Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Hello to all!:hi:

I would like to join this group as well. I am 41 DH is 35 and TTC for just over a year now. I've had 2 failed IUIs (first one was with OBGYN and my RE stated they triggered me too soon) 2nd one with RE was a "perfect" cycle but BFN. We moved on to IVF (retrieved 12 eggs, 9 fertilized and we did a 5dt with 3 embies that hatched on their own) That resulted in a chemical pregnancy on July 2. Our RE suggested to do lap/hysteroscopy just to rule out any unseen issues. We didn't do this before because there was no indication of it. I go in tomorrow to see when we will schedule the surgery. We have just enough stims to do an IUI if all checks out. We pay 100% out of pocket and cannot afford another IVF now. We have been so stressed after the chemical, but are moving forward. I have done electroacupuncture, DEHA, CoQ10, Prenantals, Vit D and ate pineapple core!

Has anyone had a BFP with an IUI after failed IVF at this "AMA"? Thanks for letting me tell my story and I look forward to following everyone's journey to have that special baby.
I love these groups because sometimes I DO feel like I'm the only one in this situation. We are in our 2nd cycle of TTC and right around ovulation I will turn 41. It does feel like it won't happen, which is why I love reading about those that do get a BFP :)

Ladies...I'm 41...please don't give up hope...keep trying to reach your can and does work!!!

Hi I am new to all the online threads but for the past month I have been stalking any post that has a BFP I am 42 and have been trying for what feels like eternity I have only 1 tube as I had an eptopic about 4 years ago after that i wanted nothing to do with getting pregnant ever again well my clock has woken me out of my depressed state a few months ago and I thought if I don't give it one more shot I may not be able to live with my decision so here i am ttc AGAIN! I do have a 5 year old that took me almost 18 yrs to have and he is my angel but I want to have 1 more so bad and am afraid with my age and 1 tube maybe I won't get my wish but I am gonna try my but off before I quit!
This month is a bit strange maybe someone has the same issue would love to hear some insight... got af on the 7th calender says i should ovulate on or around 16-19th but cm and opk says positive the 25,26, AND27TH! then back to 1 line and a faint line.. so dh and did the bd every day at all different times each day till 2 days after line went dud... every month after ov I get sore sore sore boobs did i say sore! :) well this month nothing and trust me i am poking plucking and pinching and nothing BUT my nips hurt since 1dpo and the pain comes and goes 2 nights ago i woke at 3am and felt like they were on fire! laid there thinking what the heck is this! I am also have loads of cramps but in the lower middle not the sides like i get with af... and burping which i NEVER do... last my cm is watery inside and milk colored but not much on panties a little white but mostly feel it when i wipe.... i took hpt the past 2 days all bfn (dollar tree brand) but since i ovulated late now i don't know when af is really due and what is really going on I have never had a sore nipple in my entire life so that is bizzarre for me!! I don't want anyone to be sweet and tell me what i want to hear tell me like it is am i going through menapause, pregnant , tumor what!?!? if you had the same symptoms and had a bfn or bfp tell me! please i am driving myself insane !!
Without looking at temps can't really tell when u might have ovulated can you remember which opk on those dates was the darkest line normally u would ov 12-48 hours after a positive opk,are you on cd 27 ,creamy cm can be a pg symptom as can be sore nipples.
Hi I am new to all the online threads but for the past month I have been stalking any post that has a BFP I am 42 and have been trying for what feels like eternity I have only 1 tube as I had an eptopic about 4 years ago after that i wanted nothing to do with getting pregnant ever again well my clock has woken me out of my depressed state a few months ago and I thought if I don't give it one more shot I may not be able to live with my decision so here i am ttc AGAIN! I do have a 5 year old that took me almost 18 yrs to have and he is my angel but I want to have 1 more so bad and am afraid with my age and 1 tube maybe I won't get my wish but I am gonna try my but off before I quit!
This month is a bit strange maybe someone has the same issue would love to hear some insight... got af on the 7th calender says i should ovulate on or around 16-19th but cm and opk says positive the 25,26, AND27TH! then back to 1 line and a faint line.. so dh and did the bd every day at all different times each day till 2 days after line went dud... every month after ov I get sore sore sore boobs did i say sore! :) well this month nothing and trust me i am poking plucking and pinching and nothing BUT my nips hurt since 1dpo and the pain comes and goes 2 nights ago i woke at 3am and felt like they were on fire! laid there thinking what the heck is this! I am also have loads of cramps but in the lower middle not the sides like i get with af... and burping which i NEVER do... last my cm is watery inside and milk colored but not much on panties a little white but mostly feel it when i wipe.... i took hpt the past 2 days all bfn (dollar tree brand) but since i ovulated late now i don't know when af is really due and what is really going on I have never had a sore nipple in my entire life so that is bizzarre for me!! I don't want anyone to be sweet and tell me what i want to hear tell me like it is am i going through menapause, pregnant , tumor what!?!? if you had the same symptoms and had a bfn or bfp tell me! please i am driving myself insane !!

