Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Thanks for the welcome:flower:

~ Green, I definitely had to make lifestyle choices for the celiac, going gluten free and making most of my own meals. For the endo, I was already cautious for many years of hormone mimickers in plastics and have not made really any changes for that aside from trying things that are supposed to lessen endo like RRL tea. Well actually, I have found a site that has made me more aware of hormone mimickers in cosmetics and i use it to check for healthy products:
Turns out eliminating gluten is supposed to be good for endo! I found out about the celiac before the endo.
For the hypothyroid, just taking a pill once a day,that I have to plan meals around, that is all.
I am GF to. I quite enjoy making my own stuff now that it is routine.
Reducing to eliminating processed foods will be good for you and your eggs anyway (no ciggies and booze too), lots of veg and fruit and pulses (not necessailty Soya though due to hormone influences).
Dairy and processed meats can not be good from a hormone point of view either.
Interesting about the plastics and cosmetic links too.
A healthy body is our chance of healthy eggs being older too.
I am GF to. I quite enjoy making my own stuff now that it is routine.
Reducing to eliminating processed foods will be good for you and your eggs anyway (no ciggies and booze too), lots of veg and fruit and pulses (not necessailty Soya though due to hormone influences).
Dairy and processed meats can not be good from a hormone point of view either.
Interesting about the plastics and cosmetic links too.
A healthy body is our chance of healthy eggs being older too.

Hi, i am 41 and 7 weeks PG with number 4.

It took us 4 goes this time to catch that eggy. I found out in June i had 9 day LP, so started taking 50mg of B6 each day along with 1 pregnacare conception tablet.

i also had an accupuncture consultation with a view to ac in a few weeks time. He seemed to think he could sort LP. He also seemed to think my blood was poor quality and suggested lots of good protein.

he also suggested Kerry Gold butter rather than the low fat spread I had been using.

whether it was coincidence i don`t know, but the next month I was PG.

I suffered a loss in jan at 13-14 weeks. I had a scan yesterday and all good so far, but I am taking nothing for granted this time.

Best of luck in your TTC journey.



I suffered another mc at 9 weeks in sept.

Not feeling too bad, but have only just stopped bleeding 2 weeks after d & c! Also still getting positive opk as my hcg levels must still be raised.

We are going to start trying again in nov. I am under a miscarriage clinic who are gong to biopsy my womb for nk cells and treat me with progesterone cram to increase my LP. They believe I may be too fertile so my bodynisnkeeping all embryos even if they are not viable, this treatment is supposed to help just keep the good ones!
I am also seeing an acupuncturists who thinks my stomach and digestion are the problem, so we shall see what happens!
I'm so sorry for your loss Dancareoi but so glad your doctor is taking some steps to help. :hugs::hugs: Acupuncture is wonderful as well.

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. For anyone who has endured a loss or knows someone who has suffered a loss, please light a candle tonight in remembrance.
Oh Dancareoi I am so sorry for your loss. Thank goodness you have a proactive doctor willing to work with you. Please do keep us updated on your progress.

AFM, our first FS appointment is next week.
thanks for your kind words.

After my MC in Jan, my doc refered me to the clinic, it is actually a re-current mc clinic, but although i had had 2 mc, i had a baby in between.

having now suffered a second mc i am in the right place and am lucky enough to have been seen twice by one of the country`s leading miscarraige experts.

Her plan now is to stop me getting pregant so quickly, to make sure when i do it will be a viable one.

Lets hope it works.

Good luck to you both too.
Sorry for your loss Dan, sounds like you are in good hands now at the clinic. KUP.
What does she mean by getting pregnant too quickly? Too soon after a previous miscarriage?
Sorry for your loss Dan, sounds like you are in good hands now at the clinic. KUP.
What does she mean by getting pregnant too quickly? Too soon after a previous miscarriage?

What i think she means is at my age it is usual to take 6-9 months to get pregnant, but she was amazed it only took 4. Basically saying my body is accepting a PG it shouldn`t. sounds a bit odd really doesn`t it, but what do i know!

