Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Angie, 6 cycles !!!! that's amazing hunni :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: How exciting!! wishing you all the luck in the world xx

Hopinandprayin good luck in the 2ww :)

How you feeling indichick?

Hello everyone else xx

Hi Donna, doing ok , I`m either 4 or 5 DPO not sure which, but think has missed the boat for this month!!:nope:

How are you feeling now?
Hi Dancareoi I'm ok thanks, just getting on with it. Got my smiley on opk today and dh is at silverstone watching moto GP :dohh: Not back till tomorrow night. But we did manage to :sex: last night and hopefully we're still in with a shot tomorrow night too. Will have to phone the fertlity clinic on monday to let them know I got my lh surge so they can organise a scan for my trial run of frozen embryo transfer!!

Why do you think you missed the boat hun? didn't you :sex: in the run up to ov? xx
Hi Dancareoi I'm ok thanks, just getting on with it. Got my smiley on opk today and dh is at silverstone watching moto GP :dohh: Not back till tomorrow night. But we did manage to :sex: last night and hopefully we're still in with a shot tomorrow night too. Will have to phone the fertlity clinic on monday to let them know I got my lh surge so they can organise a scan for my trial run of frozen embryo transfer!!

Why do you think you missed the boat hun? didn't you :sex: in the run up to ov? xx

Well done on the smiley and dtd ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Dancareoi I'm ok thanks, just getting on with it. Got my smiley on opk today and dh is at silverstone watching moto GP :dohh: Not back till tomorrow night. But we did manage to :sex: last night and hopefully we're still in with a shot tomorrow night too. Will have to phone the fertlity clinic on monday to let them know I got my lh surge so they can organise a scan for my trial run of frozen embryo transfer!!

Why do you think you missed the boat hun? didn't you :sex: in the run up to ov? xx

We were away last week and sharing room with kids we i got EWCM so no BD. Got back last sat night and got positive OPK but both too tired after a 12 hour journey from Euro Disney.

BD sunday night, but not sure of sperm quality as they had been sat there a while as no DTD for a while. :haha:BD monday am and monday pm, but as so close together there aren`t so many spermies around!! BD again Tues night. I thought I had OV tues but FF says monday. So although we DTD a few times I`m wandering if the sperm quality was good enough!!!!!!:shrug:
Just wandered over hear after searching for posts from one of my 'friends' over at the Over 35 TTC thread. Now I'm thinking maybe I should be in this thread, I turn 42 soon.
Just wandered over hear after searching for posts from one of my 'friends' over at the Over 35 TTC thread. Now I'm thinking maybe I should be in this thread, I turn 42 soon.

Welcome to our group - there are quite a few of us here all trying to get PG in our 40`s.

I am 40 with 3 kids already, trying for number 4 after a loss at 13 weeks in Jan from a surprise PG.

You are in the right place:thumbup:
Thank you dancareoi.

Do you (all the ladies here) think there is a difference between TTC after 40 after having had children, versus like me who never had children?

I have posted my situation on another thread, so sorry for the double post but makes it easier than searching:

Hi ladies,

Am checking in again, I guess I'm not doing so so much these days, then I have pages and pages of posts to get through and I feel bad for not being a part of things.

But to be honest, it's all getting to me. To those who don't know me, I've been through 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs, I turn 42 soon, and we've been trying naturally for the past few months after the March IVF.

I drink an awful-tasting TCM tea every morning and every evening, suffer somewhat painful acupuncture once a week, and this stuff is not super-expensive but not cheap either. Gave up my beloved tea, my one vice (due to the caffeine), take 10 pills of vitamins each day (I never did in the past) Vit C, Vit E, CoQ10, Royal Jelly, Fish Oil, 3 DHEA 25mg tabs, 2 folic acid tabs.

The DHEA is beginning to wreak havoc on my face, pimples everywhere and I almost never got those before, and my hair is thinning. I'm on my 3rd month of that treatment. From all I've read it takes 3-6 months of this, I hope I can continue.

I'm in the middle of a TWW and find myself not even really expecting anything to happen - not a loss of hope, but a lack of it. Babies and pregnant women are everywhere and I can't avoid them and DH tries to distract me every time we're around them but he can't really. I get emotional sometimes and he' usually there to help.

