Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

MrsP, I hear you sister :hugs::hugs: you know I do xXx I too started at 41 and will be 43 in Oct and not one single BFP by my name....

Donna, good luck on Weds, I've not got that far but from what you've said I would be feeling the same :hugs:

Deco, so glad you've got yourself another acupuncturist :thumbup: I'm only expecting good news from now on okay! :flower:

....oh don't believe Desperado's excuse about poorly knees, she's on her knees doing other things :winkwink::haha:

:hugs: thanx jax its so frustrating im like you not even a hint of a bfp in 23 cycles every1 around me only has to look at a ****:blush: and they are pregnant xx

I don't know wots worse constantly getting pregnant and losing your bean or never getting pregnant at all ,:nope:Really feel for you mrsp and jax but am praying this means wen u get a bfp it sticks ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
MrsP, I hear you sister :hugs::hugs: you know I do xXx I too started at 41 and will be 43 in Oct and not one single BFP by my name....

Donna, good luck on Weds, I've not got that far but from what you've said I would be feeling the same :hugs:

Deco, so glad you've got yourself another acupuncturist :thumbup: I'm only expecting good news from now on okay! :flower:

....oh don't believe Desperado's excuse about poorly knees, she's on her knees doing other things :winkwink::haha:

:hugs: thanx jax its so frustrating im like you not even a hint of a bfp in 23 cycles every1 around me only has to look at a ****:blush: and they are pregnant xx

I don't know wots worse constantly getting pregnant and losing your bean or never getting pregnant at all ,:nope:Really feel for you mrsp and jax but am praying this means wen u get a bfp it sticks ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you lovely T :hugs:, I'm not sure what's worse either :shrug:

MrsP :hugs:, I don't know how it's managed to avoid us for so long :growlmad: it's getting on my f'ing nerves! For me, I think I'm just not getting enough, DH is very fussy on when he puts out, such a diva!!! :haha::haha:
I just want a baby.... Its not much to ask... I am really hacked off at people around me who clearly don't have time for their kids and have even had one person telling me "just to take her one when its born cause it was a mistake anyway" aghhhhhhh! Need a new job.
MrsP, I hear you sister :hugs::hugs: you know I do xXx I too started at 41 and will be 43 in Oct and not one single BFP by my name....

Donna, good luck on Weds, I've not got that far but from what you've said I would be feeling the same :hugs:

Deco, so glad you've got yourself another acupuncturist :thumbup: I'm only expecting good news from now on okay! :flower:

....oh don't believe Desperado's excuse about poorly knees, she's on her knees doing other things :winkwink::haha:

:hugs: thanx jax its so frustrating im like you not even a hint of a bfp in 23 cycles every1 around me only has to look at a ****:blush: and they are pregnant xx

I don't know wots worse constantly getting pregnant and losing your bean or never getting pregnant at all ,:nope:Really feel for you mrsp and jax but am praying this means wen u get a bfp it sticks ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you lovely T :hugs:, I'm not sure what's worse either :shrug:

MrsP :hugs:, I don't know how it's managed to avoid us for so long :growlmad: it's getting on my f'ing nerves! For me, I think I'm just not getting enough, DH is very fussy on when he puts out, such a diva!!! :haha::haha:

hi jax me too i my body is so cruel i started having anulvatory cycles and i really thought i was pregnant so many times im lucky in the fact that my oh is a randy devil we do 1 night on 1 off apart from ovulation time when we do it 5 days in a row and i still cant catch that bloody egg it infuriates me so much i think hes firing blanx lol xx
I just want a baby.... Its not much to ask... I am really hacked off at people around me who clearly don't have time for their kids and have even had one person telling me "just to take her one when its born cause it was a mistake anyway" aghhhhhhh! Need a new job.

