well I have become an internet stalking obssessive fruitcake!! every single symptom and there are all of maybe 5 symptoms I have looked into each one with hours and I mean HOURS of internet searches and where has it got me...? a dirty house and not a single answer closer than i was 2 weeks ago!! LOL... I stopped taking hpt's cause it was getting me more depressed so i just focused on feeling my cervix every single night then searching the internet for answers to my "findings" I have kept a journal of every single pain, cramp, cm whatever and I then go back like I am researching for some big paper or something!!.. I need serious help!!
so today my husband got sick of not having his dinner cause i was busy with my "research" he gave me his credit card and begged me to go buy a hpt I hesitated for a whole 4 seconds and then was peeling out of the driveway heading to the pharmacy where i would spend the next hour reading every box for the one that would give me the answer...let me rephrase that find one that would give me the answer I wanted......
hmmm ended up closing my eys and grabbing one so I got the cvs early stick..... No here I sit with the stick studying yet another "exam
I see the thinnest of faintest lines my dh sees it but he says that is way to faint try again in a couple days!!......WHAT!?!? NO I want my answer NOW i cannot wait more days it's bad enough I think my af is is late by 1 day but that i am not even sure of cause i ov almost 5-6 days later than i should have so now i don't really know when af will show up but i would rather face her then another BFN!!! So not sure what to do with myself now I have looked at every internet site at least 4 x's each i know cause my computer actually keeps track and tells me...
I have 1 test left in the box and I will probably use that with fmu and see how that goes but on a bright note I do have a regular dr appt for my yearly pap on tues the 7th so maybe i will get some answers there if I don't get them sooner... I do know that this constant burping is still keeping hope alive as I NEVER and I mean NEVER BURP and about a week ago it started with a couple a day and now it has gotten to dozens of times and hour so that to me is my one sign that is keeping me from throwing in the towel.... and accepting that af will be here any day NOPE this burping is my one salvation never thought i would be so grateful to burp this much it has gotten so bad my dh has even mentioned it... thanks for letting me rant!!