Oh, I'm sorry for the rant but I feel I can do this here and I just need to somewhere. I don't want to mess up the otherwise positive vibe as good things seem to be happening with the good ladies here.

It's really nice to be reading some of the success stories here like Crystal, Grey Eyes and Ali and Jess, and I'm sure I'm missing some. Have not seen a post from Marathongirl in awhile. There are new ladies here and I'm still catching up on their situations, so my apologies up front. Good luck tiatammy and AngelSerenity. I haven't heard from Crystal in a while so will reach out to her. Shannon/Georgia Belle, you may want to look into the Paleo diet, it claims to really help with PCOS - if interested I can post links on it.

Ok back to bed, it's 4:30am here.....:sleep:


Just wandered over hear after searching for posts from one of my 'friends' over at the Over 35 TTC thread. Now I'm thinking maybe I should be in this thread, I turn 42 soon.

Me 45 Still TTc for six years and ten losses ,welcome ,:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Girls those of you that know me all know how long it has taken for us to fall pregnant and what ive been through my advice to you is to give up!, only dirnk bottled water and thats for you and hubby as tap water has so many suppliments that kill sperm or damage them and filters cannot destroy of irradicate them this was the biggest thing that we think has helped us and i wanted to let you all know , the only suppliment that i take is Folic acid one every day and thats it i actually gave up for three months got a part-time job so was busy doing that and completely forgot about trying and we just enjoyed each other and let the mood take us and now we are coming up for 5 weeks and so pleased but havent told anyone although i am now starting to swell out so may not be able to hide it for long lol and am a bit embarrassed as my baby was 18 on friday this week so i have no memories of what to expect and well i dont care what people think its my body i dont look 45 so am gonna enjoy this one . Good Luck to everyone and try the bottled water and see if it helps you xxx
Thank you dancareoi.

Do you (all the ladies here) think there is a difference between TTC after 40 after having had children, versus like me who never had children?

I have posted my situation on another thread, so sorry for the double post but makes it easier than searching:

Hi ladies,

Am checking in again, I guess I'm not doing so so much these days, then I have pages and pages of posts to get through and I feel bad for not being a part of things.

But to be honest, it's all getting to me. To those who don't know me, I've been through 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs, I turn 42 soon, and we've been trying naturally for the past few months after the March IVF.

I drink an awful-tasting TCM tea every morning and every evening, suffer somewhat painful acupuncture once a week, and this stuff is not super-expensive but not cheap either. Gave up my beloved tea, my one vice (due to the caffeine), take 10 pills of vitamins each day (I never did in the past) Vit C, Vit E, CoQ10, Royal Jelly, Fish Oil, 3 DHEA 25mg tabs, 2 folic acid tabs.

The DHEA is beginning to wreak havoc on my face, pimples everywhere and I almost never got those before, and my hair is thinning. I'm on my 3rd month of that treatment. From all I've read it takes 3-6 months of this, I hope I can continue.

I'm in the middle of a TWW and find myself not even really expecting anything to happen - not a loss of hope, but a lack of it. Babies and pregnant women are everywhere and I can't avoid them and DH tries to distract me every time we're around them but he can't really. I get emotional sometimes and he' usually there to help.

Oh, I'm sorry for the rant but I feel I can do this here and I just need to somewhere. I don't want to mess up the otherwise positive vibe as good things seem to be happening with the good ladies here.

It's really nice to be reading some of the success stories here like Crystal, Grey Eyes and Ali and Jess, and I'm sure I'm missing some. Have not seen a post from Marathongirl in awhile. There are new ladies here and I'm still catching up on their situations, so my apologies up front. Good luck tiatammy and AngelSerenity. I haven't heard from Crystal in a while so will reach out to her. Shannon/Georgia Belle, you may want to look into the Paleo diet, it claims to really help with PCOS - if interested I can post links on it.