She is happy for us to allow 1 period and then start trying again.
Her plan now is to stop me getting pregant so quickly, to make sure when i do it will be a viable one.

So soon after a miscarriage, do you mean? I'm confused and want to understand.

Sorry for your loss. Been there. It's not easy...
Her plan now is to stop me getting pregant so quickly, to make sure when i do it will be a viable one.

So soon after a miscarriage, do you mean? I'm confused and want to understand.

Sorry for your loss. Been there. It's not easy...

Sorry if I'm not explaining it right. She is not worried about me getting PG again straight after MC, she is more than happy to wait for one AF and then try again.

I think what she means is I get PG too easily for my age. There is a 50% chance of MC over 40. What would happen to most is it will take a while to get PG as the eggs aren't good enough quality. However, it seems I am getting PG even with bag eggs and instead of my body getting rid of it straightaway it is keeping it for a few weeks and then deciding to get rid of it.

What she wants to try and do is stop the bad eggs stating and make sure when I do get PG it will be a good one which will stay.

I suppose there is the possibility that if we just kept going on our own I could maybe suffer more MC!

Anyway, we will see what happens, had second acupuncture today and he is really pleased with me, so fingers crossed he will do his bit, I will get PG quickly and it will be a keeper!
Her plan now is to stop me getting pregant so quickly, to make sure when i do it will be a viable one.

So soon after a miscarriage, do you mean? I'm confused and want to understand.

Sorry for your loss. Been there. It's not easy...

Sorry if I'm not explaining it right. She is not worried about me getting PG again straight after MC, she is more than happy to wait for one AF and then try again.

I think what she means is I get PG too easily for my age. There is a 50% chance of MC over 40. What would happen to most is it will take a while to get PG as the eggs aren't good enough quality. However, it seems I am getting PG even with bag eggs and instead of my body getting rid of it straightaway it is keeping it for a few weeks and then deciding to get rid of it.

What she wants to try and do is stop the bad eggs stating and make sure when I do get PG it will be a good one which will stay.

I suppose there is the possibility that if we just kept going on our own I could maybe suffer more MC!

Anyway, we will see what happens, had second acupuncture today and he is really pleased with me, so fingers crossed he will do his bit, I will get PG quickly and it will be a keeper!

Wow, you poor thing! What a situation to go through! I hope your doc gets you on the right plan to find the good egg and you have your sweet one soon!
Hi Everyone,

So here goes.... had check up with ob/gyn last Friday and got the go ahead to try for another baby. I'm 43, will be 44 in January. Have 2 kids, Kate 20 and Shane 17. We had MM at 13 weeks last Sept and although haven't used any contraception since still no luck. Went to see Gynae I suppose to have a chat and see if she thought I was insane to still be trying but she surprised me by being hugely supportive. Have a 28 day cycle and ovulate between day 12 and 16 every month.

She said fertility will plummet after my birthday so to go crazy for the next 4 months. Am hopeful that we will get a BFP before the time is up. Sorry I don't know all the abbreviations for words in here.

Just wondering if any of you are the same age as me and TTC or have you been successful at the same age? Looking for some friendship and support :)
Hi Adele , im 45 very soon to be 46 (christmas) eeek, and i have two daughters from a previous marriage one is 20 and the other is 18, my new hubby has had no kids eer and i would love more but we have had no help, support of any kind we had all the tests done when i was 42 and they basically told me that everything was great still ovulating like im in my thirties and eggs are all tho lots there quality just a little down on what they should be but could see no readon why it wouldnt work, when i go to my gp for the results, she took one look at me and said look just walk out this door, forget about it happening because it wont ever happen your age and eggs are against you and menopause will be the only thing you will have now !, least to say i made a hell of a complaint as you can imagine she no longer works at this surgery....
that was nearly 3 years ago and in that time we have had 13 emmc the longest one being 6 weeks, and now im 13dpo and i have been feeling rather unwell:-
nausea on and off
backache low down
a cold that seems to come to nothing
very sore nipples from 1dpo and now horrendously sore boobs
lots of creamy cm and a high soft cervix
cramping on and off which feel more like pulling and pinching
shooting pains through back of nipples
sore chest in middle where boobs meet
sense of smell gone a little weird but not completely like only certain things smell off or weird
tired, well sleep is interupted cos of sore boobs and then the days are like im knackered and yawning my head off from about 2pm and going to bed at 8 - 9pm

