.

Caseys - you made me laugh, that was hilarious.

Hopefull - Scans - I did have a 7 week u/s scan and then the only other scan requistion was for 18 week. I got a 12 week to do First Trimester NT screening through a referral to a genetic counselor. I had a previous ectopic pregnancy so I would have freaked out on them if I didn't get one at 7 weeks. Basically when I found out I was pregnant the Fertility clinic told me to tell my regular doctor that I needed one at 7 weeks. She was pretty accommodating to me though, because I wouldn't have gotten any beta hcg testing done if I hadn't asked for it.

Babybean - I hope the cramping doesn't come back, sounds horrible. I know I was tender from the EC but thats about it, except for occasional constipation cramps. I did feel better after I went off the progesterone, I was never on injectibles though, only suppositories. I am trying to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, it helps my constipation, I did get some bleeding hemorroids a little while ago. Otherwise, just trying to make sure I eat regularly, if I go hungry for too long I get really nauseous.

Davecr - whats wrong with going to bed at 9:30, LOL, OH and I have been going to bed earlier and earlier, and sometimes its like 8:00, we fall asleep watching a program on the TV usually. Sleep is something that I definitely can't function without. I turn into a grouch that no one can stand to be around. I'm thinking the exercise might do me some good. Its just hard with working all day and then not feeling like doing anything when I get home.

Dmama - no tips on fatigue from me, other than don't be afraid to let yourself sleep more.

I'm getting so many mixed feelings. I am starting to get a bit of a bump, OH and I can feel it when I lie down, its getting harder and it has almost reached my belly button. I have been watching shows on TV about women giving birth, "A Baby Story". They make me cry everytime. This is something that OH and I have wanted for so long and now the reality is starting to set in. We have a fetal doppler so we listen to the heartbeat every night. Its so reassuring and magical.

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well. Its nice to hear about all of your goings on from day to day. Take care.
Thanks ladies :flower:
Those are some good tips. I bought huge case of ginger ale today! It does help. I also have a baggie of saltines on me at.all.times. And I have potatoes boiling right now...I'm ready for some mashed potatoes for dinner.

ttcbaby4us, how do you have a fetal doppler? That is amazing!! That would be so fun to listen to the heartbeat or to share with family. Anyway, curious how u got a hold of one, and was it super pricey?

Anyway, hope you are all doing well today.
I recently got a job offer. Problem is the future employer has been so upfront and honest with me that I feel I need to be honest too...

So, question for you ladies: if you just got a job offer, with a contract and no 'benefits' or maternity discussed in the contract... would you tell your future employer you're pregnant or would you ask about it, but not tell them??

I know once I ask though, it may sound suspicious and therefore maybe I should just come clean and tell them? I don't want to be dishonest but I also don't want to lose the opportunity.
babybean - that is a tough doc said to keep under wraps until after 12 weeks so that is what i plan to do before i let the cat out of the bag...i might even wait until i start might want to tell your boss you know anyone else who works there, who has had to take a leave for maternity? Will you be done with the contract before you need to leave for maternity leave? if it is a short term contract, you may not need to say anything if you can fulfill your duties.....Good luck with this decision!!!

ttcbaby - i think your feelings are probably par for the course...i think it is great that you and your dh are able to hear the heartbeat before you wonderful! where did you get your fetal doppler and how soon were you able to hear the heartbeat at home? every morning, i try to place my hands over my belly and talk to my baby..i think the bonding starts early!!

hope everyone is doing well...enjoy a good weekend!
Tricky one babybean. I think I'd have to tell them if it was me coz I'd be worrying all the time until I did. Plus I guess they'll be able to do their sums and work out that you were pregnant when you took the job. But as you say it is a risk. Can you find out up their maternity leave policy? Perhaps you could ask for info on all benefits, maternity, pension etc. so it won't look too suspicious!

Caseys - thank you for making my afternoon with your cracker story!

