Well before the m/c my cycles were super irregular to the point i will miss it for 3 moths and when it comes on, it will last 2 weeks. After the m/c, my cycle has been coming every month and regularly every 35 days. But after months have been going by, i noticed i wasnt geting my af twice a month and sometimes 2 weeks late. Then for the past few months, i been getting my af around cd29-cd32 etc. It has been early. But i think its due to elevated FSH. Because i took a fertility test and it had two same color lines which meant elevated fsh but that was last year. So when af comes again, dh and i are going to take that test on cd3 and if it comes back the same, we are scheduling the doctor asap because elevated FSH means the quality and quantity of my eggs are diminishing and thats not good. And it will also effect ovulation etc which makes since on why i had the m/c (bad egg) and why im not conceiving. Hoped that help with the information about me oh and i dont know if i ever answered you but yes my name is patrice. Now if you saw bright red, then that means you are out and it was AF. but the test, did the line come up in the time frame becuase if it did and its colored, then im assuming thats a bfp. I would try a FR just in case. And this cycle is came early on cd29/7dpo and it lasted for 6 days but it was a light period like im normally super heavy and it would look like a blood bath inside the toilet (sorry tmi) but i could wear one or two pads but i choose more because i got to stay fresh and when i use the bathroom, nothing really came out but i knew it was AF. but yours sound pretty different than mines so yeah you should test again but im not sure. One of my friends on here had that 1 1/2 day and then AF returned out the blue again. And im on cd9 so i got 2 weeks before O