Ok back to bed, it's 4:30am here.....:sleep:



Hi, i don`t know if medically there is a difference, but personally i don`t see why there should be.

i was 30 when i had my first and now have DS 10, DD 7 and DS 2 (when i was nearly 39)

i thought leaving a big gap between the last 2 would make a difference, but it didn`t!!:hugs:
Girls those of you that know me all know how long it has taken for us to fall pregnant and what ive been through my advice to you is to give up!, only dirnk bottled water and thats for you and hubby as tap water has so many suppliments that kill sperm or damage them and filters cannot destroy of irradicate them this was the biggest thing that we think has helped us and i wanted to let you all know , the only suppliment that i take is Folic acid one every day and thats it i actually gave up for three months got a part-time job so was busy doing that and completely forgot about trying and we just enjoyed each other and let the mood take us and now we are coming up for 5 weeks and so pleased but havent told anyone although i am now starting to swell out so may not be able to hide it for long lol and am a bit embarrassed as my baby was 18 on friday this week so i have no memories of what to expect and well i dont care what people think its my body i dont look 45 so am gonna enjoy this one . Good Luck to everyone and try the bottled water and see if it helps you xxx

Good luck huni ,:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dancareoi sounds like you :sex: just at the right time hunni. Good luck in the 2ww........ x

Byanymeans welcome to this thread. So sorry you're having trouble getting pg. I think the only difference between ladies who have already got children versus those that are ttc their first is that we know we can go full term with a baby, so functionally we know our bodies CAN do it. BUT we could actually both be in the same situation now. Your body probably can do it but just needs a good egg, same as mine. Have you had any testing? I see you've had ivf so presume they tested you for lots of things first. Looks like you've also got egg quality issues which is natural at our age. BUT that doesn't mean it cant happen, so dont give up. I was reading someones blog last night. Must have been reading her story for 2hrs!! She was only 36, had 3ivf's, all unsuccessful, then the 4th ivf, she had the embryos tested and there was only one chromosomally normal one. The other 6 were all abnormal with differing chromosome deficiencies. So they put the one embryo back and she had a healthy baby boy. So out of around 28 embryos there was one good one, so it's just a case of finding the golden egg!! Alternatively there is the donor egg option, which I am considering. Only 20% of the baby comes from the donor mum, the rest is from dh and your own blood and proteins and without you, wouldn't be a baby at all. It's all such a rollercoaster but there is some hope out there so please dont give up :) x

indichick glad you're doing well x

Desperado I dont know how you've stayed sane with 10 losses. I've been going out of my mind with 5! Oh my i've got a long way to go. Hugs xx
Dancareoi sounds like you :sex: just at the right time hunni. Good luck in the 2ww........ x

Byanymeans welcome to this thread. So sorry you're having trouble getting pg. I think the only difference between ladies who have already got children versus those that are ttc their first is that we know we can go full term with a baby, so functionally we know our bodies CAN do it. BUT we could actually both be in the same situation now. Your body probably can do it but just needs a good egg, same as mine. Have you had any testing? I see you've had ivf so presume they tested you for lots of things first. Looks like you've also got egg quality issues which is natural at our age. BUT that doesn't mean it cant happen, so dont give up. I was reading someones blog last night. Must have been reading her story for 2hrs!! She was only 36, had 3ivf's, all unsuccessful, then the 4th ivf, she had the embryos tested and there was only one chromosomally normal one. The other 6 were all abnormal with differing chromosome deficiencies. So they put the one embryo back and she had a healthy baby boy. So out of around 28 embryos there was one good one, so it's just a case of finding the golden egg!! Alternatively there is the donor egg option, which I am considering. Only 20% of the baby comes from the donor mum, the rest is from dh and your own blood and proteins and without you, wouldn't be a baby at all. It's all such a rollercoaster but there is some hope out there so please dont give up :) x

indichick glad you're doing well x

Desperado I dont know how you've stayed sane with 10 losses. I've been going out of my mind with 5! Oh my i've got a long way to go. Hugs xx

I guess Donna I just keep thinking the next baby will be my rainbow and believe me I am not sane :haha::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm nearly 42 and ttc baby no.2. I had DS at age 40, and have been ttc since he was 3 months old, had an early loss last June and no luck since. We've just started treatment at a fertility centre. We had tests done again and the results were a bit mixed. Last time (2.5 years ago) I had one tube blocked by a fibroid :cry: amh nearly 13:thumbup: and hubby's motility was crap :cry:. This time both tubes are open :thumbup:, hubby apparently has supersperm :thumbup:, but my amh has dropped to 3.3! :cry: So the official diagnosis was old eggs :cry:. Suprisingly, the FS has decided we should do Femara, trigger shot and :sex:. Was really thinking he would suggest IVF. I'm not feeling too hopeful, so have come on here to try to improve my PMA.