Well i think thats it , im so pleased you are somewhere that recognises that we are not too old and that 40 is the new 30 !, we are living longer and producing later as long as we get the help and support we need to do this it will keep happening and so it should be are no different from our younger counterparts just a bit more wiser - dont you think
would love to be your ttc buddie coz i really dont think im pregnant this time round and will be giving it til this christmas and then im done, but would keep supporting you all the way and really hope it happens for you hun
Hi Adele , im 45 very soon to be 46 (christmas) eeek, and i have two daughters from a previous marriage one is 20 and the other is 18, my new hubby has had no kids eer and i would love more but we have had no help, support of any kind we had all the tests done when i was 42 and they basically told me that everything was great still ovulating like im in my thirties and eggs are all tho lots there quality just a little down on what they should be but could see no readon why it wouldnt work, when i go to my gp for the results, she took one look at me and said look just walk out this door, forget about it happening because it wont ever happen your age and eggs are against you and menopause will be the only thing you will have now !, least to say i made a hell of a complaint as you can imagine she no longer works at this surgery....
that was nearly 3 years ago and in that time we have had 13 emmc the longest one being 6 weeks, and now im 13dpo and i have been feeling rather unwell:-
nausea on and off
backache low down
a cold that seems to come to nothing
very sore nipples from 1dpo and now horrendously sore boobs
lots of creamy cm and a high soft cervix
cramping on and off which feel more like pulling and pinching
shooting pains through back of nipples
sore chest in middle where boobs meet
sense of smell gone a little weird but not completely like only certain things smell off or weird
tired, well sleep is interupted cos of sore boobs and then the days are like im knackered and yawning my head off from about 2pm and going to bed at 8 - 9pm

Well i think thats it , im so pleased you are somewhere that recognises that we are not too old and that 40 is the new 30 !, we are living longer and producing later as long as we get the help and support we need to do this it will keep happening and so it should be are no different from our younger counterparts just a bit more wiser - dont you think
would love to be your ttc buddie coz i really dont think im pregnant this time round and will be giving it til this christmas and then im done, but would keep supporting you all the way and really hope it happens for you hun

Hi inkdchick,

Thanks so much for your response. So delighted to see I'm not on my own here. Is dpo days past ovulation? I don't know all the abbreviations in here. Have you done a test yet?

My Gynaecologist was very optimistic as my cycle is so regular and having conceived last yr she reckons there's no reason as to why we shouldn't try. I haven't had any tests or anything and don't really want to go down that route. I think if it happens that'd be fantastic but after having the erpc last year I became totally obsessed with the whole thing and my life fell by the wayside. Have given up peeing on sticks to tell me when I'm ovulating - I pretty much know anyway that its 12 - 16 days. I always get what feels like a really bad period pain for the day!!!

I suggest you find yourself another gp my love. I have had nothing but support from everyone. After the erpc last year the surgeon came in and said give yourself one normal period and then go for it (at that stage i was 42). My GP is totally supportive and obviously my Gynaecologist is sooooo up for it. I'm very lucky I know to have the support there.

Got my period yesterday so the countdown is on now to ovulation and boinking like rabbits :winkwink:

I do hope that you are successful. Let me know how you get on and once again thanks for replying to me :thumbup:
Hi Adele im 42,43 in july and have 5 boys we have been trying for a girl 11 months now and was not trying but not preventing 12 months before that,i had my 5th son at 40 but last year my cycles changed from 28-30 day cycles to 24-26 day cycles i ovulate cd 13-14 every month and have a luteaul phase of 11-12 if i dont concieve this month thinking of visiting drs to see if any tests i can have to check my egg quality and see if they are deminishing because of my age.
Hi Adele im 42,43 in july and have 5 boys we have been trying for a girl 11 months now and was not trying but not preventing 12 months before that,i had my 5th son at 40 but last year my cycles changed from 28-30 day cycles to 24-26 day cycles i ovulate cd 13-14 every month and have a luteaul phase of 11-12 if i dont concieve this month thinking of visiting drs to see if any tests i can have to check my egg quality and see if they are deminishing because of my age.