:hugs::hugs: been there with oh daughter she had a baby in january and left her at the hospital for adoption told me i could have it if i wanted like it was a puppy or kitten xx
mrsp1969 i totally know how you feel as in losing hope fast, i think that at now 45 years old i am heding into the change, my period last cycle was really weird 3 day light red bleed and brown cm until ov day and now im 3 days late with really sore nipples and a very very high cervix with a no show on the period that should have shown, my cervix is normally so low before now and sore boobs not nipples that i really dont know whats happening and wish that if it was the change it would just happen already and not give me all this other stuff instead. Hun you are 3 years younger than me just dont try and see if it happens i know its hard but a friend of mine is 43 and she gave up trying a shoved herself into work and she is now 5 months a total shock for them but so pleased for her and she is a smoker too although on 10 a day still she managed it im sure it will happen for you too. Good luck x
mrsp1969 i totally know how you feel as in losing hope fast, i think that at now 45 years old i am heding into the change, my period last cycle was really weird 3 day light red bleed and brown cm until ov day and now im 3 days late with really sore nipples and a very very high cervix with a no show on the period that should have shown, my cervix is normally so low before now and sore boobs not nipples that i really dont know whats happening and wish that if it was the change it would just happen already and not give me all this other stuff instead. Hun you are 3 years younger than me just dont try and see if it happens i know its hard but a friend of mine is 43 and she gave up trying a shoved herself into work and she is now 5 months a total shock for them but so pleased for her and she is a smoker too although on 10 a day still she managed it im sure it will happen for you too. Good luck x

hi inkdchick i stopped trying in january ive not been near a opk hoping that it would work but still af arrives my cycles were like clockwork until i started ttc then they went haywire ranging from 18 to 92 days ive had bloodtests done and they said i have a good egg reserve so not menapausl yet i just dont know why its not happening xx sending you loads of:dust: xx
Hey ladies, had our appointment today with fertility clinic. I came out feeling a bit depressed :cry: Told my doc about my 2 further mc's, as she only knew of the first 3 and I said to be getting pg 5 times in 17 months must be a good thing at my age, she just looked at me. So I said well I know I lost them all but there must be one good egg in there. She said but there might not be Donna and all went quiet............. We did discuss donor ivf and they've given me a 50-60% chance of it working. If they can find a donor in this country it'll cost around £6000, if they need to go to their sister clinic in Spain to get the donor it'll be around 8-9000, but I think that might be euros. Anyway we'll see about that later on. For the time being we're going to use our snowbaby (frozen embryo) as cant leave the poor little thing freezing. It's a beautiful blastocyst but has only a 5-10% chance of being successful. we're going to do it next month when chris isn't here (he works month on month off) and i've got to do a trial run this month. So when I get my lh surge, I phone, they book me in for a scan and I think check progesterone levels and then do the real deal next month. Chris is excited, but i'm def not. Had 3 embryos put in last time and none took so I think its highly unlikely to work this time, but i'm glad we're using our snowbaby. How are you all today? Sun has been out here which has made a nice change, managed to do some gardening and now i'm jiggered xx
Well Donna
We just gotta hope for Lil Frosty:) :) to work!
mrsp thank you for the dust i really need that right now got mild cramping on and off but im ok.... as for you you really need to see the fertility specialist and get some help.. i have been trying for 6 years 9 emmc and everytime they told me it was the menopause and i was too old i was 39 to 42 at the time and since then have had 2 earlier mmc
's and so stopped taking everything even folic acid, so for the last 4 months have given up alcohol only drink decaff coffee cant drink tea at the moment but thats ok and well only drink bottled water including in the kettle, my man only drinks bottled water too and had cut down on the wine which was huge for him he's italian lol , even tho we havent had a +test i dont care coz i know whats going on but i have no-one i can go to professional wise as they have all turned to me and said that i am too old so when we do find out which may have to be a private practice then i will be able to post on here that we are finally pregnant but until then i cant say for sure as im 45 , 46 at christmas so we will have to all wait and see but i tell you when i gave up taking stuff that was supposed to help or boost or encourage and it didnt work for over 5 years i suddenly thought enough is wenough and did what i wanted and had what i wanted and just literally forgot about everything to do with trying and this is where i am now so watch this space and give it a go hun literally give it a go xxx
Donna I'm crossing everything for you hun, I know its been a hard road to travel but I pray that lil frosty is a strong one!! Don't lose hope.. Keep that chin up and think positive... Were all here for ya... Got to keep the faith... I've lost a few myself... Its a pain no one can describe its beyond crushing...