Those are same symptoms I had with my chemicals...but could be start of a BFP for you honey! I'm 41 and have been trying for a second child since 2003! Currently nearly 6 weeks preg. Good luck to you both! :hugs:
Hi MCEJ... Welcome to our little world of TTC... I am sure you will find this a pleasant place to be a member.
next month i am going to try temping again i just wake up and forget till after i already brushed my teeth i am a zombie in the a.m. lol... the strange thing about.the opk is those 3days they were all darker than the control line i asked hubby to check cause i thought i was seeing things. before they got dark they got darker each day leading up to those... but cm gogs of egg white came 4 days before those dark ones so to avoid any confusion we jus bd every day from cm till a day after the stick went lighter.. today bbs r sore not exactly like when i get af but i have a feeling this isnt my month..:( cramps r gone to... the sore birning mips off and on is what made me obsess this month but who knows body just like to mess with my head ;) ...
wow congrats!!! i remember when i had bfp with my son i tokk 3different tests then drove to medical center and paid them $90 to give me another one!! cried for 2days with joy!!! then when i got the bfp with etopic i knew something was wrong from the start tried telling doctor over and over they said my levels wer going up so it must be me being paranoid (didnt use those exact words of course) found out the reason it kept going up was i had a pregnancy in each tube so it was twins so double the levels making it harder to catch.. lucky i only lost 1 tube they didnt find the 2nd till already in surgery.. i dream of a bfp but i am also so grateful for my lil man i will hapy some women dont have that lil guy to hug after losing a pregnancy i did so i am bleased no matter what happens!! again congrats to u though :)
Went in to RE's office today and did U/S, BW. Gave me a PIO shot to jump start AF. Now waiting the 2-14 days for it to arrive. I will call in on CD1 to schedule hyst/lap procedure and then we will go from there. Good luck to everyone! I'm following all but not posting many comments yet, still hard after chemical pregnancy.
Hi! Can I join? I'm 40 soon to be 41 as is my husband. I had 2 miscarriages prior to getting pregnant with ivf in 2010. I had my twin boys May of 2011. The pregnancy was high risk and I delivered the babies at almost 29 weeks. They're both doing well but for some crazy reason I'm thinking about having 1 more. I got pregnant this past march but miscarried again. My husband is not looking to do ivf again because he's terrified of another high risk pregnancy and delivery so I have to rely on luck! I can get pregnant it seems but can't stay that way. Right now I'm pretty much not trying not preventing but I expect to take that up a notch in the coming months.
41 ttc
Hi everyone- I am new to this forum thing, not sure if I am doing this right. Anyway, I'll give you the short version. I am 41. I was married at 25, emotionally immature, and the marriage ended after 2 years. I never had children, didn't even consider it since I knew I wasn't truly happy. Good news is, I have found true love later in life. My husband is wonderful and our marriage is great. However, we want a child desperately!!!! I went to the fertility specialist last year, after a lot of testing, etc, nothing showed up abnormal. My cycles are fairly normal, and I take ovulation predictor tests every month and get positive. My doc said it must be age. We are running out of time. Due to out work schedules, I just don't see invitro as an option. I teach third grade and i simply couldn't take the time off unless it was over a break. Not to mention my insurance doesn't cover it. Average adoption costs are 30,000, which clearly we don't have. I cry about this all the time. It truly stinks. Finally found true happiness, and so ready, but no success. We have been trying for 2 years. Has anyone tried soy isoflovaves? I'm desperate here...
Hey! Welcome!
I am also 41have and ttc. This is the first cycle I have tried soy isoflavines. I am on cd 12. I didn't have any side effects, took it at night before bed and it was only $6 for the bottle at Walmart. Hoping to o in the next couple days as I have a fairly regular cycle. I just figures I had nothing to lose and am giving it a shot.

Best of luck!
Hi Lovelys

Had my first baseline and labs today. He saw 8 beautiful follicles
I start my Follistim and Menopur injections on Sunday night. Estimated ER is on the 16th. So anxious, nervous and scared

Thinking about you all and reading every word you say!

Prayers and Blessings,
Hi Gals,

This is my first post although I've been stalking for a while now. Here's my background.

40 yo, trying for 15 months
all other tests "normal"

Making Babies - "Dry" type
Weekly sessions at community accupunture
Taking chinese herbs
started guaifenisen today - 200mg 3x day
vitex 2x daily
co-q enzyme - 2x per week
evening primrose oil 3x daily
royal jelly 2x daily
wheat grass juice - occassionally
Restoring fertility Yoga - most days
+ a bunch of other stuff non-related to ttc. Just for general health.

As you might expect, husband thinks I've gone off the deep end. But he love me so he smiles and stays quiet. :haha: This is to help me document what i'm doing in case it ever works. Maybe it will work and someone will find it useful. :shrug: Doing everything hopefully "naturally" and if we need to go the RE route...well, some day it may get to that.
All the best with TTC. I'm new to the site and finding the TTC over 35 very encouraging. I'm not trying yet. Getting married in the Fall and my husband to be needs to get a vasectomy reversal, which is adding to the stress of not being able to start right away. I'm trying to be hopeful and it is great to see that women over 40 are not giving up.
Your situation sounds like mine. I am an emotional mess and I haven't even begun to try. I am on leave from work for a month because I can't sleep and cry all the time. I'm going to be 40 and my husband to be is 42. I've somewhat isolated myself from friends who have children because it is too triggering to me. I'm trying to lose weight (about 80lbs overweight). Hubby to be had a vasectomy 9 years ago and has two daughters, aged 17 and 10. He will be getting a reversal early next year, but I keep freaking out that I'm going to be in peri-menopause before I get started! I'm trying to counteract those negative thoughts with positive ones. He is trying to be supportive, but I've turned into a different person. I don't have any children and my family consists of my mother. I found love late in life and I'm scared that I won't get the opportunity for one reason or another to carry my own child and go through all the wonders of pregnancy. Adoption is on our list too, but we don't have the money to do it privately, so the Children's Aid Society system is our only option. I truly hope it happens for you and all the women who are trying to have their first child over 40. I can relate to the pressure of the biological clock ticking away and the stressors involved.
I got pregnant 3 times on Soy but all ended in MC. I took it at night days 5-9 just like my clomid cycle. I would suggest Instead cups for u ladies too. Preseed too.
I got pregnant 3 times on Soy but all ended in MC. I took it at night days 5-9 just like my clomid cycle. I would suggest Instead cups for u ladies too. Preseed too.

Hey Garnet! How are you?

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