Hi Alin3boys, thanks for replying. Jesus I don't even know what you're talking about. I have heard of luteul phase but dont know anything about it. when i was doing the ovulation sticks (the ones you pee on) i know that was to check the luteul hormone surge before the egg pops but thats about it. i dont know what cd means either.

Its all getting so clinical and thats really not what i want at all. If that were the case I'd be asking the doctor to prescribe clomid but thats not the route i want to go down.

The only thing i can say to you is my gp reckons that because I have regular periods etc that there shouldn't be a problem conceiving. My actual problem is getting the hubby into the sack. Shouldn't that be the other way around lol. He works 7 days a week and is usually in bed by 10pm. Having a quickie then is out of the question cos he's so bloody knackered and he's really paranoid about the kids hearing us. It's usually in the mornings when they're gone to work and school. He's very prepared for 3 times a week once my period is finished so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Go to your gp. You won't regret it. I do realise all gp's are not like mine but the reassurance alone did me a world of good. Let me know how you get on :thumbup:
Hi Adele im 42,43 in july and have 5 boys we have been trying for a girl 11 months now and was not trying but not preventing 12 months before that,i had my 5th son at 40 but last year my cycles changed from 28-30 day cycles to 24-26 day cycles i ovulate cd 13-14 every month and have a luteaul phase of 11-12 if i dont concieve this month thinking of visiting drs to see if any tests i can have to check my egg quality and see if they are deminishing because of my age.

Hi Alin3boys, thanks for replying. Jesus I don't even know what you're talking about. I have heard of luteul phase but dont know anything about it. when i was doing the ovulation sticks (the ones you pee on) i know that was to check the luteul hormone surge before the egg pops but thats about it. i dont know what cd means either.

Its all getting so clinical and thats really not what i want at all. If that were the case I'd be asking the doctor to prescribe clomid but thats not the route i want to go down.

The only thing i can say to you is my gp reckons that because I have regular periods etc that there shouldn't be a problem conceiving. My actual problem is getting the hubby into the sack. Shouldn't that be the other way around lol. He works 7 days a week and is usually in bed by 10pm. Having a quickie then is out of the question cos he's so bloody knackered and he's really paranoid about the kids hearing us. It's usually in the mornings when they're gone to work and school. He's very prepared for 3 times a week once my period is finished so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Go to your gp. You won't regret it. I do realise all gp's are not like mine but the reassurance alone did me a world of good. Let me know how you get on :thumbup:

Hi, the luteal Phase is the time from when you OV to when your period starts. A healthy one should be about 12-14 days. However if it is less it is know as a LPD luteal lease defect. I discovered in the summer mine was about 9-10 days. A short LP means you will have trouble conceiving.

I started taking vitamin B6 and the next month I was PG, although sadly lost at 9 weeks. My consultant wants to extend my LP more and will be giving me progesterone cream after my next ovulation.

Progesterone is very important in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

I have been charting, peeing on sticks, symptom checking and anything else you can think of for months, so anything you need to ask, please do so, I think I know everything there is know.

Having had 2 MC this year I think I am due a break and am hoping any praying for my rainbow.

I was 41 in August and have a DS who will 11 next week, a DD who will be 8 next week and a DS who was 2 in May.

I also do acupuncture and have had 3 sessions. He wants to regulate my cycles as I OV around day 18 but it should be about day 14, he is also trying to extend my LP!

I had d & c over 4 weeks ago and am finally getting negative OPK, but did get positive HPT on Friday, but I am def not PG.:nope:
my lp has always been 11-12 (i was told by fertility specialist anything over 10 days is fine)and have 5 boys so know that's not my issue i'm thinking more my eggs,i needed clomid to help concieve my 1st ds but that was 11 years ago.

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