I'm 44 and have been through the emotional ringer myself, its so devastating when you go through all the motions and then .... it happens... :(

I'm going to try again matter of fact I'm OV today and I'm waiting for my OH pain in the butt to get here.. Going to try preseed this round... I hope this is it..

Donna keep us posted... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers :flower:
Donna I'm crossing everything for you hun, I know its been a hard road to travel but I pray that lil frosty is a strong one!! Don't lose hope.. Keep that chin up and think positive... Were all here for ya... Got to keep the faith... I've lost a few myself... Its a pain no one can describe its beyond crushing...

I'm 44 and have been through the emotional ringer myself, its so devastating when you go through all the motions and then .... it happens... :(

I'm going to try again matter of fact I'm OV today and I'm waiting for my OH pain in the butt to get here.. Going to try preseed this round... I hope this is it..

Donna keep us posted... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers :flower:

I have a cycle buddy then as I got my positive opk yesterday too and o should be today :happydance::happydance::happydance:Good luck :hugs:
mrsp thank you for the dust i really need that right now got mild cramping on and off but im ok.... as for you you really need to see the fertility specialist and get some help.. i have been trying for 6 years 9 emmc and everytime they told me it was the menopause and i was too old i was 39 to 42 at the time and since then have had 2 earlier mmc
's and so stopped taking everything even folic acid, so for the last 4 months have given up alcohol only drink decaff coffee cant drink tea at the moment but thats ok and well only drink bottled water including in the kettle, my man only drinks bottled water too and had cut down on the wine which was huge for him he's italian lol , even tho we havent had a +test i dont care coz i know whats going on but i have no-one i can go to professional wise as they have all turned to me and said that i am too old so when we do find out which may have to be a private practice then i will be able to post on here that we are finally pregnant but until then i cant say for sure as im 45 , 46 at christmas so we will have to all wait and see but i tell you when i gave up taking stuff that was supposed to help or boost or encourage and it didnt work for over 5 years i suddenly thought enough is wenough and did what i wanted and had what i wanted and just literally forgot about everything to do with trying and this is where i am now so watch this space and give it a go hun literally give it a go xxx

Do u think u are pregnant babes ?:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Donna I'm crossing everything for you hun, I know its been a hard road to travel but I pray that lil frosty is a strong one!! Don't lose hope.. Keep that chin up and think positive... Were all here for ya... Got to keep the faith... I've lost a few myself... Its a pain no one can describe its beyond crushing...

I'm 44 and have been through the emotional ringer myself, its so devastating when you go through all the motions and then .... it happens... :(

I'm going to try again matter of fact I'm OV today and I'm waiting for my OH pain in the butt to get here.. Going to try preseed this round... I hope this is it..

Donna keep us posted... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers :flower:

I have a cycle buddy then as I got my positive opk yesterday too and o should be today :happydance::happydance::happydance:Good luck :hugs:

Yay!! I'm super excited... He better get his butt home... I'm gonna pounce him like a wild animal... :lol: Good Luck hun... Future Bump buddies to be... I'm crossing everything for us... :)
have just found out tonight and still cant believe it coz of the cramping im getting but aparantly its nothing to worry about bloody typical seeings how i gave up taking everything i was on two months ago even the folic acid which id been taking for nearly ten years and now we've done it, my hubby recons its because he started drinking bottled water 5 months ago as we had read somewhere that there are so many vitamins and minerals in the tap water that a filter cannot get rid of that harm sperm and look what happened unbelievable and so happy even though im trying not to be as its so early x
have just found out tonight and still cant believe it coz of the cramping im getting but aparantly its nothing to worry about bloody typical seeings how i gave up taking everything i was on two months ago even the folic acid which id been taking for nearly ten years and now we've done it, my hubby recons its because he started drinking bottled water 5 months ago as we had read somewhere that there are so many vitamins and minerals in the tap water that a filter cannot get rid of that harm sperm and look what happened unbelievable and so happy even though im trying not to be as its so early x


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