Hopeful - I can tell you what we've had if that helps. We were referred by my GP to Calderdale Assisted Conception Unit which is NHS, but then the waiting list for IVF was a year so we went ahead and paid for a cycle at the same clinic whilst 'moving up' the list. It cost us approx 3.5 grand for the ICSI, 800 ish for the drugs, 400 for additional blastocyst culture and another 400 to have one blastocyst frozen. I'm still paying for my beloved(not) progesterone pessaries, but they're "only" about 15 quid a box.
They only took one blood test at the beginning, then it was all scans to see how follicles developing. Then they did a blood test to find out the result. As it was positive they booked us in for a 6 week scan (to check location and number of embryos) and a 9 week scan. The nurse said something about if the 9 week scan is ok, they then kick us out to the 'normal' pregnancy unit in the hospital where we will be monitored throughout the pregnancy. As far as I'm aware we're not paying for any of these scans. I'm assuming they're part of the ICSI fee. I'm hoping they're part of the ICSI fee!
Hello Ladies,

Caseys - Loved your cracker story- that was hilarious and made me LOL.

Babybean - that's a tough one. I think I am with Miss Lemon and tell them ahead of time. That way there is no confusion. I had a friend get a promotion and she didn't tell them about her pg until after they gave her the new job but it was within the same company so makes a difference.

ttcbaby - that is wonderful that you can listen to the baby's heartbeat on the doppler. I need to look into that. I have a short video my OH captured from the last ultrasound with the baby's heartbeat and I listen to that all the time.

Hopeful - my clinic had scans done every week after confirmed pregnancy up to week 11 which is when they released me to regular OB doc. They said they like to monitor grow of the baby for the first few weeks and confirm if it is multiple babies, etc.

This past weekend we finally got past the 12 week mark and on day 1 of week 13 we told our entire family. They all live away from us so thank god for Skype. We had everyone on one by one and told them in different. Told my nieces they needs to start babysitting job to practice for babysitting their cousin, had parents listen to just the heartbeat to figure out what the sound was, told a cousin that we needed to bring an extra 'guest' to their wedding, etc. It was so great to finally share this wonderful news with all of them and see their reactions. Hubby and I are still on cloud nine! Brough chocolate chip cookies for work and told everyone this morning and I got the 'I knew it' from most of the ladies in my department. Of course going frmo high heels and suits to flowy dresses and flats probably gave it away :) :)

Hope you ladies are having as wonderful a day as me. Still can't stop smiling.
Thanks for the feedback ladies! :kiss:
I've decided to tell them. I said that I want to meet again to review the contract, and in all seriousness I do! So at that meeting, I'll just tell them the baby news as well. If they do freak out or retract the offer, it's not a company I want to work with anyway... Plus, the meeting isn't for a couple more weeks which would put me at 9 weeks if all stays well. So, I feel it's just a matter of time before I would tell them anyway. Better just nip things in the butt and get the news out there now...

Hope all is well ladies! :)
Hello Ladies,

How are you doing today? I am still floating on cloud nine after telling all of the family, friends and coworkers finally about the pregnancy. I updated facebook status and changed the profile pic to show the little bean. I attached it for you as well. US Tech took a great clear shot this time. Sad, but this will be last US for a long while. So going to miss seeing the baby's development over the next few weeks. Starting to work on what I need for the baby's room finally. Thinking forward to all of the wonderful things we have to do between now and February.


Congratulations davecr getting pass the twelve week mark. I cant wait to get there!

Good choice babybean hopefully they are a child friendly company.

Had eight week scan today and still really nervous but all was well the babies have grown and she said both have good heartbeats although she didnt tell us how much. FS have discharged us now so going to doctor about 12 week scan.

hello to all over girls x
lovely piccy davecr033 ..... arrr :):):)

8 weeks Tory, thats good about the heart beats :)

How is everyone else feeling? I twingey today ... good thing me thinks :)
You guys will appreciate this....My husband just sent me flowers and the card said "Hi Mommy, Thank you for letting the world know about me. Can't wait to see you. Love you lots and please hug and kiss Dad for me, he is the best!"

I started crying and smiling at the same time :happydance:
You guys will appreciate this....My husband just sent me flowers and the card said "Hi Mommy, Thank you for letting the world know about me. Can't wait to see you. Love you lots and please hug and kiss Dad for me, he is the best!"

I started crying and smiling at the same time :happydance:

What a Sweetheart! I think you should keep him!!
I bought my doppler online. I paid a lot of money for it and chose it because it was recommended by the reviews on this web page.

Purchased from this website:

There are a few different brands out there and depending where you are you can even rent them for a time period if you don't want to purchase.

The peace of mind we get, was well worth the money we spent.

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