Has anyone here tried Femara and did you have any side effects?
:hi: sorry I've been AWOL :blush: (Despie's going to smack my :wacko::haha:)

Fiona, welcome, PMA comes and goes here but you'll never feel alone with all of us on the same treadmill each cycle. Hope your stay here is a short one :flower:

Deco, nice to see you! :hugs: Glad your new acupuncturist sounds more like 'the real McCoy' :haha: and that DP is off to see him too, good luck!! DH's SA came back and morphology is also low for him, Dr wants him to redo it to check it's not an 'off day' and until this is done still won't refer me :nope: onwards and upwards :flower:

Byanymeans, wow you've had a massive journey already, can't imagine having to sink the horrible herbal tea every morning that truly is dedication to the cause. As for is it different TTC#1 to say TTC#3 :shrug: I have to admit when I first started TTC (and like you I'm also TTC my first, DH has 3 from his first time round) I did use to think that those already with children had no right to feel as I did having none but having got to know these lovely ladies that do already have them their feelings for #2, #3 #4 or #5th are absolutely no different whatsoever to my own, they have this feeling that their 'family' is incomplete too. So all I can really say in answer to your question is we are all in the same boat together :hugs::hugs:

Inkdchick!! So happy for you lady, marvellous news :thumbup:

Angile, great news, am certain you're gonna have your :baby: soon! :flower:

Donna, Dancareoi, MrsP (not forgetting you lady! :hugs:) everyone, big hugs xXx :hugs:
:hi: sorry I've been AWOL :blush: (Despie's going to smack my :wacko::haha:)

Fiona, welcome, PMA comes and goes here but you'll never feel alone with all of us on the same treadmill each cycle. Hope your stay here is a short one :flower:

Deco, nice to see you! :hugs: Glad your new acupuncturist sounds more like 'the real McCoy' :haha: and that DP is off to see him too, good luck!! DH's SA came back and morphology is also low for him, Dr wants him to redo it to check it's not an 'off day' and until this is done still won't refer me :nope: onwards and upwards :flower:

Byanymeans, wow you've had a massive journey already, can't imagine having to sink the horrible herbal tea every morning that truly is dedication to the cause. As for is it different TTC#1 to say TTC#3 :shrug: I have to admit when I first started TTC (and like you I'm also TTC my first, DH has 3 from his first time round) I did use to think that those already with children had no right to feel as I did having none but having got to know these lovely ladies that do already have them their feelings for #2, #3 #4 or #5th are absolutely no different whatsoever to my own, they have this feeling that their 'family' is incomplete too. So all I can really say in answer to your question is we are all in the same boat together :hugs::hugs:

Inkdchick!! So happy for you lady, marvellous news :thumbup:

Angile, great news, am certain you're gonna have your :baby: soon! :flower:

Donna, Dancareoi, MrsP (not forgetting you lady! :hugs:) everyone, big hugs xXx :hugs:

hi jax xx what a lovely way to put it i used to feel ashamed to be ttc when i already have children i have had quite a bit of verbal abuse on other sites saying i dont know how they feel but its just as heartbreaking for me every month af arrives i really hope you get your well deserved bfp soon :hugs: xx
jax ty for your post was nice for someone to say we are all in the same boat even though some of us may have children already,i have 5 boys and didn't feel my family was complete as i so want a girl although i love my boys dearly and wouldn't change them for the world and i do feel guilty for wanting a girl,im just hoping my eggies aren't to old and worry about going to drs and asking for help partly because of my age and partly because i have 5 children aready and they will think im mad,my midwife from last pregnancy basicalily said to me no more children now you have a lovely family,lol
Despie, MrsP and Ali :hugs: Don't ever feel bad for the desire to have more children, in fact I feel bad feeling as I did! Now I realise that truly we are no different, the yearning and need for children doesn't lessen because you already have them it's the same for all of us. In fact maybe it's worse for you, after all you know what it's like whereas I have absolutely no idea :wacko::shrug:

MrsP, I wish I could ease your heartache truly I do. I know it's hard and as you know I fall off the wagon regularly but please keep trying until mother nature tells you otherwise, I'm here with you :hugs:

Ali, it's your decision, your body, your life and not for them to decide. I'm only wishing pink for you!!! :pink::dust:

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